Kinga Nędza-Sikoniowska - (original) (raw)
Books by Kinga Nędza-Sikoniowska
Books (ed.) by Kinga Nędza-Sikoniowska
Preface and table of contents of the "(Post)socialist City. Space of Power", vol. 1 Słowo wstę... more Preface and table of contents of the "(Post)socialist City. Space of Power", vol. 1
Słowo wstępne oraz spis treści pierwszego tomu publikacji "Miasto (post)socjalistyczne. Przestrzeń władzy".
Preface and table of contents of the "(Post)socialist City. Space of Power", vol. 2 Słowo wstęp... more Preface and table of contents of the "(Post)socialist City. Space of Power", vol. 2
Słowo wstępne oraz spis treści drugiego tomu publikacji "Miasto (post)socjalistyczne. Przestrzeń władzy"
Papers by Kinga Nędza-Sikoniowska
The text discusses early-Soviet temporal experiments as attempts to transplant modernity into the... more The text discusses early-Soviet temporal experiments as attempts to transplant modernity into the traditional Russian society. The proposals of Aleksei Gastev, Platon Kerzhentsev and Nikolai Kuzmin are analyzed. Each of these concepts has moved the boundaries of social control further and further. Gastev was the founder of TsIT (Central Institute of Labor) and propagator of Frederick Taylors "scientific management" in the USSR. His theory of the Scientific Or ganization of Labor had enormous influence on the Soviet anthropology of labor. Members of The League of Time, with Kerzhentsev as their leader, did not limit their activity to the place of work, but tried to implement time-motion studies in the broadly understood social life. However, the most radical project was the diploma project of house-commune for An zhero-Sudzhensk designed by the Siberian architect Nikolai Kuzmin, who extended the principles of the "red Taylorism" to the private space of everyday life.
Journal of Urban Ethnology, 2020
During the ideological war waged by the Bolsheviks, housing was an important front, significant a... more During the ideological war waged by the Bolsheviks, housing was an important front, significant as a field in which the contemporary discourse found its material manifestations. The present article discusses an example of a literal interpretation of the radical ideology of the period: the project of a Siberian house-commune by Nikolai Kuzmin. The project was an attempt to transplant a utopian (linguistic) idea directly into an architectural complex. Although Kuzmin had assumed that the project would be implemented, in fact it was not feasible and never began to exist outside the realm of discourse.
KnE Social Sciences, Jun 7, 2018
The paper explores the Soviet urbanization as a European trend, developing between the extreme po... more The paper explores the Soviet urbanization as a European trend, developing between the extreme poles of uncompromising rationalism and the human element. At all these levels-a reasonable theory, its clash with reality and the inevitable utopia trap-the characteristics of a modernity project and its relation to tradition and cultural and social changes are revealed. One of the major issues discussed in the article is the attitude of the Soviet urban project to the past (tradition) and to the future (its ideological drive). Its history is characterized by sharp turning points: abrupt shifts leaving no room for compromise, reasonably planned and imposed from above. While not avoiding questions concerning local specifics, colonialism and the possibility to identify different "modernities", it is suggested to analyze the Soviet city as a part of the European project, from the cultural (modernity), aesthetic (modernism) and economic (modernization) perspectives.
Project Baikal, Jun 30, 2017
The text discusses early-Soviet temporal experiments as attempts to transplant modernity into the... more The text discusses early-Soviet temporal experiments as attempts to transplant modernity into the traditional Russian society. The proposals of Aleksei Gastev, Platon Kerzhentsev and Nikolai Kuzmin are analyzed. Each of these concepts has moved the boundaries of social control further and further. Gastev was the founder of TsIT (Central Institute of Labor) and propagator of Frederick Taylors "scientific management" in the USSR. His theory of the Scientific Or ganization of Labor had enormous influence on the Soviet anthropology of labor. Members of The League of Time, with Kerzhentsev as their leader, did not limit their activity to the place of work, but tried to implement time-motion studies in the broadly understood social life. However, the most radical project was the diploma project of house-commune for An zhero-Sudzhensk designed by the Siberian architect Nikolai Kuzmin, who extended the principles of the "red Taylorism" to the private space of everyday life.
Rozprawę poświęcono radzieckiej urbanizacji na obszarze syberyjskim, proponując odczytanie jej w ... more Rozprawę poświęcono radzieckiej urbanizacji na obszarze syberyjskim, proponując odczytanie jej w kontekście mającego europejskie źródła projektu nowoczesnego, który to projekt w sposób bezpośredni wiąże się z utopizmem radzieckiego eksperymentu. Kluczem do zrozumienia fenomenu radzieckiego miasta syberyjskiego - a przez jego pryzmat i całej kultury radzieckiej - jest, zdaniem autorki, napięcie, jakie powstało na styku racjonalnego planowania z utopijnym charakterem tej kultury, jednak nie w swej autarkii, a w jej europejskości. W celu analizy owego zjawiska prześledzone zostały zarówno swoiście rosyjskie, jak i uniwersalne źródła świadomości utopijnej i myślenia projektowego. Osobne miejsce poświęcone jest charakterowi przełomów w radzieckim dyskursie miejskim (awangarda, socrealizm, późny modernizm) - a za jego pośrednictwem i całej radzieckiej kultury - oraz relacjom pomiędzy tymi gwałtownymi przewartościowaniami a nowoczesnym i utopijnym charakterem radzieckiej kultury. Praca zaw...
