Katja Mäkinen | University of Jyväskylä (original) (raw)
Conference Presentations by Katja Mäkinen
Poster Viktorija Čeginskas, Tuuli Lähdesmäki, Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus, Katja Mäkinen, and Johanna ... more Poster Viktorija Čeginskas, Tuuli Lähdesmäki, Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus, Katja Mäkinen, and Johanna Turunen: ‘Heritage sites as bizarre places’. Conference ‘Ethnography with a Twist’ (12-14 February 2019), University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 12 February 2019.
Tuuli Lähdesmäki, Viktorija Čeginskas, Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus & Katja Mäkinen: ‘Negotiating Borde... more Tuuli Lähdesmäki, Viktorija Čeginskas, Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus & Katja Mäkinen: ‘Negotiating Borders in European Cultural Heritage’. Association of Critical Heritage Studies. Third Biennal Conference, 1-6 September 2018, Hangzhou, China.
Presentation: Katja Mäkinen, Viktorija Čeginskas Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus, and Tuuli Lähdesmäki: ‘D... more Presentation: Katja Mäkinen, Viktorija Čeginskas Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus, and Tuuli Lähdesmäki: ‘Drawing and Crossing Borders. Negotiating Borders in the EU’s Cultural Heritage Policy’. International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR): The Cultural Governance of Global Flows: The Past and Future, 21-25 August 2018, Tallinn University, Estonia. 2018
Presentation: Viktorija Čeginskas, Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus, Tuuli Lähdesmäki & Katja Mäkinen: ‘Th... more Presentation: Viktorija Čeginskas, Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus, Tuuli Lähdesmäki & Katja Mäkinen: ‘The Geopolitics of European Cultural Heritage: Two Aspects of Borders’. Conference, The Cultural Heritage of Europe @ 2018. Re-assessing a Concept - Re-defining its Challenges, 4-5 June 2018, Institut national d’histoire de l’art/INHA, University of Sorbonne, Paris, France.
Papers by Katja Mäkinen
Creating and Governing Cultural Heritage in the European Union, 2020
Politiikka, 2021
Kamppailua kunnista ja yliopistoista, juhlaa valtio-opissa KATJA MÄKINEN MIIK A SALO Koronaviruse... more Kamppailua kunnista ja yliopistoista, juhlaa valtio-opissa KATJA MÄKINEN MIIK A SALO Koronavirusepidemian puhjettua alkuvuodesta 2020 poliittiset väittelyt loistivat poissaolollaan, kun huomio oli epidemian tuomassa uudessa tilanteessa. Epidemian pitkittyessä poliittinen keskustelu ja vastainasettelut ovat kuitenkin palanneet takaisin. Vapun alla koettu hallituskriisi ja oppositiopuolueiden kiistat EU:n elvytyspaketin hyväksymisestä eivät enää suoranaisesti liittyneet koronaepidemian kansalliseen hoitoon. Myös koronatoimenpiteet ovat herättäneet lisääntyvää debattia: esimerkiksi viime viikkoina tapahtuma-alaa koskevat rajoitukset ovat saaneet kritiikkiä myös hallituksen sisältä. Kuntavaalit oli alun perin tarkoitus järjestää 18.4.2021, mutta eduskunta päätti maaliskuun lopulla siirtää vaaleja kesäkuulle huonontuneen tautitilanteen vuoksi. Kaikki eduskuntapuolueet perussuomalaisia lukuun ottamatta kannattivat kuntavaalien siirtoa. Päätös tehtiin oikeusministerin ja puoluesihteerien välisissä neuvotteluissa vain kuusi viikkoa ennen vaalipäivää. Vaikka vaalien siirto sinänsä hyväksyttiinkin laajasti, sen ajoitus keräsi arvostelua. Mahdollisuus äänestää vaaleissa on keskeinen poliittinen oikeus. Niin vaalien järjestäminen pandemian keskellä kuin niiden siirtäminen voivat vaikuttaa äänestysaktiivisuuteen. Tästä syystä vaalien siirtäminen on merkittävä päätös, jonka tavoitteena täytyy olla kansalaisten poliittisen osallistuminen turvaaminen. Vaalien siirtoa perusteltiinkin juuri terveysturvallisuuden vaarantumisella (Oikeusministeriö 6.3.2021). Myös äänestysaktiivisuuden lasku nähtiin todellisena riskinä kun arveltiin ihmisten jäävän kotiin koronan pelossa. Kansalaisten keskinäisen tasa-arvon näkökulmasta erityisesti riskiryhmiin kuuluvat olisivat olleet epätasa-arvoisessa asemassa muihin nähden. (Emt.) Koronapandemia on tarjonnut useissa maissa syyn kehittää uusia äänestämismuotoja