Corine de Ruiter | Maastricht University, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (original) (raw)
Papers by Corine de Ruiter
Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is a science policy concept that gained traction from 2... more Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is a science policy concept that gained traction from 2000 onwards in the EU and US, in which alignment on purposes and values between different stakeholders is a key aspect. This thought experiment problematizes this particular notion: ethically acceptable and societally desirable outcomes are not necessarily achieved when alignment is a consequence of early closure. To argue this point, we took the example of the potential development of scanning technology for the detection of paedophilia among job applicants, for which indicators of broad societal support were found in an RRI project on neuroimaging. We analysed this case by looking through several lenses, obtained by structured and non-structured literature searches. We explored how facts and values are masked when a taboo topic is considered. This results in the black boxing of the problem definition, potential solutions and development trajectories. Complex unstructured problems can thus be perceived as manageable structured problems, which can in turn lead to irresponsible policies surrounding technology development. Responsible processes of research and technology development thus require the involvement of a critical reflector who is alert to signs of early closure and who prevents foreclosure of ongoing reflexive deliberation. There is an important role for ethical, legal and societal aspect studies within the framework of RRI. This paper shows that the concepts of " value/ fact diversity masking " and " early discursive closure " are new avenues for RRI research.
The relation between attachment representations and personality disorders was examined in a sampl... more The relation between attachment representations and personality disorders was examined in a sample of 40 Dutch men held in a forensic psychiatric hospital for the commission of serious crimes. Secure attachment representations were virtually absent in the sample; separation from attachment figures in childhood was related to current insecure attachment as well as to personality disorders. Use of attachment theory in research and clinical work with criminals is discussed.
Attachment theory and object relations theories share the premise that mental representations of ... more Attachment theory and object relations theories share the premise that mental representations of relationships are shaped in childhood experiences with p~~imary caregivers. Both theorzes have given rise to the devel-oprrcent o(assessment instruments to assess these representations in adults.
Adolescent transsexuals were compared with adolescent psychiatric outpatients and first-year univ... more Adolescent transsexuals were compared with adolescent psychiatric outpatients and first-year university students to determine the extent to which other psychopathology is a necessary condition for the development of transsexualism. Three areas of psychological functioning associated with fundamental psychological disturbances—perceptual inaccuracy, disorders of thought and negative self-image—were assessed by means of the Rorschach Comprehensive System. The group of adolescent transsexuals was found to be intermediate between adolescent psychiatric patients and nonpatients for extent of perceptual inaccuracy. They did not differ significantly from nonpatients with regard to thinking disturbances and negative self-image. The psychiatric patients included significantly more individuals characterized by negative self image than the other groups. The results support the idea that major psychopathology is not required for the development of transsexualism. The persistent sense of discomfort and inappropriateness about one's anatomic sex and the persistent wish to be rid of one's genitals and live as a member of the other sex are considered to be the two essential features of transsexualism
Interference effects on threat words in anxious subjects on the emotional Stroop task have genera... more Interference effects on threat words in anxious subjects on the emotional Stroop task have generally been interpreted as evidence for mood-congruent attentional bias in anxiety states. However, several recent studies have yielded results that run contrary to this attentional bias explanation. The most important of these conflicting findings show that: (1) panic disorder patients displayed interference on threat words, but also on other emotional words, including positively valenced words, and (2) 'repressors' showed even greater interference than high trait anxious subjects. We propose an alternative explanation for these findings, in which both attentional bias and cognitive avoidance are assumed to operate in the emotional Stroop task, but in which cognitive avoidance is hypothesized to be chiefly responsible for the greater interference effects found in anxious subjects and 'repressors'. We suggest that future research into cognitive processes associated with anxiety states should employ a variety of experimental paradigms on the same subjects and include measures of 'defensiveness'.
