Mükremin Özkan ARSLAN | Kafkas University (original) (raw)
Papers by Mükremin Özkan ARSLAN
Türkiye parazitoloji dergisi, 2016
Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 1997
... 0/14(0) 0/4(0) 0/18(0) 3/14(21.4) 2/4(50) 5/18(27.8) 2/9(22.2) 1/2(50) 3/11(27.3) 1/9(11.1) 0... more ... 0/14(0) 0/4(0) 0/18(0) 3/14(21.4) 2/4(50) 5/18(27.8) 2/9(22.2) 1/2(50) 3/11(27.3) 1/9(11.1) 0/2(0) 1/11(9.1) Bogazköy 2/13(15.4) 0/2(0) 2/15(13.3) 4/12(33.3) 0/2(0) 4/14(28.6) Çakmak 6/16 ... 27 Irmak K, Sahal M: Buzagilarda deneysel cryptosporidiosis'de klinik bulgular ve sagaltim ...
Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, 1998
In this study, 768 faecal samples were examined between June 1993-May 1994 to determine the speci... more In this study, 768 faecal samples were examined between June 1993-May 1994 to determine the species and the prevalence rates of Eimeriidae in the cattle of Thracia area (The European part of Turkey). The prevalence rate of eimeridosis was found to be 68%. The species determined and their prevalence rates were as follows: Eimeria bovis(34%), E.auburnensis(27%), E.zeuernii(26%), E.ellipsoiDalis (14%), E.canadensis (12%), E.cylindrica (7.9%), E.supspherica (7.2%), E.alabamensis (4.9%), E.bukidnonensis (2.2%), E.brasiliensis (0.8%) and Isospora sp. (1.2%). Of 768 animals, 29% were found to be infected with single species, 39% with mixed ones and 32% were non-infected. During the study, two calves showed bloody diarrhoea. From these calves, E.ellipsoiDalis and E.zuernii were identified. Their OPG values were 37200 and 47000 respectively. A positive correlation (r=0.96) was found between OPG values and the percentages of animals with not-formed faeces (from soft faeces to bloody diarrhoea...
Türkiye parazitoloji dergisi, 2005
... Cemal GÜNDOĞDU1, Remzi ARSLAN1, M. Özkan ARSLAN2, Yunus GICIK2 ... 58 AE (20) Sivas&#... more ... Cemal GÜNDOĞDU1, Remzi ARSLAN1, M. Özkan ARSLAN2, Yunus GICIK2 ... 58 AE (20) Sivas'da 128 KE, 1 AE (10), Eskişehir'de 208 KE (14), Konya yöresinde 885 KE (22), Diyarbakır'da 138 KE, 20 AE (23), Ankara'da 1470 KE, 14 AE (9), Bursa'da 193 KE (27), Aydın' ...
Veterinarni Medicina, Jan 31, 2004
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Feb 1, 2001
In this clinical case report, winter coccidiosis was aimed to present in a six months old calf. T... more In this clinical case report, winter coccidiosis was aimed to present in a six months old calf. The material of this case was one of the diarrheic calves brought to the Clinic of Internal Medicine unit of Veterinary Faculty of Kafkas University from a farm in which two of the calves had died. At the clinical and parasitological examination of the calf, it was diagnosed that peracute coccidiosis caused by Eimeria zuernii. The number of oocysts per gram of faeces (OPG) was determined as 78.000. Oocysts were composed of 95% E. zuernii and 5 % E. bovis. This case occurred in winter season was described as ‘winter coccidiosis’. Sulpamezathine and supportive therapy were used for treatment of the case and recovery was observed. As a result, the cases of peracute coccidiosis in calves naturally infected by E. zuernii should be considered in winter.
Türkiye Parazitol Derg, 2004
Page 1. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 28 (3): 136-139 2004 Kars İlinde Kesilen Sığır ve Koyunlarda... more Page 1. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 28 (3): 136-139 2004 Kars İlinde Kesilen Sığır ve Koyunlarda Kistik Ekinokokkozisin Yaygınlığı Yunus GICIK1, M.Özkan ARSLAN1, Murat KARA1 , Mustafa KÖSE2 1Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner ...
