Jarmo H Jantunen | University of Jyväskylä (original) (raw)

Papers by Jarmo H Jantunen

Research paper thumbnail of Synonymity and Lexical Simplification in Translations: A Corpus-Based Approach

Across Languages and Cultures

Simplification is one of the hypothesised universals of translation. It has been investigated, fi... more Simplification is one of the hypothesised universals of translation. It has been investigated, firstly, through the comparison of source and target texts, and secondly, by comparing translated and non-translated texts. In this paper, the focus is on the latter type of comparison. One aspect of simplification concerns the range of lexical items used in translations as opposed to non-translations. Corpus-based investigations conducted to this day suggest that the variety of lexicon is not narrower in translated texts than in non-translated texts. One reason for this might be found in the inherent nature of synonyms. Because of several restrictions on the use of synonyms, translators might not be able to use a more restricted or narrower range of near-synonyms than writers of non-translated texts. A brief quantitative analysis is carried out to explain this issue. A comparable corpus of 2.2 million words, which consists of translated and non-translated Finnish, provides the data for th...

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Research paper thumbnail of Introducing the International Comparable Corpus

This presentation introduces a new collaborative project: the International Comparable Corpus (IC... more This presentation introduces a new collaborative project: the International Comparable Corpus (ICC) (https://korpus.cz/icc), to be compiled from European national, standard(ised) languages, using the protocols for text categories and their quantities of texts in the International Corpus of English (ICE)

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Research paper thumbnail of Proceedings of the Research data and humanities (RDHUM) 2019 conference : data, methods and tools

Preface RDHum 2019, the Research Data and Humanities Conference, takes place August 14–16, 2019 a... more Preface RDHum 2019, the Research Data and Humanities Conference, takes place August 14–16, 2019 at the University of Oulu, Finland. RDHum 2019 is jointly organised by the University of Oulu and the University of Jyväskylä, in collaboration with FIN-CLARIN and The Language Bank of Finland. The event is the first in the series of conferences taking place biennially in one of the universities within the FIN-CLARIN Consortium. The first RDHum Conference is hosted by the University of Oulu, where the Oulu Corpus, a comprehensive and widely used digital research resource at the time, was collected and compiled in a project led by professor Pauli Saukkonen 50 years ago. Digital resources and technology are used more and more within the humanities and the social sciences. Researchers in digital humanities gather, administer, share and study rapidly accumulating digital resources. They also need various research methods and tools in analysing these resources. The conference Research Data and Humanities gathers researchers around these themes, and the scientific program of the Conference includes numerous topics related to digital data, digital methods and analysis in the Humanities. In this first Conference, the subjects of the presentations, posters and workshops come from several disciplines, such as linguistics, literary studies, computer science and information science. Thus the languages and societal phenomena under study, data and methods vary widely in the conference. The peer reviewed articles published in these proceedings are grouped into three categories according to their main focus: data, methods and tools. New data and corpora are presented in the following papers: Kurki et al. present Digilang, a joint venture to combine six different digital corpora. The corpora represent different kinds of data in various modalities. Ijaz seeks to determine editions analytically from bibliographic metadata. Lahti et al. describe the use of bibliograpghic data science in the study of bibliographic metadata collections. Pääkkönen presents challenges the end-user face with digital presentation systems and discusses the issues relating to metadata. Salonen et al. describe the collection and process of establishing the Corpus of Finlands Sign Language. They a lso discuss the storage, metadata and publication of the corpus. Jauhiainen presents Wanca in Korp, a sentence corpus for under-resourced Uralic languages and the process how the corpus was collected. New methods for digital humanities are presented in the following papers: Laippala in her paper discusses how to classify texts collected from the internet by means of automatic identification. Ryynänen and Hyyryläinen analyze the concept of Digital Humanities and propose a concept of “practical digital humanities” for describing research utilising a humanist approach to practical problem solving with digital technology development in the digital humanities context. Mikhailov compares texts by their frequency lists. He uses two different types of frequency word lists, unlemmatized and lemmatized, to conduct an experiment with. He observes the different outcomes of the two lists in the experiment. Ivaska presents an analysis of machine learning to identifying translated and non-translated Finnish texts and how to identify the source language of the translated text. Drobac and Linden discuss the issues relating to optical character recognition (OCR) in historical newspaper and journal text and assert that font families need to be recognized. They present an experiment relating to recognizing text in two different fonts. Cohrs and Petersen propose experimental methods of guessing a persons political party based on his tweets. Ijaz presents possibilities of analytical determination of editions from bibliographic metadata. Pääkkönen, Kettunen and Kervinen discuss findings made from user observations in searching digitized serial publications The following papers introduce new tools in digital humanities: Kettunen presents an analysis of semantic annotation of texts in the context of other automated tools for analyzing languages. He introduces a new tool, FiST, that has been developed to annotate semantically texts in Finnish. Huttunen describes digital games in reinforcing linguistic and socioemotional skills of children with communicative disabilities. She describes the properties of two versions of the game Tunne-etsivät and collection of research data from the users of the game. We gratefully acknowledge the financial and technical support from The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, FIN-CLARIN consortium, The Language Bank of Finland, and the Universities of Oulu and Jyväskylä, and the city of Oulu, which made this event possible. We would also like to thank all the members of the FIN-CLARIN steering group, the members scientific and organising committees and the local students in the University of Oulu who encouraged to organize this event and worked hard to make…