theory emphasizes the importance of a secure attachment relationship between care-giver(s) and ch... more theory emphasizes the importance of a secure attachment relationship between care-giver(s) and child for socio-emotional development throughout life. Thus far, empirical research has borne out this supposition. The relevance of attachment theory to cognitive development and education is a relatively new area of interest. This issue presents theoretical and empirical contributions on this topic. De Ruitcr and van IJzendoorn present a brief review of attachment theory and recent dcvclopmcnts in this arca of research. Subsequently. the estant research literature on the relationship bctwccn attachment and cognitive development is reviewed, with special emphasis on exploratory and problem solvin, (7 competence, parental teaching styles and high-risk samples. The chapter concludes with the presentation of a heuristic model of the relationship bctwccn attachment and cognition. 52-l C. DE RUITER and bl. H. VAN [JZENDOORN support the notion offered by Moss and her colleagues in the previous chapter, that socio-affective and cognitive processes in development are interdependent. Takahashi reports on a study in which mothers and their preschool children performed a referential communication task. Attachment security was studied in relation to the mother's tendency to control the child's task-irrelevant behaviors and errors in decoding. In contrast with the previous chapters, attachment security was assessed by the mother's perception of the child's relationship to her. and not with the Strange Situation. The author found that mothers of securely attached children tended not to control their child's off-task behaviors and that their children made more errors in decoding. She suggests that the discrepancy with findings from studies with Western children may be due to cross-cultural infiuences. The chapters in this issue attest to the fruitfulness of the theoretical and empirical integration of attachment theory in studying cognitive development. Affective and motivational components, as revealed in the quality of internal working models of attachment, can have an impact on cognition and learning. Future research could extend the reach of the current approach into the school years, and focus more directly on the relationship bctwecn attachment and educational issues. CHAPTER 1 Abstract This ch;qkr provitlc~ ;I rcvicw ol' the cmpiric;ll literature OH the rcl;ttionshlp twtwcctl the quality ol' ;nttd~Incni and cognitive dcvclopmcnt. FirQ. ii brief rcvicw of attw_+rwrit thawy k prcsctltcd and the iritlucncc of the ;~tt;d~rncrlt tvmd twtwccn cart-giver 2nd child
Breathing retraining ofpatients with Hyperventilation Syndrome (HVS) and/or panic disorder is dis... more Breathing retraining ofpatients with Hyperventilation Syndrome (HVS) and/or panic disorder is discussed to evaluate its clinical effectiveness and to examine the mechanism that mediates its effect. In relation to this theoretical question, the validity of HVS as a s&en@ model is discussed and is deemed insufficient.
In the present study. 83 lowerto upper-middle class mothers of first-born, 12-month-old infants w... more In the present study. 83 lowerto upper-middle class mothers of first-born, 12-month-old infants were interviewed with the Adult Attachment Interview , and completed the Groninger Intelligence Test (Luteijn and Van der Ploeg, 1982). Eighteen months after the beginning of the study, 67 mothers (81% of the original sample) were interviewed w i t h the Structured Interview (Roscnman, 1978), and were observed during a brief, semi-st~ctured play session at home with their childat that time a 2.5-years-old toddler. They also completed a checklist about major life-events that had occurred during the past 18 months. A large majority of these mothers of young children (81 %) showed 7)pe A behavior patterns. The job of parenting, indeed, appears to be stnssful. Attachment and Qpc A behaviors, however, did not seem to be related, probably because the influence of attachment is restricted to the regulation of emotions in intimate relationships.
First, Ley indicated that we were mistaken in our application of a two-tailed f-test when testing... more First, Ley indicated that we were mistaken in our application of a two-tailed f-test when testing the hypothesis that breathing retraining plus cognitive restructuring would lead to a decrease in frequency of panic attacks. Our two-tailed t of 1.82 (d.f. = 11) was nonsignificant at an a level of 0.05, but Ley's one-tailed t of 1.82 (d.f. = 11) did reach the 0.05 level of significance. His criticism on this point is valid-a directional hypothesis calls for a directional test. However, we wish to point out that the efficacy of BRCR is rather limited when the remaining self-report outcome measures are considered. Of 8 self-report scales measuring psychological distress (agoraphobic fear and avoidance, general anxiety, depression, somatic complaints), only the scale assessing fear of bodily sensations shows a significant decrease from pre-to posttherapy [t(ll) = 2.13, P < 0.05, one-tailed; see in de Ruiter et al., 19891. Second, Ley discusses our finding that the BRCR treatment has led to a decreased respiratory rate (RR) and a decline in end tidal pC0, (petC0,).
