Ikuro FUJIWARA | Kansai University (original) (raw)
Papers by Ikuro FUJIWARA
In 1988 a private data mining firm, MetaMetric, created Lexile index. It is different from any o... more In 1988 a private data mining firm, MetaMetric, created Lexile index. It is different from any other readability index in that it measures both students’ comprehension capability and reading material difficulty to read. Since its publication, Lexile index has been prevailing in U.S. society to the extent that almost half school children are evaluated their reading comprehension capability with the index. Furthermore, Common Core State Standards, an education policy given by Federal Government, consequently promotes the use of Lexile index to improve students’ reading capability. 150 publishers including McGrow-Hill and distributors such as amazon.com also facilitate the index in their business. The influence of Lexile Index is now covering U.S. education entities from K to 12. This paper discusses the general concept of readability index first. Then, it shows how to calculate a basic readability index. Finally, the methodology of Lexile Index is described and discussed.
Readability research has been developed in the U.S. since the beginning of 20th century. The onse... more Readability research has been developed in the U.S. since the beginning of 20th century. The onset of quantitative methodology in readability research was initiated with Teacher’s Word Book, published in 1921 by Professor Thorndike in Columbia University. His word list allocated frequency level to 10,000 words, leading to the first regression model measurement in 1920s. Focusing on the lengths of sentences and syllables, Rudolf Flesch created a new regression model formula, Flesch Reading Ease, in 1948 which has been used in the U.S. Navy official documents and now equipped in Microsoft Word2010 as standard. Many researchers follow suit, producing more than two hundred formulae at present, including French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, Russian and Japanese. In the latter half of this thesis, seven newspapers are selected to measure readability with Flesch Reading Ease, Flesch-Kincade Grade Level, and Gunning Fog Index. The newspapers are now used as reading materials in high schools, colleges, and graduate schools in some cases, and measuring readability will be helpful which to be selected for each level of students. The results show that English newspapers circulated in Japan are more difficult to read than the counterparts of the U.S. such as New York Times and Washington Post. The rank correlation coefficients among the readability indices are significantly high enough to recognize those readability indices attest to the same or similar tendency to measure readability from the view of statistics. However, further researches are required to measure not only English newspapers, but also on-line reading materials to allot them to appropriate level of English learners.
The number of homicide by gun decreases dramatically during the 1990's. No researchers had predic... more The number of homicide by gun decreases dramatically during the 1990's. No researchers had predicted the trend (Levitt 2004). Lott and Mustard (1997) explained it by the increase of “shall issue” states since 1986. On the other hand, Ludwig (1998) describes the curtailing trend has been derived from Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, and further turned the public to heed the social cost of gun-related homicide and incidences: the estimate of social cost of gun-related incidences exceeds $100 billion per year. In this thesis, three regression models and Difference-in-Difference analysis are applied to show how the number of "shall issue" states and gun-control laws have affected from 1976 to 2004, using the aggregate national data as well as 50-state panel date. To measure the effectiveness of these policies, treatment dummy variables, TDV, are used. First, with national data, the results show that gun-control policies affect the decrease of gun-related homicide with statistically significance, while "shall issue" law does not hold the significance, but attribute to the increase trend. With 50-state panel data analysis, a Least-Square-Dummy- Variable,
LSDV, and Difference-in-Difference methods are applied. The results are of the same as the national data: the models observe the same effects of gun-control and “shall-issue." Brady Law and its successor, National Instant Check System, hold significant direct effects on the gun-homicide rate in regression models with national and fifty-state panel data, and gun-control policy could save social cost, expending minimum institutional cost in “waiting period” and “background check.”
