Hyejin Bu (부혜진) | Jeju National University (original) (raw)

Papers by Hyejin Bu (부혜진)

Research paper thumbnail of 중학생의 농업ㆍ농촌 관련 자유학기제 진로체험활동 프로그램 참여현황과 그 의미에 관한 탐색적 연구   An Exploratory Study on Middle School Students' Participation in Agricultural and Rural Programs of Work-Based Career Guidance of the Free Semester System and Its Meaning

한국지역생활과학회지 Korean J Community Living Sci, 2018

This exploratory study aims to analyze the present state of middle school students' participation... more This exploratory study aims to analyze the present state of middle school students' participation in the agricultural and rural programs of the Free Semester System. Furthermore, we contemplate its meaning by analyzing program satisfaction of students and career interest in the agricultural and rural sectors, as well as the perception of the value of agricultural and rural jobs. In order to accomplish these research aims, a questionnaire survey targeting 591 students in the second grade of middle schools was carried out. Only 8.3% of students participated in the agricultural and rural programs. However, their satisfaction with the programs regarding career education was above average. Moreover, there was a small difference between the experienced and non-experienced students concerning career paths and jobs in the agricultural and rural sectors. As a result, it is hard to evaluate whether participation in the agricultural and rural programs influences student perception on agricultural and rural career paths in a positive way.

Research paper thumbnail of 자유학기제와 연계한 농업·농촌 관련 프로그램에 대한 교사의 인식과 참여현황-교사의 장소경험과 장소감의 관점에서- Teachers' Perception and Participation in Agricultural and Rural  Programs for the Free Semester - from the Perspectives of the Teachers' Place Experience and Sense of Place

한국사진지리학회지 Journal of The Association of Korean Photo-Geographers, 2018

The aim of this study is to clarify relations between the experiences in the agricultural and rur... more The aim of this study is to clarify relations between the experiences in the agricultural and rural programs for the Free Semester and the perception of the teachers who are responsible for the Free Semester. Key concepts of Place Experience and Sense of Place were adopted as an analytical framework to understand how the perception of the teachers about the agricultural and rural programs influences participation in the programs. In addition, the current circumstances of the agricultural and rural programs for the Free Semester were also identified by analysing the level of the teachers' satisfaction about the programs. As a result of the analysis, it was proved that the teachers' Place Experience(farming experience, agricultural and educational tourism) is relevent to the participation in the agricultural and rural programs. Some teachers who have a positive Sense of Place from experiencing the rural areas tend to participate in the agricultural and rural programs. The others who have a negative Place Identity for the rural areas avoid participating in the programs. With regard to the teachers' satisfaction about the programs, the teachers are generally staisfied with the programs. There were no satisfaction differences between the categories of 'Program' and 'Physical Environment', but a meaningful difference in the category of 'Career Education'. In particular, the programs of the farm households are fairly satisfying in terms of content, experiencing facility and instructor. However, they are less satisfactory in terms of the career education than the other two program supliers. In other words, the programs of the farm households do not meet the teachers' expectation about the career education. Therefore, the farm households are need to improve their contents for the career education.

Research paper thumbnail of 창조계층으로서 문화예술인들의 제주이주와 그것이 지역관광에 미치는 영향* Migration of Cultural Artists to Jeju Island as a Creative Class and their Influence on Local Tourism

The recent migration of cultural artists to Jeju Island can be regarded as a representative examp... more The recent migration of cultural artists to Jeju Island can be regarded as a representative example of : rural migration of a creative class. This phenomenon shows distinctions from Florida's Creative Class who prefers cities with openness and diversities. Furthermore, they are expected to influence on local societies and economy within a local context. Culture and arts migrants have settled in rural areas of Jeju Island and directly influenced the transformation of rural images and the expansion of tourism spaces into rural areas through their activities such as creation work and exhibition, sales. In the process, rediscovery of village symbols and development of designed products through representation of the human and natural environment of the villages have contributed to village branding. In addition, such activities have also promoted the growth of the local tourism by influencing the growth and transformation of the Creative Class within Jeju Island.

Research paper thumbnail of 대학의 글로벌 교사 양성을 위한 글로벌교육 시스템 개발 프로세스 연구 A Study on a New Global Education System Development Process for Training Global Teachers in Universities

The glocal human resource development is related to the visions of universities and the specializ... more The glocal human resource development is related to the visions of universities and the specialization of the universities. In order to augment the research and the educational functions of the universities, new educational models for global education are urgently needed. This research proposed a new global education system development process for global education model construction and proliferation. In particular, this research included the study plan on a new
program that converged on/off-line education for overcoming the temporal, spatial, and economical limitations. In addition, this research proposed a proliferation method and discussed the research direction : how to apply the proposed model to universities’ education systems. From this research, we can provide a new method for the global education in elementary and secondary schools and universities. Also, we can contribute to the Edevelopment of global education in Korea as well as in local communities.