perinteisten vaalikäytäntöjen rinnalle äänestäjien ja vaalivirkailijoiden terveyden turvaamiseksi (Asplund ym. 2020; Heinmaa 2020). Esimerkiksi Saksan Baijerissa käyttöönotettu postiäänestys nosti paikallisvaalien äänestysaktiivisuutta (Wolf 2020). Myös verkkoäänestyksen mahdollisuudet ja riskit on nostettu jälleen keskusteluun (emt.). Suomessa ennakkoäänestysaikaa on pidennetty kahteen viikkoon, ja ainakin osa kunnista mahdollistaa äänestäminen ulkotiloissa esimerkiksi autosta erikseen perustettavilla "drive-in"-äänestyspaikoilla (Lapintie 15.4.2021). Uusien vaalikäytäntöjen vakiinnuttaminen ja jatkuva kehittäminen parantavat vaalien saavutettavuutta eri ihmisryhmille myös tulevaisuudessa väestön ikääntyessä. Koronaepidemia on heijastunut vahvasti vaalikampanjointiin, ja tänä vuonna toreilla ja kaduilla on nähty selvästi tavallista vähemmän perinteisiä vaalimökkejä ja esitteitään jakavia ehdokkaita. Tämä korostaa muun näkyvyyden ja aiemman tunnettavuuden merkitystä. Tilanne palvelee niitä, joilla on mahdollisuuksia ostaa mainostilaa tai jotka ovat jo muuten tunnettuja alueillaan, vaikka demokratiassa kaikilla tulisi olla yhdenvertainen mahdollisuus poliittiseen osallistumiseen yhteiskunnallisesta asemasta ja taustasta riippumatta. Sosiaalinen media tarjoaa parhaimmillaan hyvinkin edullisen tavan tuoda esiin omia näkemyksiä ja käydä keskustelua
Learning Cultural Literacy through Creative Practices in Schools, 2021
In this chapter, the authors analyze the artifacts in which students explore the idea of living t... more In this chapter, the authors analyze the artifacts in which students explore the idea of living together as a peaceful interaction between people and mutual enrichment of their difference based on basic rights and freedoms as well as mutual respect. In the CLLP, living together is approached as celebration of diversity intertwined with solidarity, equality, and human rights. The analysis reveals that students often approach living together from their own point of view, but are able to see others’ perspectives. The chapter discusses how learning about solidarity requires sensitivity for difference and thus lessons on the subject need to be planned carefully to ensure inclusive cultural practices and respect for diversity and difference.
Shaping Citizenship, 2017
The chapters in the following part, Debating Citizenship, bring concrete empirical political deba... more The chapters in the following part, Debating Citizenship, bring concrete empirical political debates on citizenship explicitly to the fore. They examine discussions and political struggles over the concept of citizenship with regard to access, rights and political activity that take place in parliaments and related arenas. The four chapters of Debating Citizenship examine topical themes demarcating citizenship, including territorial and, above all, political and conceptual demarcations. Each is considered to have important implications for the concept of citizenship, each posing new questions and demands for analysis. While investigating how citizenship is interpreted, negotiated and struggled over, the chapters show how new questions are emerging and become the foci of debate. As the history of the concept of citizenship is about inclusions and exclusions, common to all of the chapters in this part is precisely the inclusive and, in particular, the exclusive politics of citizenship. The chapters in Debating Citizenship apply the reflexive and constructivist approach to concepts in different ways. The authors analyse debates taking place in different national and international fore, including national parliamentary settings. These arenas are considered sites for politics and loci of conceptual debates: Here citizenship is politicised, interpreted, revised, new conceptualisations are introduced, and different categorisations and conditions for access are made up. As each of the chapters demonstrates, isolated definitions and singular end results are less interesting for our analysis of citizenship than the debates and struggles that take place over the concept in particular contexts and arenas involving political actors.
