Sanja Kocic | University of Kragujevac (original) (raw)
Papers by Sanja Kocic
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2008
World Health Organization (WHO) in its plan for health policy until the year 2010, has taken redu... more World Health Organization (WHO) in its plan for health policy until the year 2010, has taken reduction of risk factors of suicide as its 12th aim. Because of the fact that the problem of suicide is also significant health problem in our society, the aim of this study was to examine the influence of life period as a risk factor for suicide in the area of the town of Kragujevac. In total 211 persons, both sexes, aged between 17 and 91 years, from the area of the town of Kragujevac, who had been committed a suicide during the period from 1996 to 2005, were included in a retrospective study. This study included the analysis of: conditions prior to suicide, locations of suicide, motives for suicide, the ways of committing suicide. For statistical analysis chi2 test and univariante regression model were used. Average rate of suicide, in analyzed period, moved from 8.7 to 27 with a mean value of 14.6 +/- 6.9. Suicide rates were the lowest in the age group from 15 to 24 years and the highest in the age group above 65 years (p < 0.05). Among the presuicidal conditions, within any age groups the presence of mental disease dominated as a factor for suicide, but within the oldest one in which organic diseases prevailed as a factor for suicide (p < 0.05). Statistically significant fact is that a house (flat) was the main location for commiting suicide in any age groups. Motives for suicide were significantly different within the groups and they were mostly unknown. Committing suicide by hanging was the most frequent way of suicide among any age groups. Univariant regression analysis faild to show any impact of age on the analyzed factors. Because of the fact that an average rate of suicide in elderly increases it is obligatory to primarily determine risk factors for suicide among people more than 65 years of age. Physicians should play the most important role in that.
Srpski Arhiv Za Celokupno Lekarstvo, 2011
Висока здравствено-санитарна школа струковних студија "Висан", Београд, Србија; 2 Институт за јав... more Висока здравствено-санитарна школа струковних студија "Висан", Београд, Србија; 2 Институт за јавно здравље, Крагујевац, Србија; 3 Медицински факултет, Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Крагујевац, Србија; 4 Висока здравствена школа струковних студија, Београд, Србија; 5 Клинички центар Србије, Београд, Србија; 6 Војномедицинска академија, Београд, Србија; 7 Клинички центар, Ниш, Србија УВОД Циљ дру штве ног раз во ја је бла го ста ње људи. Бла го ста ње је од раз ква ли те та жи во та, а здра вље ње го ва нај ва жни ја ком по нен та. Про це на ква ли те та жи во та је осно ва за мере ње бла го ста ња ко је дру штво по сти же у свом раз во ју, а утвр ђи ва ње чи ни ла ца ко ји де тер ми ни шу оце ну ква ли те та жи во та је осно ва за ње го во уна пре ђе ње [1,.
Srpski Arhiv Za Celokupno Lekarstvo, Dec 1, 2011
Introduction Suicide attempts are a significant public health problem. They are associated with s... more Introduction Suicide attempts are a significant public health problem. They are associated with significant morbidity and result in significant use of health care resources. Objective The aim of our study was to analyze epidemiological characteristics attempts of suicide for persons in the period 2001-2010 who were hospitalized at the Psychiatric Clinic in Kragujevac after the attempt of suicide. Methods We analysed 286 clinical records of patients who had attempted suicide (133 males, 153 females). We used the illness history of patients, who were treated at the Psychiatric Clinic in Kragujevac after their suicide attempts. We made the analysis of socio-demographic characteristics of the sample and characteristics of the suicide act itself.
Srpski Arhiv Za Celokupno Lekarstvo, Nov 11, 2003
To investigate differences in clinical and pre-clinical medical students&amp;amp;amp;amp;... more To investigate differences in clinical and pre-clinical medical students&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; knowledge of nosocomial infections (NI). Cross-sectional survey. Questionnaires was answered and returned by 352 of 453 student (77.7%). The results indicated that students knew the definition of NI (70.1% correct answers) and their reservoirs (86%). The bacteria as etiological agents was the most frequent answer (76.4%), but 30.9% students did not knew at least one multidrug-resistant bacteria. About one half of the students (54.4%) knew that contact was the most frequent mode of NI transmission, but hand washing as preventive measure was cited by only 18.8% of students. Significantly statistical differences about NI in our country, etiology NI and preventive measures, and perception of risk for transmission of hepatitis B for health-care personnel were founded by year of training, by expectation that final-year medical students as more successfully, while pre-clinical students knew more about mode of NI transmission. Pre-clinical students who had previously finished nursing school knew more about multidrug-resistant bacteria than those who had finished some other secondary school, but showed a lower knowledge about definition and most important preventive measures of NI. Clinical students who had previously finished nursing school knew more about frequency NI in our country, reservoirs and preventive measures of NI than those who had finished some other secondary school. Data support the need for additional information about nosocomial infections, especially practical work in prevention, in order to get complete knowledge about nosocomial infections.
Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, 2016
Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, 2016
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2015
Health-related quality of life (HRQL) of chronic patients has been researched as the ultimate goa... more Health-related quality of life (HRQL) of chronic patients has been researched as the ultimate goal of modern treatment of chronic diseases to improve patients&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;quality of life. The objective was to assess the reliability of the Serbian version of the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP) questionnaire on the sample of patients with chronic viral hepatitis. The research covered 102 patients with chronic hepatitis (47 type B and 55 type C). The assessment of the reliability of the SIP questionnaire was performed by testing the internal consistency of the questions by calculating the Cronbach&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s alpha coefficient. The factor analysis was used to assess whether the grouping of the questions within dimensions matches the distribution of the questions in the original English version of the questionnaire administered to U.S. patient population. The Cronbach&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s alpha coefficient for the entire questionnaire is 0.925, 0.869 for the physical dimension, and 0.857 for the psychosocial dimension. After running a factor analysis of the psychosocial dimension, &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;emotional instability&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot; was extracted as the key factor, confirming the results of previous research. Compared with the English version of the questionnaire, the Cronbach&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s alpha coefficient of the Serbian version does not diverge significantly, whereas the factor analysis confirms the classification of the questionnaire into two dimensions. Our study has shown that the Serbian version of the SIP questionnaire is a reliable tool for assessing the HRQL of patients with chronic hepatitis B and C before starting treatment.
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2016
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2016
PONS - medicinski casopis, 2015
Introduction/Aim: The goal of our study was to analyze the epidemiological`s characteristics of o... more Introduction/Aim: The goal of our study was to analyze the epidemiological`s characteristics of ocular hypertension, as well as the influence of chronic risk factors on glaucoma development (conversion in glaucoma). We tried to make some entries for solving this complex ophthalmological problem. Material /Methods: From 2009 to 2015, a retrospective control study was performed on 121 patient with diagnoses of bilateral ocular hypertension and without disease progression/conversion of glaucoma (by standard protocols of diagnosis and basic procedures) on tertiary level at Clinic of Ophthalmology, Clinical Centre of Kragujevac, Serbia.. The authors analyzed epidemiological characteristics: sex, age groups, positive/negative family history and personal history with chronic risk factors (one and/or two) of ocular hypertension. The data obtained from this study were statistically analyzed in SPSS program, version 20.00. Results: As for the patients, 69 of them (57.02%) were male and 52 female (42.98%). Dominant age group was between 40-49 (42.15%) and then group between 50-59 (40.50%) years of age. Anamnesis data indicated the absence of family anamnesis 71 (58.68%). Risk factors for ocular hypertension were presented in 103 (85.13%) patients, 18 of them (14.87%) did not respond. One risk factor - cardiovascular disease was noted in 83 (68.59%), with two risk factors - cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus in 20 patients (16.53%) and with PEX syndroma at other respondents. Conclusion: Ocular hypertension is not a common disease, but with risk factors, such as older age, positive family history, and chronic risk factors syndicated, represents a serious clinical and social problem, so the question remains for ophthalmologists - pro or against therapy? Those in favor of therapy would state the safety and protection from conversion/progression of glaucoma; but those against therapy would only mention adequate monitoring of patients.