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Research paper thumbnail of Kaapin ovet selällään: vuorovaikutuksen heteronormatiivisuutta rikkomassa

Sukupuolivahemmistoihin kuuluvat henkilot joutuvat elamansa aikana paattamaan useasti, millaisia ... more Sukupuolivahemmistoihin kuuluvat henkilot joutuvat elamansa aikana paattamaan useasti, millaisia omaan suuntautumiseensa liittyvia kielellisia tekoja (perfomatiiveja) he tekevat ja miten nama vaikuttavat heidan elamaansa. Yksi tarkeimmiksi koetuista ja samalla vaikeimmista asioista on omasta seksuaali-identiteetista kertominen eli niin sanottu kaapista ulos tuleminen. Ulostulo koskee yhta hyvin homoja, lesboja, biseksuaaleja kuin transja intersukupuolisiakin (hlbti-henkilot). Myos omasta parisuhteesta kertominen voi aiheuttaa omat ongelmansa monissa tilanteissa, kuten viranomaisten kanssa asioidessa. Kaytannossa seksuaalivahemmistoon kuuluvan henkilon elama on lapi elaman kestavaa tasapainoilua kaapissa olemisen ja avoimuuden valilla ja avoimuuden asteeseen liittyvien kielellisten valintojen pohtimista. Sukupuolija seksuaalikasvatusta sisallytetaan kouluissa nykyisellaan muun muassa yhteiskuntatiedon, terveystiedon, psykologian ja biologian opetukseen, mutta taman lisaksi esimerkiks...

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Research paper thumbnail of Homoslangista queer-fennistiikkaan. Queer-lingvistisen tutkimuksen historia, nykyisyys ja tulevaisuus

Virittäjä, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Online discourses of ‘homosexuality’ and religion

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>This article examines Finnish online ... more <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>This article examines Finnish online forum discussions where religion and discourses of 'homosexuality' are connected in various ways. Previous research (e.g. <jats:xref>Jantunen 2018a</jats:xref>) shows that in Finnish online discussions where sexual minorities are the topic, religion stands out as a significant feature – particularly in discourses on 'homosexuality'. Via corpus-assisted discourse analysis (CADS), the present study adds to previous knowledge on this subject by qualitatively analyzing the occurrences of certain keywords in the Finnish societal context – one in which immigration and the visibility of both Islam and sexual minorities are perceived to have increased. The analysis found four interrelated key discourses in these online discussions: (1) Islamization as an alleged threat to gay people (in the data: 'homosexuals'); (2) the alleged indifference/ignorance of people to Islam's stance against sexual minorities; (3) relativist discourse(s) claiming all fundamentalists to be similar; and (4) othering – including for instance, the verbal stylization of Muslims as being particularly hypersexual.</jats:p>

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Research paper thumbnail of Mapping Digital Discourses of the Capital Region of Finland

Names, 2022

This article discusses the three Finnish city names Helsinki, Espoo, and Vantaa, and the urban di... more This article discusses the three Finnish city names Helsinki, Espoo, and Vantaa, and the urban discourses that surround them. The study reveals patterns of socio-spatial differentiation by examining what meanings people attach to these capital region cities and investigating how these meanings are expressed in online discourses. Using the methodological approach of corpus-assisted onomastics (CAO), this study incorporates onomastics, geographical information systems (GIS), and corpus linguistics. This interdisciplinary research also examines how corpus-assisted discourse studies (CADS) and GIS can be combined to reveal and visualize the contextual information and discursive patterns of toponyms. For this investigation, a data set of 2.7 billion words was collected from the Suomi24 Corpus, one of the biggest discussion fora in Finland. The use of social media corpus as a data source increases the authenticity of this research, as the data was not collected specifically for this study...