Research paper thumbnail of 귀농귀촌 인구증가에 따른 제주도 농촌 지역사회의 변화

정책토론자료집: 귀농·귀촌에서 젠더 이슈와 귀농인의 지역사회 참여, 2016

한국농촌경제연구원- [ 귀농귀촌종합계획정책연구포럼 3차 토론회 자료집]

Research paper thumbnail of Urban-Rural Migrants and Commodification of Rural-Coastal Villages on a Touristic Island: A Case Study of Woljeong-Ri on Jeju Island, Korea

Journal of Marine and Island Cultures, 2017

Recently a significant population migration to rural areas has been occurring in relation to both... more Recently a significant population migration to rural areas has been occurring in relation to both rural and urban areas in Korea. This urban-rural migration is characterized by region. On Jeju Island the number of Return Non-Farm Households provides the overwhelming majority, unlike other regions. This has partially been the result of the geographical location and tourism industry of Jeju Island. This migration tendency is causing a transformation in the rural space. Thus this paper aims to describe and determine how an increase in urban-rural migrants causes commodification of a rural-coastal village, both in terms of the reasons and the processes in order to understand rural spatial transformation by in-migrants. As a result, service activities by in-migrants in Woljeong village are associated with commodification of the village in terms of consumption of the village landscapes. This includes the ocean view and sales of farm lands and houses. Commodification of the village has overheated commercialization of the village space and competition in the same field of business. Finally, a spatial division between the existing ‘spatial practices’ of the village natives and the commercialized place of new stakeholders has occurred. This means that the rural space and identity have transformed in Woljeong-Ri.

Research paper thumbnail of 반도부의 숯가마 실태와 숯 생산 및 활용에 대한 예비 연구-충청북도 진천군 백곡면과 강원도 영월군 상동읍을 사례로-  A Preliminary Study on Actual Conditions of Charcoal Kilns and Production and Use of Charcoal on the Peninsula-Focused on the Cases of Baekgok-myeon, Jincheon-gun in Chungcheongbuk-do and Sangdong-eup, Yeongwol-gun in Gangwon-do-

본 연구는 제주도의 숯가마 형태와 구조를 확인하기 위한 수단으로 반도부의 숯 생산지역을 탐방하여 실마리를 얻고자 시도되었으나, 현 시점에서 그 단초를 찾기에는 이른 감이 있는... more 본 연구는 제주도의 숯가마 형태와 구조를 확인하기 위한 수단으로 반도부의 숯 생산지역을 탐방하여 실마리를 얻고자 시도되었으나, 현 시점에서 그 단초를 찾기에는 이른 감이 있는 것으로 판단된다. 다소 부족하지만 이번에 현지 조사한 내용을 요약·정리하면 다음과 같다. 충청북도 진천군 백곡면은 1960년대 이전부터 숯을 생산하는 지역으로 널리 알려져 있는데, 조사 시점에서는 13개 농가가 일정한 부지 내에서 참나무 숯을 생산하고 있으며, 한 농가를 제외한 모든 농가가 검탄이고 이들은 전국적으로 다양한 용도로 판매되고 있다. 진천군 백곡면의 숯가마는 일정한 부지 내에 고정시켜 연중 생산하는 개량된 숯가마 형태라 할 수 있는데, 과거와는 달리 숯가마의 규모가 다소 커진 상태로서 여러 개의 숯가마를 연계시켜 동시다발적으로 대량생산할 수 있는 시스템을 갖추고 있다. 과거와 비교할 때 숯가마의 구조에서 달라진 점은 아궁이의 위치 정도이고, 그 외에는 숯가마를 지탱하는 내·외벽 재료가 현대화(철제 빔, 철제 연통 등)됨에 따라 크기와 위치가 변화한 정도이다. 강원도 영월군 상동읍은 백탄 위주의 생산지역으로 추측된다. 이번 조사에서는 관련 자료의 부족으로 인하여 숯 생산농가의 정량적 실태 파악은 물론 과거의 숯가마와 현재의 숯가마 사이의 변회를 구체적으로 논의하기가 어려운 상황이다. 그러나 현지 조사한 농가의 숯가마와 숯 생산정보를 토대로 생각해 보면, 영월군 상동읍도 과거보다는 숯가마의 규모가 다소 커지고 동시에 현대로 오면서 여러 개의 숯가마를 연계하여 대량 생산화를 꾀하는 과정만큼은 분명하게 걸친 것으로 추정된다. 그 이유는 현재 상동읍에서 백탄을 생산하는 농가의 사례와 함께 숯가마를 활용한 현대식 숯 치유센터를 만들어 활용하려는 사례에서도 충분히 확인할 수 있기 때문이다. 끝으로, 제주지역 숯가마의 원류를 찾기 위한 반도부와 국외지역과의 비교 연구가 앞으로도 지속되어야 할 것으로 판단된다.
This study aims to gain dues by inspecting charcoal production areas on the peninsula as a means to identify the form and structure of charcoal kilns on Jeju Island. The results are inconclusive at this point but the following findings summarized in the field research below do provide indicators. Baekgok-myeon, Jincheon-gun in Chungcheongbuk-do has been widely known as a charcoal producing area before the 1960s. 13 farms were producing oak charcoal within a certain scope of these areas at the point of research, and all farms, except for one, were producing black charcoal and selling it for multiple purposes nationwide. Charcoal kilns in Baekgok-myeon, Jincheon-gun can be referred to as improved forms that make charcoal year around by being installed within the parameters of certain types of areas. These charcoal kilns increased in size from those in the past with systems of mass production by connecting several charcoal kilns simultaneously. Compared to the past, what changed in the structures of charcoal kilns are furnace locations as well as the size and place of charcoal kilns, due to the modernization of inner and outer wall materials that support these charcoal kilns. Sangdong-eup, Yeongwol-gun in Gangwon-do is estimated as an area that mainly makes white charcoal. Due to the lack of relevant data, it is difficult to discuss in detail the actual quantitative conditions of charcoal producing farms in conjunction with their past/present changes within the scope of this research. However, given the information of charcoal kilns and charcoal production information farms researched, the size of charcoal kilns in Sangdong-eup, Yeongwol-gun had increased from the past, and there was a dear process of pursuing the mass production of charcoal by connecting several charcoal kilns as of late. This is sufficiently apparent in the case of the establishment of a modernized charcoal healing center used in combination with charcoal kilns, as well as in the case of white charcoal production farms in Sangdong-eup. Lastly, it is recommended to continue conducting comparative research between the peninsula and overseas areas to find the origins of charcoal kilns located on Jeju Island.