Türkiye parazitoloji dergisi, 2008
This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of cryptosporidiosis and to identify Cryptos... more This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of cryptosporidiosis and to identify Cryptosporidium species found in preweaned calves, in Erzurum, Turkey. Fecal samples were collected from 307 calves up to one month old from 5 dairy farms. Genomic DNA was obtained by DNA extraction (QIAamp DNA Stool kit). The prevalence of cryptosporidiosis was determined based on identification through a nested PCR protocol to amplify fragments ofthe Cryptosporidium SSU rRNAgene. 3.9% of calves were positive for Cryptosporidium. Calves that were subjected to traditional herd management, were female, aged 2 weeks, and had watery feces were affected by the disease at a greater incidence than those were subjected to planned herd surveillance program, were males, were older than 3 weeks, and had firm feces. DNA sequence analysis ofthe SSU rRNA gene on all ofthe PCR positive samples ascertained that C parvum was the only species present. Further studies should be performed comprehensive fecal analysis for other causative agents for association Cryptosporidium species in calf diarrhea and mortality resulting in economic loss in the region.
PubMed, 2008
This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites in 2-6 year-old ch... more This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites in 2-6 year-old children who were brought to Kars Maternal and Children's Hospital with complaints of gastrointestinal symptoms during March-June 2007. Fecal samples were taken from children and brought to the parasitology laboratory of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine to be examined for intestinal parasites. Fecal samples were examined by centrifugal formalin ether, zinc-sulphate floatation, and modified acid fast techniques. Lugol solution was used during microscopic examination and suspected samples were also examined by the Giemsa dye technique. The prevalence of intestinal parasites in children was found to be 36.2% (50/138). Protozoan and helminth parasites were found to be 34.1% (47/138) and 2.9% (4/138) in the fecal samples examined, respectively. Giardia intestinalis (10.9%), Entamoeba histolytica/dispar (10.1%), Entamoeba coli (8%), Blastocystis hominis (6.5%), Endolimax nana (4.3%), Chilomastix mesnili (1.4%), Ascaris lumbricoides (1.4%), Entamoeba hartmanni (0.7%), Cyclospora cayetanensis (0.7%), Enterobius vermicularis (0.7%) and Hymenolepis nana (0.7%) were identified from the feces of children of Kars and vicinity. No Cryptosporidium spp. was detected.
Türkiye parazitolojii dergisi / Türkiye Parazitoloji Derneği = Acta parasitologica Turcica / Turkish Society for Parasitology, 2008
This study was carried out between March and April, 2007 to determine the prevalence of Cryptospo... more This study was carried out between March and April, 2007 to determine the prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. in calves. The study was performed in 30 farms of 12 different localities of Erzurum and vicinity. The fecal samples were taken directly from the rectums of calves which were no more than three months old. The samples were centrifuged and examined under microscope by using the modified acid-fast technique. The prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. was found to be 22.8% (43/189). The rate of infection was 30.3% (36/119) in calves with diarrhea and 10% (7/70) in healthy calves. The prevalence of the protozoan was 91.7% (11/12) and 53.3% (16/30) in localities and farms respectively. The prevalence was 17.3% (18/104) in state farms and 29.4% in village farms. During the research period, the presence of Cryptosporidiosis was suspected in 16 calves on two different farms. Fourteen of 16 calves (87.5%) were found to be infected with Cryptosporidium spp.
Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
Kars ilinde faaliyet gösteren Kars Et Kombinasında kesilen 736 adet iki yaş ve üzerindeki koyunun... more Kars ilinde faaliyet gösteren Kars Et Kombinasında kesilen 736 adet iki yaş ve üzerindeki koyunun karaciğer muayeneleri sonucunda %44.4 (327/736) oranında karaciğer trematodları ile enfekte oldukları tespit edilmiştir. Enfeksiyondan sorumlu türler %41 (302/736) Dicrocoelium dendriticum ve %9.4 (69/736) Fasciola hepatica olarak belirlenmiştir.
Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2008
Bu çalýşma; Erzurum ilinde buzağýlarda coccidiosise neden olan türleri belirlemek amacýyla yapýlm... more Bu çalýşma; Erzurum ilinde buzağýlarda coccidiosise neden olan türleri belirlemek amacýyla yapýlmýştýr. Araştýrma, Mart-Nisan 2007'de,12 yerleşim yerinden seçilen 30 ahýr/çiftlikte yürütülmüştür. Sütçü işletmelerde bulunan, klinik olarak ishalli ya da normal dýşkýlý 3 aylýğa kadar olan 189 buzağýnýn rektumlarýndan alýnan taze dýşký örnekleri çinko sülfat santrifüj flotasyon yöntemi ile incelenmiştir. Erzurum'da buzağýlarýn %25.9 (49/189)'unda coccidia etkeni saptanmýştýr. Eimeria türleri ile enfeksiyon oraný ishalli buzağýlarda %31.9 (38/119), sağlýklý olanlarda ise %15.7 (11/70) olarak bulunmuştur. Eimeria türlerinin prevalansý 1-3 aylýk buzağýlarda (%31.0; 31/100) bir aylýğa kadar olanlara (%20.2; 18/89) göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Seçilen 12 yerleşim yerinin 11 (%91.7)'indeki çiftlik/ahýrlarýn 22 (%73.3)'sinde coccidia oocystlerine rastlanmýştýr. Eimeria oocystleri kamu çiftliklerinde %19.2 (20/104) ve halk tipi yetiştirmelerde %34.1 (29/85) oranýnda görülmüştür. Enfekte buzağýlarda Eimeria ellipsoidalis (%51.0), E. auburnensis (%38.8), E. bovis (%32.7), E. zuernii (%22.5), E. subspherica (%16.3), E. canadensis (%6.1), E. alabamensis (%4.1), E. brasiliensis (%4.1) ve E. bukidnonensis (%4.1) olmak üzere 9 coccidia etkeni tanýmlanmýştýr.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Mar 27, 2011
Bu derlemede, Türkiye'nin kuzeydoğusunda ki hayvanlarda ve insanlarda myiasis etkenlerinin yayılı... more Bu derlemede, Türkiye'nin kuzeydoğusunda ki hayvanlarda ve insanlarda myiasis etkenlerinin yayılışı, korunma ve kontrolü ile ilgili bilgi verilmiş ve eldeki veriler değerlendirilmiştir. Erzurum ilinde yapılan bir araştırmada, Sarcophagidae familyasına ait 17 tür bildirilmiştir. Kars ilinde iktisadi zarar açısından önemli olan Hypoderma bovis'in yaygınlığı sığırlarda % 31,9 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Enfeste hayvan başına düşen ortalama larva sayısı ise 8,46 olarak bulunmuştur. Oestrus ovis'e ise koyunlarda % 40,3 oranında rastlanılmıştır. Bu parazite ait ortalama larva sayısı muayene edilen hayvanlarda 1,8 iken, enfeste hayvanlarda 4,5 olarak bulunmuştur. Bölgedeki hayvanlarda görülen bu myiasis oranları hem Avrupa ülkelerine hem de Türkiye'nin batı bölgelerine göre yüksektir. İnsanlarda, ektoparaziter enfestasyonlar içerisinde myiasis Kuzeydoğu Anadolu'da da önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Koyun ve sığır yetiştiriciliğinin yoğun olarak yapıldığı bu bölgede hem meradakiler ve hem de ahır/ağıl çevresindeki insanlar myiasis riski altındadırlar Bölgede ki insanlarda ve hayvanlarda fakültatif myiasis etkeni olarak en çok Lucilia sericata ve yanı sıra Wohlfahrtia magnifica'ya da rastlanmaktadır. Bölge genelinde sinek popülasyonunun yoğun olduğu Mayıs-Ekim ayları süresince klinik muayenelerde myiasis açısından hekimlerce dikkate alınmalıdır.
Acta Tropica, 2019
Accurate species identification provides the foundation for successful pest management and vector... more Accurate species identification provides the foundation for successful pest management and vector control of black flies. Accordingly, we examined the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene sequences of four morphologically and chromosomally identified species of black flies (Simulium vernumgroup sp., S. bergi Rubtsov, S. bezzii (Corti), and S. kiritshenkoi Rubtsov) in Northeast Anatolia Region of Turkey where simuliid pest problems and simuliotoxicosis cases have been reported among cattle. COI gene sequences of these species and closely related species available in GenBank were used to provide species-level diagnoses and infer relationships. Both subgenera (Nevermannia and Simulium) were monophyletic, and subclades generally corresponded with species groups. Intraspecific genetic divergence was 0.2-1.6%, whereas the mean interspecific genetic divergence among the four species was 11.2-14.5%. The COI analysis produced results congruent with morphological concepts of the nominal species S. bergi and S. bezzii. Probable misidentifications in GenBank were revealed, especially for species in the S. ornatum and S. vernum groups, complicating identification capability. Sequence variation in the COI barcode region also might not be adequate for species delineation and identification among some species in these two species groups.
