Alex- Blogathon 2009 (original) (raw)


15 September 2011 @ 05:54 pm

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Today for womenlovefest I've decided to fanmix recs. The first four are Bela mixes.
The next three are Bela/Dean mixes, and then there is a Bela/Gabriel!*Crack!ship I love*), Bela/Chuck, and Bela/Ruby mix.

Bela Talbot- Dark I Know Well
Bela Talbot - Golden Gun Girls
Bela Talbot- Now Way Out
Bela Talbot - All My Bones Began To Shake

Bela/Dean- Double Edged Blade
Bela/Dean-- I Wanna Break Your Back
Bela/Dean- I'm A Fine Line Teaser/Never Been Nothing But A Cheater

Bela/Gabriel- Feeling Celestial
Bela/Chuck- There in the Dark
Bela/Ruby- Hell Ain't Half Full

Would anyone be willing to Beta a Lilah or Bela fic or two?


14 September 2011 @ 11:28 pm

Okay, I've had this vid rec ready for days, and keep pushing it back, because I keep thinking one of these days I'll write meta I'll feel confident about. And I will, but sometimes it's just more fun to have fun. So here is a vid that covers the awesome that is Faith (BTVS), Glory (BTVS), Darla(BTVS/ATS), Drusilla (BTVS), Harmony (BTVS/ATS), Claire/Whiskey (DH), Mellie/November (DH), Lilah (ATS), and Saffron (FF). Cause it never hurts to spread the love.

“The upside of being in it for yourself, Wes- you always end up on the winning team.” - Lilah Morgan -ATS

"I made him. There was a time when we shared everything, wasn't there Angelus? You had a chance to come home, to rule with me in the Master's court for a thousand years, but you threw that away because of her. You love someone who hates us. You're sick. And you'll always be sick. And you'll always remember what it was like to watch her die." Darla- BTVS

In other words, So What? I'm still a rockstar.

Current Location: United States, Michigan, Ann Arbor

Current Mood: depresseddepressed


13 September 2011 @ 08:45 pm

Earlier this week philomel posted some wonderful meta on how Bela was very much a mirror image of Dean. I agree wholeheartedly and will be posting something to that effect later.

But now I'm going to post a mix that focuses on her similarities to another character. Not a man, not even a character from her fandom. (I do this a lot. In my mind Lilah Morgan and Adelle DeWitt are secret HBIC BFFs, and electro-girls Gwen Raiden and Elle Bishop could totally tear up the town together.) Blair Waldorf. The prompt for this mix was 'Reflection', and I felt like using the common traits of the two girls, and mirror images of sorts in the art, fit well. It's a re-post, but hopefully too many of you haven't already seen it.

Black and Blue And Red All Over. - A Mix For Blair Waldorf. A Mix for Bela Talbot.

If you would like a fanmix for your favorite character or another for Bela or an underappreciated female in fandom, I'm currently auctioning two off at help_gktw and helpsomalia , which are both fandom charity auctions. I'm sure they'd be delighted if any of you wanted to offer up something as well.

Current Location: United States, Michigan, Ann Arbor


12 September 2011 @ 06:02 am

Lindsey: Something happened?
Darla: God, yes. So many things. I remember them all. Which one were you thinking of?

When day two rolled around this was kind of how I felt, allow me to explain. There's so much to say about Darla, she's a complex and amazing character who has filled many roles in her lifetime(s). But even if she didn't have more years than any of us will ever know under her belt, she really did so many things both on BTVS and ATS, all incredibly important to her character. And if I were to just ramble, without really taking the time to think on it, I could never do her justice.

Honestly, the best place to start with why Darla is such an intriguing character, is Darla. And so I present you with a fanvid. There aren't a lot of just 'Darla' gen vids out there. Which makes sense, in a way. I know I always find my self looking at the different relationships in her life and how they contributed to who she was or defined her. Still, I thought she at least deserved a day that wasn't defined by her interactions with any one character. So, here is a fanvid -"Perfectly Flawed".


11 September 2011 @ 11:52 pm

(This isn't the best post ever, but I rushed to put it together for day two before, I lost my internet connection. As I'd like to work on bigger and better things for my day 3 and day 4 posts, I'm just gonna call it good. If nothing else the vid is enjoyable.)

Above is one of many Lilah vids I've come to adore. But since most of you have probably seen it before here is Lilah/Wes fic I wrote back in 2005 Set late season 3-ish. Yes it's in a Wesley comm. But it actually speaks just as much about her as it does him. Which leads me to several thoughts I hope to cover in some form of meta this week. Also, I leave you with a disclaimer: I in no way shape or form claim to think that this is as good as most Lilah fic. But it's late in a can't actually find what I was looking for.

And finally, again, not my best work ever, but I figured I'd post this for those of you who enjoy fem-slash, since I posted a Lilah/Wes mix earlier. Bad Habits and Dangerous Games(The Lawyer and The Slayer) - A Lilah Morgan / Faith Lehane Fanmix


10 September 2011 @ 11:48 pm

Today for womenlovefest, I'm going to re-post something, a fanmix I made for Bela Talbot a while back.

find the mix, with a pic-spam of sorts under the fake cut

Tomorrow, once I'm back home, I'll have a little more for you for now, hopefully you'll enjoy the music.

Current Location: United States, Michigan


10 September 2011 @ 02:00 am

for womenlovefest

Instead of me rambling my way through a belated day one post, I've decided to leave you with a re-post of a very old fanmix, which actually I think has a typo or two. But the fact that Darla is and was epic remains the same.

Now some of you have seen this before. But if you haven't I hope you enjoy it.