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Research paper thumbnail of Special issue on Learner Language, Learner Corpora: From corpus compilation to data analysis

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Estonian phraseological units on the basis of Finnish: Contributing and misleading factors

Lähivõrdlusi. Lähivertailuja, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Lexical and morphological priming: A holistic phraseological analysis of the Finnish time expression kello

Using the International Corpus of Learner Finnish, this study examines Finnish time expressions a... more Using the International Corpus of Learner Finnish, this study examines Finnish time expressions and the lexical item kello (‘watch, time, o’clock’), which is overused by learners of Finnish. The chapter provides a holistic phraseological account of kello that includes not only its collocates but also its morphological priming, n-grams and semantic associations. Previous studies on phraseology have mostly concentrated on languages like English, which have little inflection with the result that morphology has rarely been touched upon in phraseology studies. The results suggest that the analysis of learner language benefits from a holistic approach to phraseology and that morphological priming as well as semantic preference play an important role in the learner language phraseology.

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Research paper thumbnail of Corpora, phraseology and dictionaries : How does corpus research intersect language teaching and learning?

All material supplied via JYX is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, a... more All material supplied via JYX is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, and duplication or sale of all or part of any of the repository collections is not permitted, except that material may be duplicated by you for your research use or educational purposes in electronic or print form. You must obtain permission for any other use. Electronic or print copies may not be offered, whether for sale or otherwise to anyone who is not an authorised user. Corpora, phraseology and dictionaries : How does corpus research intersect language teaching and learning? Jantunen, Jarmo Harri

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Research paper thumbnail of Tärkeä seikka" ja "keskeinen kysymys" : Mitä korpuslingvistinen analyysi paljastaa lähisynonyymeistä

What can corpus-linguistic analysis reveal about near synonyms? (englanti) 2/2001 (105) Jarmo H. ... more What can corpus-linguistic analysis reveal about near synonyms? (englanti) 2/2001 (105) Jarmo H. Jantunen (jarmo.jantunen@joensuu.fi) WHAT CAN CORPUS-LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS REVEAL ABOUT NEAR SYNONYMS? Synonymy is a phenomenon of interest not only to linguists but to ordinary language users. Few instructions are available, however, for using synonyms. Dictionary definitions, for example, do not explain the differences and similarities of synonyms but simply give indicative, largely stylistic guidance. The article examines how synonyms can be distinguished from each other using corpus linguistics. The aim is to identify the rules by which a word is selected from amongst a group of synonyms with paradigmatic semantic relationships to be used in a relationship which is syntagmatic. The article is based on the theory (e.g. Cruse 1986; de Jonge 1993) that synonyms have both features in common and features that distinguish them from each other. For this reason, the term near synonym (Lyons 19...

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Research paper thumbnail of Korpusavusteinen virheanalyysi tarkkuuden kehityksestä EVK:n taitotasoilla A2–B2

Puhe ja kieli, 2020

Artikkelissa tarkastellaan kielitaidon taitotasoittaista kehittymistä potentiaalisten esiintymien... more Artikkelissa tarkastellaan kielitaidon taitotasoittaista kehittymistä potentiaalisten esiintymien analyysin (Potential Occasion Analysis, Thewissen, 2015) avulla. Kehittymistä analysoidaan tarkkuuden näkökulmasta, ja sitä mitataan kohdekielen muoto- ja käyttökonventioista poikkeavien muotojen määrällä. Tutkimus on korpuspohjaista virheanalyysia (Corpus-aided Error Analysis, Dagneaux, Dennes & Granger, 1998), ja se perustuu taitotasoilla havaittujen, yhdeksään virheluokkaan sijoittuvien virheiden määrien tilastolliseen testaukseen. Aineistona on Kansainvälinen oppijansuomen korpus (ICLFI). Analyysi osoittaa, että merkittävintä kehitys on tasojen B1 ja B2 välillä; tasojen A2 ja B1 välillä tarkkuuden kehityksessä on nähtävissä myös regressiota (esim. määrite- ja fraseologiset virheet) ja stabilaatiota, jota esiintyy erityisesti morfosyntaktisissa ja syntaktisissa virhetyypeissä. Tasojen B1 ja B2 välillä muutos on kuitenkin niin selvää, että erityisesti morfosyntaktisen ja syntaktisen t...

