kei_fic (original) (raw)
Wow, I'm here and I'm posting!
Crazy stuff I know... but I had half an episode so it was just as well to complete it and be one step closer to the end (on or about 16 episodes, like a normal Korean drama).
I wonder if it's too rushed? But after 2 years... I'm not feeling very patient with writing this story.
( Episode 9: Wedding Bells!Collapse )
Current Location: home
Current Mood: content
06 August 2011 @ 09:27 pm
Hello Hello!
Hisashiburi!! It's been awhile :) I hope you're all doing well.
While writing this chapter, I realised that the island wasnt going to be as important as I'd first intended.
I had thought that this would be where most of the story would be...
But I didnt want to repeat (although I was feeling nostalgic) about East versus West.
Anyway, enough babbling. Enjoy!!
xLove Kei
Current Location: home
Current Mood: happy
Current Music: Turning Tables- Adele
22 August 2010 @ 07:28 pm
Hey guys...
I bet you didn't expect this? Or rather you gave up expecting it?
Although definitely a shorter interval between posts.
*pats self on back*
For sure the next one will be the Meet the Boys SP, although I'm still dreading writing it (I just like looking at the pics).
Look forward to the next one please ^___^
Current Location: home
Current Mood: happy
Current Music: Baby- Bieber hehehe
Woo, it's been a long time coming, I apologise.
Life has been distracting of late (that and lots and lots of good dramas to watch!)
But please enjoy!
Namesake is the song that inspired this fic in the first place.
Woo, and so the adventure begins!
Current Location: home
Current Mood: amused
Current Music: Back2u- 2PM
Title: Fallen Petals
Fandom: AU Boys Before Flowers, K-Pop
Genre: Romance, maybe not humour, adventure, action
Title Intro: Hehe, I thought i would give it a sufficient K!drama name.
Fandom Intro: This shows the story of the 2 BB4 F4 that didn't find love in the canon... Woo Bin and Ji Hoo. And then lets just put random K-Pop guys here and there and we're set!
Plot Summary: Three girls came to rock the world of F4, but then things ended for all of them. With nothing else to say but good-bye, what kind of twists of fate will bring them back together for a second chance at love? Will they survive each other... oh and the baddies that are trying to kill/maim them?
Author's Note: I don't speak even a smidge of Korean, so everything will be in English. Oh and the spelling of names here are based on the BBF drama wiki page. What else... oh yeah, ENJOY!!
( 1. Signs of PromiseCollapse )
Woo, all done!
I think this was my intro but I'm not sure. I'm sleepy.
I hope you enjoyed it!
Current Location: home
Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: Without U- 2PM
A teaser for my new K-Pop-centric fic.
As such I know almost no Korean, I don't even follow K-pop closely.
So everything is AU, and wrong or impossible references should be left as is.
Disclaimer: I own no one but my imagination.
( Step into my world...Collapse )
Current Location: home
Current Mood: impressed
Current Music: Bonomana- Super Junior
30 November 2009 @ 11:09 pm
The First Hit
A quick plot outline in 2 sentences:
1. A bunch of Yakuza families are now headed by a younger generation (ages between 21 and 30).
2. Woo Bin has just arrived from Korea and gets embroiled in the intricate lives and loves of the heads.
Hopefully this first chapter will explain other things to you.
If not, feel free to ask questions because I probably didn't bring up stuff that I already knew in my head. lol.
I'm cool like that.
Yoroshiku onegaishimas!
I'm sorry if it's a bit slap dash.
Hopefully it'll get better though!
See you next time!
Current Location: home
Current Mood: happy
Current Music: Your Side- Nakamaru & Ueda
30 November 2009 @ 10:53 pm
So here we are at the start of a new Kei!Fic!
I'm sort of excited (hahah, lol... cant tell?) because it'll be my first "sort-of crossover fic".
Or rather, I just ended up grabbing a whole bunch of characters from lots of different places and mashing them.
The last fic was about delinquents.
This one will be about gangsters, yakuza... and Korean equivalent.
Not too sure how it'll go since I know nothing about gangsters except for its very watered down equivalents in Gokusen, Yasuko to Kenji, HYD, Yukan Club, even AtaDan!
Anyway I'm going off track.
My main character this time around is a guy!!
Whee, I'm excited.
Song Woo Bin is the Korean equivalent to Mimasaka Akira in Boys Before Flowers (Hana Yori Dango).
Emily loves him (this fic is primarily for Emi, coz I owe her... I don't know why, but I do) and I love him because he's adorable.
More than that, he deserves some romance in his life.
And Kei will give it to him.
Or rather... through Emi?
Title: Song Story
Fandom: None.
Characters: From HYD (Song Woo Bin, Mimasaka Akira, F4), Yukan Club (Miroku, Seishiro), Gokusen (Odagiri, Yankumi), Last Friends (sort of took Nishikido's DV character Sousuke), and my two OCs, Emi and Kei.
Plot: Story without plot or porn. Hahaha.
Just good ol'fashion fluff... pretending to be a bad ass.
Warning: May have real or implied or imaginary: slash, inc, a lot of evil stuff.
HAHAHA, just kidding, no evil stuff.
Length: Between 7 and 13 chapters. Not sure yet how we'll go.
Current Location: home
Current Mood: excited
Current Music: Keep The Faith- KAT-TUN
22 August 2009 @ 10:26 pm
So this is the final update of this Superpost Saturday.
I hope you've had an okay time. lol.
I am a bit doubtful of what I've written, it took about... okay so I started at 5pm, had dinner, finished by 9:30... you do the math.
It took awhile.
Anyhow, if I decide to Superpost next Saturday... it will mean the end of this series already.
So for your support up until now, thank you!!!
Love Kei
PS. About the title: It was supposed to be called "Aftermath", but "Packages" seemed funner.
( Episode 11: PackagesCollapse )+++
Next week will be... SPs for Kari & Keiko, plus a 90 minute long finale. lol.
Okay, it's not gonna be 90 minutes long... but you get what I mean?
It'll be longer than all the other eps.
See you then!!
Current Location: home
Current Mood: happy
Current Music: Wahaha- Kanjani8
16 August 2009 @ 09:00 pm
I posted the first (and maybe only?!?) character drawing I've got for For Love or Judo.
It was one I made of Kari.
I meant to give it to Sisbo for her bday... but *shrugs*
Anyway it wasn't bad enough to be burned... so I put it up.
You can find me under "kei-sainter" or for a more direct link...
Love you all!
Current Location: home
Current Mood: artistic
Current Music: Mamoritai- Ohkura Tadayoshi