Bengt-Ove Andreassen | UiT The Arctic University of Norway (original) (raw)
Papers by Bengt-Ove Andreassen
Din Tidsskrift For Religion Og Kultur, 2014
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 2014
Norsk Teologisk Tidsskrift, 2009
Målsettingen med denne artikkelen er todelt. Først gjøres en kartlegging av norske og svenske ove... more Målsettingen med denne artikkelen er todelt. Først gjøres en kartlegging av norske og svenske oversettelser og utgivelser av Lars Levi Laestadius' taler (prekener). Dernest viser en bokhistorisk tilnaerming til hver utgivelse hva bakgrunnen for utgivelsen og oversettelsen har vaert. Kartleggingen har vist at senere postiller ses i sammenheng med tre finske utgivelser i perioden 1876 til 1924, som gjerne refereres til første, andre og tredje postille. Den bokhistoriske tilnaermingen viser at utgivelser av Laestadius' taler er et internt laestadiansk anliggende. Videre kan de aller fleste utgivelsene på finsk, norsk og svensk knyttes til initiativer fra én spesifikk laestadiansk gruppe, De førstefødte. Funn fra artikkelens kartlegging drøftes avslutningsvis i lys av bokhistoriske perspektiver. Blant annet drøftes hvorvidt De førstefødtes saerlige engasjement kan sies å vaere en søken etter å tilpasse nye oversettelser til eksisterende forkynnelse.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The works of Ninian Smart are widely recognized in the Religious studies and in... more ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The works of Ninian Smart are widely recognized in the Religious studies and in Religious education. This article focuses on how one of Smart’s dimensions in his dimension model of religion has been used in Norwegian RE to legitimize an existential perspective in RE. In comparison with a British debate on Smart’s legacy the article discuss if the Norwegian reception of Smart’s model can be characterized as use or misuse. DANSK RESUME: I artikkelen droftes bruken av Ninian Smarts arbeider i en norsk kontekst. Saerlig vekt legges pa den brede resepsjonen som Smarts dimensjonsmodell har fatt i tilnaermingen til religion. Artikkelen viser og drofter hvordan dimensjonsmodellen har vaert brukt for a legitimere et eksistensielt perspektiv pa religion i norsk religionsdidaktikk og religionsundervisning, og drofter hvorvidt dette kan sies a vaere bruk eller misbruk av Smarts modell.
Religions, 2020
In this article, we map and analyse the changes in conceptualisation and ideas on Sámi and indige... more In this article, we map and analyse the changes in conceptualisation and ideas on Sámi and indigenous people in the Sámi (Religious Education) RE curricula for primary and secondary school in the period from 1997 to 2015. Through the analysis of five sets of curricula for RE in this period, we investigate how they introduce a new set of ideas and concepts concerning religion related to the Sámi as an indigenous people. ‘Circumpolar indigenous people’s religion’ is a concept and a category that is primarily found within the Sámi curriculum of Norway’s educational system. As such, we argue it is a way of religion making through the conceptualization of Sámi religion in particular, and indigenous religions in general.
Religionsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift, Jan 28, 2011
Approaching Religion, 2020
The scope of the review is all doctoral theses that exist on Laestadius and the Laestadian moveme... more The scope of the review is all doctoral theses that exist on Laestadius and the Laestadian movement. A total of 31 doctoral theses on Laestadius and the Laestadian movment are included in this review.The Laestadian movement is an international one, albeit primarily established in the Nordic countries, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The review aims at presenting an overview of doctoral theses, countries which they are produced, which academic disciplines that have contributed in this research, and finally discuss some main tendencies.
