zasm - z80 online assembler (original) (raw)
| | --z80: target a standard Z80 cpu. | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | | | --8080: limit instructions to the Intel 8080 cpu. | | | | --z180: Enable the additional instructions of the Z180 / HD64180 cpu.Note: the Z180 cpu traps illegal instructions. Therefore no illegal opcodes are allowed with --z180. | | | | --asm8080: use 8080 assembler syntax. implies --casefold. | | | | --convert8080: convert 8080 assembler to z80 syntax. implies --asm8080. *new!* | | | | --reqcolon: require colon after program label definitions Normally labels must start in column 1 and instructions must be preceded by space. With this option label definitions and instructions can start in any column. | | | | --dotnames: allow label names starting with a dot | | | | --casefold: label names are case insensitive This option is implied by --asm8080. Instructions, macro and register names are always case insensitive. | | | | --flatops: no operator priority: evaluate strictly from left to right Note: normal operator precedence: ! ~ + – ▶︎ >> << ▶︎ & | ^ ▶︎ * / % ▶︎ + – ▶︎ > >= etc. ▶︎ && | | ▶︎ ?: | | | --ixcbr2: enable illegal IXCB opcodes like "set 0,(ix+N),b" | | | | --ixcbxh: enable illegal IXCB opcodes like "set 0,xh" | |