KLA Update: Gypsy Moth Information and Webinars Available - Kashwakamak Lake Association (original) (raw)
There have been a lot of discussions and emails about Gypsy Moths and the benefits or not of organising to aerially spray next year. The Kashwakamak Lake Association (KLA) believes that every property owner needs to make an individual choice as how best to proceed.
To assist you in this process we have collated resources to help you make the best decision for your property. If you are a KLA member, then you are also a member of the Federation of Ontario Cottage Association (FOCA) and we have emailed you the details of a FOCA seminar focusing on the Gypsy Moth that you can attend on line FREE of charge this Thursday July 30th at 2:00 pm. (If you’re not a member yet, you can still join as either a Member (property owner) or Associate Member for only $15/year. Contact Don Cory, Email to sign up today!
There is also an Invasive Species webinar on August 18th at 11:00 am. Please see below for more details.
Federation of Ontario Cottagers (FOCA): Thursday, July 30 at 2:00 pm (members only)
1. Invasive Species Webinar: Gypsy Moth
In response to member concerns across south central Ontario, FOCA’s next member webinar is scheduled for Thursday, July 30 at 2:00 pm: Understanding the Gypsy Moth
Join FOCA and partners for an overview about invasive gypsy moth: its life cycle, preferred habitats, forest implications of infestation and treatment considerations. This free webinar is being brought to you by FOCA and our event sponsor, Zimmer Air Services.
Important Note: pre-register by noon on July 30th at the latest, to ensure we have time to confirm and reply to you.
2. “Forests Under Attack: The History, Dispersal and Management of Gypsy Moth”
Invasive Species Centre: Tuesday August 18, 11:00 – 11:00 am
Presented by David Dutkiewicz from the Invasive Species Centre, this webinar will focus on the history of European Gypsy Moth and its subsequent arrival into Ontario in the 1980s. It will also discuss the current affected areas throughout Canada, and the areas where gypsy moth has the potential to spread. Lastly, this webinar will examine best management options for gypsy moth and the measures landowners can take to help slow the spread and protect our forests.
Go here to registration: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/2378727844159323151
3. Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF)
The KLA reached out to the MNRF to specifically ask for a recommendation and this was the response we received:
“As per our phone conversation:
Gypsy moth is an introduced pest, and as such is a regulated pest by the federal government under the mandate of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
Gypsy moth is widespread across Ontario and can be found south of a line from Sault Ste. Marie to Mattawa and is beyond the stage where it can be eradicated, and also beyond the stage where its population can be suppressed to keep it from reaching outbreak levels. Gypsy moth is expected to continue to have periodic population increases. In some years it will reach outbreak levels and cause defoliation, and with repeated years of attack may cause mortality. Outbreaks typically collapse within a few years from the combined effects of predators, parasites, starvation, and diseases such as the gypsy moth virus.
When outbreaks do occur, property owners, landowner groups, municipalities may wish to conduct spray programs or take other actions to keep the trees from being defoliated. The usual goal is to keep the trees alive and healthy until the natural controls can bring about the collapse of the outbreak.
The MNRF does not currently conduct control programs for gypsy moth but does undertake annual surveys to aerially map the defoliation caused by gypsy moth which can be useful information for those considering control actions on their lands. MNRF also provides scientific advice and guidance to landowners, municipalities, and others on gypsy moth biology, egg mass surveys, and control programs.”
Here are the links to the MNRF website with some more information:
Gypsy Moth link: https://www.eddmaps.org/ontario/species/subject.cfm?sub=165
4. North Frontenac Township
The Township has some limited information on its website:
“If you have inquiries regarding Gypsy Moths please contact the Invading Species Hotline: 1-800-563-7711 or info@invadingspecies.com or http://www.invadingspecies.com/
Based on Council Resolutions #183-20 and #225-20 (amending #183-20) Council does not permit spraying of Gypsy Moth on Township property. If you have inquiries about illegal or improper use of pesticides, please contact the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks at 1-866-663-8477 (24 hrs Public Reporting Hotline).”
There is also an abundance of “natural” solutions out there such as banding trees as we’ve seen discussed on this Group page.
We know this is not an easy decision and there will be differing views. Please take the time to do your own research and discuss it with you neighbours where necessary.