Prismet, 1970
Ungdomsarbeid i religiøse bevegelser er i dag veletablert og lite kontroversielt. I enkelte læsta... more Ungdomsarbeid i religiøse bevegelser er i dag veletablert og lite kontroversielt. I enkelte læstadianske grupperinger er bildet noe mer sammensatt. Et eget ungdomsarbeid er et nokså nytt fenomen som læstadianerne har hatt et ambivalent forhold til. I 1999 ble et initiativ fra en lokal forsamling om mer organisert virksomhet for barn og ungdom blankt avvist av predikantene i Den luthersk-læstadianske menighet (også kalt Lyngen-retningen). I løpet av en tiårsperiode ble imidlertid bildet snudd, og ungdomsarbeidet er nå veletablert i denne læstadianske grupperingen. Artikkelen anlegger et historisk perspektiv for å vise hvordan et begrep og bevissthet om «ungdom» har vokst fram i etterkrigstiden, og danner bakgrunnen for forslaget som ble lansert i 1999. På bakgrunn av skriftlige kilder gjøres en analyse av hvordan ungdomsarbeidet nå har en selvfølgelig plass, og dermed er et eksempel på hvordan en bevissthet om «ungdom» og «ungdomsarbeid» kan sies å ha endret denne læstadianske forsam...
Changing Societies & Personalities, 2020
The public and political debate about Islam and Muslims in Norway have revolved around issues lik... more The public and political debate about Islam and Muslims in Norway have revolved around issues like topics of integration and “radicalisation” and the compatibility of Islam with democracy and “Western values”. Clothing related to Muslims – i.e. Muslim women – such as hijab, niqab, and burqa are in the public and political debate often referred to as examples that Islam is not compatible with “Norwegian” (or “Western”) values. Several political initiatives in order to ban Muslim garments in public places or in school has been rejected with reference to the Norwegian state’s obligations to Human Rights. This article will illustrate how the political debate about Muslim garments have evolved in the period from 2008 to 2018. Four cases will be presented to illustrate this development, and show how each case have been evaluated by the Ministry of Justice in order to decide whether or not the propositions could be a violation of the Norwegian state’s obligation to Human Rights. The fourth...
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 2019
Religious education appears in many different models and varies between educational systems and n... more Religious education appears in many different models and varies between educational systems and national contexts. Theoretically, religious education is usually divided into confessional and non-confessional models. However, as several researchers have pointed out, the non-confessional models can be ‘marinated’ in confessional religion. In most national contexts, regardless of the model on which it is based, religious education is intended to serve the promotion of social cohesion by way of promoting knowledge and understanding of the new multi‑religious world. However, in official documents and scholarly literature, there is a taken-for-granted relationship between ‘knowledge of religion’ and such general aims. In the article, critical questions concerning this relationship will be raised.
Temenos - Nordic Journal of Comparative Religion, 2013
The different groups within the Laestadian movement have devel- oped different strategies when it... more The different groups within the Laestadian movement have devel- oped different strategies when it comes to internet and production of texts. Regarding internet and official websites, there is ambivalence towards the opportunities which this technology and new media offer. Among the approximately twenty different Laestadian groups which exist in the Nordic countries and America, there are only nine official websites in 2012. The article provides an overview over these websites, contents and strategies. Websites are discussed in reference to a well-established tradition of monthly bulletins within the Laesta- dian tradition. The term netnography is used to describe the research on religion and internet, and research ethics are also discussed as a part of doing research on religion and internet. Keywords: Laestadian movement, internet research, eLaestadianism, netnography, research ethics
Temenos - Nordic Journal of Comparative Religion, 2014
Both research and public and scholarly debate on religious education (RE) in Norway have mostly r... more Both research and public and scholarly debate on religious education (RE) in Norway have mostly revolved around the subject in primary and secondary school called Christianity, Religion and Ethics (KRL) (later renamed Religion, Philosophies of Life and Ethics, RLE), not least due to the criticisms raised by the UN’s Human Rights Committee in 2004 and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in 2007 of the Norwegian model for RE in primary and secondary schools. The RE subject in upper secondary school, however, is hardly ever mentioned. The same applies to teacher education. This article therefore aims at providing some insight into how RE has developed in the Norwegian educational system overall, ranging from primary and secondary to upper secondary and including the different forms of teacher education.
