Cephas T A Tushima | ECWA Theological Seminary, Jos, Nigeria (original) (raw)

Papers by Cephas T A Tushima

Research paper thumbnail of Homosexuality and Liminality in Sodom: The Quests for Home, Fun and Justice (Gen 19:1-29)

Old Testament Essays, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Advancing justice in the search for peace: An exegetical study of Micah 6:8 as a recipe for peace in Africa

Verbum et Ecclesia, 2019

Peace has been elusive to the greater part of the African continent. For peace to thrive in any p... more Peace has been elusive to the greater part of the African continent. For peace to thrive in any place, certain fundamentals for societal cohesion must be entrenched in its social fabric. This essay studies Micah 6:8, with the aim of identifying such important biblical fundamental principles for societal peace. This article employs rhetorical analysis with the historical grammatical method of textual analysis to exegete Micah 6:8. The article begins with an exploration of the biblical concepts of peace and justice. It then exegetes Micah 6:8 in its historical and literary contexts, explaining the three critical demands of YHWH in the verse, namely, to act justly (both in the judicial administration of justice and in the maintenance of right relationships in the community), to love mercy (highlighting loyal loving commitment to God and the brotherhood in covenant) and to walk humbly with God (a basic call to discipleship). This is followed by an analysis of the African crisis situatio...

Research paper thumbnail of The Paradigmatic Role of Genesis 3 for Reading Biblical Narrative About Desire


The biblical Hebrew texts of sexual politics (often involving sordid sexual violence, especially ... more The biblical Hebrew texts of sexual politics (often involving sordid sexual violence, especially against women) have been studied in the last forty years with an ideological bent that employs contemporary literary analysis. This essay is an attempt to allow the biblical text to furnish strategies for reading its troubling narratives rather than imposing external ideologies over it. An ethical narrative close reading of the text of primeval desire (Gen 3) led me to the discovery of four themes—desire, particularly its derivative, sexual passion; power-play; alterity; and peril—plus the biblical authors’ characterization of God in divine response to human deviant behavior as constituting the heuristic tools for reading these texts of desire.

Research paper thumbnail of Liberation in Exodus as a template for socio-political action

African Journal of Biblical Studies, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of The Yahwenomics of Land and Social Justice and Contemporary Land Resource Crises In Nigeria

IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Reconnoitering Settler Colonization Part I: Its Philosophy and Praxis

Research Developments in Arts and Social Studies Vol. 5

The survey broaches colonial studies, poststructuralism (with its emphasis on the use of language... more The survey broaches colonial studies, poststructuralism (with its emphasis on the use of language [rhetorics] as a means for understanding, dominating, subjugating others), and the subsequent rise of postcolonial studies. This survey highlights the weaknesses of postcolonial studies, not the least, its pursuit of theoretical consistency at the detriment of cultural and historical specificity, being enmeshed in pastness, and the obfuscation of thriving settler colonial states or situations in contemporary societies. Arising from this, the embark upon a study of the global phenomenon of settler-colonization from the biblical era to the contemporary time, particularly examining its nature, ideology, processes, and praxis. The methodology used is literary and historical analysis, and the theoretical framework is based on the burgeoning area of settler-colonial studies. This essay lays the groundwork for Part II of the study, which will apply settler-colonial studies to the Nigerian situation.

Research paper thumbnail of The Dance between God and Humanity : Reading the Bible Today as the People of God, Bruce K. Waltke : book review

Old Testament essays, 2015

The Dance between God and Humanity is an anthology of Waltke's published articles. The public... more The Dance between God and Humanity is an anthology of Waltke's published articles. The publication dates of these articles range from 1969 to 2008. In all, the compendium consists of thirty-two articles. The first essay, "Introduction: My Philosophy of Christian Education," serves as some sort of general introduction to the volume, and the rest are grouped into two parts. Part 1 consists of ten of the essays, which are grouped under the rubric of Biblical Theological Studies, and they are concerned, to a large degree, with matters of methodology and approaches to the study of the Bible, canonics, and thorny biblical theological issues. Part 2 consists of the rest of the articles, which are grouped under the heading of Biblical Theological Themes, and they address a variety of theological themes and motifs.