Türkiye parazitoloji dergisi, 2016
Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 1997
... 0/14(0) 0/4(0) 0/18(0) 3/14(21.4) 2/4(50) 5/18(27.8) 2/9(22.2) 1/2(50) 3/11(27.3) 1/9(11.1) 0... more ... 0/14(0) 0/4(0) 0/18(0) 3/14(21.4) 2/4(50) 5/18(27.8) 2/9(22.2) 1/2(50) 3/11(27.3) 1/9(11.1) 0/2(0) 1/11(9.1) Bogazköy 2/13(15.4) 0/2(0) 2/15(13.3) 4/12(33.3) 0/2(0) 4/14(28.6) Çakmak 6/16 ... 27 Irmak K, Sahal M: Buzagilarda deneysel cryptosporidiosis'de klinik bulgular ve sagaltim ...
Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, 1998
In this study, 768 faecal samples were examined between June 1993-May 1994 to determine the speci... more In this study, 768 faecal samples were examined between June 1993-May 1994 to determine the species and the prevalence rates of Eimeriidae in the cattle of Thracia area (The European part of Turkey). The prevalence rate of eimeridosis was found to be 68%. The species determined and their prevalence rates were as follows: Eimeria bovis(34%), E.auburnensis(27%), E.zeuernii(26%), E.ellipsoiDalis (14%), E.canadensis (12%), E.cylindrica (7.9%), E.supspherica (7.2%), E.alabamensis (4.9%), E.bukidnonensis (2.2%), E.brasiliensis (0.8%) and Isospora sp. (1.2%). Of 768 animals, 29% were found to be infected with single species, 39% with mixed ones and 32% were non-infected. During the study, two calves showed bloody diarrhoea. From these calves, E.ellipsoiDalis and E.zuernii were identified. Their OPG values were 37200 and 47000 respectively. A positive correlation (r=0.96) was found between OPG values and the percentages of animals with not-formed faeces (from soft faeces to bloody diarrhoea...
Türkiye parazitoloji dergisi, 2005
... Cemal GÜNDOĞDU1, Remzi ARSLAN1, M. Özkan ARSLAN2, Yunus GICIK2 ... 58 AE (20) Sivas&#... more ... Cemal GÜNDOĞDU1, Remzi ARSLAN1, M. Özkan ARSLAN2, Yunus GICIK2 ... 58 AE (20) Sivas'da 128 KE, 1 AE (10), Eskişehir'de 208 KE (14), Konya yöresinde 885 KE (22), Diyarbakır'da 138 KE, 20 AE (23), Ankara'da 1470 KE, 14 AE (9), Bursa'da 193 KE (27), Aydın' ...
Veterinarni Medicina, Jan 31, 2004
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Feb 1, 2001
In this clinical case report, winter coccidiosis was aimed to present in a six months old calf. T... more In this clinical case report, winter coccidiosis was aimed to present in a six months old calf. The material of this case was one of the diarrheic calves brought to the Clinic of Internal Medicine unit of Veterinary Faculty of Kafkas University from a farm in which two of the calves had died. At the clinical and parasitological examination of the calf, it was diagnosed that peracute coccidiosis caused by Eimeria zuernii. The number of oocysts per gram of faeces (OPG) was determined as 78.000. Oocysts were composed of 95% E. zuernii and 5 % E. bovis. This case occurred in winter season was described as ‘winter coccidiosis’. Sulpamezathine and supportive therapy were used for treatment of the case and recovery was observed. As a result, the cases of peracute coccidiosis in calves naturally infected by E. zuernii should be considered in winter.
Türkiye Parazitol Derg, 2004
Page 1. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 28 (3): 136-139 2004 Kars İlinde Kesilen Sığır ve Koyunlarda... more Page 1. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi 28 (3): 136-139 2004 Kars İlinde Kesilen Sığır ve Koyunlarda Kistik Ekinokokkozisin Yaygınlığı Yunus GICIK1, M.Özkan ARSLAN1, Murat KARA1 , Mustafa KÖSE2 1Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner ...