В статье рассматривается проблема резких переломов в советском городском дискурсе, которые имели ... more В статье рассматривается проблема резких переломов в советском городском дискурсе, которые имели место с момента прихода Сталина к власти и после его смерти. Исследуемый городской материал был ограничен тремя аспектами: (1) создатель города (архитектор и власть), (2) городское пространство (архитектурная культура) и (3) официальный дискурс. Обосновывается точка зрения, согласно которой, несмотря на радикально разные формальные средства авангарда, сталинского стиля и позднесоветского модернизма, можно увидеть за ними единое «содержание»: феномен советского города. Изменения касались лишь дискурса (в нашем случае архитектурно-градостроительного), но не менялась основная парадигма советской культуры, остающейся бескомпромиссно модерной. Статья следует традиции критического анализа модерности, выработанной как представителями франкфуртской школы, так и постмодернистами, но расширяет концепт европейской модерности на советскую культуру. Советский метанарратив основывался на убеждении в в...
Journal of Urban Ethnology, 2020
During the ideological war waged by the Bolsheviks, housing was an important front, significant a... more During the ideological war waged by the Bolsheviks, housing was an important front, significant as a field in which the contemporary discourse found its material manifestations. The present article discusses an example of a literal interpretation of the radical ideology of the period: the project of a Siberian house-commune by Nikolai Kuzmin. The project was an attempt to transplant a utopian (linguistic) idea directly into an architectural complex. Although Kuzmin had assumed that the project would be implemented, in fact it was not feasible and never began to exist outside the realm of discourse.
KnE Social Sciences, 2018
The paper explores the Soviet urbanization as a European trend, developing between the extreme po... more The paper explores the Soviet urbanization as a European trend, developing between the extreme poles of uncompromising rationalism and the human element. At all these levels-a reasonable theory, its clash with reality and the inevitable utopia trap-the characteristics of a modernity project and its relation to tradition and cultural and social changes are revealed. One of the major issues discussed in the article is the attitude of the Soviet urban project to the past (tradition) and to the future (its ideological drive). Its history is characterized by sharp turning points: abrupt shifts leaving no room for compromise, reasonably planned and imposed from above. While not avoiding questions concerning local specifics, colonialism and the possibility to identify different "modernities", it is suggested to analyze the Soviet city as a part of the European project, from the cultural (modernity), aesthetic (modernism) and economic (modernization) perspectives.
Preface and table of contents of the "(Post)socialist City. Space of Power", vol. 1 Słowo wstę... more Preface and table of contents of the "(Post)socialist City. Space of Power", vol. 1
Słowo wstępne oraz spis treści pierwszego tomu publikacji "Miasto (post)socjalistyczne. Przestrzeń władzy".
Preface and table of contents of the "(Post)socialist City. Space of Power", vol. 2 Słowo wstęp... more Preface and table of contents of the "(Post)socialist City. Space of Power", vol. 2
Słowo wstępne oraz spis treści drugiego tomu publikacji "Miasto (post)socjalistyczne. Przestrzeń władzy"
The text discusses early-Soviet temporal experiments as attempts to transplant modernity into the... more The text discusses early-Soviet temporal experiments as attempts to transplant modernity into the traditional Russian society. The proposals of Aleksei Gastev, Platon Kerzhentsev and Nikolai Kuzmin are analyzed. Each of these concepts has moved the boundaries of social control further and further. Gastev was the founder of TsIT (Central Institute of Labor) and propagator of Frederick Taylors "scientific management" in the USSR. His theory of the Scientific Or ganization of Labor had enormous influence on the Soviet anthropology of labor. Members of The League of Time, with Kerzhentsev as their leader, did not limit their activity to the place of work, but tried to implement time-motion studies in the broadly understood social life. However, the most radical project was the diploma project of house-commune for An zhero-Sudzhensk designed by the Siberian architect Nikolai Kuzmin, who extended the principles of the "red Taylorism" to the private space of everyday life.
Journal of Urban Ethnology, 2020
During the ideological war waged by the Bolsheviks, housing was an important front, significant a... more During the ideological war waged by the Bolsheviks, housing was an important front, significant as a field in which the contemporary discourse found its material manifestations. The present article discusses an example of a literal interpretation of the radical ideology of the period: the project of a Siberian house-commune by Nikolai Kuzmin. The project was an attempt to transplant a utopian (linguistic) idea directly into an architectural complex. Although Kuzmin had assumed that the project would be implemented, in fact it was not feasible and never began to exist outside the realm of discourse.