Research paper thumbnail of Reconnoitering Settler Colonization Part II: Its Emergence in Nigeria

Research Developments in Arts and Social Studies Vol. 5

In Part I of this essay, I surveyed the global phenomenon of settler colonization through time, p... more In Part I of this essay, I surveyed the global phenomenon of settler colonization through time, paying attention to its nature, ideology, processes, and praxis. Flowing from that, I applied the knowledge gained from the study of settler colonization to the settler colonial experience of Nigeria as initiated by British colonialism, particularly the British use of exogenous others in its conquest and 'civilizing missions' in the Middle Belt of Nigeria, and its enduring consequences leading to the resurgence of internal settler colonial enterprise in the territories of contemporary autochthonous communities of Nigeria's Middle Belt region. The methodology adopted consists in literary and historical analysis, while the theoretical framework is within the general field of the emerging settler colonial studies. Suggestions are then proffered on dealing with and possibly surviving the onslaughts of settler colonisers.

Research paper thumbnail of A King under the Law: The Torah promulgation and its subversion in Jeremiah

Old Testament essays, 2012

This paper explores the call of Israel to be a unique people and the implications of this for its... more This paper explores the call of Israel to be a unique people and the implications of this for its leadership styles. It, as such, examines the Torah promulgation for a king subservient to the Law (and its attendant institutions), as prescribed in Deut 17:14-20, vis-a-vis the evolution of Israelite leadership culminating in the monarchy, and the outworking of this in the Deuteronomistic History. The paper ultimately aligns this deuteronomic leadership ideal with the reality of the late pre-exilic experience of the Judahite covenant community, especially as documented in the traditions of Jeremiah's life and ministry. The ensuing consequence of the exile is also looked at. Inferences are drawn from these discussions, outlining trajectories of import for contemporary communities of faith.

Research paper thumbnail of Tushima Divine Grace and Conditional Forgiveness in Matthew 3 The Paradox of the New Testament Concept of Unmerited Divine Grace and Conditional Forgiveness in Matthew ’ s Gospel

Since the Reformation, the doctrine of unmerited divine grace has been central in Protestant sote... more Since the Reformation, the doctrine of unmerited divine grace has been central in Protestant soteriology. Millard J. Erickson, in highlighting the importance of this concept in the divine–human relationship in general, describes how Karl Barth captures the Protestant stance on grace: “Scripture teaches that what unites man with God is, from God’s side, his grace.” Specifically, with respect to salvation, after citing Romans 6:23 and Ephesians 2:8–9, Erickson insists, “Justification is something completely undeserved. It is not an achievement. It is an obtainment, not an attainment. Even faith is not some good work which God must reward with salvation. It is God’s gift. It is not the cause of our salvation, but the means by which we receive it.”

Research paper thumbnail of Leadership succession patterns in the apostolic church as a template for critique of contemporary charismatic leadership succession patterns

HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of The fate of Saul's progeny in the reign of David

UMI, ProQuest ® Dissertations & Theses. The world's most comprehensive collection of dissert... more UMI, ProQuest ® Dissertations & Theses. The world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses. Learn more... ProQuest, The fate of Saul's progeny in the reign of David. by Tushima, Cephas TA, Ph.D., WESTMINSTER ...

Research paper thumbnail of Homosexuality and Liminality in Sodom: The Quests for Home, Fun and Justice (Gen 19:1-29) CEPHAS TUSHIMA (JOS ECWA THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY-JETS & UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA

Old Testament Essays, 2021

This essay explores the first segment of the Lot sub-narrative of the Abraham cycle (Gen 11:27-25... more This essay explores the first segment of the Lot sub-narrative of the Abraham cycle (Gen 11:27-25:10). The study adopts a narrative close reading approach and canonical theological hermeneutical framework in its reading strategies (with the canon's reception history undergirding its plausibility structures), aiming ultimately at unfolding the world of possibilities of being-in-the-world in the text, particularly from an ethical standpoint. The study shows Lot, enmeshed in his sense of marginality from YHWH's repeated covenantal promises of progeny to Abraham, ditch time-tested tradition and embark on a quest for freedom and a home of his own, consequently, assuming significance and security in Sodom (where he sat on the city council at the gate). His initial assumed marginality in Abraham's home attains reality in Sodom, where the Sodomites desirous of 'having fun' with Lot's angelic guests (who were on a search for justice) reprimands Lot, a mere immigrant-in their view-for his audacity to rebuke them. The visitation of YHWH's justice on Sodom renders the self-serving Lot homeless, driving him to ultimate marginality, as he inhabits the liminal space of an incestuous cave dweller. A theologico-ethical appropriation of the narrative draws attention, first, to the temptation often to be so caring to outsiders and yet be so unkind to those closest to us (like Lot). Second, tradition is a stabilising force in society and jettisoning it unnecessarily creates cascading disequilibria. Third, alienation from God is the grand source of all liminality. Fourth, inordinate desires lead to choices that bring about a breakdown in the social order. Fifth, like Lot, we need to catch heaven's heartbeat for the oppressed and become voices for their justice in our time.

