dhaos_ix Well, I think this pretty well goes with out saying. After a nearly two year down time which has (at least for me) been filled with a fair smattering of personal hardships, I think it is relatively safe for me to say that Kikimo-dan is on indefinite hiatus. With my hellish work schedule, lack of access to a video camera, and complete lack of communication with Ali-chan for some time now (we both seem to have just fallen off where the other was concerned), it just doesn't seem reasonable to expect anything more out of KKM at this time. I would like to personally thank all of our loyal visitors and fans (though it seems weird to think we've had them in the first place) for all your support in helping make KKM as successful as it was. I know KKM wound up far exceeding any of my initial expectations for it and definitely became a labor of love. It's been a great couple of years, and I think that I've come a long way since this project first began. I've made a lot of good friends, had a lot of good times, plenty of good laughs (anyone else seen the blooper reel?), and generally had lots of fun with this project. Again, thanks for making it everything it's been.-CheersNeko²_PS: I may or may not be starting up a new project sometime here in the hopefully near future, so keep your eyes peeled._ (7 comments | comment on this)
dhaos_ixMedia - After a long down time do to server side stuff, some run of the mill procrastination, and a few various other excuses, we have updates. These new vids are from a filming session Ali and I had a while ago, but they are now edited and uploaded for your viewing pleasure. The new routines are "Music In My Head" by Denise, and Kikimo-dan's first venture into the world of tech-para, "Drop The Bomb (System S.F. Mix)" by Scotty D.General Site Info - Some general site maintenance will be taking place over the next few days. Most of it should be relatively transparent, consisting mostly of fixing links and some minor page formatting, but hopefully it should help the site run a little more smoothly.As always, there are a few routines in the works, so hopefully those will be able to get finished and filmed before they are forgotten. Keep your eyes peeled though because there might be a surprise or two in store in some of the vids here in the near future. I'm not making any promises but I will try my best to deliver something exciting. (2 comments | comment on this)
dhaos_ix It appears that some of the things updated around the beginning of May have reverted back to their old forms with all the server transfer stuff our host has been doing in the recent past. Hopefully these things can be put back the way they were in the near future, and if not, guess that just means we have to redo them from scratch right? (comment on this)
alycorn Obviously if you're reading this, you know that kirakira.org is back up after a long period of...well...not being up. I'd like to apologize for such a long down period, and then apologize again for having no new videos for you in apology for the down time. However, Neko has some songs that have not yet been filmed, and once that happens the site will be updated again, never fear! (comment on this)