Elvira Buitek | Kazakh-British Technical University (original) (raw)
Papers by Elvira Buitek
Экономика: стратегия и практика, Dec 30, 2020
The purpose of research paper is to analyze the structure of youth employment for 2014-2018, dete... more The purpose of research paper is to analyze the structure of youth employment for 2014-2018, determine the impact of the pandemic on the development of national and regional labor markets, highlight the problems of imbalance in the youth labor market, identify the peculiarities of internal migration of the young population in the labor market of Kazakhstan. Methodology. The research methodology includes general scientific, private, empirical and theoretical research methods. Methods and tools of statistical analysis, comparative, structural, and factor analysis were used in the preparation of the article. Methods of tabular and graphical representation of data are used as statistical tools. Originality / value of the research-Ensuring youth employment has an impact on the country's economic growth and socioeconomic modernization and is considered as one of the most important factors determining the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the total labor force reproduction Findings. Authors suggest measures to improve the situation of young people in the labor market of Kazakhstan.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration
PurposeDrawing on the contemporary literature and the theory of employer attractiveness, the auth... more PurposeDrawing on the contemporary literature and the theory of employer attractiveness, the authors aimed to examine key antecedents and consequences of employer attractiveness by proposing functional hypotheses and relationships between some endogenous variables.Design/methodology/approachUsing the quota-cum-purposive sampling method, the unit of analysis selected for this study was millennials aged 18–35 years and working in the hospitality, travel, tourism and leisure (HTTL) sectors for the last two years. A total of 218 responses were collected in three months (June–August 2022). The data were analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM).FindingsFor young employees, company recruitment behaviour, company image and source credibility are significantly and directly related to company attractiveness. The relationship between company image and employee word of mouth (WOM) was significantly positive. Company recruitment behaviour was found to signific...
Central Asian economic review, Feb 28, 2020
The research paper was prepared as a part of grant project on «Increasing the competitiveness of ... more The research paper was prepared as a part of grant project on «Increasing the competitiveness of national human resources as a condition of balancing the labor resources and job places» (IRN of the project AP05132547, 2018-2020). The purpose of research. Paper is to study the labor market in Kazakhstan in the regional context using cluster analysis methods and identify the peculiarities of the situation at the labor market of country's territorial units in order to define the impact of a set of specific factors on unemployment. Methodology. The method used to create clusters of objects (across 17 territorial units of Kazakhstan) is cluster analysis in combination with quantitative method of correlation and regression analysis. A segmentation of regions is observed for the years of 2014 to 2019, based on selected indicators of the labor market situation. The data collected from the databases of the official statistical information of the Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan. Originality / value of the research. The current state of the labor market in regions of Kazakhstan (14 regions and 3 cities of national importance) is analyzed, and a system of statistical indicators that influence the state and development of this market is formed. Based on the obtained results, a differentiated approach of developing measures was proposed in order to reduce the unemployment in the country. Research results. The main results obtained include: The author carried out the clustering of regions of Kazakhstan by the level of labor market development using the method of cluster analysis. According to Әлеуметтік экономика СоЦиалЬнаЯ экономика ISSN 2224-5561 Central Asian Economic Review 88 the results of multidimensional grouping, 3 clusters were obtained, which characterize the specifics of the economic situation of the labor market in the cities and regions of the country. The results of the calculations performed are presented, and the main measures and directions are proposed to reduce unemployment.
Amid economic pressure and inclination for independent financing, universities tend to commercial... more Amid economic pressure and inclination for independent financing, universities tend to commercialize knowledge, a growing trend emerging as an entry gate for the privatization of scientific advancements and the development and transfer of technology from universities. Numerous studies have been conducted on the commercialization of knowledge. This article aims to integrate previous studies and develop a comprehensive model out of the factors cited in those studies. Therefore, 57 relevant articles were analyzed to identify the indices of knowledge commercialization within the framework of a systematic review literature guideline. In addition to guideline validate criteria, three university professors were interviewed for conceptual model include the subjects (contextual, individual, organizational, institutional, and environmental), and components. En medio de la presión económica y la inclinación por el financiamiento independiente, las universidades tienden a comercializar el...