In this paper, the missile threat of North Korea is discussed. However, the paper does not intend... more In this paper, the missile threat of North Korea is discussed. However, the paper does not intend to provoke threat itself, but show the research of documents which have been released by the governments. It is noteworthy that although there are several so-called conspicuous rogue states, North Korea is rather different from others such as Iraq, Iran, or Libya. Comparing with the Iran-Iraq war during 1980’s, Korean War was suspended after 3-year battle to oblige the agreement of the United Nations led by the United States.2 North Korea has long smuggled missile technologies and parts of it to other nations since 1980’s. To create effective strategy against the threat of North Korea, other parties should acknowledge its strategy as much as possible. Although this paper will aim to discuss the Agreed Framework of 1994 and Missile Defense System, the backdrops will be also discussed.
Samuel P. Huntington maintains in The Third Wave that democratization has been prevailing since C... more Samuel P. Huntington maintains in The Third Wave that democratization has been prevailing since Carnation Revolution in Portugal in 1974. The trend finally reached the former Soviet bloc, first bringing about Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia in 1989 and the collapse of Berlin Wall. After the emerging civil liberty and democratic movement in the former Soviet bloc in the 1990s, people’s power finally turned over the rule of authoritative governments in Georgia 2003 and Ukraine 2004. The role of exit poll was significant in Rose Revolution whereas in Ukraine such poll is constitutionally prohibited; however, Warren Mitofsky was clandestinely consulted by a head researcher of social survey in Ukraine. Democracy is statistically related with economic development. Although as Carothers pointed out that transitional process from the former one-party dictatorial polity to multiparty democratic society, the initiation of democratic elections should be preserved in the former Soviet bloc for the sake of Rule of Law and civic liberty. Contrary to the ratification of United Nations human rights treaties, the former Soviet bloc countries should develop democratic society, especially electoral democracy first of all.
In East Asia, international politics is so intense based on the political division among nations.... more In East Asia, international politics is so intense based on the political division among nations. Korea is divided to North and South, China is politically divided, and Mongolian people live in part of China as inner Mongolia and outer Mongolia itself. The divided East Asia had long been categorized as non-democratic region, but after World War II, the U.S. occupation democratized Japan, and it became a fortress of democratization in the region in the following years in spite of the development of Cold War in East Asia. In this paper, various democratic indices are discussed first to evaluate the historical background and social entities on developing democratic society in East Asia: the indices are from Freedom House, Polity IV Project, and Arthur Banks. Although these Indices could not tell every democratic aspect of each society, they are at least considered as guidepost of considering the democratic transformation of East Asia. Secondly, the logistic model on religious diversity is tested with socio-economic indices and democracy index. The result shows that Buddhism is not related with democracy significantly negatively nor positively. This indicates that democratization in East Asia holds East Asian religious culture would not directly confront the development of democratic politics and society.
Samuel P. Huntington maintains in The Third Wave that democratization has been prevailing in the ... more Samuel P. Huntington maintains in The Third Wave that democratization has been prevailing in the late twentieth century. The ramification of democratization has been debated by many political science researchers to the extent that democracy is a foundation to international security issues as well as socio and economic development. In this perspective, it is essential to research how democracy is functioning with regards to socioeconomic factors. In this paper, the data given by Freedom House and Polity IV Project are processed to examine the correlation between democratization and twelve socioeconomic factors. To sum up the correlation, linear and logistic regression models are constructed and tested, and finally factor analysis is conducted to show how each factor contributes to democratization.
Since the end of World War II, the world federal movement has been set up with leadership of the ... more Since the end of World War II, the world federal movement has been set up with leadership of the scientists and journalists in U.S. and Europe. Whereas the movement has not realized a concrete world government, many kinds of world governance come to fore in international relations. International Criminal Court, Arms Control Treaties, Global Tax such as international aviation by International Monetary Fund, IMF, and the more. World governance on each specific field has been accelerate, especially in the 21st century on.
In this paper, I report that different approaches toward world federal movement can be seen, comparing world federal movement between Canada and Japan. In Canada, more democratic approaches are weighed much while Japanese movement considers the economic solidarity or governance as priority. These different approaches imply that the concept of world federal government is not unique, but rather diversified in realization.