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Research paper thumbnail of Homot ja heterot Suomi24:ssä: analyysi digitaalisista diskursseista

Puhe ja kieli, 2018

Artikkelissani tarkastelen Suomi24-keskustelupalstan homouteen ja heterouteen liittyviä toistuvia... more Artikkelissani tarkastelen Suomi24-keskustelupalstan homouteen ja heterouteen liittyviä toistuvia diskursseja. Analyysi on toteutettu korpusavusteisena diskurssintutkimuksena (CADS), jossa suureen dataan perustuva tilastollinen avainsana-analyysi nostaa esiin suomalaisen yhteiskunnan sosiaalisesti jaetut diskurssit. Tulokset yhtäältä tukevat aiempia media-analyyseissä tehtyjä havaintoja voimakkaista affekteista ja vihapuheesta sekä homoseksuaalisuuden politisoitumisesta ja uskonnollistumisesta. Toisaalta se myös paljastaa homodiskurssien henkilöitymisen tai liittymisen tiettyihin henkilöryhmiin ja paikkoihin. Heterodiskurssit puolestaan eroavat selvästi homodiskursseista: niille on tyypillistä sekä rationaalinen että tunnepohjainen suuntautumiseen, seksuaalisuuteen ja sukupuoleen liittyvä keskustelu ja omien halujen ja seksuaalisuuden itserepresentointi.

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Research paper thumbnail of Korpusavusteinen diskurssintutkimus (CADS): analyysiesimerkki homouden ja heterouden digitaalisista diskursseista

AFinLA-e: Soveltavan kielitieteen tutkimuksia, 2018

The article aims at combining two methodological approaches, namely corpus linguistics and discou... more The article aims at combining two methodological approaches, namely corpus linguistics and discourse studies. Both of these approaches are present in corpus-assisted discourse studies (CADS) which makes use of both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. First, an attempt is made to discuss the differences and similarities of these two traditions based on Leech’s (2000) listing. However, it turns out that this listing does not include all necessary viewpoints, and those are further discussed. In the empirical section of the paper, the Suomi24 corpus is analysed in order to provide an example of CADS. The analysis was carried out through collocation and discourse prosody analyses. The results reveal recurring discourses related to homosexuality and heterosexuality on the Suomi24 discussion forum. They support earlier observations on media and CADS studies on discourses on homosexuality and also reveal new discourse patterns, as well as shed new light on discourses on heterosexual...

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Research paper thumbnail of Oppimiskontekstin vaikutus oppijanpragmatiikkaan: astemääritteet leksikaalisina nallekarhuina

Lähivõrdlusi. Lähivertailuja, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Language and affect: Go-say and come-say constructions in Finnish

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Research paper thumbnail of How to annotate morphologically rich learner language. Principles, problems and solutions

Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Tässä - Oulu

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Research paper thumbnail of Korpusonomastinen tutkimus slanginimistä Hesa ja Stadi digitaalisissa diskursseissa

Sananjalka, 2019

Artikkelissamme selvitämme Helsinkiä tarkoittavien slanginimien, Hesan ja Stadin, käyttöä uudenty... more Artikkelissamme selvitämme Helsinkiä tarkoittavien slanginimien, Hesan ja Stadin, käyttöä uudentyyppisen aineiston ja menetelmän avulla. Aiemmissa näitä nimiä koskevissa tutkimuksissa lähtökohta on ollut kvalitatiivinen, mutta tässä tutkimuksessa lähdemme liikkeelle laajasta digitaalisesta aineistosta ja tilastollisista menetelmistä. Tutkimuksemme on uusi avaus nimistöntutkimuksessa, ja nimitämme sitä korpusavusteiseksi nimistöntutkimukseksi, lyhyemmin korpusonomastiikaksi. Aineistonamme on laaja Suomi24-keskustelufoorumista muodostettu ja Kielipankista saatava Suomi24-korpus, josta olemme hakeneet Hesa- ja Stadi-nimet. Tutkimus toteutetaan korpusavusteisena diskurssintutkimuksena. Molemmat nimet esiintyvät aineistossa yli 45 000 kertaa. Analyysimme alkaa tilastollisesta kollokaatioanalyysista, minkä jälkeen kummankin nimen kollokaateista on valittu tarkasteltavaksi 200 merkitsevintä kollokaattia. Kollokaatit on ryhmitelty merkityksensä perusteella luokkiin, jotka muodostavat näiden...