International Journal of Cultural Policy
This volume focuses on citizenship as a contested concept. We understand citizenship-as well as o... more This volume focuses on citizenship as a contested concept. We understand citizenship-as well as other key concepts in politics and Political Science-as objects of interpretative disputes both in their empirical reality and when they are used as analytical categories. This theoretical and methodological perspective on concepts challenges the common understanding and usage of concepts in Political Science in general, and in Comparative Politics in particular. A widely shared understanding in Political Science is that concepts serve as our tools, or lenses, with which we analyse reality. This is why it is important to carefully reflect on the concepts used. The way we choose and interpret a concept also shapes the lens with which we analyse reality-it shapes our angle, our way of analysis and our research design. The character and properties of the lenses and tools we use affect the way we obtain different views on reality and they can change our analytical results. To carefully reflect upon a concept is especially important where it is the basis for the comparative method of analysis. This is why a number of renowned comparativists such as Giovanni Sartori (1970) or Philippe Schmitter (2017) have underlined that it is crucial to be precise and reflected in defining and operationalising the research concepts. In a positivist approach, which is not infrequent in Comparative Politics, a concept then is understood as something that just needs to be defined and operationalized, in order to measure something on this basis. In this volume we argue contrary to such a positivist and essentialist view and suggest a reflexive and constructivist perspective on concepts instead. This opens up a broader
Challenges and Solutions in Ethnographic Research, 2020
This is a self-archived version of an original article. This version may differ from the original... more This is a self-archived version of an original article. This version may differ from the original in pagination and typographic details.
Cultural heritage is an expanding yet contested area of EU policymaking, which has recently been ... more Cultural heritage is an expanding yet contested area of EU policymaking, which has recently been identified as an instrument for EU international cultural relations. In this article, drawing from critical heritage studies and recent scholarship on heritage diplomacy, we see external and internal cultural relations as blurred and deeply entangled in EU heritage policies. Empirically, we focus on the European Heritage Label (EHL), a central EU heritage policy instrument. We explore how heritage practitioners at selected EHL sites and EU heritage policymakers understand and give meanings to international cultural relations and explain the role of cultural heritage in diplomatic endeavours. Our method is a dynamic frame analysis of 44 interviews conducted in the European Commission and at eleven EHL sites in ten European countries. The analysis identified four frames of international cultural relations in the data: relations with non-EU countries for peace and stability building, showcasing and branding of cultural heritage for foreign audiences, creating unity in Europe, and small-scale international heritage projects. These frames manifest different understandings of heritage diplomacy ranging from geoculture to shared heritage and from intercultural encounters to the use of soft power.
sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give a... more sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this book are included in the book's Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the book's Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
Creating and Governing Cultural Heritage in the European Union, 2020
Poster Viktorija Čeginskas, Tuuli Lähdesmäki, Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus, Katja Mäkinen, and Johanna ... more Poster Viktorija Čeginskas, Tuuli Lähdesmäki, Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus, Katja Mäkinen, and Johanna Turunen: ‘Heritage sites as bizarre places’. Conference ‘Ethnography with a Twist’ (12-14 February 2019), University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 12 February 2019.
Tuuli Lähdesmäki, Viktorija Čeginskas, Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus & Katja Mäkinen: ‘Negotiating Borde... more Tuuli Lähdesmäki, Viktorija Čeginskas, Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus & Katja Mäkinen: ‘Negotiating Borders in European Cultural Heritage’. Association of Critical Heritage Studies. Third Biennal Conference, 1-6 September 2018, Hangzhou, China.
Presentation: Katja Mäkinen, Viktorija Čeginskas Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus, and Tuuli Lähdesmäki: ‘D... more Presentation: Katja Mäkinen, Viktorija Čeginskas Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus, and Tuuli Lähdesmäki: ‘Drawing and Crossing Borders. Negotiating Borders in the EU’s Cultural Heritage Policy’. International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR): The Cultural Governance of Global Flows: The Past and Future, 21-25 August 2018, Tallinn University, Estonia. 2018
Presentation: Viktorija Čeginskas, Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus, Tuuli Lähdesmäki & Katja Mäkinen: ‘Th... more Presentation: Viktorija Čeginskas, Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus, Tuuli Lähdesmäki & Katja Mäkinen: ‘The Geopolitics of European Cultural Heritage: Two Aspects of Borders’. Conference, The Cultural Heritage of Europe @ 2018. Re-assessing a Concept - Re-defining its Challenges, 4-5 June 2018, Institut national d’histoire de l’art/INHA, University of Sorbonne, Paris, France.