Research paper thumbnail of 韓国中山間過疎農村における地域自治組織主導による地域づくりー済州特別自治道西歸浦市南元邑親興2里を事例にー Regional Development initiated by Endogenous Self-Governing Association in Depopulated Rural Areas, Korea:  A case study of Shin Heung 2 Ri,Namwon Township, Seogwipo City, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province

This paper examines regional development initiated by endogenous self-governing associations in d... more This paper examines regional development initiated by endogenous self-governing associations in depopulated rural areas of Korea.
It focuses on how the associations function and contribute to regional development. The village of Shin Heung 2 Ri was selected as a case study. This village has a self-governing association named Ri-Assembly.
As well as being the endogenous self-governing association for shin Heung 2Ri, Ri-Assembly is also an adminitrative assistant agency. Even though being part of a lager administrative authority, Ri-Assembly has its own election system for leaders, decision making unit, management method and operational budget. It also has its own decision criteria in adoption
and implementation of regional developments.
Through three major regional development projects, Ri-Assembly has changed its roles and functions. The first was implemented during Sae Maul Movement in the 1970s. Around the same time, the Youth Union
of the village started to fuction as a sub-organization of Ri-Assembly and has become an educational institute for junior memebers of the assembly. The second project was a gol-course construction project in the 1990s; Re-Assembly represented the village community and negotiated with the prospective devoloper. Ri-Assembly successfully incorporated the community's demands into the negotiations. The third project in ongoing; Ri-Assembly is conducting the "Camellia Village Project". A special team was formed to plan various regional development projects. The special team participates in the decision making process of Ri-Assembly as a sub-organization.This sturcture has enable the local community to actively participated in community development projects. As a result, Ri-Assembly has become the main body through which community businesses can initiate various regional development projects to maintain and improve locals' lives.

Research paper thumbnail of 過疎山村における住民組織の自治機能の維持ー広島県安芸高田市川根地区を事例にーRevitalizing Depopulated Mountainous Areas through Endogenous Self-Organization: A Case Study of Kawane Village, Akitakata City, Hiroshima Prefecture

Recently, the Japanese governemnt initiated an administrative process which has resulted in the... more Recently, the Japanese governemnt initiated an administrative process which has resulted in the merging
of municipalities across the country. Since then, the quality of services provided to inhabitants by
the local government has declined in depopulated areas. As a result, it has been suggested that there
may be a role for self-organization in the revival of local governance.
In many depopulated areas, the distance between local government and the local community has continued to grow, and this has led to the newly established
local government transferring certain responsibilities to the local community. Consequently, the reorganization of the local community has become indispensable.
Kawane Village is located in the mountainous area of Akitakata City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. Despite having a rapidly aging population, this village has been
particularly successful in revitalizing local governance through reorganization of the local community. This research examines a variety of the community activites involved
, and the unique management methods behind them, in an attempt to ascertain the factors which have resulted in successful self-governance in this village.
Since its establishment in 1972, the Kawane Promotion Association has experienced three crucial turning points.
Initially, the Kawane Promotion Association, which had previously consisted of only a few households, encouraged every household in the village to become involved in the
organization of cultural activities. Since the 1980s, the Kawanae Promotion Association has begun to act as arepresntative for the local community, for example, in dealing with
local problems and in communicating with the local government. Finally, sice the 1990s, the Kawane Promotion Association has begun to manage private land resources and offer welfare
services to individuals. The Kawane Promotion Association has instigated the development of eight related departments that are responsible for specific tasks or activities.
This research shows that the success of the Kawane Promotion Association likes in its unique style of management, whereby there is no central authority; instead, decision-making powers
are transferred among unitis as required, ensuring full participation by local residents.

Research paper thumbnail of 豊岡市におけるコウノトリ野生復帰事業と環境創造型農業への取り組み

A short article about organic farming activities of local farmers in order to regenerate storks ... more A short article about organic farming activities of local farmers in order to regenerate storks in Toyooka City, Japan.

Research paper thumbnail of 제주도 중산간 곶자왈 지대의 마을공동목장 운영과 방목활동을 통한 생활상 연구* A Study on the Living Conditions of Locals through the Management of Village Common Pastures and Pasturing Activities in Gotjawal located in the Mid-mountain Area of Jeju Island

The importance of Gotjawal located in the mid-mountain area of Jeju Island has been emphasized in... more The importance of Gotjawal located in the mid-mountain area of Jeju Island has been emphasized in : various aspects. This study aims to identify the value of Gotjawal as a life-cultural space. This will be illustrated by tracing the locals' previous pasturing activities and the management of village common pastures. Cheongsu Village Common Pasture and Jeoji Village Common Pasture in Cheongsu-Jeoji Gotjawal area, which are the study areas, have been actively used by local farmhouses since the establishment of the pastures in 1930's. In particular cattle were significant means for agriculture and transportation methods in 1960's and 1970's. The farmhouses were needed to breed cattle as one of the main economic means. Pasturing cattle on the village common pastures has developed a unique ranching culture. Furthermore, cooperative work of these farmhouses were performed. These include the establishment of ponds for water supply and the preparation of hay. Ranching facilities for pasturing were built on village common pastures and still remain in Gotjawal area. This has been used in the understanding of the locals' lives in the mid-mountain area of Jeju Island.