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Research paper thumbnail of Synonymity and Lexical Simplification in Translations: A Corpus-Based Approach

Across Languages and Cultures

Simplification is one of the hypothesised universals of translation. It has been investigated, fi... more Simplification is one of the hypothesised universals of translation. It has been investigated, firstly, through the comparison of source and target texts, and secondly, by comparing translated and non-translated texts. In this paper, the focus is on the latter type of comparison. One aspect of simplification concerns the range of lexical items used in translations as opposed to non-translations. Corpus-based investigations conducted to this day suggest that the variety of lexicon is not narrower in translated texts than in non-translated texts. One reason for this might be found in the inherent nature of synonyms. Because of several restrictions on the use of synonyms, translators might not be able to use a more restricted or narrower range of near-synonyms than writers of non-translated texts. A brief quantitative analysis is carried out to explain this issue. A comparable corpus of 2.2 million words, which consists of translated and non-translated Finnish, provides the data for th...

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Research paper thumbnail of Introducing the International Comparable Corpus

This presentation introduces a new collaborative project: the International Comparable Corpus (IC... more This presentation introduces a new collaborative project: the International Comparable Corpus (ICC) (https://korpus.cz/icc), to be compiled from European national, standard(ised) languages, using the protocols for text categories and their quantities of texts in the International Corpus of English (ICE)

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Research paper thumbnail of Proceedings of the Research data and humanities (RDHUM) 2019 conference : data, methods and tools

Preface RDHum 2019, the Research Data and Humanities Conference, takes place August 14–16, 2019 a... more Preface RDHum 2019, the Research Data and Humanities Conference, takes place August 14–16, 2019 at the University of Oulu, Finland. RDHum 2019 is jointly organised by the University of Oulu and the University of Jyväskylä, in collaboration with FIN-CLARIN and The Language Bank of Finland. The event is the first in the series of conferences taking place biennially in one of the universities within the FIN-CLARIN Consortium. The first RDHum Conference is hosted by the University of Oulu, where the Oulu Corpus, a comprehensive and widely used digital research resource at the time, was collected and compiled in a project led by professor Pauli Saukkonen 50 years ago. Digital resources and technology are used more and more within the humanities and the social sciences. Researchers in digital humanities gather, administer, share and study rapidly accumulating digital resources. They also need various research methods and tools in analysing these resources. The conference Research Data and Humanities gathers researchers around these themes, and the scientific program of the Conference includes numerous topics related to digital data, digital methods and analysis in the Humanities. In this first Conference, the subjects of the presentations, posters and workshops come from several disciplines, such as linguistics, literary studies, computer science and information science. Thus the languages and societal phenomena under study, data and methods vary widely in the conference. The peer reviewed articles published in these proceedings are grouped into three categories according to their main focus: data, methods and tools. New data and corpora are presented in the following papers: Kurki et al. present Digilang, a joint venture to combine six different digital corpora. The corpora represent different kinds of data in various modalities. Ijaz seeks to determine editions analytically from bibliographic metadata. Lahti et al. describe the use of bibliograpghic data science in the study of bibliographic metadata collections. Pääkkönen presents challenges the end-user face with digital presentation systems and discusses the issues relating to metadata. Salonen et al. describe the collection and process of establishing the Corpus of Finlands Sign Language. They a lso discuss the storage, metadata and publication of the corpus. Jauhiainen presents Wanca in Korp, a sentence corpus for under-resourced Uralic languages and the process how the corpus was collected. New methods for digital humanities are presented in the following papers: Laippala in her paper discusses how to classify texts collected from the internet by means of automatic identification. Ryynänen and Hyyryläinen analyze the concept of Digital Humanities and propose a concept of “practical digital humanities” for describing research utilising a humanist approach to practical problem solving with digital technology development in the digital humanities context. Mikhailov compares texts by their frequency lists. He uses two different types of frequency word lists, unlemmatized and lemmatized, to conduct an experiment with. He observes the different outcomes of the two lists in the experiment. Ivaska presents an analysis of machine learning to identifying translated and non-translated Finnish texts and how to identify the source language of the translated text. Drobac and Linden discuss the issues relating to optical character recognition (OCR) in historical newspaper and journal text and assert that font families need to be recognized. They present an experiment relating to recognizing text in two different fonts. Cohrs and Petersen propose experimental methods of guessing a persons political party based on his tweets. Ijaz presents possibilities of analytical determination of editions from bibliographic metadata. Pääkkönen, Kettunen and Kervinen discuss findings made from user observations in searching digitized serial publications The following papers introduce new tools in digital humanities: Kettunen presents an analysis of semantic annotation of texts in the context of other automated tools for analyzing languages. He introduces a new tool, FiST, that has been developed to annotate semantically texts in Finnish. Huttunen describes digital games in reinforcing linguistic and socioemotional skills of children with communicative disabilities. She describes the properties of two versions of the game Tunne-etsivät and collection of research data from the users of the game. We gratefully acknowledge the financial and technical support from The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, FIN-CLARIN consortium, The Language Bank of Finland, and the Universities of Oulu and Jyväskylä, and the city of Oulu, which made this event possible. We would also like to thank all the members of the FIN-CLARIN steering group, the members scientific and organising committees and the local students in the University of Oulu who encouraged to organize this event and worked hard to make…