Creating and Governing Cultural Heritage in the European Union, 2020
Politiikka, 2021
Kamppailua kunnista ja yliopistoista, juhlaa valtio-opissa KATJA MÄKINEN MIIK A SALO Koronaviruse... more Kamppailua kunnista ja yliopistoista, juhlaa valtio-opissa KATJA MÄKINEN MIIK A SALO Koronavirusepidemian puhjettua alkuvuodesta 2020 poliittiset väittelyt loistivat poissaolollaan, kun huomio oli epidemian tuomassa uudessa tilanteessa. Epidemian pitkittyessä poliittinen keskustelu ja vastainasettelut ovat kuitenkin palanneet takaisin. Vapun alla koettu hallituskriisi ja oppositiopuolueiden kiistat EU:n elvytyspaketin hyväksymisestä eivät enää suoranaisesti liittyneet koronaepidemian kansalliseen hoitoon. Myös koronatoimenpiteet ovat herättäneet lisääntyvää debattia: esimerkiksi viime viikkoina tapahtuma-alaa koskevat rajoitukset ovat saaneet kritiikkiä myös hallituksen sisältä. Kuntavaalit oli alun perin tarkoitus järjestää 18.4.2021, mutta eduskunta päätti maaliskuun lopulla siirtää vaaleja kesäkuulle huonontuneen tautitilanteen vuoksi. Kaikki eduskuntapuolueet perussuomalaisia lukuun ottamatta kannattivat kuntavaalien siirtoa. Päätös tehtiin oikeusministerin ja puoluesihteerien välisissä neuvotteluissa vain kuusi viikkoa ennen vaalipäivää. Vaikka vaalien siirto sinänsä hyväksyttiinkin laajasti, sen ajoitus keräsi arvostelua. Mahdollisuus äänestää vaaleissa on keskeinen poliittinen oikeus. Niin vaalien järjestäminen pandemian keskellä kuin niiden siirtäminen voivat vaikuttaa äänestysaktiivisuuteen. Tästä syystä vaalien siirtäminen on merkittävä päätös, jonka tavoitteena täytyy olla kansalaisten poliittisen osallistuminen turvaaminen. Vaalien siirtoa perusteltiinkin juuri terveysturvallisuuden vaarantumisella (Oikeusministeriö 6.3.2021). Myös äänestysaktiivisuuden lasku nähtiin todellisena riskinä kun arveltiin ihmisten jäävän kotiin koronan pelossa. Kansalaisten keskinäisen tasa-arvon näkökulmasta erityisesti riskiryhmiin kuuluvat olisivat olleet epätasa-arvoisessa asemassa muihin nähden. (Emt.) Koronapandemia on tarjonnut useissa maissa syyn kehittää uusia äänestämismuotoja perinteisten vaalikäytäntöjen rinnalle äänestäjien ja vaalivirkailijoiden terveyden turvaamiseksi (Asplund ym. 2020; Heinmaa 2020). Esimerkiksi Saksan Baijerissa käyttöönotettu postiäänestys nosti paikallisvaalien äänestysaktiivisuutta (Wolf 2020). Myös verkkoäänestyksen mahdollisuudet ja riskit on nostettu jälleen keskusteluun (emt.). Suomessa ennakkoäänestysaikaa on pidennetty kahteen viikkoon, ja ainakin osa kunnista mahdollistaa äänestäminen ulkotiloissa esimerkiksi autosta erikseen perustettavilla "drive-in"-äänestyspaikoilla (Lapintie 15.4.2021). Uusien vaalikäytäntöjen vakiinnuttaminen ja jatkuva kehittäminen parantavat vaalien saavutettavuutta eri ihmisryhmille myös tulevaisuudessa väestön ikääntyessä. Koronaepidemia on heijastunut vahvasti vaalikampanjointiin, ja tänä vuonna toreilla ja kaduilla on nähty selvästi tavallista vähemmän perinteisiä vaalimökkejä ja esitteitään jakavia ehdokkaita. Tämä korostaa muun näkyvyyden ja aiemman tunnettavuuden merkitystä. Tilanne palvelee niitä, joilla on mahdollisuuksia ostaa mainostilaa tai jotka ovat jo muuten tunnettuja alueillaan, vaikka demokratiassa kaikilla tulisi olla yhdenvertainen mahdollisuus poliittiseen osallistumiseen yhteiskunnallisesta asemasta ja taustasta riippumatta. Sosiaalinen media tarjoaa parhaimmillaan hyvinkin edullisen tavan tuoda esiin omia näkemyksiä ja käydä keskustelua
Learning Cultural Literacy through Creative Practices in Schools, 2021
In this chapter, the authors analyze the artifacts in which students explore the idea of living t... more In this chapter, the authors analyze the artifacts in which students explore the idea of living together as a peaceful interaction between people and mutual enrichment of their difference based on basic rights and freedoms as well as mutual respect. In the CLLP, living together is approached as celebration of diversity intertwined with solidarity, equality, and human rights. The analysis reveals that students often approach living together from their own point of view, but are able to see others’ perspectives. The chapter discusses how learning about solidarity requires sensitivity for difference and thus lessons on the subject need to be planned carefully to ensure inclusive cultural practices and respect for diversity and difference.
