Whatever's on my mind... (original) (raw)

September 24th, 2011

03:40 pm - Yay! Double yay!
Since yesterday, I'm a board-certified veterinary anatomic pathologist.

I'm so glad I don't have to take that horrible test again, and I still had a nightmare yesterday about it. *Shudder*

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May 19th, 2011

07:01 am - My dog's bio family...
Today I wondered about Alhelí's littermates. There were 4 at least when they were showing them around at the vet school. The other ones were black, at least 1 or 2 of them with the same white markings as my dog. There was at least one other male and one other female. They all weighted 9-10 pounds at 7 weeks. My dog was the only one there with the tan coat. Their mom was a black lab mix, no markings. Nobody knew who the dad was.

I wonder... I hope they are all still alive, and I hope they all got loving happy homes. And that nobody ended up like the dad.

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May 8th, 2011

12:05 pm - It's a beautiful spring day!
Excellent time to put on Paul Simon's Graceland on the CD while doing chores.

Also, Happy Mothers Day!
Current Mood: awakeawake

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March 7th, 2011

10:45 pm - Writer's Block: Into the night

Into the night

How would you describe your perfect evening in six words (e.g., I stayed home and ate pasta)?

Watched sunset, went home, made love.

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10:43 pm - Writer's Block: Food glorious food

Food glorious food

If you could get a free, unlimited supply of one food for life, what would you choose?

Chocolate chip chewy cookies. I love cookies.

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10:42 pm - Writer's Block: Round and round

Round and round

Is there any song you could listen to 20 times in a day without ever losing interest?

Not a song in particular, I think, but several songs from Silvio Rodríguez, or those sang by the late Mercedes Sosa. I've already heard them over and over and over again, and I don't get tired of them.

In fact, sometimes they inspire me and motivate them, so I have the song in a constant loop to keep me going through labwork...
Current Mood: exhaustedexhausted

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March 3rd, 2011

03:09 pm - Asked the mailman...
"Has you noticed an increase in my dog's barking?"

He: "No more than usual. And if she barks at me... that's what she's supposed to do."

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February 21st, 2011

06:36 am - Writer's Block: Sweat it out

Sweat it out

Should physical education in schools be mandatory, and why?

Yes, yes it should be... But, please, I hope nothing like Phys Ed was during my junior high school years. Three years of four blocks... Volleyball, basketball, softball, and track and field. I hated it. The grade depended on how well you played and how much you knew of the game rules. It was thanks to this later part that I passed that class. I couldn't do the "average" skills for most of those games.

That was counterproductive, after all. I became more fit AFTER I had to stop taking that class. I'm much more physically active now, ten years after high school, 15 after junior high started. Let's face it, many people are not going to be good, not even "average", not even "decent" at many sports. Heck, I love capoeira and I know I suck at it. But I like it. I train for it. I do exercise and I work out doing things I like.

And I think that should be part of Phys. Ed. Exposing teens to physical activities they could like once they get out of HS. Training them on some other simpler things (running, walking, aerobics, some weight training/resistance work). Trying to diminish cliques, and showing all students that physical activity is important, even if you don't look like the school athletes. Focus on self-improvement, not comparisons with the athletes. Let them realize that, when people work out, they're not looking at others (for the most part), but instead focusing on their own individual progress.

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December 22nd, 2010

04:50 pm - For next year, I have to learn how to cook...
Blondies... If anyone has a recipe, I'd love to get it.

Also, pastelón de amarillo, which is my favorite PR dish. Granny does this for me, but I know I cannot count on her to do it forever (sadly).

Brazilian dishes. Just because...

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October 31st, 2010

10:16 pm - Shakira in English, an alter-ego...
A friend and I were discussing Shakira today. I said I really think she has a lovely lovely voice, and that I prefer it when she sings in Spanish. My friend commented that she likes Shakira's English songs. She says she views "English Shakira" as the alter-ego. I laughed and said probably. I told her that I am annoyed that, in the US (or in English), Shakira's marketing has focused (not wrongly) on her figure, with her voice as a distant afterthought.

While in Spanish recordings and in Spanish areas... Yes, she is an attractive woman, but her voice quality does not go unnoticed. Case in point, this song (video does not have Shakira), from the soundtrack of Love in Times of Cholera. Not only that, but, shortly before her death, Mercedes Sosa, one of the most recognized female singers (think folk/protest music) recorded an album of various protest, folk, and love songs with different singers. Shakira was one of them. Her rendition of La Maza, an old protest song, is very good.

And finally, for comparison, "old Shakira" (Ojos así) and "new Shakira". Granted, I love that last song... preferably the Spanish version, d'uh! ;)

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October 30th, 2010

06:24 pm - I hope my homework is accepted...
I have to write a preliminary homework for a proposal I have to submit in two weeks for my immunology class. The catch is that they don't want us to work in anything related with our main research focus, but it has to be related to immunology.

Eh... a big part of my research project has to do with immune responses. WTF?

I can change molecules studied, methods used, cells studied, parasite, and main host. And I've done all that. But still! My main project deals with fucking immunology!

I hope the teacher accepts it, or at least, gives me some good feedback as to how to alter it. Truly, I haven't done some of the stuff I'm describing in my homework. And I'm not interested, as I focus in innate vs adaptive immunology.