Nordisk barnehageforskning, 2011
Title: Perspectives on what a preschool teacher need to know about religion: Curriculum analysis ... more Title: Perspectives on what a preschool teacher need to know about religion: Curriculum analysis and prescriptive suggestions.: What does a pre-school teacher need to know about religion? This question is discussed in two separate parts of the article. The first part is a curriculum analysis of the framework surrounding Early Childhood Education and the three year undergraduate program for pre-school teachers in Norway. The analysis leads to a critical discussion on the bias towards Christian values in this framework. The second part of the article is prescriptive, answering the article’s research question. The outline of what a pre-school teacher’s competence on religion should consist of draws on the analysis and critical discussion in the first part. Here, arguments for including perspectives drawn from secular academic Religious studies in the three-year undergraduate program for pre-school teachers are presented. The main argument is that perspectives from Religious studies wil...
FLEKS - Scandinavian Journal of Intercultural Theory and Practice, 2018
Since 1974, the curriculum for the Norwegian school has had a overarching part that puts the scho... more Since 1974, the curriculum for the Norwegian school has had a overarching part that puts the school and its content into a bigger social and political context. As such, this part of the curriculum is a highly political and ideological text that expresses the state's purpose and interest related to the school. This article looks into how indigenous people, minorities and diversity is represented in the general part of the curriculum from 1974 to 2017. The changing curricula show changes in the official politics and views on diversity. Through an analysis of the curricula we explore which terms and concepts that are used in the description of people and groups in Norwegian society. We focus primarily on the representation of the Sami, who move from being people in "mixed language districts" with limited rights, via being an "ethnic minority", to being an indigenous people with a set of rights. Further, we look into how the diverse society is represented, from t...
Acta Didactica Norge, 2008
Artikkelen drøfter ulike sider ved eksplisitt å åpne for konfliktperspektiver i religionsundervis... more Artikkelen drøfter ulike sider ved eksplisitt å åpne for konfliktperspektiver i religionsundervisningen. En slik tilnærming er faglig utfordrende, men gir innblikk i en side ved religion som i norsk religionsdidaktisk sammenheng har vært lite utforsket. Norske religionsdidaktikere er i all hovedsak rekruttert fra teologiske fagmiljøer og har hentet perspektiver fra økumenikk og religionsdidalog i stedet for å kunne utforske konflikter der religion inngår, for å lære noe om religioner. Artikkelen trekker inn bidrag fra religionsvitenskapen og legger til grunn en forståelse av religion som i noen grad skiller seg fra etablerte perspektiver i norsk religionsdidaktikk.
New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 2017
Early childhood education (ECE) has to an increasing extent become an integrated part of the educ... more Early childhood education (ECE) has to an increasing extent become an integrated part of the education system in some countries, with national ECE curricula. Being states with indigenous people, Norway and Aotearoa/New Zealand have faced challenges and possibilities regarding how to deal with both past and present during the curricular processes. It is striking and telling that when Aotearoa/New Zealand had its first national curriculum for ECE 1996, it was based on Māori thinking and concepts. We explore how indigenous issues are dealt with in ECE curricula in the two countries, and argue that the respective curricula are expressions of two different kinds of indigenization. Still, the implementation challenge leaves the risk for the continuing silencing and Othering of the indigenous.
