Chinatsu Yoshikawa (Fangirling) [V1] by Jerikuto on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

First, make sure you click the white space of the comment box or the reply button in order to see the "Add Media." Click the "Add Media" on the left side of the comment box, then search"Chinatsu


" or "


" for shortcut quick list. You can also search it using the title or if you want, my username for random emoticons and they will be there. Click your choice and enjoy~ [Chinatsu Yoshikawa (Shy Fangirling) [V1]](

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I don't really know what's causing the problem but according to dA Help Desk, this problem may be caused by extensions or add-ons from your browser. Take a look at the link which ones are causing issues, thank you~

Use Google Chrome if you want a browser that is always updated~

[ゆるゆり Yuru Yuri]

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