to live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else. (original) (raw)
21 February 2011 @ 12:24 am
Gosh, it's been so long! Today I come bearing 28 icons, 2 banners, and 7 wallpapers, most featuring the lovely work of Lee Tzung-tze, available under a Creative Commons license.
( here we go, come with meCollapse )
So, I know I've pretty much dropped off the face of LiveJournal, but it's been a busy year! I'm done with my first year of university (yay!) and looking forward to having a (hopefully) restful and productive summer. :)
But down to business! Ten textures, made from my own photos. They're really big: 3456x2304. Before you cringe, just think of how high-res they will be! And if you're into photography, think of how you can use them to apply cool effects to all your photos without having to resize them!
( ''Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.'' - Chinese ProverbCollapse )
18 October 2009 @ 09:06 pm
16 icons, 1 banner. I don't know the photographer for some of these, but if you do, let me know!
1-8: unknown
9: Cecil Beaton
10: Gordon Parks
11: Stan Wayman
12-15: unknown
16: Richard Avedon
( ''There is nothing that makes its way more directly into the soul than beauty.'' - Joseph AddisonCollapse )
17 September 2009 @ 08:12 pm
Hello! I'm sure you're all just thrilled that I'm posting with a plea for help...but would you consider voting for my photos? It takes only seconds to vote (you don't need to have an account) and you could win me $1000 for school and make me very happy! :D You can vote multiple times; you just have to wait 8 hours between each vote.
02 September 2009 @ 09:26 pm
27 icons, 3 banners. I don't know the photographers for any of these, but if you do, please let me know!
( Forget injuries; never forget kindnesses.Collapse )
01 September 2009 @ 03:54 pm
Wow, long time no post! Eleven medium/large textures made from public domain botanical illustrations. Most are on white backgrounds, but a couple are on transparent backgrounds. I've included a text file with credits, because some of them are just too pretty to not credit.
( ''People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us.'' - Iris MurdochCollapse )
130 icons, five banners, two friends-only banners, one wallpaper.
[1-30] Becoming Jane
[31-60] Emma (1996)
[61-100] Pride and Prejudice (2005)
[101-130] Sense and Sensibility (1995)
( To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love.Collapse )