Scout Finch by JeremyOsborne on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

JeremyOsborne's avatar

Published: Jul 17, 2011


Drawing of Scout Finch in the movie To Kill a Mocking Bird. The movie was made in 1962 and was in black and white. So this image is based off a black and white photo and I made it into color. Not sure my color choices were the best but they are ok.

Was very hard to capture that confident, sassy young little girl in that movie. But by far it was one of the greatest performances by a child actor ever in my opinion. Just an adorable character. Scout Finch was played by Mary Badham in the film, if you have not seen it I suggest you do.

Made with colored pencils.

Image size

3906x3240px 4.3 MB

Shutter Speed

10/300 second

Date Taken

Jun 18, 2013, 11:13:33 AM