Marat Yaushev | Kazan State Medical University (original) (raw)
Papers by Marat Yaushev
Kazan medical journal
Obstructive ventilation disorders in patients with various forms of pulmonary tuberculosis are on... more Obstructive ventilation disorders in patients with various forms of pulmonary tuberculosis are one of the leading factors in the development of respiratory failure and have a significant impact on the nature of the course, effectiveness and duration of treatment, disability of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis [6]. According to various authors, the frequency of detection of bronchoobstructive syndrome in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis ranges from 38.2% to 75.7% and is determined by many factors age, the presence of destruction, nonspecific bronchitis and chronic heart disease, a form of tuberculosis [4, 5]. There are quite a lot of patients with bronchial obstruction of a functional nature, and this requires adequate correction of obstructive disorders accordingly [1]. Due to the individual sensitivity of patients to bronchodilators, it is necessary to select the most effective drug according to the acute test data.
Kazan medical journal, 1993
The several diagnostic features for differentiation of tuberculosis and sarcoidosis are determine... more The several diagnostic features for differentiation of tuberculosis and sarcoidosis are determined using the original support systems HELPER-2 and FVD-1 created in the Kazan medical institute. They are age, sex, smoking, the prominence of inflammation, shadows type and step of ventilating disorders.
Kazan medical journal, 1993
Functional disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems with pectus excavatum (CFD) ha... more Functional disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems with pectus excavatum (CFD) have attracted close attention of specialists for a long time. Modern examination methods based on the use of new diagnostic equipment allow obtaining more and more objective criteria for assessing these disorders. However, there are still no clear relationships between the degree of deformity and the severity of cardiorespiratory disorders. Therefore, indications for thoracoplasty are made for cosmetic or other subjective reasons, which is unacceptable in relation to such a complex surgical intervention.
Kazan medical journal, 1998
On the basis of examination of 5020 patients during 19911997 it is concluded that each third pati... more On the basis of examination of 5020 patients during 19911997 it is concluded that each third patient had bronchobstructive syndrome. If in disseminated and fibrocavernous tuberculosis the aggravation of bronchi permeability was found in each second patient, so in chronic obstructive bronchitis in all patients. At the same time in sarcoidosis, in idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis this syndrome was rarely found. The analysis of 155 cases of the use of atrovent as an acute test with broncholithic showed the high efficiency of this cholinoblockator in significant obstruction and minimal effect in patients without ventilational insufficiency.
Tubercle and Lung Disease, 1995
quency of bronchial asthma (B.A.) exacerbations in pregnant women and health status of infants. T... more quency of bronchial asthma (B.A.) exacerbations in pregnant women and health status of infants. The research was based on the epidemiological investigation and prolonged observation of 23 pregnant women with B.A. during the gestation period. Remission of B.A. before the pregnancy in excess of 5 years was recorded in 9 patients (39.1%), 6 patients (26.1%) reported a 2-3 year remission and 8 patients (34.8%) had a remission lasting less than 12 months before they became pregnant. Seven patients (30.4%) developed medium attacks in the second half of pregnancy, four patients (17.4%) experienced light attacks of B.A. Asthma attacks were most frequently caused by acute respiratory diseases and stress factors. In two cases with grave manifestation of B.A., the pregnancy ended in abortion within the first 16-18 weeks due to the frequent and heavy choking attacks. To fight B.A. attacks, five patients used ~2adrenomimetics (salbutamol, becotide) in sprays, six women were administered theophyllinum and salbutamol in the form of tablets during 1-2 weeks. A significant portion of pregnant women with B.A. (78%) exhibited frequent complications during pregnancy (toxemia, late gestosis, threat of miscarriage). Our findings prove that babies born to women with B.A. of domestic and pollen origin had a low body weight (2800-2500 gr), functional immaturity and chronic antenatal and intranatal hypoxia twice as often as the infants born to healthy women without allergic background. Preventive treatment of women with B.A. prior to pregnancy is required to maintain a stable remission of the disease, which is a key to having healthy children delivered by mothers suffering from B.A.
