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Sunday, January 3, 2010
3:10PM - Wedding dress
I now have my wedding dress! Well, my parents do, now, as they took it home with them after Christmas.
It is *gorgeous*, but there are no "spoilers" other than it is exactly what I wanted! I picked it up just before Christmas, in the snow, and due to the weather there was only me and the shop owner there, so I got loads of personal attention! We spent a bit of time going through jewellery options, so I think I know what I need there, too. And if I want a veil, I have that style sorted, too.
There's still *so* much to sort out, but as long as we're organised, there's plenty of time, so one bit at a time is the way forwards.
How exciting!
(The next thing to do is send out the Save the Date cards, and sort the entertainment, flowers and balloons :o) But not today...)
Current mood: busy
Sunday, August 23, 2009
4:14PM - Christmas and birthday
Well, that was a lovely weekend :o)
I had the day off work on Friday, and after a nice lie-in went into town and had my hair done, then also had my nails painted. Very decadent! Returned 2 library books, paid in my birthday cheque to the bank, and went to a couple of shops for some bits.
Then I came home, sorted out a few clothes and bits, and off we went to London for my Christmas present. We stayed in the Queensway Hotel, just 2 minutes walk from Paddington, and got the train into the city so didn't have to park or anything. The hotel was nice, and in a great position for going out for food - there were *loads* of restaurants really close by!
On Friday night we went for an explore, and walked round the whole lake in Hyde Park, seeing a mousie and the Peter Pan tents on the way round. It was really pleasant, and good practice for my sponsored walk in a couple of weeks time (www.justgiving.co.uk/katiesell).
We had a late dinner, and it was lovely to do something a bit different.
On Saturday we got up a bit after 7.30, had some brekkie, then headed out on the tube to Camden Town. I wanted some new Doc Marten boots, and reckon Camden is one of the best places to get them - theyhave such a lot of choice, and last time I needed some the market was the cheapest option. Though, Amazon have recently started selling them at a most reasonable price :o) As it turned out, we were a touch early as the market was still setting up, so we went for a wander to the Lock, and found another shop that had DMs reduced. Still about the same cost as Amazon, but I could try them on. I ended up with some shiny black patent ones, for a change, and also got some wide purple laces for them :o) They had some *gorgeous* long zipper patent boots, too, but sadly only had them in my size in white, or I'd have had those. I've added the black ones to my Amazon wish list!
Once the boots were sorted, we then got back onto the trains and headed to Harrow and Wealdstone, as I was intrigued as to how (if) the area had changed since I lived there. It hadn't, much, but there were more betting shops and a new library :o) It was good to see.
Then we headed to find the hotel in Piccadilly. We sat in the park and had an ice cream, then went back to the hotel, changed, and came out again for our afternoon tea. It was at the Park Lane hotel, and was my Christmas experience voucher. It was all very civilised, and tasty, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you, B!
Last night, we had another late dinner, this time in the pub down the road from our hotel, and that was lovely too. The main reason we ate late was the *huge* walk we'd taken down Regent street and Oxford street! Even G's feet hurt, which doesn't often happen!
On the birthday front, we are going to a knife skills course at the local cookery school in October, so that will be another lovely day to spend together :o)
Somehow, the scales also said that I've lost 1/2 a stone in the past 2 weeks!! I was pretty impressed with that. I was dressed to go out for dinner, but I'm sure those clothes aren't significantly lighter than my exercise kit! I'll be most happy if I can maintain that this week :o) I've been having Slimfast milkshakes for some meals recently, and am actually quite impressed with them - I've not been seriously hungry after them, and they're quite tasty (except the Banoffee one, I really didn't like that much!). I got a few more today in Morrisons, as well as a can of the powder to try that as well.
Onwards and upwards (or downwards as far as the weight goes!). Only 1 week until the Bank Holidy :o) Can't wait. And between then and now, the kitchen will be tiled, and hopefully the electrics will all be finished and we'll have a fully working kitchen. The plumber is coming first thing tomorrow to sort out the sink plumbing, and the worktops were fitted on Thursday and look *gorgeous*. I'm so pleased!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
3:12PM - Good day/ bad day
I'm having a very mixed day today, but it's mainly on the up, which is fab!
