Vladyslav Honcharenko | V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (original) (raw)
Papers by Vladyslav Honcharenko
Central Ukrainian Scientific Bulletin. Economic Sciences
It is emphasized that in modern Ukrainian economic science there are no works that comprehensivel... more It is emphasized that in modern Ukrainian economic science there are no works that comprehensively reflect both stimulating and restraining factors regarding the organization and functioning of Ukrainian agricultural servicing cooperatives. Based on the results of work with focus groups of farmers in Poltava region, these factors are identified, as well as scientific and practical comments on each of them are presented. The high level of agricultural, economic and legal knowledge of small agricultural producers is among the main stimulating factors that determine the need to participate in agricultural servicing cooperatives. It is emphasized that the need for cooperation is exacerbated by the lack of own funds and access to credit resources for economic needs, as well as to remote markets and the lack of objective information about profitable suppliers. Important stimulating factors include the low level of trust of farmers and small agricultural producers in various types of exter...
У статті автор розкриває передумови, причини та особливості виникнення кредитних кооперативів у с... more У статті автор розкриває передумови, причини та особливості виникнення кредитних кооперативів у світі, і зокрема - кредитних спілок в Україні.Про кредитну кооперацію / В. В. Гончаренко // Економіка України. - 2000. - № 4. - С. 24-30
In this monography the theoretical and practical questions of a world and Ukrainian cooperative m... more In this monography the theoretical and practical questions of a world and Ukrainian cooperative movement are considered, the sight, new, not traditional for Ukraine, on cooperative societies as the non-profitable form of managing, form of the self-help, economic and social self-protection of the population is displayed. On the basis of the analysis of world expcriPnce the attempt is carried out to solve the important scientific problem -- to develop the basic rules of the modern theory of cooperation and to crPat P theoretical base for revival in Ukraine of the most various forms of lhe cooperative self-help of the urban and rural population. The fundamental theoretical questions of development of credil cooperation as the forms of the financial self-help of the population are investigated, the foreign models of credit cooperative societies, system of cooperative crediting of the different countries, expansion of credit cooperation in the countries of the world, theoretical and practical questions of development of credit cooperation in the world and in Ukraine are analysed. There are developed and is scientifically proven main conceptual directions for solving of an important for Ukraine scientific and applied problem - organization of system of the self-help of the population in conditions of an economic crisis. This monography will help political and public figures of Ukraine to see essentially new direction in solving of social problems of the population, and will show population a possible solution of a difficult economic situation. For scientists, deputies of different levels, farmers, small businessmen and wide circle of the readers, which are interested in idea of the economic self-help of the urban and rural population.
In most countries of the world, cooperatives are a form of economic self-help organized to provid... more In most countries of the world, cooperatives are a form of economic self-help organized to provide people with high-quality goods and services at competitive prices. However, the history of post-Soviet countries demonstrates the practice of developing and expansion of pseudo-cooperatives, which emerged as the result of authoritarian state interference in the affairs of classical cooperatives. Some specific organizations operated with a huge violation of cooperative principles were called cooperatives in the Soviet Union and some other countries influenced by communist ideology. Thus, this deformation process in the cooperative movement began at the earliest stage in the USSR
Le développement de la coopération en Ukraine est adossé à l'idée nationale, d'où... more Le développement de la coopération en Ukraine est adossé à l'idée nationale, d'où l'essor remarquable du mouvement dès la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle et jusqu'à l'instauration du régime communiste. Le mouvement coopératif, comme le montre cet article, représentait une menace pour le pouvoir communiste, qui n'eut alors de cesse de le détruire, recréant en parallèle de pseudo-coopératives, à l'image des kolkhozes, dépouillées des véritables principes coopératifs. La période de la "perestroïka" ne fit par la suite que jeter un nouveau discrédit sur l'idée coopérative. C'est dans ce contexte que l'Ukraine, état indépendant depuis 1991, tente de restaurer les conditions d'un développement coopératif. A l'aube de l'an 2000, qu'en est-il de la situation dans les différents secteurs ? http://www.recma.org/article/le-mouvement-cooperatif-en-ukraine-histoire-et-renaissance
Different social groups’ access to high-quality and inexpensive medical, especially dental, servi... more Different social groups’ access to high-quality and inexpensive medical, especially dental, services remains quite a topical question in many countries. There are various forms of solution to this problem. Cooperatives are one of them. They are unique socially oriented organizations that make life easier for millions of people around the world. However, in many countries cooperatives in the dental care sector are still unusual, albeit very promising organizations. The article reveals the features of the cooperative as a unique form of self-help for the population, based on solidarity and ethical principles. The types, features and scales of cooperatives’ development in separate sectors of different countries’ economies are shown. The experience of cooperatives’ activity in the sphere of medical and dental services of some countries is summarized; the existing models have been described. The hypothesis about possibility of creating other, more complex and potentially promising models...
Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN), 2019
Central Ukrainian Scientific Bulletin. Economic Sciences
It is emphasized that in modern Ukrainian economic science there are no works that comprehensivel... more It is emphasized that in modern Ukrainian economic science there are no works that comprehensively reflect both stimulating and restraining factors regarding the organization and functioning of Ukrainian agricultural servicing cooperatives. Based on the results of work with focus groups of farmers in Poltava region, these factors are identified, as well as scientific and practical comments on each of them are presented. The high level of agricultural, economic and legal knowledge of small agricultural producers is among the main stimulating factors that determine the need to participate in agricultural servicing cooperatives. It is emphasized that the need for cooperation is exacerbated by the lack of own funds and access to credit resources for economic needs, as well as to remote markets and the lack of objective information about profitable suppliers. Important stimulating factors include the low level of trust of farmers and small agricultural producers in various types of exter...
У статті автор розкриває передумови, причини та особливості виникнення кредитних кооперативів у с... more У статті автор розкриває передумови, причини та особливості виникнення кредитних кооперативів у світі, і зокрема - кредитних спілок в Україні.Про кредитну кооперацію / В. В. Гончаренко // Економіка України. - 2000. - № 4. - С. 24-30
In this monography the theoretical and practical questions of a world and Ukrainian cooperative m... more In this monography the theoretical and practical questions of a world and Ukrainian cooperative movement are considered, the sight, new, not traditional for Ukraine, on cooperative societies as the non-profitable form of managing, form of the self-help, economic and social self-protection of the population is displayed. On the basis of the analysis of world expcriPnce the attempt is carried out to solve the important scientific problem -- to develop the basic rules of the modern theory of cooperation and to crPat P theoretical base for revival in Ukraine of the most various forms of lhe cooperative self-help of the urban and rural population. The fundamental theoretical questions of development of credil cooperation as the forms of the financial self-help of the population are investigated, the foreign models of credit cooperative societies, system of cooperative crediting of the different countries, expansion of credit cooperation in the countries of the world, theoretical and practical questions of development of credit cooperation in the world and in Ukraine are analysed. There are developed and is scientifically proven main conceptual directions for solving of an important for Ukraine scientific and applied problem - organization of system of the self-help of the population in conditions of an economic crisis. This monography will help political and public figures of Ukraine to see essentially new direction in solving of social problems of the population, and will show population a possible solution of a difficult economic situation. For scientists, deputies of different levels, farmers, small businessmen and wide circle of the readers, which are interested in idea of the economic self-help of the urban and rural population.
In most countries of the world, cooperatives are a form of economic self-help organized to provid... more In most countries of the world, cooperatives are a form of economic self-help organized to provide people with high-quality goods and services at competitive prices. However, the history of post-Soviet countries demonstrates the practice of developing and expansion of pseudo-cooperatives, which emerged as the result of authoritarian state interference in the affairs of classical cooperatives. Some specific organizations operated with a huge violation of cooperative principles were called cooperatives in the Soviet Union and some other countries influenced by communist ideology. Thus, this deformation process in the cooperative movement began at the earliest stage in the USSR
Le développement de la coopération en Ukraine est adossé à l'idée nationale, d'où... more Le développement de la coopération en Ukraine est adossé à l'idée nationale, d'où l'essor remarquable du mouvement dès la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle et jusqu'à l'instauration du régime communiste. Le mouvement coopératif, comme le montre cet article, représentait une menace pour le pouvoir communiste, qui n'eut alors de cesse de le détruire, recréant en parallèle de pseudo-coopératives, à l'image des kolkhozes, dépouillées des véritables principes coopératifs. La période de la "perestroïka" ne fit par la suite que jeter un nouveau discrédit sur l'idée coopérative. C'est dans ce contexte que l'Ukraine, état indépendant depuis 1991, tente de restaurer les conditions d'un développement coopératif. A l'aube de l'an 2000, qu'en est-il de la situation dans les différents secteurs ? http://www.recma.org/article/le-mouvement-cooperatif-en-ukraine-histoire-et-renaissance
Different social groups’ access to high-quality and inexpensive medical, especially dental, servi... more Different social groups’ access to high-quality and inexpensive medical, especially dental, services remains quite a topical question in many countries. There are various forms of solution to this problem. Cooperatives are one of them. They are unique socially oriented organizations that make life easier for millions of people around the world. However, in many countries cooperatives in the dental care sector are still unusual, albeit very promising organizations. The article reveals the features of the cooperative as a unique form of self-help for the population, based on solidarity and ethical principles. The types, features and scales of cooperatives’ development in separate sectors of different countries’ economies are shown. The experience of cooperatives’ activity in the sphere of medical and dental services of some countries is summarized; the existing models have been described. The hypothesis about possibility of creating other, more complex and potentially promising models...
Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN), 2019
Дис. д-ра екон. наук: 08.05.01 / Київський нац. ун-т імені Тараса Шевченка. – Київ, 2002. – 492 а... more Дис. д-ра екон. наук: 08.05.01 / Київський нац. ун-т імені Тараса Шевченка. – Київ, 2002. – 492 арк.
Honcharenko V.V. Formation of the world credit cooperatives’ system: theory, methodology, practice: Dissertation of Doctor of Economic Sciences: 08.05.01 / Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University. - Kyiv, 2002. - 492 p.
Theoretical and practical aspects of cooperatives' activity as a unique non-profitable form of economic self-help of people (including crediting) are researched in the dissertation. Peculiarities of historical models of credit cooperatives, their national modifications, and multilevel national systems have been determined. Various types of credit cooperatives (credit unions, cooperative banks, rural cooperatives, etc.), peculiarities of their origin and regularities of development in different countries and in different historical periods are described. Financial mechanism, specifics of management, tendencies of development in different historical, political and economic conditions are considered in detail. Cooperation between national systems of credit cooperatives at the international level is shown.
Keywords : cooperative, types of cooperatives, cooperative principles, credit union, cooperative bank, cooperative system, international cooperative movement, credit cooperative
In this monography the theoretical and practical questions of a world and Ukrainian cooperative m... more In this monography the theoretical and practical questions of a world
and Ukrainian cooperative movement are considered, the sight, new, not
traditional for Ukraine, on cooperative societies as the non-profitable form
of managing, form of the self-help, economic and social self-protection of
the population is displayed. On the basis of the analysis of world expcriPnce
the attempt is carried out to solve the important scientific problem -- to
develop the basic rules of the modern theory of cooperation and to crPat P
theoretical base for revival in Ukraine of the most various forms of lhe
cooperative self-help of the urban and rural population.
The fundamental theoretical questions of development of credil
cooperation as the forms of the financial self-help of the population are
investigated, the foreign models of credit cooperative societies, system of
cooperative crediting of the different countries, expansion of credit
cooperation in the countries of the world, theoretical and practical
questions of development of credit cooperation in the world and in Ukraine
are analysed. There are developed and is scientifically proven main
conceptual directions for solving of an important for Ukraine scientific and
applied problem - organization of system of the self-help of the population
in conditions of an economic crisis.
This monography will help political and public figures of Ukraine to
see essentially new direction in solving of social problems of the population,
and will show population a possible solution of a difficult economic
For scientists, deputies of different levels, farmers, small businessmen
and wide circle of the readers, which are interested in idea of the economic
self-help of the urban and rural population.
This monograph is dedicated to the social and economic nature of credit unions as cooperative for... more This monograph is dedicated to the social and economic nature of credit
unions as cooperative form in finance-credit area and the possibilities of using of
international experience in their activity in Ukraine. It introduces comparative
analysis of organizing and financial mechanisms of credit union activity in the
USA, Canada and Ukraine.
By materials on credit unions of the USA and Canada, and also on base of
materials of World Council of Credit Unions V. Honcharenko has shown the plaсe
of credit unions in socio-economic system and their importance for various strata
of society. Also, he has proposed the mechanism for improving of credit union
activity and cooperative legislation of Ukraine.
For scientists, employees and members of credit unions, teachers, students
and all readers, who are interested in idea of financial self-reliance and economic
self-protection of people.