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Research paper thumbnail of Kaapin ovet selällään: vuorovaikutuksen heteronormatiivisuutta rikkomassa

Sukupuolivahemmistoihin kuuluvat henkilot joutuvat elamansa aikana paattamaan useasti, millaisia ... more Sukupuolivahemmistoihin kuuluvat henkilot joutuvat elamansa aikana paattamaan useasti, millaisia omaan suuntautumiseensa liittyvia kielellisia tekoja (perfomatiiveja) he tekevat ja miten nama vaikuttavat heidan elamaansa. Yksi tarkeimmiksi koetuista ja samalla vaikeimmista asioista on omasta seksuaali-identiteetista kertominen eli niin sanottu kaapista ulos tuleminen. Ulostulo koskee yhta hyvin homoja, lesboja, biseksuaaleja kuin transja intersukupuolisiakin (hlbti-henkilot). Myos omasta parisuhteesta kertominen voi aiheuttaa omat ongelmansa monissa tilanteissa, kuten viranomaisten kanssa asioidessa. Kaytannossa seksuaalivahemmistoon kuuluvan henkilon elama on lapi elaman kestavaa tasapainoilua kaapissa olemisen ja avoimuuden valilla ja avoimuuden asteeseen liittyvien kielellisten valintojen pohtimista. Sukupuolija seksuaalikasvatusta sisallytetaan kouluissa nykyisellaan muun muassa yhteiskuntatiedon, terveystiedon, psykologian ja biologian opetukseen, mutta taman lisaksi esimerkiks...

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Research paper thumbnail of Homoslangista queer-fennistiikkaan. Queer-lingvistisen tutkimuksen historia, nykyisyys ja tulevaisuus

Virittäjä, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Online discourses of ‘homosexuality’ and religion

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>This article examines Finnish online ... more <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>This article examines Finnish online forum discussions where religion and discourses of 'homosexuality' are connected in various ways. Previous research (e.g. <jats:xref>Jantunen 2018a</jats:xref>) shows that in Finnish online discussions where sexual minorities are the topic, religion stands out as a significant feature – particularly in discourses on 'homosexuality'. Via corpus-assisted discourse analysis (CADS), the present study adds to previous knowledge on this subject by qualitatively analyzing the occurrences of certain keywords in the Finnish societal context – one in which immigration and the visibility of both Islam and sexual minorities are perceived to have increased. The analysis found four interrelated key discourses in these online discussions: (1) Islamization as an alleged threat to gay people (in the data: 'homosexuals'); (2) the alleged indifference/ignorance of people to Islam's stance against sexual minorities; (3) relativist discourse(s) claiming all fundamentalists to be similar; and (4) othering – including for instance, the verbal stylization of Muslims as being particularly hypersexual.</jats:p>

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Research paper thumbnail of Mapping Digital Discourses of the Capital Region of Finland

Names, 2022

This article discusses the three Finnish city names Helsinki, Espoo, and Vantaa, and the urban di... more This article discusses the three Finnish city names Helsinki, Espoo, and Vantaa, and the urban discourses that surround them. The study reveals patterns of socio-spatial differentiation by examining what meanings people attach to these capital region cities and investigating how these meanings are expressed in online discourses. Using the methodological approach of corpus-assisted onomastics (CAO), this study incorporates onomastics, geographical information systems (GIS), and corpus linguistics. This interdisciplinary research also examines how corpus-assisted discourse studies (CADS) and GIS can be combined to reveal and visualize the contextual information and discursive patterns of toponyms. For this investigation, a data set of 2.7 billion words was collected from the Suomi24 Corpus, one of the biggest discussion fora in Finland. The use of social media corpus as a data source increases the authenticity of this research, as the data was not collected specifically for this study...

