Visuals: Eightfold Configuration of Nested Cycles of Cognitive Transformations (original) (raw)

(excluding videos and and virtual reality displays)

Section headings of portions of this document link to contextual commentary (2012/10/00)

[Introduction] [All] [Refs]

From "periodic table" to "periodic container" -- Images

| Shading of geometry of the Lauburu to highlight one orientation of the Tao symbol and emergence of its traditional "eyes" | Shading of geometry of the Lauburu to highlight one orientation of the Tao symbol and emergence of its traditional "eyes" | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | |

Periodic table of elements as problematic sociopolitical metaphor -- Images

| Standard Model of the Periodic Table of Elements | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | |

Engaging with distinctions -- Images

| Suggestive indication of conceptual unfoldings patterned by the Periodic Table | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | |

Possible mapping of periodic correspondences into nested circles -- Images

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Recognition of cultural icons within a pattern of nested circles? -- Images

Flower of Life Flower of Life Flower of Life Flower of Life