jarhead_fic (original) (raw)
by The Dread Ninja-Pirate Mad Anne Rackham Esq. (gal_montag)
at September 3rd, 2006 (05:47 pm)
Title: Circle
Author: Bartleby
Fandom: Jarhead
Pairing: Swoff/Troy
Rating: R-ish/NC-17
Summary: Troy and Swoff blow off some steam
Feedback: Please.
Disclaimer: This is not true and never happened, I don't know these guys and I'm not claiming that I do. The book Jarhead belongs to Anthony Swofford
Warnings: I am a little bit drunk and I was unable to find a beta for this.
Jarhead links
by I am a leaf on the wind.....watch how I soar... (nikki6)
at August 13th, 2006 (07:38 pm)
current mood: complacent
current song: Field of Innocence-Evanescence
I've been told I should share my Jarhead fic here. I have the links to my LJ page that has all the chapter links.
It's a triangle with Swoff/Troy/Kruger.
Hope you all like it!
at July 10th, 2006 (03:19 pm)
at June 26th, 2006 (03:09 am)
Title: Frustration (Complete)-it's a drabble
Pairing: Swoff/Troy
Raiting: R- language, sex, violence
Note: I wrote this soooo long ago and I thought I was gonna connect it to my other fic... but now I see my characters developed past this point and sort of ran off into a different direction. That happens to me a lot.
to be found in my journal here:
at May 16th, 2006 (01:30 am)
at March 26th, 2006 (04:27 pm)
Title: Nightmares Wasting 4/?
Pairing: Swoff/Troy
Rating: PG-13 borderline-launguage, angsting, sex filled thoughts
at March 25th, 2006 (12:48 pm)
current mood: chipper
So I bought the really expensive directors cut version of Jarhead and was surprised and totally excited by the slashy extras they had on it. A link to me babbling about it a bit and then some funny... possibly fic inspiring caps?
Knowing 2/2 (Peter/Jake fic)
at March 14th, 2006 (01:22 pm)
This was supposed to be three parts but rounded off in two. This was long time overdue. Apologies.
Disclaimer: Never known these people, none of this happened. No harm meant and no money made from this.
Pairing: Peter Sarsgaard/ Jake Gyllenhaal
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Graphic sex, smut, M/M action, language (bits)
Feedback: Yes
Knowing (Peter and Jake fic)
at March 3rd, 2006 (07:26 am)
Disclaimer: I do not know these people and none of this ever happened in real life. Make no money and mean no offense to any of the people mentioned.
Pairing: Jake Gyllenhaal/ Peter Sarsgaard
Rating: PG for this chapter but coming up is of course hard R
Summary: Peter and Jake start filming Jarhead and even decide to stay together. mindful of his relationship with Maggie, Peter tries to be nice to Jake but the 'always together' routine wears them off and a big fight couldn't be avoided. But making up could be real nice and Peter already realizes Jake's a very gorgeous man.
Feedback: Yes
Spoilers: Hardly
Lonely Hearts Club 2/3
at February 27th, 2006 (11:03 am)
Title: Lonely Hearts Club 2/3
Pairing: Swoff/Troy
Fandom: Jarhead
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: M/M slash/smut, nothing to frighten the horses though, some language.
Feedback: Will help me write more
Summary: Troy seems disenchanted but surprises Swoff by keeping his promise.