journaltypes - Profile (original) (raw)
on 20 March 2003 (#958439)
LiveJournal Classifications
Welcome to LiveJournal Classifications.
This community designed to document all the journal types in existence. Sounds like quite a feat I know. But, with a community it just might be possible.
Everyone falls into routine. Is there ever a point in time when you could apply a stereotype to journal. Does the person post too much? Talk about the same things? Can you identify a certain type of journal and place them in a category?
If so! Then let us hear it! Please post or comment your submissions.
Yes, I know. But somethings need to be said in order to make this club function.
1. No names or user names. It's not a stereotype if it can only be applied to one person. Plus you and this club could be beat up by the LJ popo's if we are deemed as harrassers.
2. No LJ spam. It just takes up room and wastes my time when I have to go into the journal and delete it.
3. No racism. That's just frickin' stupid. Go join a hate rally if you are that bored.
4. Look at yourself. Consider turning the classifications on yourself before you write one. If you can handle knowing what classifications you fall under and can laugh about it, then you deserve to write one. If not, you are far to bitter a person to submit. Bugger off.
To see the fruits of our labor thus far, go see the LJ Classification Masterlist
This club is moderated by a Bitcher/Classifier/Instigator/Lacky/Pollster/Subelitist/Untagger though you may call him neutralface.
aim, baaaah, blogging, blogs, categorizing, classification, classifying, communities, conversation, criticizing, frank, frank the goat, identifying, interests, journal personalities, journals, labeling, laughing, livejournal, lj, ljclassification, ljusers, name calling, names, people, people watching, personalities, pigeonholing, posting, reading, reading journals, stereotyping, types, users, whammy
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