The bad bit really started a while ago, when our washing machine started playing silly b***ers, but we thought we'd got it sorted. We had it in our minds that we needed to budget in for a new one, though. I'd looked at washer dryers when we were looking at fridge-freezers and ovens and hobs for the new kitchen, but we'd decided to wait until we *needed* one, instead of me just wanting one. Well, fate has intervened and made me *need* one before the kitchen is finished! *lol* We've not had the machine plugged in much recently, due to it being in the way of the kitchen installation, and so the washing has been piling up into a monster mountain. We set the machine up last weekend, and it made a few icky noises, but nothing too much to worry about, or so I thought. Hmm. We then set it up last night, and it made "skipping" noises when it was on the spin cycle. But it washed the clothes, and they were spun properly. We put another load in overnight, same result. But the sheets this morning were a different matter. The machine kept making *awful* noises, kept stopping throughout the cycle, and then seemed to give up completely. So this morning I spent a while online looking at what was available, when, and for how much. Good thing too. We went to Currys/ Comet and went back and forth a bit, haggled a bit, and finally got the machine we wanted, at the price we wanted, with the next day delivery that we wanted. RESULT!! So that was the first good bit.
I'd turned the washer-dryer off while we went out (in case it did something nasty), and turned it on again when we got home, and it seemed to finally finish the cycle, but when I took the sheets out, they were *sopping* wet! I've put them on the line, luckily it's nice and sunny, but who knows how long they might take to dry. I'm *so* looking forward to my new machine being delivered, not least so that I can wash some clothes for work (stupidly, that wasn't the first load I did!).
The second good thing was that while we were out, discussing washer-dryers and having lunch, we went into a furniture store and found a lovely dining table. Not cheap, but it's the first one we've seen that I liked enough to consider buying :o) It's also an extendable one, which I *really* want, so we have the option of having a few people over for dinner. We've got the dimensions, and need to measure the new dining area to determine whether the size is appropriate. I may end up making a template, or using boxes to get an idea of the fit, as that *really* helped with the kitchen units the other week when we had a challenge to solve! If we do go for that one, it's worth waiting a week, as the salesman said the discount might likely go from 10% off to 20% off for the bank holiday, and will probably start the week before. So that's good to know!
The third good thing is that I've also been tackling my car insurance today. The automatic renewal notification came through a day or so ago, and I wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to pay over the odds - as you do! By spending about an hour online, and on the phone to Mr Tescos, I've managed to save myself 50 quid off the auto renew price, and will also be getting 30 quids worth of Tesco vouchers (which may have been included in the auto renew offer, I'm not sure). So that's another bargain. While I was at it, I applied for my new tax disc online so that's sorted too. Bonus.
Next thing to do is to book my car in for a service (its first one) but I don't think they'll be there now, so will take the paperwork with me on Monday to give them a call.
Ah yes, and the batch of yogurt I put in the maker this morning ought to be ready in about an hour. Fingers crossed that's worked nicely, too.
Okay, I'm off to work my way through a few more items on my jobs list - I feel like I'm on a roll!
Current mood: accomplished
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
7:23PM - Ick - traffic jams :o(
Finally home from Edinburgh, having had a 7-ish hour journey home from Kendal today. Spent *far* too long in the car for my liking - and I didn't even have to drive!
G did very well, driving us all the way there and all the way back, and we had a good week away. It seems like *ages* on one hand, and on the other, it went quite quickly! It was lovely to see friends, and to meet a new friend in person, as well as new authors as well. I *loved* Gillian Phillip's talk - she is very similar to Linda Gillard who I love as a speaker :o)
Anyway, I'm online to move money around, and just thought I'd scoot in on my "way past"!!
Current mood: tired
Sunday, May 10, 2009
7:02PM - What Do You Need to Be Happy?