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Research paper thumbnail of Special issue on Learner Language, Learner Corpora: From corpus compilation to data analysis

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Research paper thumbnail of Understanding Estonian phraseological units on the basis of Finnish: Contributing and misleading factors

Lähivõrdlusi. Lähivertailuja, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Lexical and morphological priming: A holistic phraseological analysis of the Finnish time expression kello

Using the International Corpus of Learner Finnish, this study examines Finnish time expressions a... more Using the International Corpus of Learner Finnish, this study examines Finnish time expressions and the lexical item kello (‘watch, time, o’clock’), which is overused by learners of Finnish. The chapter provides a holistic phraseological account of kello that includes not only its collocates but also its morphological priming, n-grams and semantic associations. Previous studies on phraseology have mostly concentrated on languages like English, which have little inflection with the result that morphology has rarely been touched upon in phraseology studies. The results suggest that the analysis of learner language benefits from a holistic approach to phraseology and that morphological priming as well as semantic preference play an important role in the learner language phraseology.

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Research paper thumbnail of Corpora, phraseology and dictionaries : How does corpus research intersect language teaching and learning?

All material supplied via JYX is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, a... more All material supplied via JYX is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, and duplication or sale of all or part of any of the repository collections is not permitted, except that material may be duplicated by you for your research use or educational purposes in electronic or print form. You must obtain permission for any other use. Electronic or print copies may not be offered, whether for sale or otherwise to anyone who is not an authorised user. Corpora, phraseology and dictionaries : How does corpus research intersect language teaching and learning? Jantunen, Jarmo Harri

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Research paper thumbnail of Tärkeä seikka" ja "keskeinen kysymys" : Mitä korpuslingvistinen analyysi paljastaa lähisynonyymeistä

What can corpus-linguistic analysis reveal about near synonyms? (englanti) 2/2001 (105) Jarmo H. ... more What can corpus-linguistic analysis reveal about near synonyms? (englanti) 2/2001 (105) Jarmo H. Jantunen (jarmo.jantunen@joensuu.fi) WHAT CAN CORPUS-LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS REVEAL ABOUT NEAR SYNONYMS? Synonymy is a phenomenon of interest not only to linguists but to ordinary language users. Few instructions are available, however, for using synonyms. Dictionary definitions, for example, do not explain the differences and similarities of synonyms but simply give indicative, largely stylistic guidance. The article examines how synonyms can be distinguished from each other using corpus linguistics. The aim is to identify the rules by which a word is selected from amongst a group of synonyms with paradigmatic semantic relationships to be used in a relationship which is syntagmatic. The article is based on the theory (e.g. Cruse 1986; de Jonge 1993) that synonyms have both features in common and features that distinguish them from each other. For this reason, the term near synonym (Lyons 19...

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Research paper thumbnail of Korpusavusteinen virheanalyysi tarkkuuden kehityksestä EVK:n taitotasoilla A2–B2

Puhe ja kieli, 2020

Artikkelissa tarkastellaan kielitaidon taitotasoittaista kehittymistä potentiaalisten esiintymien... more Artikkelissa tarkastellaan kielitaidon taitotasoittaista kehittymistä potentiaalisten esiintymien analyysin (Potential Occasion Analysis, Thewissen, 2015) avulla. Kehittymistä analysoidaan tarkkuuden näkökulmasta, ja sitä mitataan kohdekielen muoto- ja käyttökonventioista poikkeavien muotojen määrällä. Tutkimus on korpuspohjaista virheanalyysia (Corpus-aided Error Analysis, Dagneaux, Dennes & Granger, 1998), ja se perustuu taitotasoilla havaittujen, yhdeksään virheluokkaan sijoittuvien virheiden määrien tilastolliseen testaukseen. Aineistona on Kansainvälinen oppijansuomen korpus (ICLFI). Analyysi osoittaa, että merkittävintä kehitys on tasojen B1 ja B2 välillä; tasojen A2 ja B1 välillä tarkkuuden kehityksessä on nähtävissä myös regressiota (esim. määrite- ja fraseologiset virheet) ja stabilaatiota, jota esiintyy erityisesti morfosyntaktisissa ja syntaktisissa virhetyypeissä. Tasojen B1 ja B2 välillä muutos on kuitenkin niin selvää, että erityisesti morfosyntaktisen ja syntaktisen t...