Желчнокаменная болезнь (ЖКБ) — широко распро-страненное заболевание как в Российской Федерации, т... more Желчнокаменная болезнь (ЖКБ) — широко распро-страненное заболевание как в Российской Федерации, так в Западной Европе и США. По данным статистики последних лет, ЖКБ страдают каждая пятая женщина и каждый десятый мужчина [1]. В последнее время в связи с увеличением коли-чества пациентов, страдающих ЖКБ (калькулезным холеци-ститом), и низкой эффективностью медикаментозной терапии возрастает количество оперативных вмешательств по этому поводу [2]. Число ежегодно выполняемых в России холецистэк-томий превышает 110 тыс. [1].На сегодняшний день в лечении острого и хронического калькулезного холецистита в клинике широко используются малоинвазивные хирургические вмешательства — лапароско-пическая холецистэктомия (ЛХЭ) и открытая холецистэктомия из мини-доступа [2, 3]. Расширение показаний в использова-
The abstract is the study of the quality of life in patients with COPD and CHF on the basis of Qu... more The abstract is the study of the quality of life in patients with COPD and CHF on the basis of Quality of Life Questionnaire. SF-36 questionnaire (English The Short Form-36) - is a non-specific questionnaire for assessing quality of life of the patient, is widely used in studies of quality of life. The survey reflects the general well-being and satisfaction with those aspects of human life that are affected by the state of health. SF-36 consists of 36 questions grouped into eight scales: physical functioning, role activities, bodily pain, general health, vitality, social functioning, emotional and mental state of health. Performance of each scale so constituted that the higher value of the exponent (0 to 100) the best estimate of the chosen scale. Of them form two parameters: the psychological and physical components of health.
The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine, 2021
Abstract. Pulmonary tuberculosis (TBL), as well as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), ... more Abstract. Pulmonary tuberculosis (TBL), as well as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), have a diverse negative impact on the quality of life (QOL) of patients. In this regard, a detailed study of the quality of life of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in combination with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease retains its importance and relevance.
Aim. The aim of the study was to determine the orientation and degree of influence of clinical and functional features of pulmonary tuberculosis and concomitant chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on patients’ quality of life and their interrelation with each other. Material and methods. Two groups of patients were studied: patients with pulmonary tuberculosis without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (49 people), and pulmonary tuberculosis combined with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (37 people), who were hospitalized at the tuberculosis dispensary. Male patients
prevailed in both groups, infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis was diagnosed more frequently, first-time pulmonary tuberculosis was detected, and the mean age was over 45 years. Patients’ quality of life was assessed using the MOS
SF-36 questionnaire. External respiratory function was examined by spirometry. Statistical analysis was performed using Statistica 10.0 package, variance and correlation analysis of the obtained data was performed. Results and discussion. In both groups, pulmonary tuberculosis with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was associated with decreased physical activity (PF 63,91 and 67,55, respectively), and recurrence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was associated with decreased perception of general health (GH 53,0), and had a negative effect on daily activities (RP 48,64), including through impairment of the emotional sphere (RE 43,24). In the group of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease compared to the general population in the Russian Federation, there was a decrease in social activity (SF 62,75) and physical activity (PF 67,55). Conclusion. The study showed that for the majority of domains, the decrease in quality of life in both groups - pulmonary tuberculosis with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pulmonary tuberculosis without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – was noted in older age groups. The most significant decrease in the quality of life in both groups was in the domain of physical functioning (PF). In the group of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease there was a more pronounced negative effect of emotional background (RE) on the performance of daily activities and a lower perception of the physical component of health (PH). In the group of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, social functioning (SF) was affected more frequently, and there was a more pronounced sensation of pain (BP).
Key words: lung tuberculosis, COPD, quality of life, SF-36.