Prismet, 2017
This article presents an analysis of the history and content of the curriculum for Religious Stud... more This article presents an analysis of the history and content of the curriculum for Religious Studies in Norwegian high schools from 1976 until 2006. The curriculum for the Sami administrative area is also drawn in to put the development into perspective. Against the background of this curriculum-historical survey, it is argued that the subject’s religious-historical breadth has been significantly reduced. This forms the basis for a critical discussion of the conceptualization of “Islam” and “Indigenous circumpolar religions”, and of the extent to which the subject’s specificity has been transformed into a more instrumental understanding, where it is required to answer to specific social challenges.Keywords: curriculum analysis, islam, circumpolar indigenous religions, indigenous people Nøkkelord: læreplananalyse, islam, Sirkumpolare urfolksreligioner, urfolk
Din Tidsskrift For Religion Og Kultur, 2014
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 2014
Norsk Teologisk Tidsskrift, 2009
Målsettingen med denne artikkelen er todelt. Først gjøres en kartlegging av norske og svenske ove... more Målsettingen med denne artikkelen er todelt. Først gjøres en kartlegging av norske og svenske oversettelser og utgivelser av Lars Levi Laestadius' taler (prekener). Dernest viser en bokhistorisk tilnaerming til hver utgivelse hva bakgrunnen for utgivelsen og oversettelsen har vaert. Kartleggingen har vist at senere postiller ses i sammenheng med tre finske utgivelser i perioden 1876 til 1924, som gjerne refereres til første, andre og tredje postille. Den bokhistoriske tilnaermingen viser at utgivelser av Laestadius' taler er et internt laestadiansk anliggende. Videre kan de aller fleste utgivelsene på finsk, norsk og svensk knyttes til initiativer fra én spesifikk laestadiansk gruppe, De førstefødte. Funn fra artikkelens kartlegging drøftes avslutningsvis i lys av bokhistoriske perspektiver. Blant annet drøftes hvorvidt De førstefødtes saerlige engasjement kan sies å vaere en søken etter å tilpasse nye oversettelser til eksisterende forkynnelse.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The works of Ninian Smart are widely recognized in the Religious studies and in... more ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The works of Ninian Smart are widely recognized in the Religious studies and in Religious education. This article focuses on how one of Smart’s dimensions in his dimension model of religion has been used in Norwegian RE to legitimize an existential perspective in RE. In comparison with a British debate on Smart’s legacy the article discuss if the Norwegian reception of Smart’s model can be characterized as use or misuse. DANSK RESUME: I artikkelen droftes bruken av Ninian Smarts arbeider i en norsk kontekst. Saerlig vekt legges pa den brede resepsjonen som Smarts dimensjonsmodell har fatt i tilnaermingen til religion. Artikkelen viser og drofter hvordan dimensjonsmodellen har vaert brukt for a legitimere et eksistensielt perspektiv pa religion i norsk religionsdidaktikk og religionsundervisning, og drofter hvorvidt dette kan sies a vaere bruk eller misbruk av Smarts modell.
Religions, 2020
In this article, we map and analyse the changes in conceptualisation and ideas on Sámi and indige... more In this article, we map and analyse the changes in conceptualisation and ideas on Sámi and indigenous people in the Sámi (Religious Education) RE curricula for primary and secondary school in the period from 1997 to 2015. Through the analysis of five sets of curricula for RE in this period, we investigate how they introduce a new set of ideas and concepts concerning religion related to the Sámi as an indigenous people. ‘Circumpolar indigenous people’s religion’ is a concept and a category that is primarily found within the Sámi curriculum of Norway’s educational system. As such, we argue it is a way of religion making through the conceptualization of Sámi religion in particular, and indigenous religions in general.
Religionsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift, Jan 28, 2011
Approaching Religion, 2020
The scope of the review is all doctoral theses that exist on Laestadius and the Laestadian moveme... more The scope of the review is all doctoral theses that exist on Laestadius and the Laestadian movement. A total of 31 doctoral theses on Laestadius and the Laestadian movment are included in this review.The Laestadian movement is an international one, albeit primarily established in the Nordic countries, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The review aims at presenting an overview of doctoral theses, countries which they are produced, which academic disciplines that have contributed in this research, and finally discuss some main tendencies.
