Nur Kolis | UIN Malang (original) (raw)
Papers by Nur Kolis
TAJDID: Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman dan Kemanusiaan, 2017
Perkembangan hubungan antara umat beragama ccenderung kehilangan spirit kemanusiaannya yang unive... more Perkembangan hubungan antara umat beragama ccenderung kehilangan spirit kemanusiaannya yang universal, berganti dengan semangat kelompok dan individu. Isu agama diangkat untuk keepentingan individu, kelompok, dan kekuasaan. Gagasan tentang pembelaan terhadap Tuhan telah menjadi gagasan yang utopis. Iman kemudian tertuju pada institusi agama, bukan kepada Tuhan. Akhirnya penganut ajaran agama lain dianggap bukan peenyembah Tuhan. Secara bertubi-tubi sikap keagamaan tersebut memicu terjadinya peperangan atas nama agama. Berbagai langkah solutif telah coba diwacanakan. Dikalangan pemikir Islam sufistik, jauh sebelum muncul wacana pluralisme agama, terdapat satu gagasan tentang waḥdat al-adyân atau “kesatuan agama-agama”. Pemikir sufistik waḥdat al-adyân menawarkan satu gagasan moderat yang humanis, dan universal dalam konteks relasi agama-agama, mengandung pesan moral yang terkait secara langsung dengan masalah harmoni kehidupan sosial keagamaan. Universalitas konsep waḥdat al-adyân ...
Med Parazitol (Mosk), 1973
Abata : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini, 2022
Learning is not just a process of transferring knowledge (transfer of knowledge), but also a tran... more Learning is not just a process of transferring knowledge (transfer of knowledge), but also a transformation or transformation; be it knowledge, skills, and values. There are several learning theories that have been coined by figures from both the West and Islam to realize effective learning. Edward Lee Thorndike's learning theory emphasizes more on learning events that can be accepted by reason and can be proven through the five senses (rational-empirical). While the learning theory promoted by Al Ghazali not only pays attention to rational-empirical learning events, but also pays attention to normative-qualitative ones. The trial and error learning process is carried out by providing a stimulus to get a response that is expected to be used to provide motivation for early childhood learning. In addition, so that it is not just mechanistic considering that children are not robots that do not have feelings, children must also be equipped with religious values that can provide mo...
Edukasia, 2020
Abstrak: One of the institutions is MTs Al-Islam Joresan which has experienced an increase in int... more Abstrak: One of the institutions is MTs Al-Islam Joresan which has experienced an increase in interest over a period of 4 years, when several institutions are competing to slam prices, is considered successful in carrying out its strategy.The researcher wants to know the MTs Al Islam strategy when it is read qualitatively descriptive with a blue ocean strategy (BOS) perspective. First, what is the formulation and implementation of BOS? Second, what is the focus of the institution if seen from the principles of ERRC (eliminate, reduce, raise, create)? Based on the data collected and analyzed, it can be seen that the first MTs Al-Islam Institutions have carried out the strategy formulation stage and implemented it according to the perspective of the Blue Ocean Strategy. Second MTs Al-Islam institutions have carried out the principles of Eliminate, reduce, and raise, and have not implemented the principle of create. Abstrak: Salah satu lembaga MTs Al-Islam Joresan yang mengalami kenaik...
To compete with other banks, a banking company should maintain customer satisfaction. It’s includ... more To compete with other banks, a banking company should maintain customer satisfaction. It’s including service quality which is the most important thing to create customer satisfaction. Besides that, the completeness of the facility also affects customer satisfaction because the facility is one of physical evidence to achieve customer satisfaction. In addition to these factors, emotions could also affect customer satisfaction because emotion is an impersonal condition, covers underlying changes and behavior. Therefore companies should maintain customer emotions to have positive emotions. The approach used quantitative method and use questionnaires. Path Analysis used to analyze data with 100 respondents. From the data analysis, it can be concluded that: (1) there is an influence on the quality of service on emotions. (2) There is an effect of the completeness of facilities on emotions. (3) There is an effect of service quality on authority. (4) There is an effect of the completeness o...
