kamara (original) (raw)

Right! Sunday at 10pm and finally have the time to update about the week :x.

Monday, dull. IT in the morning, job search in the afternoon.
Tuesday, dull. IT in the morning, presentation work in the afternoon.
Wednesday, dull. Did some training thingy that lasted all of 20 minutes and goofed off for the rest of it. Got to go home at 2 though.

Joyous joyous Thursday.

At some point last week, I realised that this week was the week when annarti was in the UK, and 10 minutes away from my house. I asked drazzi if I could gate-crash at one point and we decided that Thursday is a good day for us all. So. thursday morning I had the fun job of going to the dentist for 10.45. Mum dropped me off, and then it was up to me to find my way into Huyton. This involved walking down a street by the dentist, getting lost for 2 minutes, going to Hunts Cross station and getting City Line train to Lime Street Station. I stupidly missed one train *while I was sat there*. Thankfully no-one was around >_>. Got into Lime Street, got some cash, then jumped another train into huyton.

On the way into Huyton I realised that I forgot to bring Sallie's birthday/christmas/whatever present with me. No worries, knew a parent could bring it with them when they came to get me.

Got off the train and wandered down to Sal's house. Knew where it was, but still stood outside confused for a minute. Rang the doorbell and was greeted by a very cheery Sallie's mum :D. knew I was in the right place right away. (Her mum ROCKS! :D). Was then swiftly greeted by Sal and teh 'nartiness. :D:D:D. We sat in back and giggled for a bit. And we sang the llama song. Only the other two stopped at the end of the first verse... and I kept going. And they were like O_o at me.

Very odd.

Decided when we were going to the cinema, and left about 2ish. Got there ready for the 2.15 showing of Madagascar. *Funny* film Very funny. Will probably get it on DVD when it comes out. On the way to the cinema we talked about teh Kinky-J and her american-ness (XDD). Sallie was doing her american voice and say very Kinky-esque things. It was fun. Was as if she was there with us XDDD. Kinky, very famously, threw up in the popcorn when she went to the cinema with Sal~. It's a legendary event. *nods*

Finished there and walked down to McDonalds. (MAC MAC NOT MIC! THERES NO I!) (there's no A really either, but shh). We shared a thing of chips while waiting for sallie's mum. 'Narti complained of the cold while me and Sallie basked in the wonderful British summer weather.

We went home and arsed about for a bit. Watched the Aristocats which I'd never seen before. OMG SAL! It *WAS* made in '70s :O link. that was fun. We mocked the female cat about how much of a skanky woman she was. Harlot.

After that we had dinner (chicken... thingy with stuffing and stuff.. verray nice. Potatoes (roast and mashed!), carrots and peeeaas.). Very very nice. We had chocolate milk with that too. I tried to drink the end bit of Sal's drink but she threw it out before I could :( Mean! then we had carrot and orange cake. Sal doesn't like cake (she's odd) so it was up to me and 'Narti to polish it off. Mwahaha.

After that we watched Extreme Makeover Home Edition. It was a fuuuuun episode. Two hours long. And had Paul, Preston AND British Ed in it <3. We were teh happy. THough I think 'narti was confused about our crazy obsession :x. It was one of our favourite episodes too. Eeee. That was fantastic :D.

Shortly after that, Sal's parents came home after being out for nearly 2 hours or so (I forget) and all 5 of us watched CSI:Miama. (Was it Miami? I forget). Twice now I've been at 'net people's houses and watched CSI. I've tried to watch it myself but can't get into it. Though I throughly enjoy it in the company of others. It's very very odd.

After that I called mum to come get me (didn't want to leave. But had to call her by 10).

Then I got to see the infamous giraffe room of Sal's :D. It's SO giraffey. You may have seen pictures, but you don't get the full UNFness of it all until you've been. Aaaaand I got to wear The Pimp Hatâ„¢ ! Her room is so fantastic and I was squeeing at everything. She has a blue lamb banana that I must get in the near future. *glare*. Yes!

'Narti looked up cricket-y type things and was making odd noises about that. Me and Sal just went o_O at the weird little aussie. XDD. (SHES SO AUSSIE ITS CUTE.) I remember at one point I was just like "yeah, just keep on talking, say anything, I just love the accent XD). Apparently I have an infectious laugh o_O;

But yes!

While I was upstairs, I got two pictures! One was the original sketch garney did of Kamara, and the second was Sallie's spiderplant character holding a cabbage :DD. (in joke!) I need to find frames for all of these now and get them on my walls. I don't have much wall space though, so this should be fun!

Mum came to Sal's about 10.40ish, I got to give her the giraffe I've had my hands on for over a year O_o; and all was well in the world! :D We hugged again with our goodbyes and off I went. I babbled to mum all the way home about what we got up to. We took a quick detour to Maccy D's again and I got a drink and some fries, and mum got a fish burger. o_O;

Then we came home and that was Thursday over with! I so totally have to spend more time at Sal's. I mean, she only lives like 10 mins away :P. It took us like 2 years to re-meet (knew of each other in school, but didn't know each other). Hopefully it wont take us that long again to meetup again :D.

Friday, again. Dull. Job search in which we didn't really do anything.
Saturday, dull.
Sunday. Went to a little picnic site with mum, had lunch, came back and just did a lot of Support things :)

All in all, last week was pretty darn good. :D With any luck, this week should be good too as I have this interview to go on. Eee. :D.

And it's taken me 40 minutes to write this so I should post it now :D.