Research paper thumbnail of 네팔 보건의료 정책의 현황과 과제* - 전문 의료 인력의 지리적 분포와 의료서비스 접근성의 관점에서 - The Current Situation and Tasks of Public Health Policies in Nepal - Focus on Geographical Distribution of the Health Workforce and Access to Health Services

The aim of the research is to lead to suggestions on public health policy, to suggest the directi... more The aim of the research is to lead to suggestions on public health policy, to suggest the direction of : accessibility to public health services in rural area through analyzing various health programs and health service system, health care facilities. Nepal's public health policy needs improvement in the quality of the health services as well as accessibility to the services to improve population quality.

Research paper thumbnail of 귀농 귀촌인구 증가에 따른 제주도 촌락지역의 변화 ・ * Rural Change by Increase in Urban-to-Rural migrants in Jeju Island

This research aims to analyse rural change by increasing in urban-to-rural migrants in rural Jeju... more This research aims to analyse rural change by increasing in urban-to-rural migrants in rural Jeju. In : particular, the author analysed changes in rural area focusing on non-agricultural sector and local organization. Urban-to-rural migrants into rural Jeju have been causing increase in tourism business. Such an increase in tourism business caused increase in construction of service space and changes in land use. Meanwhile, the local organization formed by urban-to-rural migrants has differences in its members and its activities and implementing system of activities in comparison with those of native local organizations. The Seowgipo Rural Migrants Cooperative, which is the research target, has characters of urbanism even thoug it was formed in rural area.


Coping with Depopulation and Demographic Ageing in Rural Japan: From Government to Local Governan... more Coping with Depopulation and Demographic Ageing in Rural Japan: From Government to Local Governance Recently, the Japanese government initiated an administrative process that has resulted in the merging of municipalities across the country. Since then, the quality of services provided to inhabitants by the local government has declined in depopulated areas. As a result, it has been suggested that there may be a role for self-organization in the revival of local governance. Despite having a rapidly ageing population, Kawane village has been particularly successful in revitalizing local governance through reorganization of the local community. This research examines a variety of the community activities involved and the unique management methods behind them in an attempt to ascertain the factors that have resulted in successful self-governance in this village.

Research paper thumbnail of Conditions for Promoting Participatory Rural Development in Korea

This article aims to draw up suggestions on conditions for participatory rural development in Kor... more This article aims to draw up suggestions on conditions for participatory rural development in Korea. Rural development policies since 2000 have emphasized local community participation. +RZHYHUUREVWDFOHVVDUHHLGHQWL¿HGGVXFKKDVVWKHHWURXEOHGGFLUFXPVWDQFHVVLQQZKLFKKORFDOOFRPPXQLWLHVV face and the lack of governments' understanding over locality in implementing participatory rural development. Endogenous self-organizations, local participation, capacitation and empowerment, local governance through partnership are important conditions to be met during the participatory development projects. These are realized not just by the aggregation of separate individuals but by linking them together and interdependent.

Research paper thumbnail of Reorganization of Local Autonomous Organizations and Self-Governance in Depopulated Mountainous Areas: A Case Study of Ikekuwa District, Akitakata City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan

This study aims to find out reasons that many depopulated rural communities are facing difficulti... more This study aims to find out reasons that many depopulated rural communities are facing difficulties in self-governance since reorganization of local autonomous organizations. In order to reach the aim, the research found formation process of the Ikekuwa Promoting Association, character and roles of the association, as well as character and roles of traditional villages through the case of the Ikekuwa Promoting Association in Ikekuwa District, Akitakata City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. To promote self-governance by local communities, it is necessary to discover endogenous self-organizations taking roots in local communities and empower them.

Conference Presentations by Hyejin Bu (부혜진)

Research paper thumbnail of 자유학기제와 연계한 농업농촌 관련 프로그램에 대한 교사의 인식과 참여현황

Participation and perception of Teachers about agriculture-rural related programs for the Free Se... more Participation and perception of Teachers about agriculture-rural related programs for the Free Semester in Korea

Research paper thumbnail of Should the Students go to rural Villages to learn agriculture? Focusing on two sides of the rural tourism farm households and the middle schools over the transition semester activities in korea

The complete implementation of the Transition Semester in Korea is relating to agriculture and ru... more The complete implementation of the Transition Semester in Korea is relating to agriculture and rural areas. Many of the rural tourism farm households have made the effort to attract the middle school students. The farm households' struggles to make difference from conventional tourism activities for the Transition Semester programs seem to empower themselves. However, there are still many obstacles to overcome. Apart from physical barriers, it is firstly necessary for the farm households to aware that the Transition Semester is for career education.

Books by Hyejin Bu (부혜진)

Research paper thumbnail of 농가가 운영하는 농생명산업 진로체험 프로그램 (How to run the Agriculture Career Exploration Activities?)