The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine
Годовые дозовые нагрузки на персонал ниже предельной годовой дозы (20 млЗв) в 20-30 раз, случаев ... more Годовые дозовые нагрузки на персонал ниже предельной годовой дозы (20 млЗв) в 20-30 раз, случаев радиационных аварий и переоблучения персонала и населения не было. Случаев хищения и использования не по назначению не выявлено. Загрязнения окружающей среды не зарегистрировано. Литература Федеральный закон от 30.03.1999 г. № 52-ФЗ «О санитарно-1. эпидемиологическом благополучии населения». Federal'nyi zakon ot 30.03.1999 g. № 52-FZ «O sanitarnoepidemiologicheskom blagopoluchii naseleniya». Федеральный закон от 09.01.1996 г. № 3-ФЗ «О радиаци-2. онной безопасности населения». Federal'nyi zakon ot 09.01.1996 g. № 3-FZ «O radiacionnoi bezopasnosti naseleniya». Нормы радиационной безопасности, НРБ-2000. 3. Normy radiacionnoi bezopasnosti, NRB-2000. Основные санитарные правила обеспечения радиацион-4. ной безопасности, ОСПОРБ-99. Osnovnye sanitarnye pravila obespecheniya radiacionnoi bezopasnosti, OSPORB-99. Основные правила учета радиоактивных веществ и радио-5. активных отходов в организации, НП-067-05. Osnovnye pravila ucheta radioaktivnyh veschestv i radioaktivnyh othodov v organizacii, NP-067-05.
The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine, 2013
The abstract is the study of the quality of life in patients with COPD and CHF on the basis of Qu... more The abstract is the study of the quality of life in patients with COPD and CHF on the basis of Quality of Life Questionnaire. SF-36 questionnaire (English The Short Form-36) – is a non-specific questionnaire for assessing quality of life of the patient, is widely used in studies of quality of life. The survey reflects the general well-being and satisfaction with those aspects of human life that are affected by the state of health. SF-36 consists of 36 questions grouped into eight scales: physical functioning, role activities, bodily pain, general health, vitality, social functioning, emotional and mental state of health. Performance of each scale so constituted that the higher value of the exponent (0 to 100) the best estimate of the chosen scale. Of them form two parameters: the psychological and physical components of health.
The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine
Реферат. В настоящее время ХСН рассматривается как симптомокомплекс с абсолютно неблагоприятным п... more Реферат. В настоящее время ХСН рассматривается как симптомокомплекс с абсолютно неблагоприятным прогнозом. Несмотря на все достижения современной медицины, ХСН ложится тяжелым бременем не только на российское, но и на мировое здравоохранение. Большое число научных исследований, проведенных за последнее время, позволяет глубже понять его патогенез. По данным эпидемиологических исследований последних 10 лет, проведенных в нашей стране, в рамках исследований ЭПОХА-ХСН и ЭПОХА-О-ХСН стало известно, что в РФ распространенность в популяции ХСН I-IV ФК составила 7% случаев (7,9 млн человек), клинически выраженная ХСН (II-IV ФК) имеет место у 4,5% населения (5,1 млн человек), распространенность терминальной ХСН (III-IV ФК) достигает 2,1% случаев (2,4 млн человек). Основную долю составляли больные ХСН в возрасте старше 60 лет, а распространенность этого состояния была достоверно выше среди женщин. По данным Фрамингемского исследования, показатели смертности среди больных ХСН уменьшаются в среднем на 12% в декаду, тем не менее за период с 1990 по 1999 г. средняя 5-летняя смертность в популяции больных ХСН (I-IV ФК) остается высокой и составляет 59% для мужчин и 45% для женщин, а встречаемость ХСН в популяции имеет нарастающую динамику. Этиологическими факторами чаще всего являлись артериальная гипертония, ИБС. Тяжесть симптомов ХСН являлась достоверным предиктором плохого прогноза. Диагностика хронической сердечной недостаточности включает клиническое обследование и использование современных методов исследования. Ключевые слова: хроническая сердечная недостаточность, диагностика, лечение.