You Need Friends to Be Happy |
Monday, May 4, 2009
8:54PM - Wedding update - short!
So far, we have:
Booked the venue
Booked the Registrar
Booked the Honeymoon - Caribbean cruise for 2 weeks, including upgrading the flights to Premium Economy
G's asked his Dad to be his Best Man, and has got agreement :o)
Lots more to do, but we have plenty of time.
And I've lost well over half a stone in weight :o) I *will* be at the maintenance phase by the time I have to buy my dress, so I know *exactly* what size to buy!
Current mood: accomplished
Monday, April 20, 2009
12:02PM - Day off
I have a nice flex day today, before Dad and Gary insulate and board the loft for the next couple of days. So far, I've had a lie-in, been to Tesco to get some milk and bits, and checked my emails. I've also put last night's washing out to dry, and put a second load in the machine. All highly exciting stuff, but little bits that don't need doing any more :o)
I'm now burning audiobooks to CD, and watching video tapes to declutter them, and eventually the player as well. I will soon have my omelette for lunch, and will also read some magazines later. I got a couple of bride ones while I was out, and they look to have some interesting stuff in them.
I also *really* need to tidy the lounge, give the bathroom at least a quick wipe-round, and put away the dry washing that I didn't sort out yesterday. Such an exciting life!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
5:45PM - Getting there
Okay, so at 7am I was falling back asleep, so I went to bed for about an hour and a half, and woke up feeling much better. So that was good. Though I did have a bizarre dream about where some flowers were going to go for our wedding, as I was thinking weddings/ honeymoon when I went to sleep! *lol*
I think we're good to go to book our honeymoon now - well, I am, and just need G's thoughts! *lol* There are some great excursions that are on the cruise, including diving with sharkies :o)
I've cleared a lot of bits from the HDD box today, including shifting a lot of craft demos to DVD, and deleting the sales stuff. And I've ordered a nice tall, sturdy ladder, so that we can do some of the jobs we've been unable to do due to a lack of ladder! I also cleared up a bit (but not as much as I might have been able to, still I *am* supposed to be resting!) and put the recycling and food scraps into the respective bins outside. And did one quick load of washing up, and 3 loads of washing. So I'm pleased, as I wasn't expecting to get much done today when I woke up before 4am! I also spoke to my grandparents about a couple of questions on the cruise, which helps them to feel involved :o)
I'm feeling quite accomplished just now, and am recording last year's Malaysian GP to the HDD box so I can transfer it to DVD to keep it in our memories box :o) It'll take a while as it has to be recorded in real time from the video tape, but that's okay. It keeps me away from the shopping channels ;oP
Current mood: accomplished
6:11AM - Ick
Okay, so I am *bad* because I rarely go to LJ any more, nor update my friends (or catch up on their doings). But I am *good* because I try to spend the time working or doing things other than being on the puta.
But today I cannot sleep, as I'm suffering a bit. I had a minor op at the hospital on Wednesday, and was fine for 2 days, but the last couple of days I've felt quite fragile. I think it's the side effects of the drugs more than the op, but it's quite hard to tell at the moment. Still, no drugs at the moment. I think the worst bit is the back-ache don't quite know where that's come from, but it can go back there, thank you!
I even managed to pass out on Friday, which I don't think I've *ever* done before. G had to come rescue me in the bathroom! Then on the way back to the bedroom, I went down again, but that was more deliberate "lie down before I fall down", and G was there to catch me. I had a nice lie down in the doorway for a bit! *l* The wall was nice and cold, which helped. I hate feeling like this - I'm not *ill*, but I'm also not right. Most frustrating.
Today I've been researching our honeymoon a bit more, and it doesn't seem that we can get a better deal than the travel agents quoted us yesterday, so I just want to ask my Grandparents a few questions, and then I don't see why we shouldn't just book the one that's available now. No point waiting to see if something better comes along, and risk losing one that does actually work. It'll be a tiring set-up, with the wedding on the Friday and leaving for honeymoon reasonably early on Saturday, but it will mean there's no break between the two :o)
Today will probably be spent reading books about the Caribbean and wishing the pain in my midsection would go away.
