Creative Translations (original) (raw)

Firs post to this community! Hope you guys can help!

Okay, I'm getting a tattoo on my birthday in a few weeks. And I've been planning on getting cherry blossoms on my ankle, but suddenly changed my mind yesterday and decided I want something on my shoulder blade. I was thinking a haiku or a quote and I found a site that looks pretty good, but I wanted to check with some other people. (I'll go find a dictionary sometime, too, lol)

The quote is: "Fortune comes to those who smile."

freetranslation gives this - 運が、ほほえむ人に達します - I understand that that's an approximate translation and not exact, since I used to use that site for help with Spanish.

Here's what the website has: (Sorry, I can't just get the kanji image for you.)

Since I'm no good with Japanese verb tenses and I'm absolutely horrid with kanji, I'm not sure if freetranslation just has verb tenses wrong or something, because the quotes seem dissimilar to me. Or maybe I'm looking at them wrong.

Help, plz?