국립농업과학원, 2018

농생명산업의 다양한 직업을 진로체험할 수 있도록 개발한 프로그램으로 12직업 소개와 프로그램 운영에 필요한 다양한 학습자료로 구성하였다. ISBN: 9788948057560

Research paper thumbnail of 농촌은 사라지지 않는다-농산촌 생존을 위한 지방의 고군분투-

Research paper thumbnail of 중학생의 농업ㆍ농촌 관련 자유학기제 진로체험활동 프로그램 참여현황과 그 의미에 관한 탐색적 연구   An Exploratory Study on Middle School Students' Participation in Agricultural and Rural Programs of Work-Based Career Guidance of the Free Semester System and Its Meaning

한국지역생활과학회지 Korean J Community Living Sci, 2018

This exploratory study aims to analyze the present state of middle school students' participation... more This exploratory study aims to analyze the present state of middle school students' participation in the agricultural and rural programs of the Free Semester System. Furthermore, we contemplate its meaning by analyzing program satisfaction of students and career interest in the agricultural and rural sectors, as well as the perception of the value of agricultural and rural jobs. In order to accomplish these research aims, a questionnaire survey targeting 591 students in the second grade of middle schools was carried out. Only 8.3% of students participated in the agricultural and rural programs. However, their satisfaction with the programs regarding career education was above average. Moreover, there was a small difference between the experienced and non-experienced students concerning career paths and jobs in the agricultural and rural sectors. As a result, it is hard to evaluate whether participation in the agricultural and rural programs influences student perception on agricultural and rural career paths in a positive way.

Research paper thumbnail of 자유학기제와 연계한 농업·농촌 관련 프로그램에 대한 교사의 인식과 참여현황-교사의 장소경험과 장소감의 관점에서- Teachers' Perception and Participation in Agricultural and Rural  Programs for the Free Semester - from the Perspectives of the Teachers' Place Experience and Sense of Place

한국사진지리학회지 Journal of The Association of Korean Photo-Geographers, 2018

The aim of this study is to clarify relations between the experiences in the agricultural and rur... more The aim of this study is to clarify relations between the experiences in the agricultural and rural programs for the Free Semester and the perception of the teachers who are responsible for the Free Semester. Key concepts of Place Experience and Sense of Place were adopted as an analytical framework to understand how the perception of the teachers about the agricultural and rural programs influences participation in the programs. In addition, the current circumstances of the agricultural and rural programs for the Free Semester were also identified by analysing the level of the teachers' satisfaction about the programs. As a result of the analysis, it was proved that the teachers' Place Experience(farming experience, agricultural and educational tourism) is relevent to the participation in the agricultural and rural programs. Some teachers who have a positive Sense of Place from experiencing the rural areas tend to participate in the agricultural and rural programs. The others who have a negative Place Identity for the rural areas avoid participating in the programs. With regard to the teachers' satisfaction about the programs, the teachers are generally staisfied with the programs. There were no satisfaction differences between the categories of 'Program' and 'Physical Environment', but a meaningful difference in the category of 'Career Education'. In particular, the programs of the farm households are fairly satisfying in terms of content, experiencing facility and instructor. However, they are less satisfactory in terms of the career education than the other two program supliers. In other words, the programs of the farm households do not meet the teachers' expectation about the career education. Therefore, the farm households are need to improve their contents for the career education.

Research paper thumbnail of 창조계층으로서 문화예술인들의 제주이주와 그것이 지역관광에 미치는 영향* Migration of Cultural Artists to Jeju Island as a Creative Class and their Influence on Local Tourism

The recent migration of cultural artists to Jeju Island can be regarded as a representative examp... more The recent migration of cultural artists to Jeju Island can be regarded as a representative example of : rural migration of a creative class. This phenomenon shows distinctions from Florida's Creative Class who prefers cities with openness and diversities. Furthermore, they are expected to influence on local societies and economy within a local context. Culture and arts migrants have settled in rural areas of Jeju Island and directly influenced the transformation of rural images and the expansion of tourism spaces into rural areas through their activities such as creation work and exhibition, sales. In the process, rediscovery of village symbols and development of designed products through representation of the human and natural environment of the villages have contributed to village branding. In addition, such activities have also promoted the growth of the local tourism by influencing the growth and transformation of the Creative Class within Jeju Island.

Research paper thumbnail of 대학의 글로벌 교사 양성을 위한 글로벌교육 시스템 개발 프로세스 연구 A Study on a New Global Education System Development Process for Training Global Teachers in Universities

The glocal human resource development is related to the visions of universities and the specializ... more The glocal human resource development is related to the visions of universities and the specialization of the universities. In order to augment the research and the educational functions of the universities, new educational models for global education are urgently needed. This research proposed a new global education system development process for global education model construction and proliferation. In particular, this research included the study plan on a new
program that converged on/off-line education for overcoming the temporal, spatial, and economical limitations. In addition, this research proposed a proliferation method and discussed the research direction : how to apply the proposed model to universities’ education systems. From this research, we can provide a new method for the global education in elementary and secondary schools and universities. Also, we can contribute to the Edevelopment of global education in Korea as well as in local communities.

Research paper thumbnail of 귀농귀촌 인구증가에 따른 제주도 농촌 지역사회의 변화

정책토론자료집: 귀농·귀촌에서 젠더 이슈와 귀농인의 지역사회 참여, 2016

한국농촌경제연구원- [ 귀농귀촌종합계획정책연구포럼 3차 토론회 자료집]

Research paper thumbnail of Urban-Rural Migrants and Commodification of Rural-Coastal Villages on a Touristic Island: A Case Study of Woljeong-Ri on Jeju Island, Korea

Journal of Marine and Island Cultures, 2017

Recently a significant population migration to rural areas has been occurring in relation to both... more Recently a significant population migration to rural areas has been occurring in relation to both rural and urban areas in Korea. This urban-rural migration is characterized by region. On Jeju Island the number of Return Non-Farm Households provides the overwhelming majority, unlike other regions. This has partially been the result of the geographical location and tourism industry of Jeju Island. This migration tendency is causing a transformation in the rural space. Thus this paper aims to describe and determine how an increase in urban-rural migrants causes commodification of a rural-coastal village, both in terms of the reasons and the processes in order to understand rural spatial transformation by in-migrants. As a result, service activities by in-migrants in Woljeong village are associated with commodification of the village in terms of consumption of the village landscapes. This includes the ocean view and sales of farm lands and houses. Commodification of the village has overheated commercialization of the village space and competition in the same field of business. Finally, a spatial division between the existing ‘spatial practices’ of the village natives and the commercialized place of new stakeholders has occurred. This means that the rural space and identity have transformed in Woljeong-Ri.

