Functional Classification in an Integrative Matrix of Human Preoccupations (Part 1) (original) (raw)
Commentary on a matrix -- an experimental subject configuration for the exploration of interdisciplinary relationships between organizations, problems, strategies, values and human development [from Yearbook of International Organizations] First presented in outline form to the 5th Network Meeting of the Goals, Processes and Indicators of Development (GPID) project of the United Nations University (Montreal 1980). Presented in amplified form to a sub-group of that project (Athens, 1982). First published in International Classification 11 (1984), 2, pp. 69-76 and 11 (1984), 3. Subsequently published in successive editions of the Yearbook of International Organizations, with amendments.
- Review of classification of organizations in the Yearbook of International Organizations
- Review of other approaches to international organization classification
- Possibilities of an alternative approach
- Preliminary design considerations
- Insights from periodic classification
Functional self-organization Implementation
Go to Part Two of this document
Functional Classification in an Integrative Matrix of Human Preoccupations
1. Review of classification of organizations in the Yearbook of International Organizations
2. Review of other approaches to international organization classification
3. Possibilities of an alternative approach
4. Preliminary design considerations
5. Insights from periodic classification
Design considerations
1. Practical orientation
2. Experimental orientation
3. Pattern building orientation
Design procedure
1. Activity word list
2. Interrelating major classes
3. Elaborating a matrix of distinctions
Functional self-organization
Matrix (1983-85)
Initial word coding (1983)
Initial section generation (1983-85)
Procedural revision (1984-1985)
Procedural revision (1986-1987)
Procedural revision (1988)
Procedural revision (1989)
Procedural revision (1990)
Procedural revision (1991)
Procedural revision (1992)
Procedural revision (1993)
Procedural revision (1994)
Procedural revision (1995)
Procedural revision (1996)
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The Yearbook of International Organizations (Volume 1) in 1996 describes or lists over 28,036 bodies which can in some way be considered international organizations. Whether governmental or nongovernmental, their activities interweave in a myriad ways in the processes of the international community. Although organizations are listed in alphabetical order of titles and abbreviations in Volume 1 of the Yearbook and a multilingual index is provided in this volume, this nevertheless fails to provide an ordered, comprehensible overview of how such activities interrelate. In the absence of any such ordering, tendencies to fragmentation are reinforced and subtler approaches to integration are hindered.
This paper clarifies this challenge and describes the factors entering into the design of the process from which the activity classification in this volume emerged as a first product. It is important to note, as is explained below, that it is unnecessary to read or agree with the contents of this paper in order to derive practical benefit from the classification in its present form. The concern of this paper is to point out other ways of making use of the classification and the possibilities for its further development.
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