jrheam (original) (raw)

After today, I'm deleting this journal, so here is your last chance to add my new journal. lovethefootball.

<3 Rhea



Add me :)

It's a new start. Things have changed.

If you're interested in adding me on my journal I've had for a long while now...

add away... sleeplionsleep

I've been noticing and getting a lot of messages about how no one saw I moved journals...

If you're interested in adding me on my journal I've had for a few months now,

add away... sleeplionsleep

Hey guys...
Just in case not everyone added me at my new journal...

It's thiscranewife

I've changed names. If you're interested... ask me.

Blah blah blah

What happens in vegas.

Blah blah blah

Does anyone live near or know any contacts in or near nantes, france who could find out if a particular tattoo shop still exists?

Jalyynnn where are yoouuuu