Research paper thumbnail of The Meaning of God’s Ḥesed within Mission as Reconciliation.

Mission as Ministry of Reconciliation, 2013

Much as ICT and social networking media are fostering a tendency toward a global culture, especia... more Much as ICT and social networking media are fostering a tendency toward a global culture, especially among the younger generations, they also in some regards create a heightened awareness of differences, and serve as ready tools for spreading hate and violence. In this essay, I explored the meaning of the biblical concept of ḥesed, and how it is at the core of our identity as a people of God vis-à-vis our task of loving our world and actively seeking to be reconciled to it as well as reconciling it to its Creator. I used both biblical-theological and case study approaches in carrying out this study.

Research paper thumbnail of The Ramifications of Missionary Proselytisation on Tiv Culture: Lessons for Contemporary Critical Biblical Contextualisation

Verbum et Ecclesia, 2020

Christianity, from its inception, has always demonstrated a conscious effort to communicate the g... more Christianity, from its inception, has always demonstrated a conscious effort to communicate the gospel in ways that engender transformation. Yet the undying presence of African indigenous religious practices amongst evangelised African communities continues to be a worrisome enigma. The goal of this article is to examine the contextualisation practices, successes and failures of early western missionaries, using literary critical analysis of contemporary literature and cultural phenomenological analysis, and to propose approaches to a biblical inculturation of Christianity in contemporary indigenous societies. We focus on the over 100 years of Christianity in northern Nigeria, with particular emphasis on the Tiv of central Nigeria. The author’s research has shown that the relatively long presence of Christian mission work in Nigeria (especially amongst the Tiv) has not significantly altered the world view of the professed adherents of Christian faith, as it remains largely traditional rather than biblical. Consequently, we proposed the adoption of ethno-hermeneutics and community theologising to make for critical contextualisation of Christianity amongst indigenous people. The proposed critical contextualisation, is essential for rooting Christianity in native populations without uprooting them from their cultures, and for ensuring neither the gospel truth claims nor the Christian world view is surrendered to native cultures in the process of indigenising the gospel.

Research paper thumbnail of Advancing Justice in the Search for Peace: An Exegetical Study of Micah 6:8 as a Recipe for Peace in Africa

Verbum et Ecclesia, 2019

Peace has been elusive to the greater part of the African continent. For peace to thrive in any p... more Peace has been elusive to the greater part of the African continent. For peace to thrive in any place, certain fundamentals for societal cohesion must be entrenched in its social fabric. This essay studies Micah 6:8, with the aim of identifying such important biblical fundamental principles for societal peace. This article employs rhetorical analysis with the historical grammatical method of textual analysis to exegete Micah 6:8. The article begins with an exploration of the biblical concepts of peace and justice. It then exegetes Micah 6:8 in its historical and literary contexts, explaining the three critical demands of YHWH in the verse, namely, to act justly (both in the judicial administration of justice and in the maintenance of right relationships in the community), to love mercy (highlighting loyal loving commitment to God and the brotherhood in covenant) and to walk humbly with God (a basic call to discipleship). This is followed by an analysis of the African crisis situation, pointing out the similarities between the socio-economic conditions of Micah’s times and ours. Ultimately, these biblical principles are interconnected with the African situation, showing how the implementation of Micah’s justice agenda (employing the retributive, restorative and redistributive elements of justice) is a recipe for peace in Africa.

Research paper thumbnail of The Paradigmatic Role of Genesis 3 for Reading Biblical Narratives about Desire

Unio cum Christo, 2019

The biblical Hebrew texts of sexual politics (often involving sordid sexual violence, especially... more The biblical Hebrew texts of sexual politics (often involving sordid sexual
violence, especially against women) have been studied in the last forty
years with an ideological bent that employs contemporary literary
analysis. This essay is an attempt to allow the biblical text to furnish
strategies for reading its troubling narratives rather than imposing external
ideologies over it. An ethical narrative close reading of the text of
primeval desire (Gen 3) led me to the discovery of four themes—desire,
particularly its derivative, sexual passion; power-play; alterity; and peril—
and the biblical authors’ characterization of God in divine response to
human deviant behavior as heuristic tools for reading these texts of desire.

