Scholia (original) (raw)
The topic in context
Recently published works on the topic 
Publications per year
Earliest published works on the topic
Authors publishing about the topic
Author score
Authors scored according to field of work, publications within the topic and citing works within the topic.
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Co-author graph
The 25 most prolific authors and some of their key co-authors.
Awards received by authors who published on the topic
Co-occurring topics
Co-occurring topics graph
Only a maximum of the 400 most often occuring links are shown.
Co-occurring topics map
Venues and series publishing works about the topic
Works cited from works on the topic
Authors cited from works on the topic
Map of organizations associated with works about the topic
The colours indicate how many publications on the topic are associated with organizations in the given location, as detailed in the legend (top right).
Citation graph of works about the topic, aggregated by country
The graph indicates the countries associated with organizations whose authors have published works on the topic, and indicates the most cited countries (arrowheads) as well as the countries they are most frequently cited from.