The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine
The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine, 2015
et al. Termometrija lica u bol'nyh grippom A(H1N1)pdm09 [Patients' suffering from the flu A(H1N1)... more et al. Termometrija lica u bol'nyh grippom A(H1N1)pdm09 [Patients' suffering from the flu A(H1N1)pdm09 facial thermometry]. Vestnik sovremennoj klinicheskoj mediciny [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine]. 2015; 8 (5): 64-67. Tjutjunnikov SV. Jekzogennye i jendogennye faktory 9. v formirovanii hronicheskogo bronhita, lechenie s ispol'zovaniem ingaljacionnyh gljukokortikosteroidov i V2 agonistov: avtoref dis d-ra med nauk [Exogenous and endogenous factors in the formation of chronic bronchitis, treatment with inhaled glucocorticosteroids and B2 agonists]. Altajskij gos med un-t, Barnaul [Altai State Medical University, Barnaul]. 2001; 46 p. Tjutjunnikov SV, Antonov YuA, Kuzjakin GV, Nalimova IS 10. et al. Vlijanie topicheskogo primenenija rekombinantnogo interferona al'fa-2b na soderzhanie citokinov v sljune bol'nyh grippom A/H1N1 [Recombinant interferon alpha-2b use influence on cytoxine in flu patients saliva]. Vestnik sovremennoj klinicheskoj mediciny [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine]. 2014; 7: 106-112. Tjutjunnikov SV, Antonov YuA, Nalimova IS et al. Patent na 11. poleznuju model' 148493 RF, MPK A61S19/00 (2006.01). Ustrojstvo dlja sbora sljuny [The saliva collecting device patent], model 148493 RF, MPK A61S19/00 (2006.01)]. 2014; 34: 75.
Kazan medical journal, 2022
Background. Despite significant progress in the fight against tuberculosis, the number of new cas... more Background. Despite significant progress in the fight against tuberculosis, the number of new cases in the world remains relatively stable, and amounts are more than 10 million annually. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) negatively affects the quality of life in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and reduces the effectiveness of chemotherapy. Correction of bronchial obstruction in pulmonary tuberculosis remains an actual problem. Aim. To assess the acute bronchodilator test with glycopyrronium bromide, pulmonary function test parameters changing within 24 hours after inhalation, as well as the effect of a 23-month course of treatment with glycopyrronium bromide on the same parameters and the quality of life in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Material and methods. A prospective cohort study of 38 patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis associated with the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease treated with an...
Kazan medical journal
Obstructive ventilation disorders in patients with various forms of pulmonary tuberculosis are on... more Obstructive ventilation disorders in patients with various forms of pulmonary tuberculosis are one of the leading factors in the development of respiratory failure and have a significant impact on the nature of the course, effectiveness and duration of treatment, disability of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis [6]. According to various authors, the frequency of detection of bronchoobstructive syndrome in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis ranges from 38.2% to 75.7% and is determined by many factors age, the presence of destruction, nonspecific bronchitis and chronic heart disease, a form of tuberculosis [4, 5]. There are quite a lot of patients with bronchial obstruction of a functional nature, and this requires adequate correction of obstructive disorders accordingly [1]. Due to the individual sensitivity of patients to bronchodilators, it is necessary to select the most effective drug according to the acute test data.
Kazan medical journal, 1993
The several diagnostic features for differentiation of tuberculosis and sarcoidosis are determine... more The several diagnostic features for differentiation of tuberculosis and sarcoidosis are determined using the original support systems HELPER-2 and FVD-1 created in the Kazan medical institute. They are age, sex, smoking, the prominence of inflammation, shadows type and step of ventilating disorders.
Kazan medical journal, 1993
Functional disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems with pectus excavatum (CFD) ha... more Functional disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems with pectus excavatum (CFD) have attracted close attention of specialists for a long time. Modern examination methods based on the use of new diagnostic equipment allow obtaining more and more objective criteria for assessing these disorders. However, there are still no clear relationships between the degree of deformity and the severity of cardiorespiratory disorders. Therefore, indications for thoracoplasty are made for cosmetic or other subjective reasons, which is unacceptable in relation to such a complex surgical intervention.