To conclude, world governance has been accelerated in the form of ICC, ATT, and others, and those various world governance might have already set up one kind world government, which is not visible, but exists as a whole of specific world governance.
In classroom, students are learning theories and methodologies in International Relations. The te... more In classroom, students are learning theories and methodologies in International Relations. The textbooks are helpful and useful for students to understand international politics in class. Yet, newspapers provide tremendous opportunities to students with
Books by Ikuro FUJIWARA
はじめに 新聞が果たす役割には言葉では言い尽くすことが出来ない重要性があることは誰しも認めるところでありましょう。しかし、日本では邦字紙に比較しますと英字新聞の発行部数はOECD諸国のなかで... more はじめに
新聞が果たす役割には言葉では言い尽くすことが出来ない重要性があることは誰しも認めるところでありましょう。しかし、日本では邦字紙に比較しますと英字新聞の発行部数はOECD諸国のなかでも最も少ないことが指摘さています。お隣の韓国では新聞社1社が100万部を越す英字紙お発行していますが、日本では宅配において最高部数がザ・ディリー・ヨミウリ(The Daily Yomiuri)と他社のそれぞれ5万部程度と言われています(2009年2月現在)。
2013 年8月、ポーランドのバルト海に面する都市シュチェチンで国際アメリカン・スタディーズ研究学会が開催されました。幸い発表の機会を与えられベルリン経由で参加をしました。シュチェチンは「ヨーロ... more 2013 年8月、ポーランドのバルト海に面する都市シュチェチンで国際アメリカン・スタディーズ研究学会が開催されました。幸い発表の機会を与えられベルリン経由で参加をしました。シュチェチンは「ヨーロッパはバルト海のシュチェチンからアドリア海のトリエステまで鉄のカーテンがおろされた」という1946 年ノチャーチルの演説のなかで言及され、東西冷戦の象徴として知られた観光都市です。シュチェチンの学会が終了をしベルリンに滞在をしていたとき、街には多くのトルコからの移民の方々がいることに気が付きました。ドイツ、とりわけベルリンは今や移民の流入がすさまじい勢いで進んでおり、彼らは本国と強く結ばれた関係を続けています。通りを歩くスカーフ姿の移民女性は凛としていました。言葉や文化の壁を超えて、自国の伝統をしっかりと受け継ぎながらベルリンの地で生活をされている移民女性の方々の姿を見て、ふと日本とアメリカとの関係についても思いを馳せてしまいました。既に国家という枠組みを超えて人・モノ・サービスが怒涛の勢いで行き交い、その関係は私たちの想像する以上のもので結ばれている。。ベルリン滞在以前から思っていたことでしたが、トルコからの移民が文化的には大きな違いがあるにも関わらず、ドイツ文化のなかでバランスを取って生活をしている姿は、現在の日本における英語学習の低年齢層化や英語の氾濫のごとき状況と強く重なりました。一昔前の英語の環境から劇的に変化を遂げつつある日本。現在は、アメリカという国、アメリカ人の暮らしへの理解がより一層求められているのではないかと思います。たいせつなことは、子どもたちの英語への取り組みとともに、母親、若い日本女性の方々が英語とアメリカ社会への理解を深めながら自信を育むことではないでしょうか。そこには当然、男性からの理解も必要であり、必然的に日本男性もアメリカ文化への理解を深めながら、女性の文化理をサポートする慮りが求められます。アメリカのある高名な国際政治学者を父親に持つお嬢さんが来日した際、京都を案内しましたが、母語である英語と母親の生まれ故郷の日本語をうまく使い分けていました。私と話す時は日本語、母親とお話しするときは英語と2 ヶ国語のコミュニケーションをごく自然に行っていたのです。このお嬢さんの姿を見て、近い将来、日本でも家庭や友人の間では日本語、学校や仕事場では英語で自由にコミュニケーションをとるような社会へと向かっていくのではないかと思われました。日本社会での英語にさまざまな思いが去来するなか、大
平成26 年1月15 日記す
藤原郁郎 アシュリン・メイリ
In 1988 a private data mining firm, MetaMetric, created Lexile index. It is different from any o... more In 1988 a private data mining firm, MetaMetric, created Lexile index. It is different from any other readability index in that it measures both students’ comprehension capability and reading material difficulty to read. Since its publication, Lexile index has been prevailing in U.S. society to the extent that almost half school children are evaluated their reading comprehension capability with the index. Furthermore, Common Core State Standards, an education policy given by Federal Government, consequently promotes the use of Lexile index to improve students’ reading capability. 150 publishers including McGrow-Hill and distributors such as amazon.com also facilitate the index in their business. The influence of Lexile Index is now covering U.S. education entities from K to 12. This paper discusses the general concept of readability index first. Then, it shows how to calculate a basic readability index. Finally, the methodology of Lexile Index is described and discussed.
