Begetting: challenges and responsibilities of overpopulation (original) (raw)

Begetting: challenges and responsibilities of overpopulation (Non-Kairos references)

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Beck, Roy / Kolankiewicz, Leon. The Environmental Movement's Retreat from Advocating U.S. Population Stabilization (1970-1998): A First Draft of History. Journal of Policy History, 12, 1, 2000, pp. 123-156. [text]

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Mead, Margaret. Human Values and the Concept of an Optimal Level of Population. In: S. Fred Singer (Ed.). Is There an Optimum Level of Population, 1971.

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Mumford, Stephen D. The Life and Death of NSSM 200: how the destruction of political will doomed a U.S. population policy. Research Triangle Park NC, Center for Research on Population and Security, 1996, 580 p.. [excerpts in Focus, 8, 1, 1998]

Mumford, Stephen D. National Security Study Memorandum 200: world population growth and U.S. security. The Social Contract, 3, 2, Winter 1992-93. [text]

Mumford, Stephen D. Overcoming Overpopulation: the rise and fall of American political will. Council for Democratic and Secular Humanism, 1994. [text]

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Obaid, Thoraya Ahmed. "Ethics and Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights" -- The Role of Ethics in Promoting the Universal Principles of the Programme of Action on Population and Development. United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), 2002. [text]

Osterfeld, David. Overpopulation: The Perennial Myth. The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty (Foundation for Economic Education), 43, September 1993, 9. [text]

Pontifical Council for the Family / Pontifical Council for the Family. The Family and Human Rights. Vatican Press, 1999.

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Roberts, Walter Orr. There is an Optimum Population Level. In: S. Fred Singer (Ed.). Is There an Optimum Level of Population, 1971.

Robertson, Tom. DIE OFF: a population crash resource page. [text]

Runzo, Joseph / Martin, Nancy / Sharma, Arvind (Eds.). Human Rights and Responsibilities in World Religions. Oxford, Oneworld, 2003. [discusses Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the World's Religions]

Ryerson, William N. Political Correctness and the Population Problem. Wild Earth, Winter 1998/99, pp. 100-103.

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Singer, S. Fred. Is There an Optimum Level of Population?. Science, 166, 3902, pp. 270-271 (Paper for AAAS Symposium, 29-30 December 1969, Boston).

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