Psychopathy in forensic psychiatric patients and other criminal offenders is associated with high... more Psychopathy in forensic psychiatric patients and other criminal offenders is associated with higher criminal recidivism rates. Moreover, many forensic mental health professionals believe that psychopaths are not amenable to treatment. The present study examines whether patients with psychopathy demonstrate change during forensic psychiatric treatment. Seventy-four personality disordered offenders who had been convicted for serious violence were rated on the the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised and assessed repeatedly on risk-related behaviors during 20-months of inpatient forensic treatment. Group-and individual-level analyses showed no significant differences between psychopathic and non-psychopathic patients on adaptive social behavior , communication skills, insight, attribution of responsibility, and self-regulation strategies. However, a subgroup of psychopaths (22%) deteriorated during treatment with regard to physical aggression, whereas none of the non-psychopathic patients did (p 5 0.01). Our findings demonstrate that, contrary to clinical lore, treatment does not make a majority of psychopaths worse, but there are significant differences between psychopaths and non-psychopaths in treatment responsiveness.
De afgelopen tijd is Nederland meerdere malen opgeschrikt door geruchtmakende zedenmisdrijven. In... more De afgelopen tijd is Nederland meerdere malen opgeschrikt door geruchtmakende zedenmisdrijven. In een aantal van deze gevallen blijken de daders eerdere veroordelingen en behandelingen achter de rug te hebben. De vraag rijst dan of dit niet had kunnen worden voorzien. Onderstaande bijdrage laat zien dat identificatie van de mate van psychopathie en seksuele deviatie bij verkrachters en aanranders, een grote voorspellende waarde heeft voor recidive.
Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 2004
This study examined the role of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R; and sexual deviance sco... more This study examined the role of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R; and sexual deviance scores in predicting recidivism in a sample of 94 convicted rapists involuntarily admitted to a Dutch forensic psychiatric hospital between 1975 and 1996. The predictive utility of grouping offenders based on the combination of psychopathy and sexual deviance was also investigated. Measures were coded from prerelease institutional records. Recidivism (reconviction) data were retrieved from the Judicial Documentation Register of the Ministry of Justice and were related to PCL-R and sexual deviance scores. The follow-up period after release ranged up to 23.5 years (M = 11.8 years). Base rates for sexual, violent nonsexual, violent (including sexual), and general recidivism were 34%, 47%, 55%, and 73%, respectively. For all types of offending, offenders scoring high on the PCL-R (≥26) were significantly more often reconvicted than other offenders. The sexual deviance score was found to be a significant predictor of sexual reconviction. Survival analyses provided considerable evidence that psychopathic sex offenders with sexual deviant preferences are at substantially greater risk of committing new sexual offenses than psychopathic offenders without deviant preferences or nonpsychopathic offenders with or without sexual deviance. The findings are discussed in terms of their practical and clinical implications.