Al-A'raf : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam dan Filsafat, 2020
This article aims to refute the opinion that states, Sufism as a static construction of orthodox ... more This article aims to refute the opinion that states, Sufism as a static construction of orthodox thought. It is done by looking deeply into the dynamic dimensions of Sufism and capturing the side of transformation that occurs, as seen in the Ambulungmanuscript in South Kalimantan. Starting from three main issues, related to; mapping the contextual (transformative) dimensions of Sufism in the Ambulung manuscript; various factors influencing the transition of Sufism understanding construction in the Ambulung manuscript; and the construction process of Sufism’s teaching concept in the Ambulungmanuscript, the results of the study show that the Sufism’s teaching in the Ambulung manuscript is a wujudiyyah concept which is full of controversy in the Islamic history. This manuscript is only studied by the sir (special or limited) community, whose participants are limited for Sufism teachers. Not for the public audience, because of its teachings are considered potentially being misunderstood...
ULUL ALBAB Jurnal Studi Islam, 2018
AL-BANJARI Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman, 2012
N?r Muhammad adalah satu terma yang penting dalam bidang tasawuf. Tulisan ini adalah hasil peneli... more N?r Muhammad adalah satu terma yang penting dalam bidang tasawuf. Tulisan ini adalah hasil penelitian tentang N?r Muhammad dalam tasawuf perspektif Syeikh Abdul Hamid Abulung, seorang ulama sufi yang hidup di tanah Banjar Kalimantan Selatan paba abad ke-18 Masehi, bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pemahaman N?r Muhammad dalam ilmu tasawuf Syeikh Abdul Hamid Abulung meliputi konsep, metode, dan pengalaman kerohanian. Kajian ini melibatkan penelitian perpustakaan dan lapangan. Penelitian menemukan bahwa paham N?r Muhammad dalam perspektif Syeikh Abdul Hamid Abulung bukan sekadar teori kosmologi saja, tetapi sebuah konsep tentang Tuhan dan hubungannya dengan alam ciptaan-Nya yang apabila dipahami dan diamalkan dengan baik dapat menghantarkan seorang untuk menghampiri Tuhannya. Dalam konsep Nur Muhammad dalam tasawuf Syeikh Abdul Hamid Abulung terdapat sebuah metode yang dikenal sebagai mush?hadah. Mush?hadah diamalkan melalui salat d?im dan zikr. Konsep N?r Muhammad yang diamalkan dengan met...
Dialogia, 2019
This article is an essential part of the development of the treasures that relates to the realm o... more This article is an essential part of the development of the treasures that relates to the realm of the mystical life of Javanese, particularly those related to the ancient literature studied by the adherents of the mystical Islamic teachings of Kejawen. The manuscript of Kunci Swarga Miftahul Djanati provide an attempt to integrate the Sufism theory into the realm of the adherents in different perspective, namely by emphasizing esoteric aspects in the daily life of Javanese, especially the concept of relations of God with the universe .The emphasis of the manuscript is the aspects of the personal quality of human beings (Insan Kamil). In this context, the researcher is intended to scrutinize the practice of Sangkan Paraning Dumadi.The data were in the form of Sangkan Paraning Dumadi teachings in the manuscript of Kunci Swarga Mifthul Djanati written by Bratakesawa in 1952. The findings showed that the manuscripts of Swarga Miftahul Djanati encompasses several principles which related to views of Sufism. It can be ascertained by a number of terminologies that can be found in the text, such as the nature of life, Nur Muhammad, ma'rifah, self-knowledge, selfmutilation and worship. Furthermore, the uniqueness of the idea can be seen from the description process by reducing through simplification of the local language used. Then, it has strong influences of the Javananese's exposure.