KnE Social Sciences, Jun 7, 2018
The paper explores the Soviet urbanization as a European trend, developing between the extreme po... more The paper explores the Soviet urbanization as a European trend, developing between the extreme poles of uncompromising rationalism and the human element. At all these levels-a reasonable theory, its clash with reality and the inevitable utopia trap-the characteristics of a modernity project and its relation to tradition and cultural and social changes are revealed. One of the major issues discussed in the article is the attitude of the Soviet urban project to the past (tradition) and to the future (its ideological drive). Its history is characterized by sharp turning points: abrupt shifts leaving no room for compromise, reasonably planned and imposed from above. While not avoiding questions concerning local specifics, colonialism and the possibility to identify different "modernities", it is suggested to analyze the Soviet city as a part of the European project, from the cultural (modernity), aesthetic (modernism) and economic (modernization) perspectives.
Project Baikal, Jun 30, 2017
The text discusses early-Soviet temporal experiments as attempts to transplant modernity into the... more The text discusses early-Soviet temporal experiments as attempts to transplant modernity into the traditional Russian society. The proposals of Aleksei Gastev, Platon Kerzhentsev and Nikolai Kuzmin are analyzed. Each of these concepts has moved the boundaries of social control further and further. Gastev was the founder of TsIT (Central Institute of Labor) and propagator of Frederick Taylors "scientific management" in the USSR. His theory of the Scientific Or ganization of Labor had enormous influence on the Soviet anthropology of labor. Members of The League of Time, with Kerzhentsev as their leader, did not limit their activity to the place of work, but tried to implement time-motion studies in the broadly understood social life. However, the most radical project was the diploma project of house-commune for An zhero-Sudzhensk designed by the Siberian architect Nikolai Kuzmin, who extended the principles of the "red Taylorism" to the private space of everyday life.
Rozprawę poświęcono radzieckiej urbanizacji na obszarze syberyjskim, proponując odczytanie jej w ... more Rozprawę poświęcono radzieckiej urbanizacji na obszarze syberyjskim, proponując odczytanie jej w kontekście mającego europejskie źródła projektu nowoczesnego, który to projekt w sposób bezpośredni wiąże się z utopizmem radzieckiego eksperymentu. Kluczem do zrozumienia fenomenu radzieckiego miasta syberyjskiego - a przez jego pryzmat i całej kultury radzieckiej - jest, zdaniem autorki, napięcie, jakie powstało na styku racjonalnego planowania z utopijnym charakterem tej kultury, jednak nie w swej autarkii, a w jej europejskości. W celu analizy owego zjawiska prześledzone zostały zarówno swoiście rosyjskie, jak i uniwersalne źródła świadomości utopijnej i myślenia projektowego. Osobne miejsce poświęcone jest charakterowi przełomów w radzieckim dyskursie miejskim (awangarda, socrealizm, późny modernizm) - a za jego pośrednictwem i całej radzieckiej kultury - oraz relacjom pomiędzy tymi gwałtownymi przewartościowaniami a nowoczesnym i utopijnym charakterem radzieckiej kultury. Praca zaw...
В статье рассматривается проблема резких переломов в советском городском дискурсе, которые имели ... more В статье рассматривается проблема резких переломов в советском городском дискурсе, которые имели место с момента прихода Сталина к власти и после его смерти. Исследуемый городской материал был ограничен тремя аспектами: (1) создатель города (архитектор и власть), (2) городское пространство (архитектурная культура) и (3) официальный дискурс. Обосновывается точка зрения, согласно которой, несмотря на радикально разные формальные средства авангарда, сталинского стиля и позднесоветского модернизма, можно увидеть за ними единое «содержание»: феномен советского города. Изменения касались лишь дискурса (в нашем случае архитектурно-градостроительного), но не менялась основная парадигма советской культуры, остающейся бескомпромиссно модерной. Статья следует традиции критического анализа модерности, выработанной как представителями франкфуртской школы, так и постмодернистами, но расширяет концепт европейской модерности на советскую культуру. Советский метанарратив основывался на убеждении в в...
Journal of Urban Ethnology, 2020
During the ideological war waged by the Bolsheviks, housing was an important front, significant a... more During the ideological war waged by the Bolsheviks, housing was an important front, significant as a field in which the contemporary discourse found its material manifestations. The present article discusses an example of a literal interpretation of the radical ideology of the period: the project of a Siberian house-commune by Nikolai Kuzmin. The project was an attempt to transplant a utopian (linguistic) idea directly into an architectural complex. Although Kuzmin had assumed that the project would be implemented, in fact it was not feasible and never began to exist outside the realm of discourse.
KnE Social Sciences, 2018
The paper explores the Soviet urbanization as a European trend, developing between the extreme po... more The paper explores the Soviet urbanization as a European trend, developing between the extreme poles of uncompromising rationalism and the human element. At all these levels-a reasonable theory, its clash with reality and the inevitable utopia trap-the characteristics of a modernity project and its relation to tradition and cultural and social changes are revealed. One of the major issues discussed in the article is the attitude of the Soviet urban project to the past (tradition) and to the future (its ideological drive). Its history is characterized by sharp turning points: abrupt shifts leaving no room for compromise, reasonably planned and imposed from above. While not avoiding questions concerning local specifics, colonialism and the possibility to identify different "modernities", it is suggested to analyze the Soviet city as a part of the European project, from the cultural (modernity), aesthetic (modernism) and economic (modernization) perspectives.