Vote Smart | Facts For All (original) (raw)

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Key Votes done Public Statements done Ratings/Endorsements done

Political Courage Test done

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Vote: Abigail Spanberger voted Yea (Passage) - HR 1513 - FUTURE Networks Act

Vote: Abigail Spanberger voted Yea (Passage) - HR 7213 - Autism CARES Act

Vote: Abigail Spanberger voted Yea (Passage) - HR 9076 - Supporting America's Children and Families Act

Vote: Abigail Spanberger voted Yea (Passage) - S 1146 - Find and Protect Foster Youth Act


Vote: Abigail Spanberger voted Nay (Passage) - HR 8314 - No Foreign Election Interference Act

Vote: Abigail Spanberger voted Yea (Passage) - S 2861 - Billie Jean King Congressional Gold Medal Act


Vote: Abigail Spanberger voted Nay (Passage) - HR 7980 - End Chinese Dominance of Electric Vehicles in America Act of 2024


Vote: Abigail Spanberger voted Nay (Passage) - HR 1398 - Protect America's Innovation and Economic Security from CCP Act of 2024

Vote: Abigail Spanberger voted Nay (Passage) - HR 1425 - No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act

Vote: Abigail Spanberger voted Yea (Passage) - HR 9456 - Protecting American Agriculture from Foreign Adversaries Act of 2024

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_perm_identity_Who is Spanberger?