Sudah menjadi kenyataan dalam kehidupan ini bahwa Tuhan menciptakan makhluk dalam bentuknya yang ... more Sudah menjadi kenyataan dalam kehidupan ini bahwa Tuhan menciptakan makhluk dalam bentuknya yang berbeda-beda antara satu dengan yang lain. Perbedaan terjadi bukan saja pada rupa bentuk material-empirikal, tapi juga dalam bentuknya yang immaterial non-empirikal, seperti pemikiran, kepercayaan, idea, hatta agama pun dicipta Tuhan dalam bentuk dan namanya yang berbeda-beda. Kepelbagaian agama-agama, seperti Islam, Kristen, Hindu, Budha, dan lain-lain adalah fakta yang ada di sekitar kita sebagai bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan sosial. Konsekuensi logis yang seharusnya muncul dari kenyataan ini adalah terbentuknya kesadaran saling memahami dan saling menghargai. Kalaupun ada kompetisi dalam beragama, mestinya adalah kompetisi yang alamiah, yaitu penghayatan terhadap Tuhan yang dimunculkan dalam sikap hidup yang ilâhiyah. Dalam bahasa agama disebut takhalluq bi akhlâq Allâh, yaitu berlomba-lomba dalam menciptakan perilaku positif "seperti Tuhan". 1 Secara normatif, agama-agama lahir membawa misi kemanusiaan universal, yang dalam agama Islam disebut rahmah li al-'âlamîn, dalam agama Kristen disebut cinta kasih, dalam agama Budha disebut saraniyadhamma atau welas asih, dan lain sebagainya. Teks-teks keagamaan menunjukkan betapa persoalan kemanusiaan mendapat porsi yang sangat besar ketimbang persoalan lainnya. Nilai-nilai universal seperti keadilan, persamaan, kesetaraan, dan pembebasan merupakan ruh bagi setiap agama untuk menjalankan misinya, menciptakan perdamaian dalam kehidupan yang plural. 2 Namun, disadari atau tidak, perkembangan agama-agama hari ini dihidupkan dalam suasana yang tidak wajar. Agama dibangun pada komunitas beragama dengan menanamkan kebencian terhadap komunitas beragama lain, seakan-akan sudah tidak ada cara lain untuk bisa mempertahankan keyakinan agamanya kecuali dengan menjelek-jelekkan agama lain. Bahkan, seringkali, ketika suatu agama dapat berkuasa, lalu memberangus keyakinan-keyakinan lain yang tidak sealiran dengan semena-mena. Penganut agama-agama kehilangan 1 Haidar Bagir, Risalah Cinta dan Kebahagiaan, (Bandung: Mizan, 2015), h. 72.
TAJDID: Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman dan Kemanusiaan, 2017
Perkembangan hubungan antara umat beragama ccenderung kehilangan spirit kemanusiaannya yang unive... more Perkembangan hubungan antara umat beragama ccenderung kehilangan spirit kemanusiaannya yang universal, berganti dengan semangat kelompok dan individu. Isu agama diangkat untuk keepentingan individu, kelompok, dan kekuasaan. Gagasan tentang pembelaan terhadap Tuhan telah menjadi gagasan yang utopis. Iman kemudian tertuju pada institusi agama, bukan kepada Tuhan. Akhirnya penganut ajaran agama lain dianggap bukan peenyembah Tuhan. Secara bertubi-tubi sikap keagamaan tersebut memicu terjadinya peperangan atas nama agama. Berbagai langkah solutif telah coba diwacanakan. Dikalangan pemikir Islam sufistik, jauh sebelum muncul wacana pluralisme agama, terdapat satu gagasan tentang waḥdat al-adyân atau “kesatuan agama-agama”. Pemikir sufistik waḥdat al-adyân menawarkan satu gagasan moderat yang humanis, dan universal dalam konteks relasi agama-agama, mengandung pesan moral yang terkait secara langsung dengan masalah harmoni kehidupan sosial keagamaan. Universalitas konsep waḥdat al-adyân ...
Med Parazitol (Mosk), 1973
Abata : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini, 2022
Learning is not just a process of transferring knowledge (transfer of knowledge), but also a tran... more Learning is not just a process of transferring knowledge (transfer of knowledge), but also a transformation or transformation; be it knowledge, skills, and values. There are several learning theories that have been coined by figures from both the West and Islam to realize effective learning. Edward Lee Thorndike's learning theory emphasizes more on learning events that can be accepted by reason and can be proven through the five senses (rational-empirical). While the learning theory promoted by Al Ghazali not only pays attention to rational-empirical learning events, but also pays attention to normative-qualitative ones. The trial and error learning process is carried out by providing a stimulus to get a response that is expected to be used to provide motivation for early childhood learning. In addition, so that it is not just mechanistic considering that children are not robots that do not have feelings, children must also be equipped with religious values that can provide mo...
