j0inme (original) (raw)

ONE \\ vamp_land
TWO \\ owned by eatwe
THREE \\ Do you love vampire shows and movies? Join us at vamp_land, choose a team and battle! I'm on team Hunters!
Examples of vampire TV- Shows and Movies: The vampire Diaries, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Moonlight, Supernatural, True Blood, Twilight, Blade, Daybreakers etc.
FOUR \\ Membership is closed, you need to apply for a team to participate. Entries are open to everyone.
FIVE \\ The mod who organizes everything has posting access, she posts all the challenges and reminders etc.
SIX \\

What is a land challenge community? | Apply for a team | Community Rules

If you decide to join, please mention that I, velvetmemory referred you when you apply!

ONE \\ thegossipgirlss
TWO \\ owned by apologize, mod: courages
THREE \\ the community is a fun, carefree, advice-based community for girls only to share tips, tricks, advice, reviews, fashion, and so much more.
FOUR \\ membership is always open, but the community is members only.
FIVE \\ only posters are allowed to post, however if you are interested in posting you are always welcome to fill out an application. we always welcome new posters, and new members alike! :)
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ONE \\ who_gets_credit
TWO \\ owned by mia_eileen
THREE \\ This is a resource community for finding the makers of icons, graphics, textures, brushes, layouts, anything you can think of.

Have you found an icon, animated icon/mini movie, header/other graphic or a layout perhaps that you just love and want to use, but you don't know who made it and therefore you can't credit them? Or did you have their name at one time but lost it? How about resources such as brushes, gradients, textures? Post it here and let us try to help you identify the maker. You are also welcome to watch the community and help people identify things.
FOUR \\ Membership is open and entries are open to all.
FIVE \\ Everyone can post.
SIX \\