Readability research has been developed in the U.S. since the beginning of 20th century. The onse... more Readability research has been developed in the U.S. since the beginning of 20th century. The onset of quantitative methodology in readability research was initiated with Teacher’s Word Book, published in 1921 by Professor Thorndike in Columbia University. His word list allocated frequency level to 10,000 words, leading to the first regression model measurement in 1920s. Focusing on the lengths of sentences and syllables, Rudolf Flesch created a new regression model formula, Flesch Reading Ease, in 1948 which has been used in the U.S. Navy official documents and now equipped in Microsoft Word2010 as standard. Many researchers follow suit, producing more than two hundred formulae at present, including French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, Russian and Japanese. In the latter half of this thesis, seven newspapers are selected to measure readability with Flesch Reading Ease, Flesch-Kincade Grade Level, and Gunning Fog Index. The newspapers are now used as reading materials in high schools, colleges, and graduate schools in some cases, and measuring readability will be helpful which to be selected for each level of students. The results show that English newspapers circulated in Japan are more difficult to read than the counterparts of the U.S. such as New York Times and Washington Post. The rank correlation coefficients among the readability indices are significantly high enough to recognize those readability indices attest to the same or similar tendency to measure readability from the view of statistics. However, further researches are required to measure not only English newspapers, but also on-line reading materials to allot them to appropriate level of English learners.
The number of homicide by gun decreases dramatically during the 1990's. No researchers had predic... more The number of homicide by gun decreases dramatically during the 1990's. No researchers had predicted the trend (Levitt 2004). Lott and Mustard (1997) explained it by the increase of “shall issue” states since 1986. On the other hand, Ludwig (1998) describes the curtailing trend has been derived from Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, and further turned the public to heed the social cost of gun-related homicide and incidences: the estimate of social cost of gun-related incidences exceeds $100 billion per year. In this thesis, three regression models and Difference-in-Difference analysis are applied to show how the number of "shall issue" states and gun-control laws have affected from 1976 to 2004, using the aggregate national data as well as 50-state panel date. To measure the effectiveness of these policies, treatment dummy variables, TDV, are used. First, with national data, the results show that gun-control policies affect the decrease of gun-related homicide with statistically significance, while "shall issue" law does not hold the significance, but attribute to the increase trend. With 50-state panel data analysis, a Least-Square-Dummy- Variable,
LSDV, and Difference-in-Difference methods are applied. The results are of the same as the national data: the models observe the same effects of gun-control and “shall-issue." Brady Law and its successor, National Instant Check System, hold significant direct effects on the gun-homicide rate in regression models with national and fifty-state panel data, and gun-control policy could save social cost, expending minimum institutional cost in “waiting period” and “background check.”