Eurasian Journal of Economic and Business Studies, 2020
Goals and objectives of the research are to analyze and systematize the existing approaches to th... more Goals and objectives of the research are to analyze and systematize the existing approaches to the study of the competitiveness of human resources and identify the suitable ones as a basis for formation of competitive human resource model for Kazakhstan. Methodology: the analysis and synthesis methods are used in research. The authors analyzed the different explanations and definitions of the concept of competitive human resources and studies the various approaches of identifying it. Results/Findings directed to develop the theoretical mechanism of the competitive specialist creation, considering the major priorities and requirements for skilled employees in the labor market. Novelty, originality, and value of the study are determined by worldwide changes in the development of the economy and the actions of Kazakhstan in realization of these processes. These changes make the State obliged to create a necessary concept of increasing the competitiveness of national human resources, co...
Bulletin of "Turan" University, 2021
The article considers the possibility of the development of public-private partnership in the fie... more The article considers the possibility of the development of public-private partnership in the field of vocational education and substantiates its necessity for high-quality training and further employment of specialists in accordance with the requirements of the modern labor market. The aim of the study is to identify new trends in the training of competitive graduates of technical and vocational education (VET) and higher education institutions (HEI) in the conditions of modern economy using public-private partnership (PPP) mechanisms. The research methodology includes general scientific and theoretical research methods. Methods of tabular representation of data is used as statistical tool. Originality of the research is that it is relevant and necessary to develop new model of training young specialists, involving the implementation of educational, research, innovative and entrepreneurial, spiritual and moral activities that meet modern trends. The authors carried out the analysis of the level and quality of training of national personnel in terms of ensuring the future needs of the labor market of the Republic of Kazakhstan and identified the advantages of using public-private partnership mechanisms in improving the skills, employment, retraining of future specialists. The paper was prepared within the grant project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan AP08957434 "Development of a system of evaluation and certification of professional competences of experts of PPP in Kazakhstan in accordance with international standards and advanced technologies".
Eurasian Journal of Economic and Business Studies
International practices show that systematic state support of the development of youth entreprene... more International practices show that systematic state support of the development of youth entrepreneurship gives a chance to talented and ambitious young people with potential and promising business ideas to become entrepreneurs, and will ensure the development of entrepreneurship in the country, which, in turn, will lead to economic growth, increase in employment, investment attractiveness, and social stability of society. The purpose of research paper is to consider the priorities of ensuring effective youth employment. The areas of youth entrepreneurship development are one of the tools for increasing youth employment, where there should be taken into account the current situation in youth entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan. Methods of tabular representation of data is used as statistical tool. Originality of the research is that authors tried to examine the improvement of institutional frameworks that contribute to increasing the potential for the formation of full employment , which s...
Eurasian Journal of Economic and Business Studies, 2021
The transformation of the importance of vocational education and training, the determining the de... more The transformation of the importance of vocational education and training, the determining the development trajectories occur due to the structural changes that are under the influence of technological factor changes. Especially, digitalization, automation, robotics, the artificial intelligence, the transition to industry 4.0, the changing nature of consumer demand directly affect the restructuring of the labor market. The listed factors accelerate the development of new professions in demanded areas and the disappearance of outdated ones, they stimulate the improvement of needed skills and meet the modern requirements from employers for educationalщl programs. The purpose of research paper is to identify the new trends in the training of competitive young employees, taking into account the conditions of digitalization of economy The research methodology includes general scientific and theoretical research methods. Methods of tabular representation of data is used as statistical too...
AD-minister, 2021
Amid economic pressure and inclination for independent financing, universities tend to commercial... more Amid economic pressure and inclination for independent financing, universities tend to commercialize knowledge, a growing trend emerging as an entry gate for the privatization of scientific advancements and the development and transfer of technology from universities. Numerous studies have been conducted on the commercialization of knowledge. This article aims to integrate previous studies and develop a comprehensive model out of the factors cited in those studies. Therefore, 57 relevant articles were analyzed to identify the indices of knowledge commercialization within the framework of a systematic review literature guideline. In addition to guideline validate criteria, three university professors were interviewed for conceptual model include the subjects (contextual, individual, organizational, institutional, and environmental), and components.