Research paper thumbnail of Toward an Ortho-Kerygma in the Urban Economy

Trinity Torch Journal, 2013

There are three elements of religion, especially Christianity, that are very important; namely, b... more There are three elements of religion, especially Christianity, that are very important; namely, belief, practice, and proclamation. While the first two of these have received great attention in the various forms of the enunciations of orthodoxy and orthopraxy, the third is yet to receive a coherent and systematic articulation. In this paper, I hope to call attention to the need for the formulation of an ortho-kerygma for our gospel witness in our globalizing and urbanizing world.

Research paper thumbnail of The King Takes-The King Gives: Deuteronomic Critique of Power Play in 2 Samuel 16 and 19

Research paper thumbnail of The fate of Saul's progeny in the reign of David

UMI, ProQuest ® Dissertations & Theses. The world's most comprehensive collection of dis... more UMI, ProQuest ® Dissertations & Theses. The world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses. Learn more... ProQuest, The fate of Saul's progeny in the reign of David. by Tushima, Cephas TA, Ph.D., WESTMINSTER ...

Research paper thumbnail of Homosexuality and Liminality in Sodom: The Quests for Home, Fun and Justice (Gen 19:1-29)

Old Testament Essays, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Advancing justice in the search for peace: An exegetical study of Micah 6:8 as a recipe for peace in Africa

Verbum et Ecclesia, 2019

Peace has been elusive to the greater part of the African continent. For peace to thrive in any p... more Peace has been elusive to the greater part of the African continent. For peace to thrive in any place, certain fundamentals for societal cohesion must be entrenched in its social fabric. This essay studies Micah 6:8, with the aim of identifying such important biblical fundamental principles for societal peace. This article employs rhetorical analysis with the historical grammatical method of textual analysis to exegete Micah 6:8. The article begins with an exploration of the biblical concepts of peace and justice. It then exegetes Micah 6:8 in its historical and literary contexts, explaining the three critical demands of YHWH in the verse, namely, to act justly (both in the judicial administration of justice and in the maintenance of right relationships in the community), to love mercy (highlighting loyal loving commitment to God and the brotherhood in covenant) and to walk humbly with God (a basic call to discipleship). This is followed by an analysis of the African crisis situatio...

Research paper thumbnail of The Paradigmatic Role of Genesis 3 for Reading Biblical Narrative About Desire


The biblical Hebrew texts of sexual politics (often involving sordid sexual violence, especially ... more The biblical Hebrew texts of sexual politics (often involving sordid sexual violence, especially against women) have been studied in the last forty years with an ideological bent that employs contemporary literary analysis. This essay is an attempt to allow the biblical text to furnish strategies for reading its troubling narratives rather than imposing external ideologies over it. An ethical narrative close reading of the text of primeval desire (Gen 3) led me to the discovery of four themes—desire, particularly its derivative, sexual passion; power-play; alterity; and peril—plus the biblical authors’ characterization of God in divine response to human deviant behavior as constituting the heuristic tools for reading these texts of desire.

Research paper thumbnail of Liberation in Exodus as a template for socio-political action

African Journal of Biblical Studies, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of The Yahwenomics of Land and Social Justice and Contemporary Land Resource Crises In Nigeria

IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Reconnoitering Settler Colonization Part I: Its Philosophy and Praxis

Research Developments in Arts and Social Studies Vol. 5

The survey broaches colonial studies, poststructuralism (with its emphasis on the use of language... more The survey broaches colonial studies, poststructuralism (with its emphasis on the use of language [rhetorics] as a means for understanding, dominating, subjugating others), and the subsequent rise of postcolonial studies. This survey highlights the weaknesses of postcolonial studies, not the least, its pursuit of theoretical consistency at the detriment of cultural and historical specificity, being enmeshed in pastness, and the obfuscation of thriving settler colonial states or situations in contemporary societies. Arising from this, the embark upon a study of the global phenomenon of settler-colonization from the biblical era to the contemporary time, particularly examining its nature, ideology, processes, and praxis. The methodology used is literary and historical analysis, and the theoretical framework is based on the burgeoning area of settler-colonial studies. This essay lays the groundwork for Part II of the study, which will apply settler-colonial studies to the Nigerian situation.

