Petra Martíšková (formerly Petra Solarová) | University of South Bohemia (original) (raw)
Papers by Petra Martíšková (formerly Petra Solarová)
KNOWCON 2019 Knowledge on Economics and Management: Profit or Purpose Conference Proceedings, 2019
This paper presents a part of conducted research, focused on the topic of corporate social respon... more This paper presents a part of conducted research, focused on the topic of corporate social responsibility (commonly abbreviated as CSR). The aim of this paper is to determine whether the level of agreement with selected statements (which were strongly related to the topic CSR) is influenced by gender and also by age. Necessary data for analysis was collected by means of a printed questionnaire. Totally 947 fully completed questionnaires were collected from October until December 2018. Data was analysed using Chi-square test of association and basic method of descriptive statistics (mean), subsequently semantic differential was used in order to show the results in the visual form. The results have shown that the level of agreement is in the majority of analysed statements dependent on respondents‘ gender, but not on the age. Based on the obtained results, there are proposed some suggestions what companies should do to be really considered socially responsible. The results suggest companies should predominantly (1.) behave fairly towards their employees, (2.) communicate truthfully with customers and last but not least they should (3.) behave ethically when doing business in general.
Sborník příspěvků z 2. mezinárodní vědecké konference "Podnikatelské kompetence a řízení lidských zdrojů ve 21. století", 2019
Produkty, ať už v podobě zboží nebo služeb, se musí nějakým způsobem dostat k zákazníkovi, jinak ... more Produkty, ať už v podobě zboží nebo služeb, se musí nějakým způsobem dostat k zákazníkovi, jinak by byly z podnikatelského hlediska prakticky bezcenné. Jinými slovy, pokud produkt nebude na trhu dostupný (tj. nebude k dostání) pro cílovou skupinu zákazníků, bylo veškeré ostatní marketingové úsilí vynaloženo zcela zbytečně. Z pohledu marketingu se v této souvislosti hovoří o distribuci, zahrnující nejen fyzický přesun zboží, ale též zajištění marketingových cest neboli distribučních kanálů tak, aby zákazníkovi bylo vůbec umožněno si nabízený produkt nějakým způsobem obstarat, dostat se k místu jeho nabídky a vybrat si jej. Samotná volba konkrétních marketingových cest (resp. distribučních kanálů) by měla logicky vzít v potaz potřeby a přání zákazníků. Vhodnost
zajištění marketingových cest se samozřejmě odráží v následném úspěchu či neúspěchu podnikatelského subjektu. Obvykle se rozlišují přímé a nepřímé vstupy na trh, a tak cílem předkládaného příspěvku je nalézt konkrétní příklady v soudobé podnikové praxi, které budou dokazovat reálné využití možností těchto přímých a nepřímých vstupů na trh, jež jsou obvykle popisovány v marketingové teorii.
Establishing and developing relationships with customers is an important and inseparable part of ... more Establishing and developing relationships with customers is an important and inseparable part of marketing management. This effort should be relevant to the target group of customers, and it should be interesting in order to get the appropriate customer response. This paper presents a case study based on the principles of content analysis, pointing to a specific example of an unconventional approach to building customer relationships which is based on the personification of a product – chocolate biscuit called Fidorka, produced by company Mondelez International. The case study analyses a marketing communication campaign in an online environment, specifically by means of a special microsite and profiles on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.
Littera Scripta, 2017
This paper deals with customer feedback given to e-shops by Czech B2C customers. There are three ... more This paper deals with customer feedback given to e-shops by Czech B2C customers. There are three aims: (1) to find out whether respondents have already given their feedback to an e-shop, (2) to investigate the nature of given feedback (with emphasis on possible gender difference: men vs women), and (3) to ascertain the nature of a reply to customer feedback. In order to get relevant data, a quantitative approach was used and data were collected by means of questionnaires. Findings show more than one half of customer has given feedback to an e-shop. Their feedback can be described as rather positive, dealing with bought products and also with speed of delivery, trying to help to the e-shop and also to other customers. As for reply to customer feedback, it seems that the character of the obtained reply could influence the level of customer satisfaction. Some recommendations for e shops (e.g. managerial implications) were derived: to really send a reply (for a customer it is probably an indicator that feedback is taken seriously) and to formulate a reply more personally (to avoid general phrases).