Edukasia, 2020
Abstrak: One of the institutions is MTs Al-Islam Joresan which has experienced an increase in int... more Abstrak: One of the institutions is MTs Al-Islam Joresan which has experienced an increase in interest over a period of 4 years, when several institutions are competing to slam prices, is considered successful in carrying out its strategy.The researcher wants to know the MTs Al Islam strategy when it is read qualitatively descriptive with a blue ocean strategy (BOS) perspective. First, what is the formulation and implementation of BOS? Second, what is the focus of the institution if seen from the principles of ERRC (eliminate, reduce, raise, create)? Based on the data collected and analyzed, it can be seen that the first MTs Al-Islam Institutions have carried out the strategy formulation stage and implemented it according to the perspective of the Blue Ocean Strategy. Second MTs Al-Islam institutions have carried out the principles of Eliminate, reduce, and raise, and have not implemented the principle of create. Abstrak: Salah satu lembaga MTs Al-Islam Joresan yang mengalami kenaik...
To compete with other banks, a banking company should maintain customer satisfaction. It’s includ... more To compete with other banks, a banking company should maintain customer satisfaction. It’s including service quality which is the most important thing to create customer satisfaction. Besides that, the completeness of the facility also affects customer satisfaction because the facility is one of physical evidence to achieve customer satisfaction. In addition to these factors, emotions could also affect customer satisfaction because emotion is an impersonal condition, covers underlying changes and behavior. Therefore companies should maintain customer emotions to have positive emotions. The approach used quantitative method and use questionnaires. Path Analysis used to analyze data with 100 respondents. From the data analysis, it can be concluded that: (1) there is an influence on the quality of service on emotions. (2) There is an effect of the completeness of facilities on emotions. (3) There is an effect of service quality on authority. (4) There is an effect of the completeness o...
Al-A'raf : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam dan Filsafat, 2020
This article aims to refute the opinion that states, Sufism as a static construction of orthodox ... more This article aims to refute the opinion that states, Sufism as a static construction of orthodox thought. It is done by looking deeply into the dynamic dimensions of Sufism and capturing the side of transformation that occurs, as seen in the Ambulungmanuscript in South Kalimantan. Starting from three main issues, related to; mapping the contextual (transformative) dimensions of Sufism in the Ambulung manuscript; various factors influencing the transition of Sufism understanding construction in the Ambulung manuscript; and the construction process of Sufism’s teaching concept in the Ambulungmanuscript, the results of the study show that the Sufism’s teaching in the Ambulung manuscript is a wujudiyyah concept which is full of controversy in the Islamic history. This manuscript is only studied by the sir (special or limited) community, whose participants are limited for Sufism teachers. Not for the public audience, because of its teachings are considered potentially being misunderstood...
ULUL ALBAB Jurnal Studi Islam, 2018
AL-BANJARI Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman, 2012
N?r Muhammad adalah satu terma yang penting dalam bidang tasawuf. Tulisan ini adalah hasil peneli... more N?r Muhammad adalah satu terma yang penting dalam bidang tasawuf. Tulisan ini adalah hasil penelitian tentang N?r Muhammad dalam tasawuf perspektif Syeikh Abdul Hamid Abulung, seorang ulama sufi yang hidup di tanah Banjar Kalimantan Selatan paba abad ke-18 Masehi, bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pemahaman N?r Muhammad dalam ilmu tasawuf Syeikh Abdul Hamid Abulung meliputi konsep, metode, dan pengalaman kerohanian. Kajian ini melibatkan penelitian perpustakaan dan lapangan. Penelitian menemukan bahwa paham N?r Muhammad dalam perspektif Syeikh Abdul Hamid Abulung bukan sekadar teori kosmologi saja, tetapi sebuah konsep tentang Tuhan dan hubungannya dengan alam ciptaan-Nya yang apabila dipahami dan diamalkan dengan baik dapat menghantarkan seorang untuk menghampiri Tuhannya. Dalam konsep Nur Muhammad dalam tasawuf Syeikh Abdul Hamid Abulung terdapat sebuah metode yang dikenal sebagai mush?hadah. Mush?hadah diamalkan melalui salat d?im dan zikr. Konsep N?r Muhammad yang diamalkan dengan met...