Medicinski pregled
Sazetak -Skolioza je najcesci deformitet kicrnenog stuba. To jc krivina u frontalnoj ravni kicrne... more Sazetak -Skolioza je najcesci deformitet kicrnenog stuba. To jc krivina u frontalnoj ravni kicrne. Uslovi skolske sredine mogu da pogoduju nastanku ovog deformiteta: neprolagoden namestaj, ucila -skolska torba pre svega, osvetljenost. Nase istrazivanje je sprovedeno u toku 2005. i 2006. godine na teritoriji Grada Kragujevca i to u svim osnovnim i srednjim skolama (22 osnovne i 8 srednjih skola). Podaci 0 obolevanju dece preuzeti su iz skolskog dispanzera, kao i iz Savetovalista za skoliozu Ortopedskog odejenja Klinickog centra "Kragujcvac" i Izvestaja za skolsku decu i omladinu Sluzbe socijalne medicine Instituta za zastitu zdravlja "Kragujcvac". Statistickorn analizom ovih podataka dosli smo do rezultata daje znacajno veci broj decc sa skoliozorn otkriven 2005. god., za osnovne skole: X 2 = 11.06. p<O.OI. Devojcice su cesce obolevale od decaka: za 2005. godine. Xl = 10,54. p<O,OI: i za 2006. godinu, Xl =10.72, p<O,OI u osnovnim skolarna, dok u srednjim skolama za 2005. godinu nije bilo razlike: Xl = 4,14. p>O.05 au 2006. godini skolioza se cesce javljala kod zenskog pola Xl = 49.51. p<O,O1. Skolioza je izrazito prisutna i u osnovnim i u srednjim skolama, pa je neophodno intenzivirati preventivne sisternatske preglede dcce u ovom uzrastu. Kljucne reci: Skolioza + epiderniologija + prevencija i kontrola: Dete: Adolescent: Skole + standardi Rad je primljen 24. VII 2008. Prihvacen za starnpu 1. X 2008. BIBLID.0025-8] 05 :(2009):LXII :9-1 0:445-449.
Medicinski Casopis
Page 1. 16 Dr Mirjana Milosavljević Institut za javno zdravlje kragujevac, Nikole Pašića 1, 34 00... more Page 1. 16 Dr Mirjana Milosavljević Institut za javno zdravlje kragujevac, Nikole Pašića 1, 34 000 kragujevac tel: 034 504-509; fax: 034 331-344 e-mail: Primljen/Received: 30.06.2010. Prihvaćen/Accepted: 07.09.2011. COBISS . ...
To determine the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and predicted values of VO2max estima... more To determine the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and predicted values of VO2max estimated by UKK test for the first degree of obesity. The participants were included in three groups of ten male subjects each, of different ages and different physical condition, randomly selected from the general population of the city of Kragujevac. BMI was determined first, and then the Urho Kaleva Kekonen (UKK) test on treadmill was performed in order to get a predicted value of cardiovascular capacity (VO2max) of respondents. For continuous variables collected, the mean values and standard deviation were determined, and the correlation coefficient was calculated using the Student test. After a correlation analysis value obtained by UKK VO(2)max test and BMI the negative correlation coefficient (r = - 0.904; p less than 0.001) for the third group (ten males aged 35-40 years with mean BMI of 32.2 ± 1.31) was found, which also found an inverse dependence of these two values (with an increase of BMI values, the values of VO2max decreased). In the third group, the first fitness category dominated (Fitness index less than 70, which is significantly below the average value). The aim is to improve VO2max values, so the Fitness index value belonging to the Fitness category III dominated meaning that the Fitness index values were in the range 90-100 (mean). A significant negative correlation between BMI and VO2max (ml/kg/min) suggesting the possibility of effect or body fat on cardiorespiratory function.
Medicinski glasnik
The aim of the study was to determine the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of patien... more The aim of the study was to determine the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of patients with dissociative disorders among psychiatric patients in the population of the United Arab Emirates. Six hundred inpatients with dissociative disorders were approached during the period 1997-2003, and 468 agreed to participate in the study. These patients were recruited from Al-Ain and Tawam Teaching Hospitals and Al-Jahili Primary Health Care Centers in Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates. The study is based on a questionnaire that included sociodemographic and clinical variables. Dissociative disorders were diagnosed according to the classification set forth in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) of the World Health Organization. Of the 468 patients studied, the majority (67.9%) were young, under the age of 25 years; 55% were UAE nationals, 59.4% female and 40.6% male. Disorganized movement was significantly lower among females (34.2%) than males (44.2%, p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.03). Disapproving of the key relative behaviour was higher in females (24.1%) compared to males (13.2%); comorbid anxiety was higher in females (37.4%) vs. males (25.3%). Disturbed relationships were more common in females (40.3%) while precipitating factors, such as intolerable stressful events, were significantly higher in males (42.6%, p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.01). Furthermore, males (20.5%) had a significantly higher history of similar episodes and other psychiatric illnesses (7.5%) than females. Finally, females (41%) showed more statistically significant improvements compared to males (29.5%, p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.001). Patients under 25 years of age suffered more from dissociative disorders with no correlation to educational level as a predisposing factor. The most common symptoms were fits or unorganized movements.