Innovation Management and Education Excellence Vision 2020: From Regional Development Sustainability to Global Economic Growth, 2016
The essential thoughts of CRM are sometimes hidden or not fully obvious. Hence, the aim of this p... more The essential thoughts of CRM are sometimes hidden or not fully obvious. Hence, the aim of this paper is to explore the reality of CRM in the form that was mainly typical in the past, i.e. customer relationship management without any software tools, only by using the knowledge in the entrepreneur’s head and his/her skills how to build and develop personal relationships with his/her customers. In order to catch the characteristic traits of this approach to CRM, own observation in the chosen small specialised brick-and-mortar retail shops and also semi-structured interviews with entrepreneurs or relevant internal workers of these chosen shops were used. The obtained data were analysed, compared and synthesised. Subsequently, the typical traits of CRM in the chosen small specialised shops were identified: (1) no anonymity, (2) sales interview as a kind of social contact, (3) sales interview as an opportunity to share experience. These traits can be considered as a competitive advantage. It is advisable to keep in mind the fundamental thought of CRM: the genuine personal and friendly approach.
For every business organisation, customer feedback means a usable source for further development ... more For every business organisation, customer feedback means a usable source for further development and improvement of its offer (in general for its business activities). The obtained feedback can have the character of an opinion, a suggestion, an evaluation, a comment or a complaint. This paper deals with customer feedback in B2C e-shops because e-shops have nowadays become more and more important in consumers' everyday lives. The aim is to identify how selective e-shops obtain customer feedback in a direct way (i.e. customers send his/her opinion directly to the particular e-shop). As a result, some schematic depictions are in this paper presented. These depictions can be used in business practice as inspiration for implementing methods that lead to obtaining customer feedback.
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis
This paper deals with long term loyalty programmes of selective grocery retailers who operate in ... more This paper deals with long term loyalty programmes of selective grocery retailers who operate in the market within the Czech Republic. Only those loyalty programmes designed for the end customers are taken into account, so this study is concerned with the B2C area. A long term loyalty programmes last at least for one year, i.e. twelve months (this time determination is valid for purposes of this paper). The main aim of this paper is to identify the single elements and principles occurring in long term loyalty programmes and then to develop an illustrative model. The presented output is a model of long term loyalty programmes that captures the three following phases: the establishment, development (or building) and termination of the relationship.
In addition, from the empirical research, an interesting fact has emerged: two of the analysed long term loyalty programmes were launched at a similar time. This could be explained through the tendency for companies to copy the successful activities insigated by their competitors. Furthermore, the next remarkable phenomenon is that one grocery chain runs two long term loyalty programmes at the same time and the target groups of these programmes overlap. A possible explanation could be that the chain is making efforts to interest as many as possible of its different customers.
It is obvious that customers influence the range of goods in any retail store. For the purposes o... more It is obvious that customers influence the range of goods in any retail store. For the purposes of this paper, pre-sales and after-sales interviews are crucial because it is possible to gain much information during these interviews when customers express their requirements. This fact emerged from the qualitative empirical research undertaken in chosen companies. The aim of this paper is to explain and put this phenomenon into a theoretical context. To meet this aim, an inductive approach was used. It was found out that pre-sales interviews can help to identify trends and on this basis it can be recommended to update the retailer's offer. After-sales interviews (mainly warranty claims that are a helpful contribution to the good running of a business) are useful for the modification of the retailer's trading range of goods, although they usually lead to smaller changes. However, in both cases it can be considered as an innovation in the trading range of goods.