Kazan medical journal, 1998
On the basis of examination of 5020 patients during 19911997 it is concluded that each third pati... more On the basis of examination of 5020 patients during 19911997 it is concluded that each third patient had bronchobstructive syndrome. If in disseminated and fibrocavernous tuberculosis the aggravation of bronchi permeability was found in each second patient, so in chronic obstructive bronchitis in all patients. At the same time in sarcoidosis, in idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis this syndrome was rarely found. The analysis of 155 cases of the use of atrovent as an acute test with broncholithic showed the high efficiency of this cholinoblockator in significant obstruction and minimal effect in patients without ventilational insufficiency.
Tubercle and Lung Disease, 1995
quency of bronchial asthma (B.A.) exacerbations in pregnant women and health status of infants. T... more quency of bronchial asthma (B.A.) exacerbations in pregnant women and health status of infants. The research was based on the epidemiological investigation and prolonged observation of 23 pregnant women with B.A. during the gestation period. Remission of B.A. before the pregnancy in excess of 5 years was recorded in 9 patients (39.1%), 6 patients (26.1%) reported a 2-3 year remission and 8 patients (34.8%) had a remission lasting less than 12 months before they became pregnant. Seven patients (30.4%) developed medium attacks in the second half of pregnancy, four patients (17.4%) experienced light attacks of B.A. Asthma attacks were most frequently caused by acute respiratory diseases and stress factors. In two cases with grave manifestation of B.A., the pregnancy ended in abortion within the first 16-18 weeks due to the frequent and heavy choking attacks. To fight B.A. attacks, five patients used ~2adrenomimetics (salbutamol, becotide) in sprays, six women were administered theophyllinum and salbutamol in the form of tablets during 1-2 weeks. A significant portion of pregnant women with B.A. (78%) exhibited frequent complications during pregnancy (toxemia, late gestosis, threat of miscarriage). Our findings prove that babies born to women with B.A. of domestic and pollen origin had a low body weight (2800-2500 gr), functional immaturity and chronic antenatal and intranatal hypoxia twice as often as the infants born to healthy women without allergic background. Preventive treatment of women with B.A. prior to pregnancy is required to maintain a stable remission of the disease, which is a key to having healthy children delivered by mothers suffering from B.A.
Желчнокаменная болезнь (ЖКБ) — широко распро-страненное заболевание как в Российской Федерации, т... more Желчнокаменная болезнь (ЖКБ) — широко распро-страненное заболевание как в Российской Федерации, так в Западной Европе и США. По данным статистики последних лет, ЖКБ страдают каждая пятая женщина и каждый десятый мужчина [1]. В последнее время в связи с увеличением коли-чества пациентов, страдающих ЖКБ (калькулезным холеци-ститом), и низкой эффективностью медикаментозной терапии возрастает количество оперативных вмешательств по этому поводу [2]. Число ежегодно выполняемых в России холецистэк-томий превышает 110 тыс. [1].На сегодняшний день в лечении острого и хронического калькулезного холецистита в клинике широко используются малоинвазивные хирургические вмешательства — лапароско-пическая холецистэктомия (ЛХЭ) и открытая холецистэктомия из мини-доступа [2, 3]. Расширение показаний в использова-
The abstract is the study of the quality of life in patients with COPD and CHF on the basis of Qu... more The abstract is the study of the quality of life in patients with COPD and CHF on the basis of Quality of Life Questionnaire. SF-36 questionnaire (English The Short Form-36) - is a non-specific questionnaire for assessing quality of life of the patient, is widely used in studies of quality of life. The survey reflects the general well-being and satisfaction with those aspects of human life that are affected by the state of health. SF-36 consists of 36 questions grouped into eight scales: physical functioning, role activities, bodily pain, general health, vitality, social functioning, emotional and mental state of health. Performance of each scale so constituted that the higher value of the exponent (0 to 100) the best estimate of the chosen scale. Of them form two parameters: the psychological and physical components of health.
The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine, 2021
Abstract. Pulmonary tuberculosis (TBL), as well as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), ... more Abstract. Pulmonary tuberculosis (TBL), as well as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), have a diverse negative impact on the quality of life (QOL) of patients. In this regard, a detailed study of the quality of life of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in combination with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease retains its importance and relevance.