In this paper, the missile threat of North Korea is discussed. However, the paper does not intend... more In this paper, the missile threat of North Korea is discussed. However, the paper does not intend to provoke threat itself, but show the research of documents which have been released by the governments. It is noteworthy that although there are several so-called conspicuous rogue states, North Korea is rather different from others such as Iraq, Iran, or Libya. Comparing with the Iran-Iraq war during 1980’s, Korean War was suspended after 3-year battle to oblige the agreement of the United Nations led by the United States.2 North Korea has long smuggled missile technologies and parts of it to other nations since 1980’s. To create effective strategy against the threat of North Korea, other parties should acknowledge its strategy as much as possible. Although this paper will aim to discuss the Agreed Framework of 1994 and Missile Defense System, the backdrops will be also discussed.
Samuel P. Huntington maintains in The Third Wave that democratization has been prevailing since C... more Samuel P. Huntington maintains in The Third Wave that democratization has been prevailing since Carnation Revolution in Portugal in 1974. The trend finally reached the former Soviet bloc, first bringing about Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia in 1989 and the collapse of Berlin Wall. After the emerging civil liberty and democratic movement in the former Soviet bloc in the 1990s, people’s power finally turned over the rule of authoritative governments in Georgia 2003 and Ukraine 2004. The role of exit poll was significant in Rose Revolution whereas in Ukraine such poll is constitutionally prohibited; however, Warren Mitofsky was clandestinely consulted by a head researcher of social survey in Ukraine. Democracy is statistically related with economic development. Although as Carothers pointed out that transitional process from the former one-party dictatorial polity to multiparty democratic society, the initiation of democratic elections should be preserved in the former Soviet bloc for the sake of Rule of Law and civic liberty. Contrary to the ratification of United Nations human rights treaties, the former Soviet bloc countries should develop democratic society, especially electoral democracy first of all.
In East Asia, international politics is so intense based on the political division among nations.... more In East Asia, international politics is so intense based on the political division among nations. Korea is divided to North and South, China is politically divided, and Mongolian people live in part of China as inner Mongolia and outer Mongolia itself. The divided East Asia had long been categorized as non-democratic region, but after World War II, the U.S. occupation democratized Japan, and it became a fortress of democratization in the region in the following years in spite of the development of Cold War in East Asia. In this paper, various democratic indices are discussed first to evaluate the historical background and social entities on developing democratic society in East Asia: the indices are from Freedom House, Polity IV Project, and Arthur Banks. Although these Indices could not tell every democratic aspect of each society, they are at least considered as guidepost of considering the democratic transformation of East Asia. Secondly, the logistic model on religious diversity is tested with socio-economic indices and democracy index. The result shows that Buddhism is not related with democracy significantly negatively nor positively. This indicates that democratization in East Asia holds East Asian religious culture would not directly confront the development of democratic politics and society.
Samuel P. Huntington maintains in The Third Wave that democratization has been prevailing in the ... more Samuel P. Huntington maintains in The Third Wave that democratization has been prevailing in the late twentieth century. The ramification of democratization has been debated by many political science researchers to the extent that democracy is a foundation to international security issues as well as socio and economic development. In this perspective, it is essential to research how democracy is functioning with regards to socioeconomic factors. In this paper, the data given by Freedom House and Polity IV Project are processed to examine the correlation between democratization and twelve socioeconomic factors. To sum up the correlation, linear and logistic regression models are constructed and tested, and finally factor analysis is conducted to show how each factor contributes to democratization.
Since the end of World War II, the world federal movement has been set up with leadership of the ... more Since the end of World War II, the world federal movement has been set up with leadership of the scientists and journalists in U.S. and Europe. Whereas the movement has not realized a concrete world government, many kinds of world governance come to fore in international relations. International Criminal Court, Arms Control Treaties, Global Tax such as international aviation by International Monetary Fund, IMF, and the more. World governance on each specific field has been accelerate, especially in the 21st century on.
In this paper, I report that different approaches toward world federal movement can be seen, comparing world federal movement between Canada and Japan. In Canada, more democratic approaches are weighed much while Japanese movement considers the economic solidarity or governance as priority. These different approaches imply that the concept of world federal government is not unique, but rather diversified in realization.