This paper deals with obtaining of suggestions, using the concept of consumer engagement, in orde... more This paper deals with obtaining of suggestions, using the concept of consumer engagement, in order to improve processes in retail commercial companies. The obtaining of suggestions can be considered as marketing research. Consumers are either engaged directly to tell their suggestions, or they share their suggestions without any notable initiative of companies. If the consumers are encouraged to tell their suggestions directly to the company, then it is typically done by sales interviews, so-called suggestion boxes, consumer focus groups or surveys of satisfaction. On the other hand, if consumers share their suggestions without the notable initiative of the company, then it is necessary to find out these pieces of information in a roundabout way. Companies seek for consumer's suggestions that are spread orally or captured in written form on the Internet or anywhere else. As a result, companies get valuable feedback from their consumers and then they decide which suggestions are advantageous to carry out. An inseparable part of thinking about the reaction to the suggestions is an economical point of view. Companies judge the suggestions whether it is profitable to realise them.
Předkládaný článek se zabývá získáváním informací při využití angažovanosti spotřebitelů v obchodních podnicích, zde konkrétně se jedná o maloobchod. Samotné získávání informací je možné kategorizovat dle účelu, který obchodník sleduje. Může se jednat o získání námětů, jak vylepšit obchodní procesy v prodejně anebo jde o sběr dat o spotřebitelích a jejich spotřebním chování (to se například zjišťuje v rámci věrnostních programů). Tento článek pojednává o získávání námětů za účelem zlepšování obchodních procesů. Spotřebitelé jsou buď přímo povzbuzováni, aby podniku sdělovali své náměty, nebo tak činí i bez markantního podněcování ze strany podniku. Podnik tak získává cennou zpětnou vazbu od svých spotřebitelů a dále se rozhoduje, jak na ně zareaguje a zda na jejich základě nějakým způsobem upraví své služby nebo jiné aktivity. Nedílnou součástí úvah o reakcích podniku na získané podněty je ekonomická stránka věci – podnik se musí zabývat ekonomickými dopady, které vyplývají z implementace určitých změn. Musí poměřovat hodnotu, kterou z realizace získá a rovněž musí vzít v úvahu hodnotu, kterou touto změnou získá spotřebitel.
Abstract is in English. The market environment is changing continuously. Successful companies ... more Abstract is in English.
The market environment is changing continuously. Successful companies know that it is necessary to innovate their products. The result of innovation is a new product. The new product can take the form of a real new product (that has not been a part of market offer before), or it can be a modification of an existing product. Product innovations can essentially be done in two different ways. The first way consists of a new product development that arises from minimal contact with the market (i.e. inside the company). Such product innovations arise, mainly, as managers' ideas. The second way, is consumer engagement in product policy. Engaged consumers are considered to be a company's partners. This second way reduces the market risk for product innovations, because consumers reflect their own expectations into the proposals. They provide valuable ideas and help to identify upcoming trends. There are three basic types of consumer engagement in product policy. Simply said, we speak about (a) crowdsourcing, (b) customisation/customerisation and (c) a combination of the previous methods. The result of crowdsourcing is the variety of consumers' proposals. The company chooses one or more of them and it uses it in its market offer subsequently. Crowdsourcing can be characterised as “the voice of consumers”. Customisation/customerisation means that the basic variant of any product is adapted to suit individual requirements. Simply said, such products are tailored to the needs of an individual. The third type is a combination of the two previous methods. A product that has arisen as a result of customisation/customerisation is included in the standard company's offer. Consumer engagement in product policy is very applicable for small and medium-sized enterprises. Taking advantages of consumer engagement, there is no need to spend large sums on the innovation process. Examples from business practice are contained in this paper.
Conference presentations by Petra Martíšková (formerly Petra Solarová)
This presentation was prepared for „Innovative Economic Symposium 2016“ held in Beijing (北京 - 中國)... more This presentation was prepared for „Innovative Economic Symposium 2016“ held in Beijing (北京 - 中國).
This paper deals with shopping in B2C Chinese e-shops and it focuses on Czech customers who have already made a purchase there. The aim of this paper is firstly to explore what influences and forms the Czech B2C customers’ point of view on Chinese e-shops, and secondly to identify advantages and disadvantages of buying in these e-shops. For purposes of the first and partially also of the second aim, data were obtained through Internet searching. The found materials were evaluated critically by means of content analysis principles. Besides this, two case studies were created in order to explain particular advantages and disadvantages more complexly.