Medicinski casopis, 2015
Hippokratia, 2010
Anemia in school-age children is an important public health problem and available data of its pre... more Anemia in school-age children is an important public health problem and available data of its prevalence and existing risk factors are essential for planning preventive strategies. The purpose of the current study was to assess the prevalence of and the risk factors associated with anemia among the school-age children 7-14 years years old in Serbia. In the 2000 National Health Survey, a cross-sectional, multistage cluster survey, performed in 1688 private and refugee campuses households across the territory of Serbia a total of 525 cases were recruited. Socioeconomic, nutritional, physical activities and lifestyle data have been collected and hemoglobin levels were determined. The overall prevalence of anemia was 18% (94/525) [95% CI 15-21]. Age of 12-14 yrs (odds ratio 3.56 [95% CI 2.17-5.85], p=0.000), male gender (3.22 [1.92-5.42], p=0.000), refugee campuses residence (1.98 [1.22- 3.23], p=0.000), lunch skipping (3.43 [1.40-8.33], p=0.007), defective poultry intake (1.65 [1.01-2....
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
To investigate differences in clinical and pre-clinical medical students' knowledge of nosoco... more To investigate differences in clinical and pre-clinical medical students' knowledge of nosocomial infections (NI). Cross-sectional survey. Questionnaires was answered and returned by 352 of 453 student (77.7%). The results indicated that students knew the definition of NI (70.1% correct answers) and their reservoirs (86%). The bacteria as etiological agents was the most frequent answer (76.4%), but 30.9% students did not knew at least one multidrug-resistant bacteria. About one half of the students (54.4%) knew that contact was the most frequent mode of NI transmission, but hand washing as preventive measure was cited by only 18.8% of students. Significantly statistical differences about NI in our country, etiology NI and preventive measures, and perception of risk for transmission of hepatitis B for health-care personnel were founded by year of training, by expectation that final-year medical students as more successfully, while pre-clinical students knew more about mode of NI ...
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2009
Uvod/Cilj. Postasfiktička lezija miokarda kod novorođene dece može biti klinički neprimetna. Posl... more Uvod/Cilj. Postasfiktička lezija miokarda kod novorođene dece može biti klinički neprimetna. Poslednjih godina raste interesovanje za primenu srčanog troponina I (cTnI), u proceni perinatalne asfiksije i hipoksičke lezije miokarda. Cilj ove studije bio je da se utvrdi povezanost ranog porasta nivoa cTnI sa krajnjim ishodom kod vitalno ugrožene asfiktične novorođenčadi. Metode. Prospektivnom studijom bilo je obuhvaćeno 78 ispitanika podeljenih u III grupe. Grupa I obuhvatala je 39 novorođenčadi (24 prevremeno rođenih i 15 u terminu) sa dijagnozom perinatalne asfiksije i kompletnim oporavkom ili sa neurološkim sekvelama, ali bez smrtnog ishoda. Grupa II obuhvatala je 10 novorođenčadi (6 prevremeno rođenih i 4 u terminu) sa dijagnozom perinatalne asfiksije praćene teškom kardiorespiratornom insuficijencijom ili multiorganskom disfunkcijom (3 ili više organa) i obaveznim smrtnim ishodom. Grupa III obuhvatala je 29 zdrave, terminske novorođenčadi. Svim ispitanicima određen je nivo cTnI u serumu tokom prva 24-48 h po rođenju. Rezultati. U grupi I zabeležena je statistički znatno viša srednja vrednost cTnI (0,082 ± 0,166 μg/l) u odnosu na grupu III (zdrava novorođenčad). U grupi I primenu inotropa zahtevalo je 16/39, a primenu konvencionalne ventilacije 21/39 novorođenčadi. U grupi II zabeležena je najviša srednja vrednost cTnI od 0,425 ± 0,307 μg/L, a svi ispitanici zahtevali su primenu konvencionalne ventilacije i inotropa. U grupi III zabeležena je najniža srednja vrednost cTnI (0,0186 ± 0,0286 μg/L). Zaključak. Porast nivoa cTnI u serumu mogao bi da se koristi kao marker perinatalne asfiksije i prediktor eventualnih posledica i/ili smrtnog ishoda.