Current mood: sore
Friday, March 6, 2009
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
11:56AM - Relaxing, but maybe too much?
I usually find that when I have lots to do that my timer is a god-send! It helps me to stay focussed. Though this morning I've just vegged on here reading my flist, instead of doing much!! *lol* Maybe I need to turn the timer on...
However, I have looked up some Wii prices online, and now need to "encourage" G to come into town with me to investigate the in-store prices at Gamestation, among others. Mum & Dad got one for Christmas, and we spent most of Saturday playing it on our return from Ikea! *lol* I'd thought they were a fab idea for a long time, but hadn't had a chance to try one. Now that I have, I know I *really* want one! I like the baseball game best, I think! And I also like the fact that I can actually bowl and play tennis, instead of getting frustrated with them!
Christmas day was *bliss* - no specific times for anything (except a couple of TV shows in the evening), nowhere to go, nothing major to do. We had a lie-in, and presents in bed, then I luxuriated in a Lush bath :o) Then we built our new Ikea bookcases, and installed them just in time for our roast dinner. We had chicken breasts instead of turkey, as we went to M&D's on Boxing Day. That was really yummy! Then a lot of randomness on TV, and not a lot of *doing*! Before bed, we checked the doors for the bookcases weren't damaged (in case they had to go back to Ikea) and packed a bag for the weekend.
Friday was Boxing day and we went off to the parent figures house. It was very nice, and my Grandparents actually stayed another night as well, which we didn't know about. We played Dad's Scene It game on Harry Potter (twice!), and generally socialised and chatted. On Saturday G and I went off to Ikea to get the bits we needed, and it was well worth going first thing as it started off dead quiet, then got busier and busier! Luckily, we got to the loading bit before most of the other people who'd arrived later. Then we had to go to the external warehouse to collect our cupboard doors, and the roads were *manic*. The rest of the day was basically spent on the Wii! *lol*
Sunday we had a lazy breakfast, then headed home about lunchtime.
Monday I went shopping, got a few bits in the sales, and got as many of the ingredients as I could for my cooking plan for the week. In the afternoon, I did random bits and bobbles.
Tuesday we put the doors onto our new bookcases, and I unpacked a couple of boxes of books onto them! I also cooked the turkey crown, and we had a tasty dinner :o) G went to his sign language social, and I stayed home.
This morning I've made orange breakfast muffins (but not yet eaten them!), caught up on my flist, and looked up Wii prices. I'm shortly going to actually get going! We need to go to the Bathstore to order our shower screen in their sale, and try to get creamed sweetcorn at Morrisons to make sweetcorn pudding for dinner :o) Lots to do! I'd best get moving, I think...
Muffins first, though!
Current mood: cheerful
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
3:47PM - Bored
I'm bored of the voice for the guy doing the training - he's soooo monotonous :o( And he breaks... his sentences... down funny :oS
Ah well, nearly hometime, and I can make time to listen to the other module when I have a chance and the will power to continue! *lol*
Nearly hometime. I hope tonight is easier than last night - I really struggled after work yesterday to be motivated for *anything*. I think I'm overwhelmed with the amount of stuff that needs done at the moment and isn't sorted. A lot of it is subconcious, but I'm sure it's bringing me down. Like this dratted insurance claim that's *still* not finished. I am planning to do some work on things like that after the weekend, if I can manage it. That ought to help.
Current mood: blah
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
8:31AM - Happy things : day 7
We're *almost* there for Christmas!
I just have to wrap a few presents, write my cards, and do a small top-up food shop. Oh, and decorate and clean the house! *lol* In the grand scheme of things, this is minimal :O)
Current mood: happy
8:06AM - Well, the food shopping is almost complete!