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Research paper thumbnail of Homot ja heterot Suomi24:ssä: analyysi digitaalisista diskursseista

Puhe ja kieli, 2018

Artikkelissani tarkastelen Suomi24-keskustelupalstan homouteen ja heterouteen liittyviä toistuvia... more Artikkelissani tarkastelen Suomi24-keskustelupalstan homouteen ja heterouteen liittyviä toistuvia diskursseja. Analyysi on toteutettu korpusavusteisena diskurssintutkimuksena (CADS), jossa suureen dataan perustuva tilastollinen avainsana-analyysi nostaa esiin suomalaisen yhteiskunnan sosiaalisesti jaetut diskurssit. Tulokset yhtäältä tukevat aiempia media-analyyseissä tehtyjä havaintoja voimakkaista affekteista ja vihapuheesta sekä homoseksuaalisuuden politisoitumisesta ja uskonnollistumisesta. Toisaalta se myös paljastaa homodiskurssien henkilöitymisen tai liittymisen tiettyihin henkilöryhmiin ja paikkoihin. Heterodiskurssit puolestaan eroavat selvästi homodiskursseista: niille on tyypillistä sekä rationaalinen että tunnepohjainen suuntautumiseen, seksuaalisuuteen ja sukupuoleen liittyvä keskustelu ja omien halujen ja seksuaalisuuden itserepresentointi.

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Research paper thumbnail of Korpusavusteinen diskurssintutkimus (CADS): analyysiesimerkki homouden ja heterouden digitaalisista diskursseista

AFinLA-e: Soveltavan kielitieteen tutkimuksia, 2018

The article aims at combining two methodological approaches, namely corpus linguistics and discou... more The article aims at combining two methodological approaches, namely corpus linguistics and discourse studies. Both of these approaches are present in corpus-assisted discourse studies (CADS) which makes use of both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. First, an attempt is made to discuss the differences and similarities of these two traditions based on Leech’s (2000) listing. However, it turns out that this listing does not include all necessary viewpoints, and those are further discussed. In the empirical section of the paper, the Suomi24 corpus is analysed in order to provide an example of CADS. The analysis was carried out through collocation and discourse prosody analyses. The results reveal recurring discourses related to homosexuality and heterosexuality on the Suomi24 discussion forum. They support earlier observations on media and CADS studies on discourses on homosexuality and also reveal new discourse patterns, as well as shed new light on discourses on heterosexual...

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Research paper thumbnail of Oppimiskontekstin vaikutus oppijanpragmatiikkaan: astemääritteet leksikaalisina nallekarhuina

Lähivõrdlusi. Lähivertailuja, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Language and affect: Go-say and come-say constructions in Finnish

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Research paper thumbnail of How to annotate morphologically rich learner language. Principles, problems and solutions

Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Tässä - Oulu

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Research paper thumbnail of Korpusonomastinen tutkimus slanginimistä Hesa ja Stadi digitaalisissa diskursseissa

Sananjalka, 2019

Artikkelissamme selvitämme Helsinkiä tarkoittavien slanginimien, Hesan ja Stadin, käyttöä uudenty... more Artikkelissamme selvitämme Helsinkiä tarkoittavien slanginimien, Hesan ja Stadin, käyttöä uudentyyppisen aineiston ja menetelmän avulla. Aiemmissa näitä nimiä koskevissa tutkimuksissa lähtökohta on ollut kvalitatiivinen, mutta tässä tutkimuksessa lähdemme liikkeelle laajasta digitaalisesta aineistosta ja tilastollisista menetelmistä. Tutkimuksemme on uusi avaus nimistöntutkimuksessa, ja nimitämme sitä korpusavusteiseksi nimistöntutkimukseksi, lyhyemmin korpusonomastiikaksi. Aineistonamme on laaja Suomi24-keskustelufoorumista muodostettu ja Kielipankista saatava Suomi24-korpus, josta olemme hakeneet Hesa- ja Stadi-nimet. Tutkimus toteutetaan korpusavusteisena diskurssintutkimuksena. Molemmat nimet esiintyvät aineistossa yli 45 000 kertaa. Analyysimme alkaa tilastollisesta kollokaatioanalyysista, minkä jälkeen kummankin nimen kollokaateista on valittu tarkasteltavaksi 200 merkitsevintä kollokaattia. Kollokaatit on ryhmitelty merkityksensä perusteella luokkiin, jotka muodostavat näiden...

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