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2008
World Health Organization (WHO) in its plan for health policy until the year 2010, has taken redu... more World Health Organization (WHO) in its plan for health policy until the year 2010, has taken reduction of risk factors of suicide as its 12th aim. Because of the fact that the problem of suicide is also significant health problem in our society, the aim of this study was to examine the influence of life period as a risk factor for suicide in the area of the town of Kragujevac. In total 211 persons, both sexes, aged between 17 and 91 years, from the area of the town of Kragujevac, who had been committed a suicide during the period from 1996 to 2005, were included in a retrospective study. This study included the analysis of: conditions prior to suicide, locations of suicide, motives for suicide, the ways of committing suicide. For statistical analysis chi2 test and univariante regression model were used. Average rate of suicide, in analyzed period, moved from 8.7 to 27 with a mean value of 14.6 +/- 6.9. Suicide rates were the lowest in the age group from 15 to 24 years and the highest in the age group above 65 years (p < 0.05). Among the presuicidal conditions, within any age groups the presence of mental disease dominated as a factor for suicide, but within the oldest one in which organic diseases prevailed as a factor for suicide (p < 0.05). Statistically significant fact is that a house (flat) was the main location for commiting suicide in any age groups. Motives for suicide were significantly different within the groups and they were mostly unknown. Committing suicide by hanging was the most frequent way of suicide among any age groups. Univariant regression analysis faild to show any impact of age on the analyzed factors. Because of the fact that an average rate of suicide in elderly increases it is obligatory to primarily determine risk factors for suicide among people more than 65 years of age. Physicians should play the most important role in that.
Srpski Arhiv Za Celokupno Lekarstvo, 2011
Висока здравствено-санитарна школа струковних студија "Висан", Београд, Србија; 2 Институт за јав... more Висока здравствено-санитарна школа струковних студија "Висан", Београд, Србија; 2 Институт за јавно здравље, Крагујевац, Србија; 3 Медицински факултет, Универзитет у Крагујевцу, Крагујевац, Србија; 4 Висока здравствена школа струковних студија, Београд, Србија; 5 Клинички центар Србије, Београд, Србија; 6 Војномедицинска академија, Београд, Србија; 7 Клинички центар, Ниш, Србија УВОД Циљ дру штве ног раз во ја је бла го ста ње људи. Бла го ста ње је од раз ква ли те та жи во та, а здра вље ње го ва нај ва жни ја ком по нен та. Про це на ква ли те та жи во та је осно ва за мере ње бла го ста ња ко је дру штво по сти же у свом раз во ју, а утвр ђи ва ње чи ни ла ца ко ји де тер ми ни шу оце ну ква ли те та жи во та је осно ва за ње го во уна пре ђе ње [1,.
Srpski Arhiv Za Celokupno Lekarstvo, Dec 1, 2011
Introduction Suicide attempts are a significant public health problem. They are associated with s... more Introduction Suicide attempts are a significant public health problem. They are associated with significant morbidity and result in significant use of health care resources. Objective The aim of our study was to analyze epidemiological characteristics attempts of suicide for persons in the period 2001-2010 who were hospitalized at the Psychiatric Clinic in Kragujevac after the attempt of suicide. Methods We analysed 286 clinical records of patients who had attempted suicide (133 males, 153 females). We used the illness history of patients, who were treated at the Psychiatric Clinic in Kragujevac after their suicide attempts. We made the analysis of socio-demographic characteristics of the sample and characteristics of the suicide act itself.
Srpski Arhiv Za Celokupno Lekarstvo, Nov 11, 2003
To investigate differences in clinical and pre-clinical medical students&amp;amp;amp;amp;... more To investigate differences in clinical and pre-clinical medical students&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; knowledge of nosocomial infections (NI). Cross-sectional survey. Questionnaires was answered and returned by 352 of 453 student (77.7%). The results indicated that students knew the definition of NI (70.1% correct answers) and their reservoirs (86%). The bacteria as etiological agents was the most frequent answer (76.4%), but 30.9% students did not knew at least one multidrug-resistant bacteria. About one half of the students (54.4%) knew that contact was the most frequent mode of NI transmission, but hand washing as preventive measure was cited by only 18.8% of students. Significantly statistical differences about NI in our country, etiology NI and preventive measures, and perception of risk for transmission of hepatitis B for health-care personnel were founded by year of training, by expectation that final-year medical students as more successfully, while pre-clinical students knew more about mode of NI transmission. Pre-clinical students who had previously finished nursing school knew more about multidrug-resistant bacteria than those who had finished some other secondary school, but showed a lower knowledge about definition and most important preventive measures of NI. Clinical students who had previously finished nursing school knew more about frequency NI in our country, reservoirs and preventive measures of NI than those who had finished some other secondary school. Data support the need for additional information about nosocomial infections, especially practical work in prevention, in order to get complete knowledge about nosocomial infections.
Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, 2016
Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, 2016
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo, 2015
Health-related quality of life (HRQL) of chronic patients has been researched as the ultimate goa... more Health-related quality of life (HRQL) of chronic patients has been researched as the ultimate goal of modern treatment of chronic diseases to improve patients&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;quality of life. The objective was to assess the reliability of the Serbian version of the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP) questionnaire on the sample of patients with chronic viral hepatitis. The research covered 102 patients with chronic hepatitis (47 type B and 55 type C). The assessment of the reliability of the SIP questionnaire was performed by testing the internal consistency of the questions by calculating the Cronbach&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s alpha coefficient. The factor analysis was used to assess whether the grouping of the questions within dimensions matches the distribution of the questions in the original English version of the questionnaire administered to U.S. patient population. The Cronbach&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s alpha coefficient for the entire questionnaire is 0.925, 0.869 for the physical dimension, and 0.857 for the psychosocial dimension. After running a factor analysis of the psychosocial dimension, &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot;emotional instability&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;quot; was extracted as the key factor, confirming the results of previous research. Compared with the English version of the questionnaire, the Cronbach&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s alpha coefficient of the Serbian version does not diverge significantly, whereas the factor analysis confirms the classification of the questionnaire into two dimensions. Our study has shown that the Serbian version of the SIP questionnaire is a reliable tool for assessing the HRQL of patients with chronic hepatitis B and C before starting treatment.
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2016
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2016
PONS - medicinski casopis, 2015
Introduction/Aim: The goal of our study was to analyze the epidemiological`s characteristics of o... more Introduction/Aim: The goal of our study was to analyze the epidemiological`s characteristics of ocular hypertension, as well as the influence of chronic risk factors on glaucoma development (conversion in glaucoma). We tried to make some entries for solving this complex ophthalmological problem. Material /Methods: From 2009 to 2015, a retrospective control study was performed on 121 patient with diagnoses of bilateral ocular hypertension and without disease progression/conversion of glaucoma (by standard protocols of diagnosis and basic procedures) on tertiary level at Clinic of Ophthalmology, Clinical Centre of Kragujevac, Serbia.. The authors analyzed epidemiological characteristics: sex, age groups, positive/negative family history and personal history with chronic risk factors (one and/or two) of ocular hypertension. The data obtained from this study were statistically analyzed in SPSS program, version 20.00. Results: As for the patients, 69 of them (57.02%) were male and 52 female (42.98%). Dominant age group was between 40-49 (42.15%) and then group between 50-59 (40.50%) years of age. Anamnesis data indicated the absence of family anamnesis 71 (58.68%). Risk factors for ocular hypertension were presented in 103 (85.13%) patients, 18 of them (14.87%) did not respond. One risk factor - cardiovascular disease was noted in 83 (68.59%), with two risk factors - cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus in 20 patients (16.53%) and with PEX syndroma at other respondents. Conclusion: Ocular hypertension is not a common disease, but with risk factors, such as older age, positive family history, and chronic risk factors syndicated, represents a serious clinical and social problem, so the question remains for ophthalmologists - pro or against therapy? Those in favor of therapy would state the safety and protection from conversion/progression of glaucoma; but those against therapy would only mention adequate monitoring of patients.