Aim. The aim of the study was to determine the orientation and degree of influence of clinical and functional features of pulmonary tuberculosis and concomitant chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on patients’ quality of life and their interrelation with each other. Material and methods. Two groups of patients were studied: patients with pulmonary tuberculosis without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (49 people), and pulmonary tuberculosis combined with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (37 people), who were hospitalized at the tuberculosis dispensary. Male patients
prevailed in both groups, infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis was diagnosed more frequently, first-time pulmonary tuberculosis was detected, and the mean age was over 45 years. Patients’ quality of life was assessed using the MOS
SF-36 questionnaire. External respiratory function was examined by spirometry. Statistical analysis was performed using Statistica 10.0 package, variance and correlation analysis of the obtained data was performed. Results and discussion. In both groups, pulmonary tuberculosis with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was associated with decreased physical activity (PF 63,91 and 67,55, respectively), and recurrence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was associated with decreased perception of general health (GH 53,0), and had a negative effect on daily activities (RP 48,64), including through impairment of the emotional sphere (RE 43,24). In the group of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease compared to the general population in the Russian Federation, there was a decrease in social activity (SF 62,75) and physical activity (PF 67,55). Conclusion. The study showed that for the majority of domains, the decrease in quality of life in both groups - pulmonary tuberculosis with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pulmonary tuberculosis without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – was noted in older age groups. The most significant decrease in the quality of life in both groups was in the domain of physical functioning (PF). In the group of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease there was a more pronounced negative effect of emotional background (RE) on the performance of daily activities and a lower perception of the physical component of health (PH). In the group of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, social functioning (SF) was affected more frequently, and there was a more pronounced sensation of pain (BP).
Key words: lung tuberculosis, COPD, quality of life, SF-36.
The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine
Годовые дозовые нагрузки на персонал ниже предельной годовой дозы (20 млЗв) в 20-30 раз, случаев ... more Годовые дозовые нагрузки на персонал ниже предельной годовой дозы (20 млЗв) в 20-30 раз, случаев радиационных аварий и переоблучения персонала и населения не было. Случаев хищения и использования не по назначению не выявлено. Загрязнения окружающей среды не зарегистрировано. Литература Федеральный закон от 30.03.1999 г. № 52-ФЗ «О санитарно-1. эпидемиологическом благополучии населения». Federal'nyi zakon ot 30.03.1999 g. № 52-FZ «O sanitarnoepidemiologicheskom blagopoluchii naseleniya». Федеральный закон от 09.01.1996 г. № 3-ФЗ «О радиаци-2. онной безопасности населения». Federal'nyi zakon ot 09.01.1996 g. № 3-FZ «O radiacionnoi bezopasnosti naseleniya». Нормы радиационной безопасности, НРБ-2000. 3. Normy radiacionnoi bezopasnosti, NRB-2000. Основные санитарные правила обеспечения радиацион-4. ной безопасности, ОСПОРБ-99. Osnovnye sanitarnye pravila obespecheniya radiacionnoi bezopasnosti, OSPORB-99. Основные правила учета радиоактивных веществ и радио-5. активных отходов в организации, НП-067-05. Osnovnye pravila ucheta radioaktivnyh veschestv i radioaktivnyh othodov v organizacii, NP-067-05.
The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine, 2013
The abstract is the study of the quality of life in patients with COPD and CHF on the basis of Qu... more The abstract is the study of the quality of life in patients with COPD and CHF on the basis of Quality of Life Questionnaire. SF-36 questionnaire (English The Short Form-36) – is a non-specific questionnaire for assessing quality of life of the patient, is widely used in studies of quality of life. The survey reflects the general well-being and satisfaction with those aspects of human life that are affected by the state of health. SF-36 consists of 36 questions grouped into eight scales: physical functioning, role activities, bodily pain, general health, vitality, social functioning, emotional and mental state of health. Performance of each scale so constituted that the higher value of the exponent (0 to 100) the best estimate of the chosen scale. Of them form two parameters: the psychological and physical components of health.
