All Screwed Up (original) (raw)

Part 1-"Can I see your necklace?" she asks. I hand her the dolphin necklace, tinted blue, that hangs around my neck. Suddenly everyone starts to leave, and she doesn't give me my necklace back. I start texting everyone else who was there, telling them to get my necklace back for me. We end up on a bus, driving through NYC, and yelling out the window to people who this girl is and that she stole my necklace. Our bus pulls up to this big building, and we get out and inside are all these mechanical shoe & ball type machines. A man tells us it's some kind of psychical science study center. We take pictures.

Part 2-A young boy living in Cali has this dream that his mother is going to kill him. At first he ignores it, then he realizes that they are in the exact place he saw in his dream. He panics, and runs to get on a bus. The driver takes off, the scenery out the window is very desolate. He says to the driver "Where does this bus go?" the driver says, "Away." The boy is nervous and asks him to be more specific. The bus driver says, "Redondo beach, we could go to Redondo beach." The boy says, "I think I should get farther away than that. What about Denver, Colorado...or Kingsley, Arizona?" The driver says, "Yes, we could go to Kingsley. Or Houston, Texas." The boy says, "Oh! Go to Houston. I've always wanted to go there. Um...I don't suppose you have some kind of way that I could know what's happening back there, do you?" The driver hands him a pair of glasses, he puts them on, and they show him gruesome images of people getting killed.

Part 3-I meet Jonny and Sam outside this building, along with 3 other guys. One guy is rather attractive and has curly brown hair pulled into a ponytail, he's dressed very nicely. 2 of the guys have British accents, and 2 of them have an extra thumb. One guy is very excited because he can sing the chorus to "Supercali" He's short, chubby, wears glasses, and has a speech problem. We are all leaving and I'm waiting in the grass. I call to Sam and Jonny, and Jonny comes over to me. I playfully push him to the ground and sit on him. He seems surprised and I teasingly say, "Young boys with washboard abs are so hot." He says, "I don't have washboard abs" and I say, "Well one out of two isn't bad."