Why do we fall? (original) (raw)
[ | mood | | | anxious | ] |
I had my interview with Marshall Fields yesterday, and it looks like their going to offer me a job. They said that they were working on updating the openings and it wouldn't be done for a couple days. So when it was done they would call me. Part of me thinks that it was just a nice way of letting me down, without saying no flat out. But then again it does seem like they liked me and might give me a job.
The one bad thing is that it's at Maplewood mall, and my parents are very against me working at that mall. I just have to convince them, if I do get offered a job there, that i really want to work there and that I wouldn't be that back and I can take care of myself.
I also have an interview with Target next friday. Yes, I know, it's the anti-christ, but my parents wanted me to do it, and I'm more likely to get a job there because I've already worked for the company. But this time I won't have to work with food, thank god.
other than job searching I haven't really been doing anything this summer, it really kind of nice. I've gotten to sleep in most everyday, and I just sit and read my book, or go on my computer, and putz all day long.
My Birthday is in 6 days! I can't even tell you how excited I am. I'm only turning 19 but I'm still excited. Ellen and Gina were saying that they should throw me a party, and get everyone from the cast to come. I think that would be really fun. They were talking about going out to dinner but the quickly changed their minds, and I said I wanted to be able to drink at my party. Who knows if it's going to happen. I wouldn't care if it didn't, I mean it's not like I'm a big party person, or I always have birthday parties.
I've decided my calling in life. Since I have terrible stage fright, and my voice isn't stronge enough. I'm going to do costuming for operas! I think it's a perfect marriage of what I love. And plus I can still use my History major for time period costumes. I think that would be a splended idea.
Because I've been racking my brain trying to think that I'm going to do with a history Major, and I cannnot think of anything but work for a historical society, which would be fun but I don't know if I want to do that for the rest of my life, teach, which I definatly don't want to do, or go into law, which I ruled out because of my legal systems class. And of course I'm probably killing any idea of a job in history by narrowing it down it british history. I have know clue I how I'm ever going to get work with that. I could write but I would need a job too. Who know I've got a year or two to decide.