Guide to Organizational Evaluation | Kairos @ (original) (raw)

Far exceeds
program requirements

Exceeds program

Meets program

Needs some

Does not meet minimum


Earth trembles when programs are conceived --
Changes universe over night

Programs move mountains when implemented --
Changes world totally over night

Organizations move to larger offices using program funds --
Regularly reports great progress on change programs

Programs stillborn --

Regularly changes office decor and layout

Programs abort before conception --
Programs tend to backfire and eliminate organization


Changes implemented long before problem is thought to exist

Changes implemented faster than speed of thought

Changes implemented on time according to progress reports

Changes implemented when no longer needed

Staff unfamiliar with clocks and calendars


Has responsive program in all fields of human activity

Programs adapted immediately to establishment guidelines

Programs adapted immediately in anticipation of new fund sources

Programs revised daily in light of news headlines

Programs frequently adapted in support of competing organizations


Staff committed to total transformation of universe

Staff committed to prosyletizing all contacts

Staff primarily committed to their own survival in the organization

Staff commitments responsive to gifts and guidance from benefactors

Principal staff members tend to be committed for clinical care


Programs smell good to all the people all the time

Programs smell good to sufficient people enough of the time

Programs smell OK if continuously disinfected by public relations

Staff confused and disheartened by program smell

Programs stink despite use of all program funds for public relations


Recieves directives from God

Receives directives from unknown geniuses and social prophets

Staff strive continually to implement contradictory directives

Majority of staff unable to identify to whom they report or why they are employed

Staff unable to read or understand directives; activities confused with those of opposing organizations


Walks with God

Annual report regularly wins international book award (fiction)

Annually cited for voluntary action award by political or social leader (ex-offico president of the organization)

Reputation carefully maintained by bribes to media

Staff members rejected by friends, family and pets


Affiliated to all known organizations, including itself

Contact considered by potential affiliates to be culmination of program activity

Increase in number of affiliqtes is principal policy concern of organization

Potential afiliates consider contact to be "kiss-of-death"

Organization's existence unknown to all, including membership