Medicinski pregled
Sazetak -Skolioza je najcesci deformitet kicrnenog stuba. To jc krivina u frontalnoj ravni kicrne... more Sazetak -Skolioza je najcesci deformitet kicrnenog stuba. To jc krivina u frontalnoj ravni kicrne. Uslovi skolske sredine mogu da pogoduju nastanku ovog deformiteta: neprolagoden namestaj, ucila -skolska torba pre svega, osvetljenost. Nase istrazivanje je sprovedeno u toku 2005. i 2006. godine na teritoriji Grada Kragujevca i to u svim osnovnim i srednjim skolama (22 osnovne i 8 srednjih skola). Podaci 0 obolevanju dece preuzeti su iz skolskog dispanzera, kao i iz Savetovalista za skoliozu Ortopedskog odejenja Klinickog centra "Kragujcvac" i Izvestaja za skolsku decu i omladinu Sluzbe socijalne medicine Instituta za zastitu zdravlja "Kragujcvac". Statistickorn analizom ovih podataka dosli smo do rezultata daje znacajno veci broj decc sa skoliozorn otkriven 2005. god., za osnovne skole: X 2 = 11.06. p<O.OI. Devojcice su cesce obolevale od decaka: za 2005. godine. Xl = 10,54. p<O,OI: i za 2006. godinu, Xl =10.72, p<O,OI u osnovnim skolarna, dok u srednjim skolama za 2005. godinu nije bilo razlike: Xl = 4,14. p>O.05 au 2006. godini skolioza se cesce javljala kod zenskog pola Xl = 49.51. p<O,O1. Skolioza je izrazito prisutna i u osnovnim i u srednjim skolama, pa je neophodno intenzivirati preventivne sisternatske preglede dcce u ovom uzrastu. Kljucne reci: Skolioza + epiderniologija + prevencija i kontrola: Dete: Adolescent: Skole + standardi Rad je primljen 24. VII 2008. Prihvacen za starnpu 1. X 2008. BIBLID.0025-8] 05 :(2009):LXII :9-1 0:445-449.
Medicinski Casopis
Page 1. 16 Dr Mirjana Milosavljević Institut za javno zdravlje kragujevac, Nikole Pašića 1, 34 00... more Page 1. 16 Dr Mirjana Milosavljević Institut za javno zdravlje kragujevac, Nikole Pašića 1, 34 000 kragujevac tel: 034 504-509; fax: 034 331-344 e-mail: Primljen/Received: 30.06.2010. Prihvaćen/Accepted: 07.09.2011. COBISS . ...
To determine the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and predicted values of VO2max estima... more To determine the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and predicted values of VO2max estimated by UKK test for the first degree of obesity. The participants were included in three groups of ten male subjects each, of different ages and different physical condition, randomly selected from the general population of the city of Kragujevac. BMI was determined first, and then the Urho Kaleva Kekonen (UKK) test on treadmill was performed in order to get a predicted value of cardiovascular capacity (VO2max) of respondents. For continuous variables collected, the mean values and standard deviation were determined, and the correlation coefficient was calculated using the Student test. After a correlation analysis value obtained by UKK VO(2)max test and BMI the negative correlation coefficient (r = - 0.904; p less than 0.001) for the third group (ten males aged 35-40 years with mean BMI of 32.2 ± 1.31) was found, which also found an inverse dependence of these two values (with an increase of BMI values, the values of VO2max decreased). In the third group, the first fitness category dominated (Fitness index less than 70, which is significantly below the average value). The aim is to improve VO2max values, so the Fitness index value belonging to the Fitness category III dominated meaning that the Fitness index values were in the range 90-100 (mean). A significant negative correlation between BMI and VO2max (ml/kg/min) suggesting the possibility of effect or body fat on cardiorespiratory function.
Medicinski glasnik
The aim of the study was to determine the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of patien... more The aim of the study was to determine the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of patients with dissociative disorders among psychiatric patients in the population of the United Arab Emirates. Six hundred inpatients with dissociative disorders were approached during the period 1997-2003, and 468 agreed to participate in the study. These patients were recruited from Al-Ain and Tawam Teaching Hospitals and Al-Jahili Primary Health Care Centers in Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates. The study is based on a questionnaire that included sociodemographic and clinical variables. Dissociative disorders were diagnosed according to the classification set forth in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) of the World Health Organization. Of the 468 patients studied, the majority (67.9%) were young, under the age of 25 years; 55% were UAE nationals, 59.4% female and 40.6% male. Disorganized movement was significantly lower among females (34.2%) than males (44.2%, p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.03). Disapproving of the key relative behaviour was higher in females (24.1%) compared to males (13.2%); comorbid anxiety was higher in females (37.4%) vs. males (25.3%). Disturbed relationships were more common in females (40.3%) while precipitating factors, such as intolerable stressful events, were significantly higher in males (42.6%, p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.01). Furthermore, males (20.5%) had a significantly higher history of similar episodes and other psychiatric illnesses (7.5%) than females. Finally, females (41%) showed more statistically significant improvements compared to males (29.5%, p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; 0.001). Patients under 25 years of age suffered more from dissociative disorders with no correlation to educational level as a predisposing factor. The most common symptoms were fits or unorganized movements.
