These are the structural linkages among the core knowledge bases for this RC: ... more
The core structure for KBpedia is derived from six (6) main knowledge bases — OpenCyc, UMBEL, GeoNames, DBpedia, Wikipedia and Wikidata. The conceptual relationships in the KBpedia Knowledge Ontology (KKO) are largely drawn from OpenCyc and UMBEL, though any of the other four sources may contribute local knowledge graph structure. Additional reference concepts (RCs) are contributed primarily from GeoNames and Wikipedia. Wikidata contributes the bulk of the instance data, though instance records are actually drawn from all sources. DBpedia and Wikidata are also the primary sources for attribute characterizations of the instances. Two characteristics define what is a core contributor to the KBpedia structure: 1) the scale and completeness of the source; and 2) its contribution of a large number of RCs to the overall KKO knowledge graph. The KBs in the core structure play a central role in the scope and definition of KBpedia. This core structure of KBpedia is supplemented by mappings to about 20 additional external linkages, which are highly useful for interoperability purposes, but do not themselves contribute to the same extent to the RC scope of the KKO graph. Instances (or entities) are related to the KKO graph via the rdfs:type predicate, which assigns an entity to one or more parental classes. RCs within the KKO graph may be equivalent (owl:equivalentClass), a parent super class (kko:superClassOf), a child sub class (rdfs:subClassOf), or a closely related concept (kko:isCloselyRelated). These relationships define the edges between the nodes in the graph structure, and are also the basis for logical inferencing.