journslisting (original) (raw)

9 LostJournal invites [13 Jun 2008|05:52am]
[ mood | awake ] I have 9 LoJo Invites**♪ Never had a LoJo ★ One LoJo invite per email address.♥ You have one week to use the code.**Comments are screened so need to worry about the entire internet knowing your email. =]x-posted to several communities
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[17 Jan 2008|05:04pm]
Username: dapurplegoddessFree or paid account: freeExample of layout desired: i'd like to have my layout like\~dapurplegoddess. thats mine also but I couldnt copy and paste to my current livejournal**(please provide username of persons lj you've seen and would like your lj looking like, if you have seen one)** Description of layout desired: id like to have the exactly same thingWill you provide images for someone to work with?: only if you say so. sureAny additional infomation we should know?: let me know who'd do it then ill give you the password for it :)
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DJ and LoJo invites [05 Jan 2008|05:07am]
[ mood | accomplished ] :::Edit::: **All LoJo codes are gone.**I still have DJ and LoJo I'm looking to get rid of. So if you or anyone you know are looking for an alternative journal site aside from LJ or IJ will then I'm your man or rather woman. ^_^ So tell all your friends so I can get rid of them. I feel bad for unintentionally hoarding so many invites. =[I have 0 LoJo and 50 DJ invite codes.One LoJo invite per email address. Two DJ invites per email address.Comment with an active email and I'll send an invite your way.Comments are screen so no worry of spamI will send all codes from my email address, moonduchess at Hopefully I don't get filtered into your bulk/spam folder.
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[09 Jul 2007|03:28am]
[ **mood** | content ] I must sound like a broken record. XDBut yeah I still have LostJournal invite codes to give away.How to get yourself a lovely invite. A current, working, email address Never been a lostjournal user Using the invite code If your expecting a code but don't think it got sent check your spam box. 9 out of 10 times that's where it probably is. ^^;
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