The economy: strategy and practice, 2021
Зерттеу мақсаты: 2014-2018 жылдар аралығындағы Қазақстан жастарының жұмыспен қамтылу құрылымына т... more Зерттеу мақсаты: 2014-2018 жылдар аралығындағы Қазақстан жастарының жұмыспен қамтылу құрылымына талдау жүргізу, пандемияның ұлттық және аймақтық еңбек нарықтарының дамуына әсерін анықтау, жастар еңбек нарығындағы теңгерімсіздік мәселесін көрсету және жастардың Қазақстанның еңбек нарығындағы ішкі көші-қон ерекшеліктерін айқындау. Әдіснамасы: Зерттеу әдіснамасына жалпы ғылыми, жеке, эмпирикалық және теориялық зерттеу әдістері кіреді. Мақаланы дайындауда статистикалық талдау, салыстырмалы, құрылымдық, факторлық талдау әдістері мен құралдары қолданылды. Статистикалық құрал ретінде мәліметтерді кестелік және графикалық ұсыну әдістері пайдаланылды. Зерттеудің бірегейлігі / құндылығы: Ұлттық еңбек нарығындағы жастардың позициясын бағалау қажеттілігі олардың елдің әлеуметтік-экономикалық дамуындағы айқындаушы рөліне байланысты. Жастардың қоғамға ойдағыдай кірігуін қамтамасыз ету көптеген мәселелерді шешеді, соның ішінде қоғамдық ұдайы өндіріске қол жеткізу, еңбек өнімділігінің артуы және жас мамандардың бәсекеге қабілеттілігін арттыру жатқызылады. Зерттеу нәтижелері: Авторлар қазақстандық еңбек нарығында жастардың позициясын жақсарту бойынша шаралар ұсынады. Түйін сөздер: жастардың еңбек нарығы, жұмыспен қамту, білім беру, өзін-өзі жұмыспен қамту. Аннотация Цель исследования-проведение анализа структуры занятости молодежи за 2014-2018 гг., определение влияния пандемии на развитие национального и регионального рынков труда, выделение проблемы несбалансированности молодежного рынка труда и выявление особенностей внутренней миграции молодого населения на казахстанском рынке труда. Методология исследования включает общенаучные, частные, эмпирические и теоретические методы. При подготовке статьи были использованы методы и инструменты статистического анализа, сравнительного, структурного, факторного анализа. В качестве статистического инструментария использованы методы табличного и графического представления данных Оригинальность/ценность исследования-необходимость оценки положения молодежи на национальном рынке труда обусловлена определяющей ее ролью в социально-экономическом развитии страны. Обеспечение успешной интеграции молодежи в общество решает широкий круг задач, среди которых достижение общественного воспроизводства, рост производительности труда, повышение конкурентоспособности молодых специалистов. Результаты исследования: предложены меры по улучшению положения молодежи на казахстанском рынке труда.
Экономика: стратегия и практика, Dec 30, 2020
The purpose of research paper is to analyze the structure of youth employment for 2014-2018, dete... more The purpose of research paper is to analyze the structure of youth employment for 2014-2018, determine the impact of the pandemic on the development of national and regional labor markets, highlight the problems of imbalance in the youth labor market, identify the peculiarities of internal migration of the young population in the labor market of Kazakhstan. Methodology. The research methodology includes general scientific, private, empirical and theoretical research methods. Methods and tools of statistical analysis, comparative, structural, and factor analysis were used in the preparation of the article. Methods of tabular and graphical representation of data are used as statistical tools. Originality / value of the research-Ensuring youth employment has an impact on the country's economic growth and socioeconomic modernization and is considered as one of the most important factors determining the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the total labor force reproduction Findings. Authors suggest measures to improve the situation of young people in the labor market of Kazakhstan.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration
PurposeDrawing on the contemporary literature and the theory of employer attractiveness, the auth... more PurposeDrawing on the contemporary literature and the theory of employer attractiveness, the authors aimed to examine key antecedents and consequences of employer attractiveness by proposing functional hypotheses and relationships between some endogenous variables.Design/methodology/approachUsing the quota-cum-purposive sampling method, the unit of analysis selected for this study was millennials aged 18–35 years and working in the hospitality, travel, tourism and leisure (HTTL) sectors for the last two years. A total of 218 responses were collected in three months (June–August 2022). The data were analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM).FindingsFor young employees, company recruitment behaviour, company image and source credibility are significantly and directly related to company attractiveness. The relationship between company image and employee word of mouth (WOM) was significantly positive. Company recruitment behaviour was found to signific...