To conclude, world governance has been accelerated in the form of ICC, ATT, and others, and those various world governance might have already set up one kind world government, which is not visible, but exists as a whole of specific world governance.
In classroom, students are learning theories and methodologies in International Relations. The te... more In classroom, students are learning theories and methodologies in International Relations. The textbooks are helpful and useful for students to understand international politics in class. Yet, newspapers provide tremendous opportunities to students with
はじめに 新聞が果たす役割には言葉では言い尽くすことが出来ない重要性があることは誰しも認めるところでありましょう。しかし、日本では邦字紙に比較しますと英字新聞の発行部数はOECD諸国のなかで... more はじめに
新聞が果たす役割には言葉では言い尽くすことが出来ない重要性があることは誰しも認めるところでありましょう。しかし、日本では邦字紙に比較しますと英字新聞の発行部数はOECD諸国のなかでも最も少ないことが指摘さています。お隣の韓国では新聞社1社が100万部を越す英字紙お発行していますが、日本では宅配において最高部数がザ・ディリー・ヨミウリ(The Daily Yomiuri)と他社のそれぞれ5万部程度と言われています(2009年2月現在)。
2013 年8月、ポーランドのバルト海に面する都市シュチェチンで国際アメリカン・スタディーズ研究学会が開催されました。幸い発表の機会を与えられベルリン経由で参加をしました。シュチェチンは「ヨーロ... more 2013 年8月、ポーランドのバルト海に面する都市シュチェチンで国際アメリカン・スタディーズ研究学会が開催されました。幸い発表の機会を与えられベルリン経由で参加をしました。シュチェチンは「ヨーロッパはバルト海のシュチェチンからアドリア海のトリエステまで鉄のカーテンがおろされた」という1946 年ノチャーチルの演説のなかで言及され、東西冷戦の象徴として知られた観光都市です。シュチェチンの学会が終了をしベルリンに滞在をしていたとき、街には多くのトルコからの移民の方々がいることに気が付きました。ドイツ、とりわけベルリンは今や移民の流入がすさまじい勢いで進んでおり、彼らは本国と強く結ばれた関係を続けています。通りを歩くスカーフ姿の移民女性は凛としていました。言葉や文化の壁を超えて、自国の伝統をしっかりと受け継ぎながらベルリンの地で生活をされている移民女性の方々の姿を見て、ふと日本とアメリカとの関係についても思いを馳せてしまいました。既に国家という枠組みを超えて人・モノ・サービスが怒涛の勢いで行き交い、その関係は私たちの想像する以上のもので結ばれている。。ベルリン滞在以前から思っていたことでしたが、トルコからの移民が文化的には大きな違いがあるにも関わらず、ドイツ文化のなかでバランスを取って生活をしている姿は、現在の日本における英語学習の低年齢層化や英語の氾濫のごとき状況と強く重なりました。一昔前の英語の環境から劇的に変化を遂げつつある日本。現在は、アメリカという国、アメリカ人の暮らしへの理解がより一層求められているのではないかと思います。たいせつなことは、子どもたちの英語への取り組みとともに、母親、若い日本女性の方々が英語とアメリカ社会への理解を深めながら自信を育むことではないでしょうか。そこには当然、男性からの理解も必要であり、必然的に日本男性もアメリカ文化への理解を深めながら、女性の文化理をサポートする慮りが求められます。アメリカのある高名な国際政治学者を父親に持つお嬢さんが来日した際、京都を案内しましたが、母語である英語と母親の生まれ故郷の日本語をうまく使い分けていました。私と話す時は日本語、母親とお話しするときは英語と2 ヶ国語のコミュニケーションをごく自然に行っていたのです。このお嬢さんの姿を見て、近い将来、日本でも家庭や友人の間では日本語、学校や仕事場では英語で自由にコミュニケーションをとるような社会へと向かっていくのではないかと思われました。日本社会での英語にさまざまな思いが去来するなか、大
平成26 年1月15 日記す
藤原郁郎 アシュリン・メイリ