Shaping Citizenship, 2017
The chapters in the following part, Debating Citizenship, bring concrete empirical political deba... more The chapters in the following part, Debating Citizenship, bring concrete empirical political debates on citizenship explicitly to the fore. They examine discussions and political struggles over the concept of citizenship with regard to access, rights and political activity that take place in parliaments and related arenas. The four chapters of Debating Citizenship examine topical themes demarcating citizenship, including territorial and, above all, political and conceptual demarcations. Each is considered to have important implications for the concept of citizenship, each posing new questions and demands for analysis. While investigating how citizenship is interpreted, negotiated and struggled over, the chapters show how new questions are emerging and become the foci of debate. As the history of the concept of citizenship is about inclusions and exclusions, common to all of the chapters in this part is precisely the inclusive and, in particular, the exclusive politics of citizenship. The chapters in Debating Citizenship apply the reflexive and constructivist approach to concepts in different ways. The authors analyse debates taking place in different national and international fore, including national parliamentary settings. These arenas are considered sites for politics and loci of conceptual debates: Here citizenship is politicised, interpreted, revised, new conceptualisations are introduced, and different categorisations and conditions for access are made up. As each of the chapters demonstrates, isolated definitions and singular end results are less interesting for our analysis of citizenship than the debates and struggles that take place over the concept in particular contexts and arenas involving political actors.
International Journal of Cultural Policy
This volume focuses on citizenship as a contested concept. We understand citizenship-as well as o... more This volume focuses on citizenship as a contested concept. We understand citizenship-as well as other key concepts in politics and Political Science-as objects of interpretative disputes both in their empirical reality and when they are used as analytical categories. This theoretical and methodological perspective on concepts challenges the common understanding and usage of concepts in Political Science in general, and in Comparative Politics in particular. A widely shared understanding in Political Science is that concepts serve as our tools, or lenses, with which we analyse reality. This is why it is important to carefully reflect on the concepts used. The way we choose and interpret a concept also shapes the lens with which we analyse reality-it shapes our angle, our way of analysis and our research design. The character and properties of the lenses and tools we use affect the way we obtain different views on reality and they can change our analytical results. To carefully reflect upon a concept is especially important where it is the basis for the comparative method of analysis. This is why a number of renowned comparativists such as Giovanni Sartori (1970) or Philippe Schmitter (2017) have underlined that it is crucial to be precise and reflected in defining and operationalising the research concepts. In a positivist approach, which is not infrequent in Comparative Politics, a concept then is understood as something that just needs to be defined and operationalized, in order to measure something on this basis. In this volume we argue contrary to such a positivist and essentialist view and suggest a reflexive and constructivist perspective on concepts instead. This opens up a broader
Challenges and Solutions in Ethnographic Research, 2020
This is a self-archived version of an original article. This version may differ from the original... more This is a self-archived version of an original article. This version may differ from the original in pagination and typographic details.
Cultural heritage is an expanding yet contested area of EU policymaking, which has recently been ... more Cultural heritage is an expanding yet contested area of EU policymaking, which has recently been identified as an instrument for EU international cultural relations. In this article, drawing from critical heritage studies and recent scholarship on heritage diplomacy, we see external and internal cultural relations as blurred and deeply entangled in EU heritage policies. Empirically, we focus on the European Heritage Label (EHL), a central EU heritage policy instrument. We explore how heritage practitioners at selected EHL sites and EU heritage policymakers understand and give meanings to international cultural relations and explain the role of cultural heritage in diplomatic endeavours. Our method is a dynamic frame analysis of 44 interviews conducted in the European Commission and at eleven EHL sites in ten European countries. The analysis identified four frames of international cultural relations in the data: relations with non-EU countries for peace and stability building, showcasing and branding of cultural heritage for foreign audiences, creating unity in Europe, and small-scale international heritage projects. These frames manifest different understandings of heritage diplomacy ranging from geoculture to shared heritage and from intercultural encounters to the use of soft power.
sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give a... more sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this book are included in the book's Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the book's Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
Creating and Governing Cultural Heritage in the European Union, 2020
Creating and Governing Cultural Heritage in the European Union, 2020
One of the greatest challenges in today's European societies is the polarization of societal ... more One of the greatest challenges in today's European societies is the polarization of societal groups and opinions. Attempts to tackle this challenge need to start from children and young people. Cultural literacy learning is a key to advance tolerant, empathetic, and inclusive attitudes towards diversity and differences.It is important that the EU strengthens its current education initiatives and policies and creates new ones emphasizing cultural literacy learning based ondialogue and argumentation as core skills for participating in a pluralistic society. These initiatives and policies should recognize creative practices asan effective arena for teaching empathy.The EU's education policies and initiatives could better acknowledge young children and early education.