ukiyo-e (original) (raw)
You are viewing the most recent 19 entries.
20th April 2010
totenkopffp @ 12:30am: Finished back piece.
Still have a long way to go to finish the body suit though.
Artist: Alex Feliciano 12 oz. Studios, Brooklawn New Jersey
29th September 2009
warrior_woman @ 8:32pm: For the record, I have been tattooed over ten times this year 2009. Sorry, no pictures right now, I am sort of considering deleting this community as my mindset is quite different than when I started it, although my commitment to the tattoo project remains.
Current Mood: cheerful
3rd April 2007
radiiio____ @ 6:50am: Lookin' for an artist
Anyone here up for offereing their skills as an artist for free? I have a ton of ideas, but nowhere to go with them. I'm basically having trouble with the big picture. If get your work inked on me I will of course take and post pictures of the work creditting you.
8th August 2006
nobuwa @ 2:27pm: Hey guys, I'm new here.
I'll be going in for my first tattoo very soon, but first I need some help. I'm looking for images of Japanese style rabbits. I've seen a few good images, but not many tattooed. I'd love it someone had any better images of rabbits similar to this:
Something gentle looking.
This isn't the tattoo I'm going in for yet, but it will be part of my half sleeve eventually.
Thank you.
16th April 2006
penut_head_jo @ 12:22am: Newest Tattoo....
I am in love.
Done by Heidi at Tattoo Wearhouse in West Palm Beach
12th November 2005
checkeredbob @ 12:35pm: I hate posts like this one I have pics but not where I am right now, so I am just going to post a link to my websight so you can see my sleeve and chest panel. It was done by Hori-Ryu of Iwate, Japan. I hope to get the other side done in Japan this spring. I'll post the pics here later and maybe a couple Japanese style designs I've done.
29th August 2005
rattengift @ 12:42am: Bushido: Legacies of the Japanese Tattoo
Salut! I'm selling a book which may be of interest to lovers of traditional Japanese art and tattoos entitled Bushido: Legacies of the Japanese Tattoo by reknown Japanese tattoo artists Takahiro and Katie Kitamura. The book is in full color and features some incredible work- here is a brief description provided by
"This gorgeous book delves into the elusive world of traditional Japanese tattooing. The Samurai spirit, Bushido, is an integral component of Japanese tattooing that is traced through the imagery and interpersonal dynamics of this veiled subculture. The eloquent text is based largely on Takahiro Kitamuras experiences as client and student of the famed Japanese tattoo master, Horiyoshi III. Over 200 beautiful photos by Jai Tanju capture the breathtaking tattoo artistry of Horiyoshi III. Five original, unpublished prints by Horiyoshi III, like those in his acclaimed book, 100 Demons of Horiyoshi III, are included here. Bushido: Legacies of the Japanese Tattoo is certain to fascinate everyone with an interest in tattoo culture."
The list price is 30,with30, with 30,with6 shipping- I'm asking for $22, in like new condition- not a single scratch or mark on the cover, perfect condition. I am shipping from Montreal, and will charge exact shipping fees as quoted by the posta. Pick-up can also be arranged. Visit the Amazon site to read the outstanding reviews for this inspiring gallery, perfect for tattoo artists! Thank you for your interest!
8th June 2005
bobbys_panda @ 6:22pm: Hi every1. my name is Jackie, Im 18. I havnt goten any tattoos yet but I want my 1st one to be japanese-inspired. Perhaps a koi fish. Maybe something spiritual. IDK yet. Anywho my koi fish and panda fish both just died about an hour ago. And i really loved my koi and panda fish so I might get a tattoo of them. Is that corny?
29th March 2005
thecameragirl @ 1:54pm: So I want to get a traditional Japanese tattoo, but I also want it to symbolize qualities about myself. Is there a good resource to looking up the meanings to certain animals/figures/etc for Japanese tattoos? I think I want to start off with a bird. Ideas and help would be great.
20th March 2005
denbrit @ 4:08pm: The Inkstitution
The artist that did mine was Errol. A really friendly, patient guy. I wouldn't trust anyone else with my skin. I thought about a tattoo for a couple of years before deciding what I really wanted. A fish rather than a dragon, as I'm a Pisces. The original version of my Koi was very heavy and dark. It was good but too severe for me. I didn't want a sinister macho style tattoo but rather something lighter and flowing. Hence the choice of more "traditional" Japanese.
19th March 2005
My only one so far. More planned for later this year. I wanted it as traditional as possible. It can never really be 100% Japanese but it's worth getting as close as possible. I want a female figure next. Maybe the Shinto water Goddess, Benten.
13th March 2005
denbrit @ 10:41am: And then there were three We cannot be the only people with or interested in Japanese tattoos. Let's open those closet doors..
Hello and thank's for creating this community.
26th December 2004
7th December 2004
warrior_woman @ 5:16pm: So, I will post the first picture. More work on this tattoo to be done soon, I hope.
Current Mood: cheerful
warrior_woman @ 4:52pm: This community was created because I need it to exist, even if I have to be the only member, although I hope that won't be the case. All are welcome here, tattooed or not, but especially those who have chosen to have some tattooing done in the Japanese style. I hope to have a full body tattoo someday...
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