Prismet, 1970
Ungdomsarbeid i religiøse bevegelser er i dag veletablert og lite kontroversielt. I enkelte læsta... more Ungdomsarbeid i religiøse bevegelser er i dag veletablert og lite kontroversielt. I enkelte læstadianske grupperinger er bildet noe mer sammensatt. Et eget ungdomsarbeid er et nokså nytt fenomen som læstadianerne har hatt et ambivalent forhold til. I 1999 ble et initiativ fra en lokal forsamling om mer organisert virksomhet for barn og ungdom blankt avvist av predikantene i Den luthersk-læstadianske menighet (også kalt Lyngen-retningen). I løpet av en tiårsperiode ble imidlertid bildet snudd, og ungdomsarbeidet er nå veletablert i denne læstadianske grupperingen. Artikkelen anlegger et historisk perspektiv for å vise hvordan et begrep og bevissthet om «ungdom» har vokst fram i etterkrigstiden, og danner bakgrunnen for forslaget som ble lansert i 1999. På bakgrunn av skriftlige kilder gjøres en analyse av hvordan ungdomsarbeidet nå har en selvfølgelig plass, og dermed er et eksempel på hvordan en bevissthet om «ungdom» og «ungdomsarbeid» kan sies å ha endret denne læstadianske forsam...
Changing Societies & Personalities, 2020
The public and political debate about Islam and Muslims in Norway have revolved around issues lik... more The public and political debate about Islam and Muslims in Norway have revolved around issues like topics of integration and “radicalisation” and the compatibility of Islam with democracy and “Western values”. Clothing related to Muslims – i.e. Muslim women – such as hijab, niqab, and burqa are in the public and political debate often referred to as examples that Islam is not compatible with “Norwegian” (or “Western”) values. Several political initiatives in order to ban Muslim garments in public places or in school has been rejected with reference to the Norwegian state’s obligations to Human Rights. This article will illustrate how the political debate about Muslim garments have evolved in the period from 2008 to 2018. Four cases will be presented to illustrate this development, and show how each case have been evaluated by the Ministry of Justice in order to decide whether or not the propositions could be a violation of the Norwegian state’s obligation to Human Rights. The fourth...
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 2019
Religious education appears in many different models and varies between educational systems and n... more Religious education appears in many different models and varies between educational systems and national contexts. Theoretically, religious education is usually divided into confessional and non-confessional models. However, as several researchers have pointed out, the non-confessional models can be ‘marinated’ in confessional religion. In most national contexts, regardless of the model on which it is based, religious education is intended to serve the promotion of social cohesion by way of promoting knowledge and understanding of the new multi‑religious world. However, in official documents and scholarly literature, there is a taken-for-granted relationship between ‘knowledge of religion’ and such general aims. In the article, critical questions concerning this relationship will be raised.
Temenos - Nordic Journal of Comparative Religion, 2013
The different groups within the Laestadian movement have devel- oped different strategies when it... more The different groups within the Laestadian movement have devel- oped different strategies when it comes to internet and production of texts. Regarding internet and official websites, there is ambivalence towards the opportunities which this technology and new media offer. Among the approximately twenty different Laestadian groups which exist in the Nordic countries and America, there are only nine official websites in 2012. The article provides an overview over these websites, contents and strategies. Websites are discussed in reference to a well-established tradition of monthly bulletins within the Laesta- dian tradition. The term netnography is used to describe the research on religion and internet, and research ethics are also discussed as a part of doing research on religion and internet. Keywords: Laestadian movement, internet research, eLaestadianism, netnography, research ethics
Temenos - Nordic Journal of Comparative Religion, 2014
Both research and public and scholarly debate on religious education (RE) in Norway have mostly r... more Both research and public and scholarly debate on religious education (RE) in Norway have mostly revolved around the subject in primary and secondary school called Christianity, Religion and Ethics (KRL) (later renamed Religion, Philosophies of Life and Ethics, RLE), not least due to the criticisms raised by the UN’s Human Rights Committee in 2004 and the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in 2007 of the Norwegian model for RE in primary and secondary schools. The RE subject in upper secondary school, however, is hardly ever mentioned. The same applies to teacher education. This article therefore aims at providing some insight into how RE has developed in the Norwegian educational system overall, ranging from primary and secondary to upper secondary and including the different forms of teacher education.