Central Asian economic review, Feb 28, 2020
The research paper was prepared as a part of grant project on «Increasing the competitiveness of ... more The research paper was prepared as a part of grant project on «Increasing the competitiveness of national human resources as a condition of balancing the labor resources and job places» (IRN of the project AP05132547, 2018-2020). The purpose of research. Paper is to study the labor market in Kazakhstan in the regional context using cluster analysis methods and identify the peculiarities of the situation at the labor market of country's territorial units in order to define the impact of a set of specific factors on unemployment. Methodology. The method used to create clusters of objects (across 17 territorial units of Kazakhstan) is cluster analysis in combination with quantitative method of correlation and regression analysis. A segmentation of regions is observed for the years of 2014 to 2019, based on selected indicators of the labor market situation. The data collected from the databases of the official statistical information of the Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan. Originality / value of the research. The current state of the labor market in regions of Kazakhstan (14 regions and 3 cities of national importance) is analyzed, and a system of statistical indicators that influence the state and development of this market is formed. Based on the obtained results, a differentiated approach of developing measures was proposed in order to reduce the unemployment in the country. Research results. The main results obtained include: The author carried out the clustering of regions of Kazakhstan by the level of labor market development using the method of cluster analysis. According to Әлеуметтік экономика СоЦиалЬнаЯ экономика ISSN 2224-5561 Central Asian Economic Review 88 the results of multidimensional grouping, 3 clusters were obtained, which characterize the specifics of the economic situation of the labor market in the cities and regions of the country. The results of the calculations performed are presented, and the main measures and directions are proposed to reduce unemployment.
Amid economic pressure and inclination for independent financing, universities tend to commercial... more Amid economic pressure and inclination for independent financing, universities tend to commercialize knowledge, a growing trend emerging as an entry gate for the privatization of scientific advancements and the development and transfer of technology from universities. Numerous studies have been conducted on the commercialization of knowledge. This article aims to integrate previous studies and develop a comprehensive model out of the factors cited in those studies. Therefore, 57 relevant articles were analyzed to identify the indices of knowledge commercialization within the framework of a systematic review literature guideline. In addition to guideline validate criteria, three university professors were interviewed for conceptual model include the subjects (contextual, individual, organizational, institutional, and environmental), and components. En medio de la presión económica y la inclinación por el financiamiento independiente, las universidades tienden a comercializar el...
Eurasian Journal of Economic and Business Studies, 2020
Goals and objectives of the research are to analyze and systematize the existing approaches to th... more Goals and objectives of the research are to analyze and systematize the existing approaches to the study of the competitiveness of human resources and identify the suitable ones as a basis for formation of competitive human resource model for Kazakhstan. Methodology: the analysis and synthesis methods are used in research. The authors analyzed the different explanations and definitions of the concept of competitive human resources and studies the various approaches of identifying it. Results/Findings directed to develop the theoretical mechanism of the competitive specialist creation, considering the major priorities and requirements for skilled employees in the labor market. Novelty, originality, and value of the study are determined by worldwide changes in the development of the economy and the actions of Kazakhstan in realization of these processes. These changes make the State obliged to create a necessary concept of increasing the competitiveness of national human resources, co...
Bulletin of "Turan" University, 2021
The article considers the possibility of the development of public-private partnership in the fie... more The article considers the possibility of the development of public-private partnership in the field of vocational education and substantiates its necessity for high-quality training and further employment of specialists in accordance with the requirements of the modern labor market. The aim of the study is to identify new trends in the training of competitive graduates of technical and vocational education (VET) and higher education institutions (HEI) in the conditions of modern economy using public-private partnership (PPP) mechanisms. The research methodology includes general scientific and theoretical research methods. Methods of tabular representation of data is used as statistical tool. Originality of the research is that it is relevant and necessary to develop new model of training young specialists, involving the implementation of educational, research, innovative and entrepreneurial, spiritual and moral activities that meet modern trends. The authors carried out the analysis of the level and quality of training of national personnel in terms of ensuring the future needs of the labor market of the Republic of Kazakhstan and identified the advantages of using public-private partnership mechanisms in improving the skills, employment, retraining of future specialists. The paper was prepared within the grant project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan AP08957434 "Development of a system of evaluation and certification of professional competences of experts of PPP in Kazakhstan in accordance with international standards and advanced technologies".
Eurasian Journal of Economic and Business Studies
International practices show that systematic state support of the development of youth entreprene... more International practices show that systematic state support of the development of youth entrepreneurship gives a chance to talented and ambitious young people with potential and promising business ideas to become entrepreneurs, and will ensure the development of entrepreneurship in the country, which, in turn, will lead to economic growth, increase in employment, investment attractiveness, and social stability of society. The purpose of research paper is to consider the priorities of ensuring effective youth employment. The areas of youth entrepreneurship development are one of the tools for increasing youth employment, where there should be taken into account the current situation in youth entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan. Methods of tabular representation of data is used as statistical tool. Originality of the research is that authors tried to examine the improvement of institutional frameworks that contribute to increasing the potential for the formation of full employment , which s...