Research paper thumbnail of 반도부의 숯가마 실태와 숯 생산 및 활용에 대한 예비 연구-충청북도 진천군 백곡면과 강원도 영월군 상동읍을 사례로-  A Preliminary Study on Actual Conditions of Charcoal Kilns and Production and Use of Charcoal on the Peninsula-Focused on the Cases of Baekgok-myeon, Jincheon-gun in Chungcheongbuk-do and Sangdong-eup, Yeongwol-gun in Gangwon-do-

본 연구는 제주도의 숯가마 형태와 구조를 확인하기 위한 수단으로 반도부의 숯 생산지역을 탐방하여 실마리를 얻고자 시도되었으나, 현 시점에서 그 단초를 찾기에는 이른 감이 있는... more 본 연구는 제주도의 숯가마 형태와 구조를 확인하기 위한 수단으로 반도부의 숯 생산지역을 탐방하여 실마리를 얻고자 시도되었으나, 현 시점에서 그 단초를 찾기에는 이른 감이 있는 것으로 판단된다. 다소 부족하지만 이번에 현지 조사한 내용을 요약·정리하면 다음과 같다. 충청북도 진천군 백곡면은 1960년대 이전부터 숯을 생산하는 지역으로 널리 알려져 있는데, 조사 시점에서는 13개 농가가 일정한 부지 내에서 참나무 숯을 생산하고 있으며, 한 농가를 제외한 모든 농가가 검탄이고 이들은 전국적으로 다양한 용도로 판매되고 있다. 진천군 백곡면의 숯가마는 일정한 부지 내에 고정시켜 연중 생산하는 개량된 숯가마 형태라 할 수 있는데, 과거와는 달리 숯가마의 규모가 다소 커진 상태로서 여러 개의 숯가마를 연계시켜 동시다발적으로 대량생산할 수 있는 시스템을 갖추고 있다. 과거와 비교할 때 숯가마의 구조에서 달라진 점은 아궁이의 위치 정도이고, 그 외에는 숯가마를 지탱하는 내·외벽 재료가 현대화(철제 빔, 철제 연통 등)됨에 따라 크기와 위치가 변화한 정도이다. 강원도 영월군 상동읍은 백탄 위주의 생산지역으로 추측된다. 이번 조사에서는 관련 자료의 부족으로 인하여 숯 생산농가의 정량적 실태 파악은 물론 과거의 숯가마와 현재의 숯가마 사이의 변회를 구체적으로 논의하기가 어려운 상황이다. 그러나 현지 조사한 농가의 숯가마와 숯 생산정보를 토대로 생각해 보면, 영월군 상동읍도 과거보다는 숯가마의 규모가 다소 커지고 동시에 현대로 오면서 여러 개의 숯가마를 연계하여 대량 생산화를 꾀하는 과정만큼은 분명하게 걸친 것으로 추정된다. 그 이유는 현재 상동읍에서 백탄을 생산하는 농가의 사례와 함께 숯가마를 활용한 현대식 숯 치유센터를 만들어 활용하려는 사례에서도 충분히 확인할 수 있기 때문이다. 끝으로, 제주지역 숯가마의 원류를 찾기 위한 반도부와 국외지역과의 비교 연구가 앞으로도 지속되어야 할 것으로 판단된다.
This study aims to gain dues by inspecting charcoal production areas on the peninsula as a means to identify the form and structure of charcoal kilns on Jeju Island. The results are inconclusive at this point but the following findings summarized in the field research below do provide indicators. Baekgok-myeon, Jincheon-gun in Chungcheongbuk-do has been widely known as a charcoal producing area before the 1960s. 13 farms were producing oak charcoal within a certain scope of these areas at the point of research, and all farms, except for one, were producing black charcoal and selling it for multiple purposes nationwide. Charcoal kilns in Baekgok-myeon, Jincheon-gun can be referred to as improved forms that make charcoal year around by being installed within the parameters of certain types of areas. These charcoal kilns increased in size from those in the past with systems of mass production by connecting several charcoal kilns simultaneously. Compared to the past, what changed in the structures of charcoal kilns are furnace locations as well as the size and place of charcoal kilns, due to the modernization of inner and outer wall materials that support these charcoal kilns. Sangdong-eup, Yeongwol-gun in Gangwon-do is estimated as an area that mainly makes white charcoal. Due to the lack of relevant data, it is difficult to discuss in detail the actual quantitative conditions of charcoal producing farms in conjunction with their past/present changes within the scope of this research. However, given the information of charcoal kilns and charcoal production information farms researched, the size of charcoal kilns in Sangdong-eup, Yeongwol-gun had increased from the past, and there was a dear process of pursuing the mass production of charcoal by connecting several charcoal kilns as of late. This is sufficiently apparent in the case of the establishment of a modernized charcoal healing center used in combination with charcoal kilns, as well as in the case of white charcoal production farms in Sangdong-eup. Lastly, it is recommended to continue conducting comparative research between the peninsula and overseas areas to find the origins of charcoal kilns located on Jeju Island.