KNOWCON 2019 Knowledge on Economics and Management: Profit or Purpose Conference Proceedings, 2019
This paper presents a part of conducted research, focused on the topic of corporate social respon... more This paper presents a part of conducted research, focused on the topic of corporate social responsibility (commonly abbreviated as CSR). The aim of this paper is to determine whether the level of agreement with selected statements (which were strongly related to the topic CSR) is influenced by gender and also by age. Necessary data for analysis was collected by means of a printed questionnaire. Totally 947 fully completed questionnaires were collected from October until December 2018. Data was analysed using Chi-square test of association and basic method of descriptive statistics (mean), subsequently semantic differential was used in order to show the results in the visual form. The results have shown that the level of agreement is in the majority of analysed statements dependent on respondents‘ gender, but not on the age. Based on the obtained results, there are proposed some suggestions what companies should do to be really considered socially responsible. The results suggest companies should predominantly (1.) behave fairly towards their employees, (2.) communicate truthfully with customers and last but not least they should (3.) behave ethically when doing business in general.
Sborník příspěvků z 2. mezinárodní vědecké konference "Podnikatelské kompetence a řízení lidských zdrojů ve 21. století", 2019
Produkty, ať už v podobě zboží nebo služeb, se musí nějakým způsobem dostat k zákazníkovi, jinak ... more Produkty, ať už v podobě zboží nebo služeb, se musí nějakým způsobem dostat k zákazníkovi, jinak by byly z podnikatelského hlediska prakticky bezcenné. Jinými slovy, pokud produkt nebude na trhu dostupný (tj. nebude k dostání) pro cílovou skupinu zákazníků, bylo veškeré ostatní marketingové úsilí vynaloženo zcela zbytečně. Z pohledu marketingu se v této souvislosti hovoří o distribuci, zahrnující nejen fyzický přesun zboží, ale též zajištění marketingových cest neboli distribučních kanálů tak, aby zákazníkovi bylo vůbec umožněno si nabízený produkt nějakým způsobem obstarat, dostat se k místu jeho nabídky a vybrat si jej. Samotná volba konkrétních marketingových cest (resp. distribučních kanálů) by měla logicky vzít v potaz potřeby a přání zákazníků. Vhodnost
zajištění marketingových cest se samozřejmě odráží v následném úspěchu či neúspěchu podnikatelského subjektu. Obvykle se rozlišují přímé a nepřímé vstupy na trh, a tak cílem předkládaného příspěvku je nalézt konkrétní příklady v soudobé podnikové praxi, které budou dokazovat reálné využití možností těchto přímých a nepřímých vstupů na trh, jež jsou obvykle popisovány v marketingové teorii.
Establishing and developing relationships with customers is an important and inseparable part of ... more Establishing and developing relationships with customers is an important and inseparable part of marketing management. This effort should be relevant to the target group of customers, and it should be interesting in order to get the appropriate customer response. This paper presents a case study based on the principles of content analysis, pointing to a specific example of an unconventional approach to building customer relationships which is based on the personification of a product – chocolate biscuit called Fidorka, produced by company Mondelez International. The case study analyses a marketing communication campaign in an online environment, specifically by means of a special microsite and profiles on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.
Littera Scripta, 2017
This paper deals with customer feedback given to e-shops by Czech B2C customers. There are three ... more This paper deals with customer feedback given to e-shops by Czech B2C customers. There are three aims: (1) to find out whether respondents have already given their feedback to an e-shop, (2) to investigate the nature of given feedback (with emphasis on possible gender difference: men vs women), and (3) to ascertain the nature of a reply to customer feedback. In order to get relevant data, a quantitative approach was used and data were collected by means of questionnaires. Findings show more than one half of customer has given feedback to an e-shop. Their feedback can be described as rather positive, dealing with bought products and also with speed of delivery, trying to help to the e-shop and also to other customers. As for reply to customer feedback, it seems that the character of the obtained reply could influence the level of customer satisfaction. Some recommendations for e shops (e.g. managerial implications) were derived: to really send a reply (for a customer it is probably an indicator that feedback is taken seriously) and to formulate a reply more personally (to avoid general phrases).