Research paper thumbnail of The Dance between God and Humanity : Reading the Bible Today as the People of God, Bruce K. Waltke : book review

Old Testament essays, 2015

The Dance between God and Humanity is an anthology of Waltke's published articles. The public... more The Dance between God and Humanity is an anthology of Waltke's published articles. The publication dates of these articles range from 1969 to 2008. In all, the compendium consists of thirty-two articles. The first essay, "Introduction: My Philosophy of Christian Education," serves as some sort of general introduction to the volume, and the rest are grouped into two parts. Part 1 consists of ten of the essays, which are grouped under the rubric of Biblical Theological Studies, and they are concerned, to a large degree, with matters of methodology and approaches to the study of the Bible, canonics, and thorny biblical theological issues. Part 2 consists of the rest of the articles, which are grouped under the heading of Biblical Theological Themes, and they address a variety of theological themes and motifs.

Research paper thumbnail of Reconnoitering Settler Colonization Part II: Its Emergence in Nigeria

Research Developments in Arts and Social Studies Vol. 5

In Part I of this essay, I surveyed the global phenomenon of settler colonization through time, p... more In Part I of this essay, I surveyed the global phenomenon of settler colonization through time, paying attention to its nature, ideology, processes, and praxis. Flowing from that, I applied the knowledge gained from the study of settler colonization to the settler colonial experience of Nigeria as initiated by British colonialism, particularly the British use of exogenous others in its conquest and 'civilizing missions' in the Middle Belt of Nigeria, and its enduring consequences leading to the resurgence of internal settler colonial enterprise in the territories of contemporary autochthonous communities of Nigeria's Middle Belt region. The methodology adopted consists in literary and historical analysis, while the theoretical framework is within the general field of the emerging settler colonial studies. Suggestions are then proffered on dealing with and possibly surviving the onslaughts of settler colonisers.

Research paper thumbnail of A King under the Law: The Torah promulgation and its subversion in Jeremiah

Old Testament essays, 2012

This paper explores the call of Israel to be a unique people and the implications of this for its... more This paper explores the call of Israel to be a unique people and the implications of this for its leadership styles. It, as such, examines the Torah promulgation for a king subservient to the Law (and its attendant institutions), as prescribed in Deut 17:14-20, vis-a-vis the evolution of Israelite leadership culminating in the monarchy, and the outworking of this in the Deuteronomistic History. The paper ultimately aligns this deuteronomic leadership ideal with the reality of the late pre-exilic experience of the Judahite covenant community, especially as documented in the traditions of Jeremiah's life and ministry. The ensuing consequence of the exile is also looked at. Inferences are drawn from these discussions, outlining trajectories of import for contemporary communities of faith.

Research paper thumbnail of Tushima Divine Grace and Conditional Forgiveness in Matthew 3 The Paradox of the New Testament Concept of Unmerited Divine Grace and Conditional Forgiveness in Matthew ’ s Gospel

Since the Reformation, the doctrine of unmerited divine grace has been central in Protestant sote... more Since the Reformation, the doctrine of unmerited divine grace has been central in Protestant soteriology. Millard J. Erickson, in highlighting the importance of this concept in the divine–human relationship in general, describes how Karl Barth captures the Protestant stance on grace: “Scripture teaches that what unites man with God is, from God’s side, his grace.” Specifically, with respect to salvation, after citing Romans 6:23 and Ephesians 2:8–9, Erickson insists, “Justification is something completely undeserved. It is not an achievement. It is an obtainment, not an attainment. Even faith is not some good work which God must reward with salvation. It is God’s gift. It is not the cause of our salvation, but the means by which we receive it.”

Research paper thumbnail of Leadership succession patterns in the apostolic church as a template for critique of contemporary charismatic leadership succession patterns

HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of The fate of Saul's progeny in the reign of David

UMI, ProQuest ® Dissertations & Theses. The world's most comprehensive collection of dissert... more UMI, ProQuest ® Dissertations & Theses. The world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses. Learn more... ProQuest, The fate of Saul's progeny in the reign of David. by Tushima, Cephas TA, Ph.D., WESTMINSTER ...