Research paper thumbnail of 韓国中山間過疎農村における地域自治組織主導による地域づくりー済州特別自治道西歸浦市南元邑親興2里を事例にー Regional Development initiated by Endogenous Self-Governing Association in Depopulated Rural Areas, Korea:  A case study of Shin Heung 2 Ri,Namwon Township, Seogwipo City, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province

This paper examines regional development initiated by endogenous self-governing associations in d... more This paper examines regional development initiated by endogenous self-governing associations in depopulated rural areas of Korea.
It focuses on how the associations function and contribute to regional development. The village of Shin Heung 2 Ri was selected as a case study. This village has a self-governing association named Ri-Assembly.
As well as being the endogenous self-governing association for shin Heung 2Ri, Ri-Assembly is also an adminitrative assistant agency. Even though being part of a lager administrative authority, Ri-Assembly has its own election system for leaders, decision making unit, management method and operational budget. It also has its own decision criteria in adoption
and implementation of regional developments.
Through three major regional development projects, Ri-Assembly has changed its roles and functions. The first was implemented during Sae Maul Movement in the 1970s. Around the same time, the Youth Union
of the village started to fuction as a sub-organization of Ri-Assembly and has become an educational institute for junior memebers of the assembly. The second project was a gol-course construction project in the 1990s; Re-Assembly represented the village community and negotiated with the prospective devoloper. Ri-Assembly successfully incorporated the community's demands into the negotiations. The third project in ongoing; Ri-Assembly is conducting the "Camellia Village Project". A special team was formed to plan various regional development projects. The special team participates in the decision making process of Ri-Assembly as a sub-organization.This sturcture has enable the local community to actively participated in community development projects. As a result, Ri-Assembly has become the main body through which community businesses can initiate various regional development projects to maintain and improve locals' lives.

Research paper thumbnail of 過疎山村における住民組織の自治機能の維持ー広島県安芸高田市川根地区を事例にーRevitalizing Depopulated Mountainous Areas through Endogenous Self-Organization: A Case Study of Kawane Village, Akitakata City, Hiroshima Prefecture

Recently, the Japanese governemnt initiated an administrative process which has resulted in the... more Recently, the Japanese governemnt initiated an administrative process which has resulted in the merging
of municipalities across the country. Since then, the quality of services provided to inhabitants by
the local government has declined in depopulated areas. As a result, it has been suggested that there
may be a role for self-organization in the revival of local governance.
In many depopulated areas, the distance between local government and the local community has continued to grow, and this has led to the newly established
local government transferring certain responsibilities to the local community. Consequently, the reorganization of the local community has become indispensable.
Kawane Village is located in the mountainous area of Akitakata City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. Despite having a rapidly aging population, this village has been
particularly successful in revitalizing local governance through reorganization of the local community. This research examines a variety of the community activites involved
, and the unique management methods behind them, in an attempt to ascertain the factors which have resulted in successful self-governance in this village.
Since its establishment in 1972, the Kawane Promotion Association has experienced three crucial turning points.
Initially, the Kawane Promotion Association, which had previously consisted of only a few households, encouraged every household in the village to become involved in the
organization of cultural activities. Since the 1980s, the Kawanae Promotion Association has begun to act as arepresntative for the local community, for example, in dealing with
local problems and in communicating with the local government. Finally, sice the 1990s, the Kawane Promotion Association has begun to manage private land resources and offer welfare
services to individuals. The Kawane Promotion Association has instigated the development of eight related departments that are responsible for specific tasks or activities.
This research shows that the success of the Kawane Promotion Association likes in its unique style of management, whereby there is no central authority; instead, decision-making powers
are transferred among unitis as required, ensuring full participation by local residents.

Research paper thumbnail of 豊岡市におけるコウノトリ野生復帰事業と環境創造型農業への取り組み

A short article about organic farming activities of local farmers in order to regenerate storks ... more A short article about organic farming activities of local farmers in order to regenerate storks in Toyooka City, Japan.

Research paper thumbnail of 제주도 중산간 곶자왈 지대의 마을공동목장 운영과 방목활동을 통한 생활상 연구* A Study on the Living Conditions of Locals through the Management of Village Common Pastures and Pasturing Activities in Gotjawal located in the Mid-mountain Area of Jeju Island

The importance of Gotjawal located in the mid-mountain area of Jeju Island has been emphasized in... more The importance of Gotjawal located in the mid-mountain area of Jeju Island has been emphasized in : various aspects. This study aims to identify the value of Gotjawal as a life-cultural space. This will be illustrated by tracing the locals' previous pasturing activities and the management of village common pastures. Cheongsu Village Common Pasture and Jeoji Village Common Pasture in Cheongsu-Jeoji Gotjawal area, which are the study areas, have been actively used by local farmhouses since the establishment of the pastures in 1930's. In particular cattle were significant means for agriculture and transportation methods in 1960's and 1970's. The farmhouses were needed to breed cattle as one of the main economic means. Pasturing cattle on the village common pastures has developed a unique ranching culture. Furthermore, cooperative work of these farmhouses were performed. These include the establishment of ponds for water supply and the preparation of hay. Ranching facilities for pasturing were built on village common pastures and still remain in Gotjawal area. This has been used in the understanding of the locals' lives in the mid-mountain area of Jeju Island.