Türkiye parazitoloji dergisi, 2008
This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of cryptosporidiosis and to identify Cryptos... more This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of cryptosporidiosis and to identify Cryptosporidium species found in preweaned calves, in Erzurum, Turkey. Fecal samples were collected from 307 calves up to one month old from 5 dairy farms. Genomic DNA was obtained by DNA extraction (QIAamp DNA Stool kit). The prevalence of cryptosporidiosis was determined based on identification through a nested PCR protocol to amplify fragments ofthe Cryptosporidium SSU rRNAgene. 3.9% of calves were positive for Cryptosporidium. Calves that were subjected to traditional herd management, were female, aged 2 weeks, and had watery feces were affected by the disease at a greater incidence than those were subjected to planned herd surveillance program, were males, were older than 3 weeks, and had firm feces. DNA sequence analysis ofthe SSU rRNA gene on all ofthe PCR positive samples ascertained that C parvum was the only species present. Further studies should be performed comprehensive fecal analysis for other causative agents for association Cryptosporidium species in calf diarrhea and mortality resulting in economic loss in the region.
PubMed, 2008
This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites in 2-6 year-old ch... more This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites in 2-6 year-old children who were brought to Kars Maternal and Children's Hospital with complaints of gastrointestinal symptoms during March-June 2007. Fecal samples were taken from children and brought to the parasitology laboratory of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine to be examined for intestinal parasites. Fecal samples were examined by centrifugal formalin ether, zinc-sulphate floatation, and modified acid fast techniques. Lugol solution was used during microscopic examination and suspected samples were also examined by the Giemsa dye technique. The prevalence of intestinal parasites in children was found to be 36.2% (50/138). Protozoan and helminth parasites were found to be 34.1% (47/138) and 2.9% (4/138) in the fecal samples examined, respectively. Giardia intestinalis (10.9%), Entamoeba histolytica/dispar (10.1%), Entamoeba coli (8%), Blastocystis hominis (6.5%), Endolimax nana (4.3%), Chilomastix mesnili (1.4%), Ascaris lumbricoides (1.4%), Entamoeba hartmanni (0.7%), Cyclospora cayetanensis (0.7%), Enterobius vermicularis (0.7%) and Hymenolepis nana (0.7%) were identified from the feces of children of Kars and vicinity. No Cryptosporidium spp. was detected.
Türkiye parazitolojii dergisi / Türkiye Parazitoloji Derneği = Acta parasitologica Turcica / Turkish Society for Parasitology, 2008
This study was carried out between March and April, 2007 to determine the prevalence of Cryptospo... more This study was carried out between March and April, 2007 to determine the prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. in calves. The study was performed in 30 farms of 12 different localities of Erzurum and vicinity. The fecal samples were taken directly from the rectums of calves which were no more than three months old. The samples were centrifuged and examined under microscope by using the modified acid-fast technique. The prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. was found to be 22.8% (43/189). The rate of infection was 30.3% (36/119) in calves with diarrhea and 10% (7/70) in healthy calves. The prevalence of the protozoan was 91.7% (11/12) and 53.3% (16/30) in localities and farms respectively. The prevalence was 17.3% (18/104) in state farms and 29.4% in village farms. During the research period, the presence of Cryptosporidiosis was suspected in 16 calves on two different farms. Fourteen of 16 calves (87.5%) were found to be infected with Cryptosporidium spp.
Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
Kars ilinde faaliyet gösteren Kars Et Kombinasında kesilen 736 adet iki yaş ve üzerindeki koyunun... more Kars ilinde faaliyet gösteren Kars Et Kombinasında kesilen 736 adet iki yaş ve üzerindeki koyunun karaciğer muayeneleri sonucunda %44.4 (327/736) oranında karaciğer trematodları ile enfekte oldukları tespit edilmiştir. Enfeksiyondan sorumlu türler %41 (302/736) Dicrocoelium dendriticum ve %9.4 (69/736) Fasciola hepatica olarak belirlenmiştir.
Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2008
Bu çalýşma; Erzurum ilinde buzağýlarda coccidiosise neden olan türleri belirlemek amacýyla yapýlm... more Bu çalýşma; Erzurum ilinde buzağýlarda coccidiosise neden olan türleri belirlemek amacýyla yapýlmýştýr. Araştýrma, Mart-Nisan 2007'de,12 yerleşim yerinden seçilen 30 ahýr/çiftlikte yürütülmüştür. Sütçü işletmelerde bulunan, klinik olarak ishalli ya da normal dýşkýlý 3 aylýğa kadar olan 189 buzağýnýn rektumlarýndan alýnan taze dýşký örnekleri çinko sülfat santrifüj flotasyon yöntemi ile incelenmiştir. Erzurum'da buzağýlarýn %25.9 (49/189)'unda coccidia etkeni saptanmýştýr. Eimeria türleri ile enfeksiyon oraný ishalli buzağýlarda %31.9 (38/119), sağlýklý olanlarda ise %15.7 (11/70) olarak bulunmuştur. Eimeria türlerinin prevalansý 1-3 aylýk buzağýlarda (%31.0; 31/100) bir aylýğa kadar olanlara (%20.2; 18/89) göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Seçilen 12 yerleşim yerinin 11 (%91.7)'indeki çiftlik/ahýrlarýn 22 (%73.3)'sinde coccidia oocystlerine rastlanmýştýr. Eimeria oocystleri kamu çiftliklerinde %19.2 (20/104) ve halk tipi yetiştirmelerde %34.1 (29/85) oranýnda görülmüştür. Enfekte buzağýlarda Eimeria ellipsoidalis (%51.0), E. auburnensis (%38.8), E. bovis (%32.7), E. zuernii (%22.5), E. subspherica (%16.3), E. canadensis (%6.1), E. alabamensis (%4.1), E. brasiliensis (%4.1) ve E. bukidnonensis (%4.1) olmak üzere 9 coccidia etkeni tanýmlanmýştýr.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Mar 27, 2011
Bu derlemede, Türkiye'nin kuzeydoğusunda ki hayvanlarda ve insanlarda myiasis etkenlerinin yayılı... more Bu derlemede, Türkiye'nin kuzeydoğusunda ki hayvanlarda ve insanlarda myiasis etkenlerinin yayılışı, korunma ve kontrolü ile ilgili bilgi verilmiş ve eldeki veriler değerlendirilmiştir. Erzurum ilinde yapılan bir araştırmada, Sarcophagidae familyasına ait 17 tür bildirilmiştir. Kars ilinde iktisadi zarar açısından önemli olan Hypoderma bovis'in yaygınlığı sığırlarda % 31,9 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Enfeste hayvan başına düşen ortalama larva sayısı ise 8,46 olarak bulunmuştur. Oestrus ovis'e ise koyunlarda % 40,3 oranında rastlanılmıştır. Bu parazite ait ortalama larva sayısı muayene edilen hayvanlarda 1,8 iken, enfeste hayvanlarda 4,5 olarak bulunmuştur. Bölgedeki hayvanlarda görülen bu myiasis oranları hem Avrupa ülkelerine hem de Türkiye'nin batı bölgelerine göre yüksektir. İnsanlarda, ektoparaziter enfestasyonlar içerisinde myiasis Kuzeydoğu Anadolu'da da önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Koyun ve sığır yetiştiriciliğinin yoğun olarak yapıldığı bu bölgede hem meradakiler ve hem de ahır/ağıl çevresindeki insanlar myiasis riski altındadırlar Bölgede ki insanlarda ve hayvanlarda fakültatif myiasis etkeni olarak en çok Lucilia sericata ve yanı sıra Wohlfahrtia magnifica'ya da rastlanmaktadır. Bölge genelinde sinek popülasyonunun yoğun olduğu Mayıs-Ekim ayları süresince klinik muayenelerde myiasis açısından hekimlerce dikkate alınmalıdır.
Acta Tropica, 2019
Accurate species identification provides the foundation for successful pest management and vector... more Accurate species identification provides the foundation for successful pest management and vector control of black flies. Accordingly, we examined the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene sequences of four morphologically and chromosomally identified species of black flies (Simulium vernumgroup sp., S. bergi Rubtsov, S. bezzii (Corti), and S. kiritshenkoi Rubtsov) in Northeast Anatolia Region of Turkey where simuliid pest problems and simuliotoxicosis cases have been reported among cattle. COI gene sequences of these species and closely related species available in GenBank were used to provide species-level diagnoses and infer relationships. Both subgenera (Nevermannia and Simulium) were monophyletic, and subclades generally corresponded with species groups. Intraspecific genetic divergence was 0.2-1.6%, whereas the mean interspecific genetic divergence among the four species was 11.2-14.5%. The COI analysis produced results congruent with morphological concepts of the nominal species S. bergi and S. bezzii. Probable misidentifications in GenBank were revealed, especially for species in the S. ornatum and S. vernum groups, complicating identification capability. Sequence variation in the COI barcode region also might not be adequate for species delineation and identification among some species in these two species groups.