Nordisk barnehageforskning, 2011
Title: Perspectives on what a preschool teacher need to know about religion: Curriculum analysis ... more Title: Perspectives on what a preschool teacher need to know about religion: Curriculum analysis and prescriptive suggestions.: What does a pre-school teacher need to know about religion? This question is discussed in two separate parts of the article. The first part is a curriculum analysis of the framework surrounding Early Childhood Education and the three year undergraduate program for pre-school teachers in Norway. The analysis leads to a critical discussion on the bias towards Christian values in this framework. The second part of the article is prescriptive, answering the article’s research question. The outline of what a pre-school teacher’s competence on religion should consist of draws on the analysis and critical discussion in the first part. Here, arguments for including perspectives drawn from secular academic Religious studies in the three-year undergraduate program for pre-school teachers are presented. The main argument is that perspectives from Religious studies wil...
FLEKS - Scandinavian Journal of Intercultural Theory and Practice, 2018
Since 1974, the curriculum for the Norwegian school has had a overarching part that puts the scho... more Since 1974, the curriculum for the Norwegian school has had a overarching part that puts the school and its content into a bigger social and political context. As such, this part of the curriculum is a highly political and ideological text that expresses the state's purpose and interest related to the school. This article looks into how indigenous people, minorities and diversity is represented in the general part of the curriculum from 1974 to 2017. The changing curricula show changes in the official politics and views on diversity. Through an analysis of the curricula we explore which terms and concepts that are used in the description of people and groups in Norwegian society. We focus primarily on the representation of the Sami, who move from being people in "mixed language districts" with limited rights, via being an "ethnic minority", to being an indigenous people with a set of rights. Further, we look into how the diverse society is represented, from t...
Acta Didactica Norge, 2008
Artikkelen drøfter ulike sider ved eksplisitt å åpne for konfliktperspektiver i religionsundervis... more Artikkelen drøfter ulike sider ved eksplisitt å åpne for konfliktperspektiver i religionsundervisningen. En slik tilnærming er faglig utfordrende, men gir innblikk i en side ved religion som i norsk religionsdidaktisk sammenheng har vært lite utforsket. Norske religionsdidaktikere er i all hovedsak rekruttert fra teologiske fagmiljøer og har hentet perspektiver fra økumenikk og religionsdidalog i stedet for å kunne utforske konflikter der religion inngår, for å lære noe om religioner. Artikkelen trekker inn bidrag fra religionsvitenskapen og legger til grunn en forståelse av religion som i noen grad skiller seg fra etablerte perspektiver i norsk religionsdidaktikk.
New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 2017
Early childhood education (ECE) has to an increasing extent become an integrated part of the educ... more Early childhood education (ECE) has to an increasing extent become an integrated part of the education system in some countries, with national ECE curricula. Being states with indigenous people, Norway and Aotearoa/New Zealand have faced challenges and possibilities regarding how to deal with both past and present during the curricular processes. It is striking and telling that when Aotearoa/New Zealand had its first national curriculum for ECE 1996, it was based on Māori thinking and concepts. We explore how indigenous issues are dealt with in ECE curricula in the two countries, and argue that the respective curricula are expressions of two different kinds of indigenization. Still, the implementation challenge leaves the risk for the continuing silencing and Othering of the indigenous.
Prismet, 2017
This article presents an analysis of the history and content of the curriculum for Religious Stud... more This article presents an analysis of the history and content of the curriculum for Religious Studies in Norwegian high schools from 1976 until 2006. The curriculum for the Sami administrative area is also drawn in to put the development into perspective. Against the background of this curriculum-historical survey, it is argued that the subject’s religious-historical breadth has been significantly reduced. This forms the basis for a critical discussion of the conceptualization of “Islam” and “Indigenous circumpolar religions”, and of the extent to which the subject’s specificity has been transformed into a more instrumental understanding, where it is required to answer to specific social challenges.Keywords: curriculum analysis, islam, circumpolar indigenous religions, indigenous people Nøkkelord: læreplananalyse, islam, Sirkumpolare urfolksreligioner, urfolk