Research paper thumbnail of 네팔 보건의료 정책의 현황과 과제* - 전문 의료 인력의 지리적 분포와 의료서비스 접근성의 관점에서 - The Current Situation and Tasks of Public Health Policies in Nepal - Focus on Geographical Distribution of the Health Workforce and Access to Health Services

The aim of the research is to lead to suggestions on public health policy, to suggest the directi... more The aim of the research is to lead to suggestions on public health policy, to suggest the direction of : accessibility to public health services in rural area through analyzing various health programs and health service system, health care facilities. Nepal's public health policy needs improvement in the quality of the health services as well as accessibility to the services to improve population quality.

Research paper thumbnail of 귀농 귀촌인구 증가에 따른 제주도 촌락지역의 변화 ・ * Rural Change by Increase in Urban-to-Rural migrants in Jeju Island

This research aims to analyse rural change by increasing in urban-to-rural migrants in rural Jeju... more This research aims to analyse rural change by increasing in urban-to-rural migrants in rural Jeju. In : particular, the author analysed changes in rural area focusing on non-agricultural sector and local organization. Urban-to-rural migrants into rural Jeju have been causing increase in tourism business. Such an increase in tourism business caused increase in construction of service space and changes in land use. Meanwhile, the local organization formed by urban-to-rural migrants has differences in its members and its activities and implementing system of activities in comparison with those of native local organizations. The Seowgipo Rural Migrants Cooperative, which is the research target, has characters of urbanism even thoug it was formed in rural area.


Coping with Depopulation and Demographic Ageing in Rural Japan: From Government to Local Governan... more Coping with Depopulation and Demographic Ageing in Rural Japan: From Government to Local Governance Recently, the Japanese government initiated an administrative process that has resulted in the merging of municipalities across the country. Since then, the quality of services provided to inhabitants by the local government has declined in depopulated areas. As a result, it has been suggested that there may be a role for self-organization in the revival of local governance. Despite having a rapidly ageing population, Kawane village has been particularly successful in revitalizing local governance through reorganization of the local community. This research examines a variety of the community activities involved and the unique management methods behind them in an attempt to ascertain the factors that have resulted in successful self-governance in this village.

Research paper thumbnail of Conditions for Promoting Participatory Rural Development in Korea

This article aims to draw up suggestions on conditions for participatory rural development in Kor... more This article aims to draw up suggestions on conditions for participatory rural development in Korea. Rural development policies since 2000 have emphasized local community participation. +RZHYHUUREVWDFOHVVDUHHLGHQWL¿HGGVXFKKDVVWKHHWURXEOHGGFLUFXPVWDQFHVVLQQZKLFKKORFDOOFRPPXQLWLHVV face and the lack of governments' understanding over locality in implementing participatory rural development. Endogenous self-organizations, local participation, capacitation and empowerment, local governance through partnership are important conditions to be met during the participatory development projects. These are realized not just by the aggregation of separate individuals but by linking them together and interdependent.

Research paper thumbnail of Reorganization of Local Autonomous Organizations and Self-Governance in Depopulated Mountainous Areas: A Case Study of Ikekuwa District, Akitakata City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan

This study aims to find out reasons that many depopulated rural communities are facing difficulti... more This study aims to find out reasons that many depopulated rural communities are facing difficulties in self-governance since reorganization of local autonomous organizations. In order to reach the aim, the research found formation process of the Ikekuwa Promoting Association, character and roles of the association, as well as character and roles of traditional villages through the case of the Ikekuwa Promoting Association in Ikekuwa District, Akitakata City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. To promote self-governance by local communities, it is necessary to discover endogenous self-organizations taking roots in local communities and empower them.

Research paper thumbnail of 자유학기제와 연계한 농업농촌 관련 프로그램에 대한 교사의 인식과 참여현황

Participation and perception of Teachers about agriculture-rural related programs for the Free Se... more Participation and perception of Teachers about agriculture-rural related programs for the Free Semester in Korea

Research paper thumbnail of Should the Students go to rural Villages to learn agriculture? Focusing on two sides of the rural tourism farm households and the middle schools over the transition semester activities in korea

The complete implementation of the Transition Semester in Korea is relating to agriculture and ru... more The complete implementation of the Transition Semester in Korea is relating to agriculture and rural areas. Many of the rural tourism farm households have made the effort to attract the middle school students. The farm households' struggles to make difference from conventional tourism activities for the Transition Semester programs seem to empower themselves. However, there are still many obstacles to overcome. Apart from physical barriers, it is firstly necessary for the farm households to aware that the Transition Semester is for career education.

Research paper thumbnail of 농가가 운영하는 농생명산업 진로체험 프로그램 (How to run the Agriculture Career Exploration Activities?)

국립농업과학원, 2018

농생명산업의 다양한 직업을 진로체험할 수 있도록 개발한 프로그램으로 12직업 소개와 프로그램 운영에 필요한 다양한 학습자료로 구성하였다. ISBN: 9788948057560

Research paper thumbnail of 농촌은 사라지지 않는다-농산촌 생존을 위한 지방의 고군분투-

Research paper thumbnail of 현대촌락지리학 - 촌락 재구조화의 과정 반응 경험-

Research paper thumbnail of 제주의 마을을 품다-서로 다른 꿈을 키워가는 열두 마을 이야기

제주도의 12마을(가시리, 구엄리, 납읍리, 명도암, 무릉2리, 신풍리, 신효동, 신흥2리, 용흥리, 웃뜨르권역, 유수암리, 하도리)의 지역공동체 기반 마을만들기