Innovation Management and Education Excellence Vision 2020: From Regional Development Sustainability to Global Economic Growth, 2016
The essential thoughts of CRM are sometimes hidden or not fully obvious. Hence, the aim of this p... more The essential thoughts of CRM are sometimes hidden or not fully obvious. Hence, the aim of this paper is to explore the reality of CRM in the form that was mainly typical in the past, i.e. customer relationship management without any software tools, only by using the knowledge in the entrepreneur’s head and his/her skills how to build and develop personal relationships with his/her customers. In order to catch the characteristic traits of this approach to CRM, own observation in the chosen small specialised brick-and-mortar retail shops and also semi-structured interviews with entrepreneurs or relevant internal workers of these chosen shops were used. The obtained data were analysed, compared and synthesised. Subsequently, the typical traits of CRM in the chosen small specialised shops were identified: (1) no anonymity, (2) sales interview as a kind of social contact, (3) sales interview as an opportunity to share experience. These traits can be considered as a competitive advantage. It is advisable to keep in mind the fundamental thought of CRM: the genuine personal and friendly approach.
For every business organisation, customer feedback means a usable source for further development ... more For every business organisation, customer feedback means a usable source for further development and improvement of its offer (in general for its business activities). The obtained feedback can have the character of an opinion, a suggestion, an evaluation, a comment or a complaint. This paper deals with customer feedback in B2C e-shops because e-shops have nowadays become more and more important in consumers' everyday lives. The aim is to identify how selective e-shops obtain customer feedback in a direct way (i.e. customers send his/her opinion directly to the particular e-shop). As a result, some schematic depictions are in this paper presented. These depictions can be used in business practice as inspiration for implementing methods that lead to obtaining customer feedback.
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis
This paper deals with long term loyalty programmes of selective grocery retailers who operate in ... more This paper deals with long term loyalty programmes of selective grocery retailers who operate in the market within the Czech Republic. Only those loyalty programmes designed for the end customers are taken into account, so this study is concerned with the B2C area. A long term loyalty programmes last at least for one year, i.e. twelve months (this time determination is valid for purposes of this paper). The main aim of this paper is to identify the single elements and principles occurring in long term loyalty programmes and then to develop an illustrative model. The presented output is a model of long term loyalty programmes that captures the three following phases: the establishment, development (or building) and termination of the relationship.
In addition, from the empirical research, an interesting fact has emerged: two of the analysed long term loyalty programmes were launched at a similar time. This could be explained through the tendency for companies to copy the successful activities insigated by their competitors. Furthermore, the next remarkable phenomenon is that one grocery chain runs two long term loyalty programmes at the same time and the target groups of these programmes overlap. A possible explanation could be that the chain is making efforts to interest as many as possible of its different customers.
It is obvious that customers influence the range of goods in any retail store. For the purposes o... more It is obvious that customers influence the range of goods in any retail store. For the purposes of this paper, pre-sales and after-sales interviews are crucial because it is possible to gain much information during these interviews when customers express their requirements. This fact emerged from the qualitative empirical research undertaken in chosen companies. The aim of this paper is to explain and put this phenomenon into a theoretical context. To meet this aim, an inductive approach was used. It was found out that pre-sales interviews can help to identify trends and on this basis it can be recommended to update the retailer's offer. After-sales interviews (mainly warranty claims that are a helpful contribution to the good running of a business) are useful for the modification of the retailer's trading range of goods, although they usually lead to smaller changes. However, in both cases it can be considered as an innovation in the trading range of goods.