Well last night we went to Morrisons and did a big food shop - I can't remember the last time we spent so many pennies in one hit on food! The good news is that we got mostly everything on the list, and a lot of it was on offer. We did get a few bits and bobs not on the list, but not too many.
We've got a nice turkey crown for the week after Christmas, cheese and biscuits, "normal" food for the week at work leading up to Christmas, the bits for the Christmas lunch other than the fresh carrots, and some nice Shloer and things to drink :o)
I was already planning to buy Aunt Bessie's frozen roast parsnips (mmmmmm.... yummy!) and potatoes, so when the Morrisons leaflet came through with the potatoes at £1 per bag, as well as a number of other items already on the list for a similar price or BOGOF (buy one get one free), then it was worth going to Morrisons instead of the usual Tesco. Especially as there's little difference in the distance to travel! I did succumb to their offer of £1 for Aunt Bessie's yorkshire pudding batters and also the posk stuffing balls, but if you can't treat yourself at Christmas... And they were only a pound. :o) (Though I have to say that I was glad the freezer was pretty empty, as it allowed room for the turkey crown, veggies, loaf of bread, etc :o) There's even still a little space!)
I feel much better now, knowing I only have to do one tiny top-up shop before Christmas itself, and I mainly know what I need to buy then, too. It wasn't too crazy in Morrisons last night, either, which was a relief. It probably helped that we went almost immediately when I got home from work, so missed the crowds as I tend to start early and finish early with the flexible hours I have at work. Hurrah!
I hope my friends are all almost there with food shopping, at least the bits that can be frozen, and only have to do a small top-up if necessary for fresh stuff.
Current mood: chipper
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
2:02PM - Happy things : day 6
Found some really cool greetings cards on the stall at lunchtime at work - they're the ones that change the picture when you change the viewing angle. I like 'em! (And they were cheap, too.)
And Nigella's Christmas Kitchen is on again tonight, part 2. I do like that show!
(But I didn't do my Christmas cards last night so they're still to do)
Current mood: okay
Monday, December 15, 2008
1:37PM - Happy things : days 3, 4 and 5 (it was a busy, busy weekend!)
Day 3:
Seeing my "ickle" bruv and taking him out for lunch.
Day 4:
Seeing grandparent-things and making them happy by taking them to Milestones and the Chinese restaurant that they *loved*! (They paid, but you can't have everything!)
Day 5:
There's only one more full week 'til Christmas? Or that my car was in the garage last night so wasn't so cold when I got in it this morning. At least it wasn't frosty!
Am very tired today! Planning to do the "strenuous" task of writing some Christmas cards tonight :o)
Current mood: cold
Friday, December 12, 2008
1:27PM - Christmas tree is up
Yes, you read it right. The tree is up, but not decorated.
And it wasn't me who suggested we put it up! It was G!!!!!
We're obviously getting to him! *lol* He suggested it was put up, to allow 2 weeks before Christmas. Amazing! I was going to put it up next weekend, just before the festive season.
Not sure when it'll get decorated, but as we just bought a new one, it's already lit - it has blue fibre optics in it. I'm going to *try* to stick to mainly silver decorations and tinsel (maybe some blue/ lilac in the tinsel) to keep it as tasteful as possible with the blue lights. I'll try to remember to update as to how I get on.
It must be nearly Christmas, if G's letting me (suggesting we) put a tree up!
Current mood: amused
1:07PM - A rainbow :o)
Current mood: happy
12:42PM - Happy things : day 2
Another G thing - he defrosted the car for me! Bless :o)
(Though he undid some of it by spending 99% of the evening on the computer. Not tonight, I say!!)
Current mood: happy
Thursday, December 11, 2008
10:24AM - Happy things : day 1
I've been tagged by mrscosmopilite
The rules are that for 8 days you have to post something that made you happy that day.
Tag 8 people to do the same.
I'm not tagging anyone, though, it's not fair as I'm rarely on here!
Day 1: Today I'm happy that G got up with me and sorted the washing for me. I didn't have time, but also didn't have to ask! Thanks, B :o)
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