( graphic heavy lyrics & mix including Courtney Love, Tori Amos , David Bowie, Smashing Pumpkins, Massive Attack, Madonna, Metallica, John Barrowman under the cutCollapse )

Current Location: United States, Michigan

Current Mood: rushedrushed


10 September 2011 @ 01:21 am


I have so much to say about Lilah Morgan. Which can be a problem when trying to focus on one thing to talk about. However, I will try to put in words over the next few days how I feel about Lilah Morgan, why I adore her, and why I see her as a strong female role model, and admire her courage and candor. Maybe I'll even get to why the first time around I could take her or leave her, and it wasn't until I re-watched the Angel, and started rping her because they couldn't find anyone else to, that I realized how much I love this women.

For now I give you a snippet of a lovely ramble of why she's the ultimate HBIC.( Remember that LJ competition?) Without some of the bitca-y parts. Cause we all know she owns there.

She made a nerdy former watcher a sex symbol in fandom. Oh yeah, and when questioned about emotional attachments to said former watcher by her boss, she just sort of chopped of his head and took his job. She is more scary than a giant rock beast. She can get things from other dimensions when everyone else can't, because she has connections. Also she wins at sarcasm, and looks good in a suit and heels. (Or naked) And who else gives Dante's Inferno as a sort of house warming gift?

Oh, Lilah. If only people could properly appreciate you, and you know risking your own life traveling to other dimensions to get books while you have a gaping abdomen wound, cause you're the only one smart enough to figure out subtle nuances, and you know, you kind of want to save the world. Because you're in it. As is that guy who doesn't realize he loves you and that his friends will never appreciate him for his true self like you did. And maybe because everyone who should be in the weekly briefing is dead and you've nothing better to do.

( For now, music anyone? (2 mixes. 1 Lilah, 1 Lilah/Wes)Collapse )

Current Location: United States, Michigan

Current Mood: blahblah


09 September 2011 @ 10:45 pm

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I was recently asked, "Why do you relate to Bela Talbot?"

I guess I relate to her because of her strength, ability to put on a brave face, refusal to play the victim, and her very matter of fact brutally honest opinions of life. At the same time I think I can relate to how alone she must feel in everything she's going through and the vulnerability, and loss of control that go along with her situation.

Of course there's also the fact that I like snark, femme fatales, and antiheroes...

And frankly I like Bela. I don't care if you think she was poorly written ( the character did have the unfortunate luck of making her debut in a season where a writer's strike cast a shadow upon the whole industry), or a bad person, or just "didn't like her disturbing the dynamic of the show". Everyone's entitled to their own opinion and I enjoyed her episodes, and continue to enjoy them.

And on that note...
colls made this for me for help_japan

To me the character we are introduced to as Bela Talbot during season three of Supernatural, was an intriguing character and often the different perspective she provided to the events taking place was a refreshing breath of air. I'm not saying she was flawless or without fault, she wasn't. But she was or should I say is an awesome character nonetheless, and I have to say it kind of saddened me to to hear fandom's general reaction of her. Not only did it make me step away from the show for a while, it also made me question society as a whole. After all unless I had been watching a different show than everyone else it wasn't as if the two main characters, Sam and Dean Winchester, were without their flaws. Not by a long shot.

In a way the reaction to Bela reminds me of a song I recently included in Lilly Kane fan mix, Juliana Hatfield's 'There's Always Another Girl'. you can find the mix at petitemerci, but basically the song talks about society's need for strong, smart, beautiful, or independent women to self-destruct, and how they thrive off it because they need someone they can talk badly about. At the same time society tends to encourage or at least allow and accept less than stellar and even reprehensible behavior from men, it's a double standard. Sadly, fandom, like art, tends to imitate real life. Fandom has double standards for men, and that's what this whole We Love The Women Fandom Hates fest is about isn't it? When involved in fandom people will undoubtedly find fault wherever they can in it's female characters rather than accepting them as human or having human characteristics like they do with male characters, fandom tends to encourage people to ostracize them.

Hopefully over the next week the silent part of fandom will rise up and say " Hey, look we know these characters may not be perfect, but they're pretty freakin' epic in their own way, and it's time we acknowledge that."

...Next up Lilah Morgan, and Darla from ATS (and BTVS)

And over the next week expect fanvids, and fic for Bela. Maybe evena mini friending meme? Some more rambling in the form of meta? Who knows. Some recs, some by me. All inspired by Bela. And to my dear f-list, yes thy will be cut, but it's day 1 so please suffer with me. *hugs*

Current Location: United States, Michigan, Eaton Rapids

Current Mood: hopefulhopeful


Hi, due to some issues lj seems to have with firefox I haven't been able to see much of my friends list or comms for a while to the mods there, my apologies for my absence. I am working to resolve the issue on my end.

For those who I owe charity projects they are coming. Life has been hectic, I'm slow, and recent injuries have slowed me further but for those with a deadline I should be able to meet it.

SPN, BSG, Smallville, ATS, Charmed, X-Files, Dracula, Veronica Mars, Vampire Diaries, Gossip Girl, Dollhouse, Being Human, Doctor Who

45 multi-fandom icons, just follow the fake cut @ just_delicious

If you've commented here saying I support Team Dollhouse please consider doing so as it would mean the world to me. If you'd like an icon for your time feel free to go petitemerci and request one. For those wondering if they could support more than one team yes you can.

Both round two and the lightning round of helpthesouth are going on currently. If you get a chance I'd love to see some familiar faces over there!

Comments are screened.

Current Mood: determineddetermined

Current Music: Game of Thrones