Medicinski casopis, 2015
Hippokratia, 2010
Anemia in school-age children is an important public health problem and available data of its pre... more Anemia in school-age children is an important public health problem and available data of its prevalence and existing risk factors are essential for planning preventive strategies. The purpose of the current study was to assess the prevalence of and the risk factors associated with anemia among the school-age children 7-14 years years old in Serbia. In the 2000 National Health Survey, a cross-sectional, multistage cluster survey, performed in 1688 private and refugee campuses households across the territory of Serbia a total of 525 cases were recruited. Socioeconomic, nutritional, physical activities and lifestyle data have been collected and hemoglobin levels were determined. The overall prevalence of anemia was 18% (94/525) [95% CI 15-21]. Age of 12-14 yrs (odds ratio 3.56 [95% CI 2.17-5.85], p=0.000), male gender (3.22 [1.92-5.42], p=0.000), refugee campuses residence (1.98 [1.22- 3.23], p=0.000), lunch skipping (3.43 [1.40-8.33], p=0.007), defective poultry intake (1.65 [1.01-2....
Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo
To investigate differences in clinical and pre-clinical medical students' knowledge of nosoco... more To investigate differences in clinical and pre-clinical medical students' knowledge of nosocomial infections (NI). Cross-sectional survey. Questionnaires was answered and returned by 352 of 453 student (77.7%). The results indicated that students knew the definition of NI (70.1% correct answers) and their reservoirs (86%). The bacteria as etiological agents was the most frequent answer (76.4%), but 30.9% students did not knew at least one multidrug-resistant bacteria. About one half of the students (54.4%) knew that contact was the most frequent mode of NI transmission, but hand washing as preventive measure was cited by only 18.8% of students. Significantly statistical differences about NI in our country, etiology NI and preventive measures, and perception of risk for transmission of hepatitis B for health-care personnel were founded by year of training, by expectation that final-year medical students as more successfully, while pre-clinical students knew more about mode of NI ...
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2009
Uvod/Cilj. Postasfiktička lezija miokarda kod novorođene dece može biti klinički neprimetna. Posl... more Uvod/Cilj. Postasfiktička lezija miokarda kod novorođene dece može biti klinički neprimetna. Poslednjih godina raste interesovanje za primenu srčanog troponina I (cTnI), u proceni perinatalne asfiksije i hipoksičke lezije miokarda. Cilj ove studije bio je da se utvrdi povezanost ranog porasta nivoa cTnI sa krajnjim ishodom kod vitalno ugrožene asfiktične novorođenčadi. Metode. Prospektivnom studijom bilo je obuhvaćeno 78 ispitanika podeljenih u III grupe. Grupa I obuhvatala je 39 novorođenčadi (24 prevremeno rođenih i 15 u terminu) sa dijagnozom perinatalne asfiksije i kompletnim oporavkom ili sa neurološkim sekvelama, ali bez smrtnog ishoda. Grupa II obuhvatala je 10 novorođenčadi (6 prevremeno rođenih i 4 u terminu) sa dijagnozom perinatalne asfiksije praćene teškom kardiorespiratornom insuficijencijom ili multiorganskom disfunkcijom (3 ili više organa) i obaveznim smrtnim ishodom. Grupa III obuhvatala je 29 zdrave, terminske novorođenčadi. Svim ispitanicima određen je nivo cTnI u serumu tokom prva 24-48 h po rođenju. Rezultati. U grupi I zabeležena je statistički znatno viša srednja vrednost cTnI (0,082 ± 0,166 μg/l) u odnosu na grupu III (zdrava novorođenčad). U grupi I primenu inotropa zahtevalo je 16/39, a primenu konvencionalne ventilacije 21/39 novorođenčadi. U grupi II zabeležena je najviša srednja vrednost cTnI od 0,425 ± 0,307 μg/L, a svi ispitanici zahtevali su primenu konvencionalne ventilacije i inotropa. U grupi III zabeležena je najniža srednja vrednost cTnI (0,0186 ± 0,0286 μg/L). Zaključak. Porast nivoa cTnI u serumu mogao bi da se koristi kao marker perinatalne asfiksije i prediktor eventualnih posledica i/ili smrtnog ishoda.