James Lafferty Daily (original) (raw)

James Lafferty Daily

Welcome to the first and only picture-sharing community for the talented and oh-so-handsome James Lafferty. Whether you are a fan searching for anything “Baby James” or just browsing through photos to pass the time, there is no better place to do it.

Codes BY: modest_exposure
Graphics BY: iloveleucine

Mod Post [Tuesday]
Hello all!I am guilty of getting behind with this community. So, I am apologizing to all of you, and hoping to spark some more interest in posting pictures. Because, all of you have the capability to do it! So, I'd like to get some more interaction here between members and also with photos of our lovely James. So go ahead, get posting!
Dunk It
anyone know where to download OTH episodes?
[5] Dunk It
JOIN [Monday]
SORRY IF NOT ALOUD.We just made a Naley community and we would be so happy if you guys would join.Made by: xxxyinpink
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First Video.. [Friday]
[**mood**| Image hosted by Photobucket.com Good ]I was bored so I deiced to make my FIRST video of Naley. Song is called, 'Because of You' by Kelly Clarkson ( Collapse )
Dunk It
Icons! [Saturday]
[ **mood** | cool cool ] Hey you guys- these are like two of my first icons ever! Please Credit/Comment!<3 Duyen "Nalyfan4evr"+ A Young Fine@$$ James!1. Image hosted by Photobucket.com+ Nathan Scott=Hot!2.Image hosted by Photobucket.com
[5] Dunk It
Spam? Sorry! If this is not allowed, please delete!But Ashley ashleybarbara just made a One Treel Hill fan fiction community.othficPlease join!
Hey... [Thursday]
[ **mood** | happy ]
Dunk It
jl_daily goes... DAILY! [Thursday]
[ mood** | chipper ] I think we're starting to actually make posts daily now. Yay!( Collapse )**I'm not sure which game the pictures are from. If you know can you leave a comment please?EDIT: James Lafferty gets on the court during the first annual Lincoln Park Music Jam! in Queens, New York on July 9, 2005. Lafferty and other celebrities were on hand for some basketball and socializing to benefit Cathy's Kids Foundation, an organization that helps underprivileged youth in New York and Los Angeles.
[3] Dunk It
WELCOME [Saturday]
Welcome to the first and only picture-sharing community for the talented and handsome James Lafferty. Whether you are a fan searching for anything "Baby James" or just browsing through photos to pass the time, there is no better place to do it. (wow, I've really posted this little paragraph everywhere!)Anyway, I'm the mod here. My name is Elle. If you need any kind of assistance or questions answered, or anything, feel free to leave me a comment on this entry, or back at my personal journal. Now, without further ado, I'd like to kick this place off with some **( Collapse )**Yay. Kay, now it's someone else's turn... Ready, Set, GO!
[10] Dunk It
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