This paper deals with obtaining of suggestions, using the concept of consumer engagement, in orde... more This paper deals with obtaining of suggestions, using the concept of consumer engagement, in order to improve processes in retail commercial companies. The obtaining of suggestions can be considered as marketing research. Consumers are either engaged directly to tell their suggestions, or they share their suggestions without any notable initiative of companies. If the consumers are encouraged to tell their suggestions directly to the company, then it is typically done by sales interviews, so-called suggestion boxes, consumer focus groups or surveys of satisfaction. On the other hand, if consumers share their suggestions without the notable initiative of the company, then it is necessary to find out these pieces of information in a roundabout way. Companies seek for consumer's suggestions that are spread orally or captured in written form on the Internet or anywhere else. As a result, companies get valuable feedback from their consumers and then they decide which suggestions are advantageous to carry out. An inseparable part of thinking about the reaction to the suggestions is an economical point of view. Companies judge the suggestions whether it is profitable to realise them.
Předkládaný článek se zabývá získáváním informací při využití angažovanosti spotřebitelů v obchodních podnicích, zde konkrétně se jedná o maloobchod. Samotné získávání informací je možné kategorizovat dle účelu, který obchodník sleduje. Může se jednat o získání námětů, jak vylepšit obchodní procesy v prodejně anebo jde o sběr dat o spotřebitelích a jejich spotřebním chování (to se například zjišťuje v rámci věrnostních programů). Tento článek pojednává o získávání námětů za účelem zlepšování obchodních procesů. Spotřebitelé jsou buď přímo povzbuzováni, aby podniku sdělovali své náměty, nebo tak činí i bez markantního podněcování ze strany podniku. Podnik tak získává cennou zpětnou vazbu od svých spotřebitelů a dále se rozhoduje, jak na ně zareaguje a zda na jejich základě nějakým způsobem upraví své služby nebo jiné aktivity. Nedílnou součástí úvah o reakcích podniku na získané podněty je ekonomická stránka věci – podnik se musí zabývat ekonomickými dopady, které vyplývají z implementace určitých změn. Musí poměřovat hodnotu, kterou z realizace získá a rovněž musí vzít v úvahu hodnotu, kterou touto změnou získá spotřebitel.
Abstract is in English. The market environment is changing continuously. Successful companies ... more Abstract is in English.
The market environment is changing continuously. Successful companies know that it is necessary to innovate their products. The result of innovation is a new product. The new product can take the form of a real new product (that has not been a part of market offer before), or it can be a modification of an existing product. Product innovations can essentially be done in two different ways. The first way consists of a new product development that arises from minimal contact with the market (i.e. inside the company). Such product innovations arise, mainly, as managers' ideas. The second way, is consumer engagement in product policy. Engaged consumers are considered to be a company's partners. This second way reduces the market risk for product innovations, because consumers reflect their own expectations into the proposals. They provide valuable ideas and help to identify upcoming trends. There are three basic types of consumer engagement in product policy. Simply said, we speak about (a) crowdsourcing, (b) customisation/customerisation and (c) a combination of the previous methods. The result of crowdsourcing is the variety of consumers' proposals. The company chooses one or more of them and it uses it in its market offer subsequently. Crowdsourcing can be characterised as “the voice of consumers”. Customisation/customerisation means that the basic variant of any product is adapted to suit individual requirements. Simply said, such products are tailored to the needs of an individual. The third type is a combination of the two previous methods. A product that has arisen as a result of customisation/customerisation is included in the standard company's offer. Consumer engagement in product policy is very applicable for small and medium-sized enterprises. Taking advantages of consumer engagement, there is no need to spend large sums on the innovation process. Examples from business practice are contained in this paper.
This presentation was prepared for „Innovative Economic Symposium 2016“ held in Beijing (北京 - 中國)... more This presentation was prepared for „Innovative Economic Symposium 2016“ held in Beijing (北京 - 中國).
This paper deals with shopping in B2C Chinese e-shops and it focuses on Czech customers who have already made a purchase there. The aim of this paper is firstly to explore what influences and forms the Czech B2C customers’ point of view on Chinese e-shops, and secondly to identify advantages and disadvantages of buying in these e-shops. For purposes of the first and partially also of the second aim, data were obtained through Internet searching. The found materials were evaluated critically by means of content analysis principles. Besides this, two case studies were created in order to explain particular advantages and disadvantages more complexly.