Research paper thumbnail of Homosexuality and Liminality in Sodom: The Quests for Home, Fun and Justice (Gen 19:1-29) CEPHAS TUSHIMA (JOS ECWA THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY-JETS & UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA

Old Testament Essays, 2021

This essay explores the first segment of the Lot sub-narrative of the Abraham cycle (Gen 11:27-25... more This essay explores the first segment of the Lot sub-narrative of the Abraham cycle (Gen 11:27-25:10). The study adopts a narrative close reading approach and canonical theological hermeneutical framework in its reading strategies (with the canon's reception history undergirding its plausibility structures), aiming ultimately at unfolding the world of possibilities of being-in-the-world in the text, particularly from an ethical standpoint. The study shows Lot, enmeshed in his sense of marginality from YHWH's repeated covenantal promises of progeny to Abraham, ditch time-tested tradition and embark on a quest for freedom and a home of his own, consequently, assuming significance and security in Sodom (where he sat on the city council at the gate). His initial assumed marginality in Abraham's home attains reality in Sodom, where the Sodomites desirous of 'having fun' with Lot's angelic guests (who were on a search for justice) reprimands Lot, a mere immigrant-in their view-for his audacity to rebuke them. The visitation of YHWH's justice on Sodom renders the self-serving Lot homeless, driving him to ultimate marginality, as he inhabits the liminal space of an incestuous cave dweller. A theologico-ethical appropriation of the narrative draws attention, first, to the temptation often to be so caring to outsiders and yet be so unkind to those closest to us (like Lot). Second, tradition is a stabilising force in society and jettisoning it unnecessarily creates cascading disequilibria. Third, alienation from God is the grand source of all liminality. Fourth, inordinate desires lead to choices that bring about a breakdown in the social order. Fifth, like Lot, we need to catch heaven's heartbeat for the oppressed and become voices for their justice in our time.

Research paper thumbnail of The Meaning of God’s Ḥesed within Mission as Reconciliation.

Mission as Ministry of Reconciliation, 2013

Much as ICT and social networking media are fostering a tendency toward a global culture, especia... more Much as ICT and social networking media are fostering a tendency toward a global culture, especially among the younger generations, they also in some regards create a heightened awareness of differences, and serve as ready tools for spreading hate and violence. In this essay, I explored the meaning of the biblical concept of ḥesed, and how it is at the core of our identity as a people of God vis-à-vis our task of loving our world and actively seeking to be reconciled to it as well as reconciling it to its Creator. I used both biblical-theological and case study approaches in carrying out this study.

Research paper thumbnail of The Ramifications of Missionary Proselytisation on Tiv Culture: Lessons for Contemporary Critical Biblical Contextualisation

Verbum et Ecclesia, 2020

Christianity, from its inception, has always demonstrated a conscious effort to communicate the g... more Christianity, from its inception, has always demonstrated a conscious effort to communicate the gospel in ways that engender transformation. Yet the undying presence of African indigenous religious practices amongst evangelised African communities continues to be a worrisome enigma. The goal of this article is to examine the contextualisation practices, successes and failures of early western missionaries, using literary critical analysis of contemporary literature and cultural phenomenological analysis, and to propose approaches to a biblical inculturation of Christianity in contemporary indigenous societies. We focus on the over 100 years of Christianity in northern Nigeria, with particular emphasis on the Tiv of central Nigeria. The author’s research has shown that the relatively long presence of Christian mission work in Nigeria (especially amongst the Tiv) has not significantly altered the world view of the professed adherents of Christian faith, as it remains largely traditional rather than biblical. Consequently, we proposed the adoption of ethno-hermeneutics and community theologising to make for critical contextualisation of Christianity amongst indigenous people. The proposed critical contextualisation, is essential for rooting Christianity in native populations without uprooting them from their cultures, and for ensuring neither the gospel truth claims nor the Christian world view is surrendered to native cultures in the process of indigenising the gospel.

Research paper thumbnail of Advancing Justice in the Search for Peace: An Exegetical Study of Micah 6:8 as a Recipe for Peace in Africa

Verbum et Ecclesia, 2019

Peace has been elusive to the greater part of the African continent. For peace to thrive in any p... more Peace has been elusive to the greater part of the African continent. For peace to thrive in any place, certain fundamentals for societal cohesion must be entrenched in its social fabric. This essay studies Micah 6:8, with the aim of identifying such important biblical fundamental principles for societal peace. This article employs rhetorical analysis with the historical grammatical method of textual analysis to exegete Micah 6:8. The article begins with an exploration of the biblical concepts of peace and justice. It then exegetes Micah 6:8 in its historical and literary contexts, explaining the three critical demands of YHWH in the verse, namely, to act justly (both in the judicial administration of justice and in the maintenance of right relationships in the community), to love mercy (highlighting loyal loving commitment to God and the brotherhood in covenant) and to walk humbly with God (a basic call to discipleship). This is followed by an analysis of the African crisis situation, pointing out the similarities between the socio-economic conditions of Micah’s times and ours. Ultimately, these biblical principles are interconnected with the African situation, showing how the implementation of Micah’s justice agenda (employing the retributive, restorative and redistributive elements of justice) is a recipe for peace in Africa.