The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine
Реферат. В настоящее время ХСН рассматривается как симптомокомплекс с абсолютно неблагоприятным п... more Реферат. В настоящее время ХСН рассматривается как симптомокомплекс с абсолютно неблагоприятным прогнозом. Несмотря на все достижения современной медицины, ХСН ложится тяжелым бременем не только на российское, но и на мировое здравоохранение. Большое число научных исследований, проведенных за последнее время, позволяет глубже понять его патогенез. По данным эпидемиологических исследований последних 10 лет, проведенных в нашей стране, в рамках исследований ЭПОХА-ХСН и ЭПОХА-О-ХСН стало известно, что в РФ распространенность в популяции ХСН I-IV ФК составила 7% случаев (7,9 млн человек), клинически выраженная ХСН (II-IV ФК) имеет место у 4,5% населения (5,1 млн человек), распространенность терминальной ХСН (III-IV ФК) достигает 2,1% случаев (2,4 млн человек). Основную долю составляли больные ХСН в возрасте старше 60 лет, а распространенность этого состояния была достоверно выше среди женщин. По данным Фрамингемского исследования, показатели смертности среди больных ХСН уменьшаются в среднем на 12% в декаду, тем не менее за период с 1990 по 1999 г. средняя 5-летняя смертность в популяции больных ХСН (I-IV ФК) остается высокой и составляет 59% для мужчин и 45% для женщин, а встречаемость ХСН в популяции имеет нарастающую динамику. Этиологическими факторами чаще всего являлись артериальная гипертония, ИБС. Тяжесть симптомов ХСН являлась достоверным предиктором плохого прогноза. Диагностика хронической сердечной недостаточности включает клиническое обследование и использование современных методов исследования. Ключевые слова: хроническая сердечная недостаточность, диагностика, лечение.
The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine
The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine, 2015
et al. Termometrija lica u bol'nyh grippom A(H1N1)pdm09 [Patients' suffering from the flu A(H1N1)... more et al. Termometrija lica u bol'nyh grippom A(H1N1)pdm09 [Patients' suffering from the flu A(H1N1)pdm09 facial thermometry]. Vestnik sovremennoj klinicheskoj mediciny [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine]. 2015; 8 (5): 64-67. Tjutjunnikov SV. Jekzogennye i jendogennye faktory 9. v formirovanii hronicheskogo bronhita, lechenie s ispol'zovaniem ingaljacionnyh gljukokortikosteroidov i V2 agonistov: avtoref dis d-ra med nauk [Exogenous and endogenous factors in the formation of chronic bronchitis, treatment with inhaled glucocorticosteroids and B2 agonists]. Altajskij gos med un-t, Barnaul [Altai State Medical University, Barnaul]. 2001; 46 p. Tjutjunnikov SV, Antonov YuA, Kuzjakin GV, Nalimova IS 10. et al. Vlijanie topicheskogo primenenija rekombinantnogo interferona al'fa-2b na soderzhanie citokinov v sljune bol'nyh grippom A/H1N1 [Recombinant interferon alpha-2b use influence on cytoxine in flu patients saliva]. Vestnik sovremennoj klinicheskoj mediciny [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine]. 2014; 7: 106-112. Tjutjunnikov SV, Antonov YuA, Nalimova IS et al. Patent na 11. poleznuju model' 148493 RF, MPK A61S19/00 (2006.01). Ustrojstvo dlja sbora sljuny [The saliva collecting device patent], model 148493 RF, MPK A61S19/00 (2006.01)]. 2014; 34: 75.
Kazan medical journal, 2022
Background. Despite significant progress in the fight against tuberculosis, the number of new cas... more Background. Despite significant progress in the fight against tuberculosis, the number of new cases in the world remains relatively stable, and amounts are more than 10 million annually. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) negatively affects the quality of life in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and reduces the effectiveness of chemotherapy. Correction of bronchial obstruction in pulmonary tuberculosis remains an actual problem. Aim. To assess the acute bronchodilator test with glycopyrronium bromide, pulmonary function test parameters changing within 24 hours after inhalation, as well as the effect of a 23-month course of treatment with glycopyrronium bromide on the same parameters and the quality of life in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Material and methods. A prospective cohort study of 38 patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis associated with the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease treated with an...