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October 17th, 2010

07:59 pm - I have to share some videos...
The songs are in Spanish, but they all have English subtitles. Granted, the "bad words" in the subtitles are more subdued than the original words. They are so bizarre that defy some explanation...

In favor of alternative transportation modes. This is my favorite. Could almost be used as a PSA.

About an important figure that fought to preserve traditions, culture, and history of Puerto Rico.. It's a bit tongue in cheek. Part of it is showing his contributions, but also pointing out the cult of personality built around him, and how, even with what he did, our culture, traditions, and history are still threatened. The outfits, and the jokes, are all very "inside jokes" of popular culture.

About the local version of WetnWild...

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October 15th, 2010

07:11 am - My dog is sooo going on the "acknowledgements" page of my presentation...
Because no other being in this town soothes me, accompanies me, and makes me smile like my puppydog with the softest ears ever, Alhelí.

I love my silly dog... The other day I had this exchange with a friend, when talking about parasite purification:

Friend: "Nothing in life is pure, you know?"

Me: "Not true, my dog's love is PURE!!! No one else receives me like her!"

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October 8th, 2010

06:33 pm - Got the cables, now need help with the software?
So I got cables that can hook up my cell phone to my computer. Unfortunately they did not come with software. So now I'm trying to find it. Anyone has a reliable place where I can get it? The software I downloaded from Sprint, for some reason, does not recognize my cell phone.

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September 16th, 2010

06:28 pm - Because I really need to know...
What would be an appropriate turn around time for an advisor going over a draft and handing it back? What if the draft is two pages long? What if the draft is 15 pages long? What if this would be the third draft, so most of the words and material should've been read already before?

Inquiring mind needs to know....

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September 11th, 2010

06:37 am - Help writing an action plan...
So I've been tasked with doing an action plan wit goals that can be met in a month or so. Otherwise, my PhD studies may be in trouble.

Now... I'm confused. I don't think I've ever written one, and I don't know what it exactly entails. And I suck at a googling, and the pages I saw where not much help to me.

Any tips or ideas or suggestions?

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August 27th, 2010

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August 21st, 2010

08:43 pm - Suggestions, pretty please?

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August 15th, 2010

07:14 pm - Writer's Block: In the summertime

Wasn't really a "job", but the couple of days I spent in St. Petersburg/Tampa in a remote fishery helping a PhD student/fishery manager with her project, with my graduate mentors and another undergrad... Man, those were some of the best days before going to veterinary school.

I didn't mind separating and alloquating blood samples all day long. Companionship was good, I learned some stuff, food was good, company was excellent.

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07:12 pm - Writer's Block: Bye bye life!

Bye bye life!

If you could choose the manner in which you would ultimately die, would you? How would you want to depart this world?

Asleep, old, next to my companion (which in my dream would die the same time as I would). Knowing before going to bed that I've got a family to love that loves me back.

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June 30th, 2010

10:14 pm - WTF?
Let the world know that the current administration in Puerto Rico denies liberty of press. Let the world know that average citizens cannot enter their own legislative sessions. Let the world know that they cannot protest peacefully without taking a shot of pepper spray or a blow to the head.

Students were demonstrating peacefully. Some tried to enter the capitol, where the legislators were having hearings. The police special forces then attacked both press and students. Including students who were just sitting by the side, not part of the ones trying to enter the capitol building.

And yes, I know that what happens in my island is less bad that what happens in other places. But it is still NOT democratic, it is still something that should not be allowed in a government considered democratic.

And consider this... The political party in power, the group in power, those who have given the orders from being complete assholes in the UPR strike thing, to the police chief who ordered the attack on civilians today... ALL of them belong to the party that, in its documents, officially, at least, wants Puerto Rico to become a state of the US. Is this something that would be acceptable in the 50 states? Is this something that would go without being publicly criticized?

Like my mom says, their greed and desire of power is what drives them.

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June 27th, 2010

08:08 pm - Silly thing...
I find it amusing that my bank counts my payment plans to St. Mary's Hospital as "purchases to St. Mary's"... Yes, yes, I'm purchasing something from the hospital...

Somehow I think my metal plate cost much less than what they billed the insurance company...

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June 21st, 2010

08:33 pm - Speaking of health insurance... HELP NEEDED!
ARGH, I thought I was done...

Turns out they say I have to pay part of my ambulance fee. Now, is there a way I could dispute that charge?

I'm afraid they're considering it "out of network", but how fair can it be when I had no choice, voice, or vote in terms of ambulance selection? It was "You cannot even stand up without help, you need drugs and stabilization, you need an ambulance"... How can something that is totally out of my hands be put that way?


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08:02 pm - WTF UGA health insurance, WTF???
They've increased the out of pocket expenses... AGAIN... Only, this time, instead of 10K,itisONLY10K, it is ONLY 10K,itisONLY5K.

Stupid idiots, stupid health care insurance, this system is supposed to save money HOW??? I'm going to still be paying the $2500 out of pocket expenses from my fracture incident when the new plan comes into effect.

I dislike this... and basically, I'm trapped into this. The plan is the only one around here that has an agreement and is accepted as "in network" with the student health care center. And since it is subsidized, it is way cheaper than any other option, which is probably much more expensive and more restrictive because I won't have a group plan.

Stupid, stupid... I hate this...
Current Mood: crankycranky

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June 18th, 2010

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