Research paper thumbnail of The Paradigmatic Role of Genesis 3 for Reading Biblical Narratives about Desire

Unio cum Christo, 2019

The biblical Hebrew texts of sexual politics (often involving sordid sexual violence, especially... more The biblical Hebrew texts of sexual politics (often involving sordid sexual
violence, especially against women) have been studied in the last forty
years with an ideological bent that employs contemporary literary
analysis. This essay is an attempt to allow the biblical text to furnish
strategies for reading its troubling narratives rather than imposing external
ideologies over it. An ethical narrative close reading of the text of
primeval desire (Gen 3) led me to the discovery of four themes—desire,
particularly its derivative, sexual passion; power-play; alterity; and peril—
and the biblical authors’ characterization of God in divine response to
human deviant behavior as heuristic tools for reading these texts of desire.

Research paper thumbnail of Toward an Ortho-Kerygma in the Urban Economy

Trinity Torch Journal, 2013

There are three elements of religion, especially Christianity, that are very important; namely, b... more There are three elements of religion, especially Christianity, that are very important; namely, belief, practice, and proclamation. While the first two of these have received great attention in the various forms of the enunciations of orthodoxy and orthopraxy, the third is yet to receive a coherent and systematic articulation. In this paper, I hope to call attention to the need for the formulation of an ortho-kerygma for our gospel witness in our globalizing and urbanizing world.

Research paper thumbnail of The King Takes-The King Gives: Deuteronomic Critique of Power Play in 2 Samuel 16 and 19

Research paper thumbnail of The fate of Saul's progeny in the reign of David

UMI, ProQuest ® Dissertations & Theses. The world's most comprehensive collection of dis... more UMI, ProQuest ® Dissertations & Theses. The world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses. Learn more... ProQuest, The fate of Saul's progeny in the reign of David. by Tushima, Cephas TA, Ph.D., WESTMINSTER ...

Research paper thumbnail of Reconnoitering Settler Colonization Part II: Its Emergence in Nigeria

Research Developments in Arts and Social Studies Vol. 5, 2022

In Part I of this essay, I surveyed the global phenomenon of settler colonization through time, p... more In Part I of this essay, I surveyed the global phenomenon of settler colonization through time, paying attention to its nature, ideology, processes, and praxis. Flowing from that, I applied the knowledge gained from the study of settler colonization to the settler colonial experience of Nigeria as initiated by British colonialism, particularly the British use of exogenous others in its conquest and 'civilizing missions' in the Middle Belt of Nigeria, and its enduring consequences leading to the resurgence of internal settler colonial enterprise in the territories of contemporary autochthonous communities of Nigeria's Middle Belt region. The methodology adopted consists in literary and historical analysis, while the theoretical framework is within the general field of the emerging settler colonial studies. Suggestions are then proffered on dealing with and possibly surviving the onslaughts of settler colonisers.

Research paper thumbnail of Reconnoitering Settler Colonization Part I: Its Philosophy and Praxis

Research Developments in Arts and Social Studies Vol. 5, 2022

The survey broaches colonial studies, poststructuralism (with its emphasis on the use of language... more The survey broaches colonial studies, poststructuralism (with its emphasis on the use of language [rhetorics] as a means for understanding, dominating, subjugating others), and the subsequent rise of postcolonial studies. This survey highlights the weaknesses of postcolonial studies, not the least, its pursuit of theoretical consistency at the detriment of cultural and historical specificity, being enmeshed in pastness, and the obfuscation of thriving settler colonial states or situations in contemporary societies. Arising from this, the embark upon a study of the global phenomenon of settler-colonization from the biblical era to the contemporary time, particularly examining its nature, ideology, processes, and praxis. The methodology used is literary and historical analysis, and the theoretical framework is based on the burgeoning area of settler-colonial studies. This essay lays the groundwork for Part II of the study, which will apply settler-colonial studies to the Nigerian situation.