Dialogia, 2019
This article is an essential part of the development of the treasures that relates to the realm o... more This article is an essential part of the development of the treasures that relates to the realm of the mystical life of Javanese, particularly those related to the ancient literature studied by the adherents of the mystical Islamic teachings of Kejawen. The manuscript of Kunci Swarga Miftahul Djanati provide an attempt to integrate the Sufism theory into the realm of the adherents in different perspective, namely by emphasizing esoteric aspects in the daily life of Javanese, especially the concept of relations of God with the universe .The emphasis of the manuscript is the aspects of the personal quality of human beings (Insan Kamil). In this context, the researcher is intended to scrutinize the practice of Sangkan Paraning Dumadi.The data were in the form of Sangkan Paraning Dumadi teachings in the manuscript of Kunci Swarga Mifthul Djanati written by Bratakesawa in 1952. The findings showed that the manuscripts of Swarga Miftahul Djanati encompasses several principles which related to views of Sufism. It can be ascertained by a number of terminologies that can be found in the text, such as the nature of life, Nur Muhammad, ma'rifah, self-knowledge, selfmutilation and worship. Furthermore, the uniqueness of the idea can be seen from the description process by reducing through simplification of the local language used. Then, it has strong influences of the Javananese's exposure.
Sudah menjadi kenyataan dalam kehidupan ini bahwa Tuhan menciptakan makhluk dalam bentuknya yang ... more Sudah menjadi kenyataan dalam kehidupan ini bahwa Tuhan menciptakan makhluk dalam bentuknya yang berbeda-beda antara satu dengan yang lain. Perbedaan terjadi bukan saja pada rupa bentuk material-empirikal, tapi juga dalam bentuknya yang immaterial non-empirikal, seperti pemikiran, kepercayaan, idea, hatta agama pun dicipta Tuhan dalam bentuk dan namanya yang berbeda-beda. Kepelbagaian agama-agama, seperti Islam, Kristen, Hindu, Budha, dan lain-lain adalah fakta yang ada di sekitar kita sebagai bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan sosial. Konsekuensi logis yang seharusnya muncul dari kenyataan ini adalah terbentuknya kesadaran saling memahami dan saling menghargai. Kalaupun ada kompetisi dalam beragama, mestinya adalah kompetisi yang alamiah, yaitu penghayatan terhadap Tuhan yang dimunculkan dalam sikap hidup yang ilâhiyah. Dalam bahasa agama disebut takhalluq bi akhlâq Allâh, yaitu berlomba-lomba dalam menciptakan perilaku positif "seperti Tuhan". 1 Secara normatif, agama-agama lahir membawa misi kemanusiaan universal, yang dalam agama Islam disebut rahmah li al-'âlamîn, dalam agama Kristen disebut cinta kasih, dalam agama Budha disebut saraniyadhamma atau welas asih, dan lain sebagainya. Teks-teks keagamaan menunjukkan betapa persoalan kemanusiaan mendapat porsi yang sangat besar ketimbang persoalan lainnya. Nilai-nilai universal seperti keadilan, persamaan, kesetaraan, dan pembebasan merupakan ruh bagi setiap agama untuk menjalankan misinya, menciptakan perdamaian dalam kehidupan yang plural. 2 Namun, disadari atau tidak, perkembangan agama-agama hari ini dihidupkan dalam suasana yang tidak wajar. Agama dibangun pada komunitas beragama dengan menanamkan kebencian terhadap komunitas beragama lain, seakan-akan sudah tidak ada cara lain untuk bisa mempertahankan keyakinan agamanya kecuali dengan menjelek-jelekkan agama lain. Bahkan, seringkali, ketika suatu agama dapat berkuasa, lalu memberangus keyakinan-keyakinan lain yang tidak sealiran dengan semena-mena. Penganut agama-agama kehilangan 1 Haidar Bagir, Risalah Cinta dan Kebahagiaan, (Bandung: Mizan, 2015), h. 72.