Eurasian Journal of Economic and Business Studies, 2021
The transformation of the importance of vocational education and training, the determining the de... more The transformation of the importance of vocational education and training, the determining the development trajectories occur due to the structural changes that are under the influence of technological factor changes. Especially, digitalization, automation, robotics, the artificial intelligence, the transition to industry 4.0, the changing nature of consumer demand directly affect the restructuring of the labor market. The listed factors accelerate the development of new professions in demanded areas and the disappearance of outdated ones, they stimulate the improvement of needed skills and meet the modern requirements from employers for educationalщl programs. The purpose of research paper is to identify the new trends in the training of competitive young employees, taking into account the conditions of digitalization of economy The research methodology includes general scientific and theoretical research methods. Methods of tabular representation of data is used as statistical too...
AD-minister, 2021
Amid economic pressure and inclination for independent financing, universities tend to commercial... more Amid economic pressure and inclination for independent financing, universities tend to commercialize knowledge, a growing trend emerging as an entry gate for the privatization of scientific advancements and the development and transfer of technology from universities. Numerous studies have been conducted on the commercialization of knowledge. This article aims to integrate previous studies and develop a comprehensive model out of the factors cited in those studies. Therefore, 57 relevant articles were analyzed to identify the indices of knowledge commercialization within the framework of a systematic review literature guideline. In addition to guideline validate criteria, three university professors were interviewed for conceptual model include the subjects (contextual, individual, organizational, institutional, and environmental), and components.
The economy: strategy and practice, 2021
Зерттеу мақсаты: 2014-2018 жылдар аралығындағы Қазақстан жастарының жұмыспен қамтылу құрылымына т... more Зерттеу мақсаты: 2014-2018 жылдар аралығындағы Қазақстан жастарының жұмыспен қамтылу құрылымына талдау жүргізу, пандемияның ұлттық және аймақтық еңбек нарықтарының дамуына әсерін анықтау, жастар еңбек нарығындағы теңгерімсіздік мәселесін көрсету және жастардың Қазақстанның еңбек нарығындағы ішкі көші-қон ерекшеліктерін айқындау. Әдіснамасы: Зерттеу әдіснамасына жалпы ғылыми, жеке, эмпирикалық және теориялық зерттеу әдістері кіреді. Мақаланы дайындауда статистикалық талдау, салыстырмалы, құрылымдық, факторлық талдау әдістері мен құралдары қолданылды. Статистикалық құрал ретінде мәліметтерді кестелік және графикалық ұсыну әдістері пайдаланылды. Зерттеудің бірегейлігі / құндылығы: Ұлттық еңбек нарығындағы жастардың позициясын бағалау қажеттілігі олардың елдің әлеуметтік-экономикалық дамуындағы айқындаушы рөліне байланысты. Жастардың қоғамға ойдағыдай кірігуін қамтамасыз ету көптеген мәселелерді шешеді, соның ішінде қоғамдық ұдайы өндіріске қол жеткізу, еңбек өнімділігінің артуы және жас мамандардың бәсекеге қабілеттілігін арттыру жатқызылады. Зерттеу нәтижелері: Авторлар қазақстандық еңбек нарығында жастардың позициясын жақсарту бойынша шаралар ұсынады. Түйін сөздер: жастардың еңбек нарығы, жұмыспен қамту, білім беру, өзін-өзі жұмыспен қамту. Аннотация Цель исследования-проведение анализа структуры занятости молодежи за 2014-2018 гг., определение влияния пандемии на развитие национального и регионального рынков труда, выделение проблемы несбалансированности молодежного рынка труда и выявление особенностей внутренней миграции молодого населения на казахстанском рынке труда. Методология исследования включает общенаучные, частные, эмпирические и теоретические методы. При подготовке статьи были использованы методы и инструменты статистического анализа, сравнительного, структурного, факторного анализа. В качестве статистического инструментария использованы методы табличного и графического представления данных Оригинальность/ценность исследования-необходимость оценки положения молодежи на национальном рынке труда обусловлена определяющей ее ролью в социально-экономическом развитии страны. Обеспечение успешной интеграции молодежи в общество решает широкий круг задач, среди которых достижение общественного воспроизводства, рост производительности труда, повышение конкурентоспособности молодых специалистов. Результаты исследования: предложены меры по улучшению положения молодежи на казахстанском рынке труда.