Dth, 2003
In this article we present the results of a study into the interrater reliability of a structured... more In this article we present the results of a study into the interrater reliability of a structured instrument for violence risk assessment. Two independent researchers and two clinicians (treatment supervisors and group leaders) coded the Dutch version of the HCR-20 for sixty patients in a forensic psychiatric hospital. We examined differences between researchers and clinicians in coding the HCR-20, and possible interference of clinicians' feelings towards their patients. The interrater reliability of Vivienne de Vogel, en, (*) DRS. V. DE VOGEL is psycholoog en verricht promotieonderzoek naar risicotaxatie van (seksueel) gewelddadig gedrag in de Dr. Henri van der Hoeven Kliniek te Utrecht. Correspondentieadres: Vivienne de Vogel, Dr. Henri van der Hoeven Kliniek, afdeling onderzoek, Postbus 174, 3500 AD Utrecht. E-mail: auteurs bedanken alle behandelaars en onderzoekers die aan dit onderzoek hebben meegewerkt. Een speciaal dankwoord gaat uit naar Ce´cile Vandeputte-Van de Vijver, die samen met de eerste auteur de trainingen verzorgde en tevens als onderzoeker fungeerde. Dth (maart 2003) 23:22-31
Seksuele agressie is een belangrijk probleem en de behandeling van seksueel agressief gedrag mag ... more Seksuele agressie is een belangrijk probleem en de behandeling van seksueel agressief gedrag mag zich in een toenemende belangstelling verheugen. Frequent voorkomende vormen van seksuele agressie zijn: verkrachting, aanranding, pedoseksueel gedrag, incest, exhibitionisme en voyeurisme. De eerste vier vormen van seksuele agressie worden traditioneel 'hands on' delicten genoemd, de laatste twee 'handsoff' delicten. In dit artikel wordt onder seksueel delinquent gedrag dat gedrag verstaan, dat seksueel of gedeeltelijk seksueel gemotiveerd is en dat bedreven wordt met een niet instemmend slachtoffer, of met iemand die niet in staat geacht wordt toestemming te kunnen geven .
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 2011
In dit artikel is de HCR-20V3 voor het inschatten van het risico van gewelddadig gedrag geïntrodu... more In dit artikel is de HCR-20V3 voor het inschatten van het risico van gewelddadig gedrag geïntroduceerd. De HCR-20V3 is de revisie van de HCR-20 en is ontwikkeld op basis van jarenlang en wereldwijd onderzoek en klinische expertise. De belangrijkste doelstelling van deze revisie is om de waarde en bruikbaarheid van het instrument voor de dagelijkse praktijk verder te vergroten. Een adequate inschatting van het risico van gewelddadig gedrag biedt concrete richtlijnen voor risicomanagement en behandeling, waarmee gewelddadige recidive kan worden voorkomen. Summary In this article, the HCR-20V3 for violence risk assessment is introduced. The HCR-20V3 is the revision of the HCR-20 and has been developed based on empirical research worldwide and clinical expertise. The major aim of this revision is to further improve the applicability in and usefulness for clinical practice. An adequate violence risk assessment provides concrete guidelines for risk management and treatment and consequentl...
Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie, 2007
In dit artikel wordt een gestructureerde richtlijn voor protectieve factoren, de Structured asses... more In dit artikel wordt een gestructureerde richtlijn voor protectieve factoren, de Structured assessment of protective factors for violence risk (SAPROF) geïntroduceerd en het belang ervan uiteengezet voor de behandeling in de forensische setting. Belangrijke doelen van het op gestandaardiseerde wijze beschouwen van protectieve factoren zijn: de risicotaxatie van (seksueel) gewelddadig gedrag completeren, waardoor deze evenwichtiger en wellicht accurater wordt, concrete richtlijnen bieden voor behandeling en aldus de motivatie van patiënten en behandelaars bevorderen.
Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 2004
Official Dutch translation of the HCR-20 V3.
Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is a science policy concept that gained traction from 2... more Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is a science policy concept that gained traction from 2000 onwards in the EU and US, in which alignment on purposes and values between different stakeholders is a key aspect. This thought experiment problematizes this particular notion: ethically acceptable and societally desirable outcomes are not necessarily achieved when alignment is a consequence of early closure. To argue this point, we took the example of the potential development of scanning technology for the detection of paedophilia among job applicants, for which indicators of broad societal support were found in an RRI project on neuroimaging. We analysed this case by looking through several lenses, obtained by structured and non-structured literature searches. We explored how facts and values are masked when a taboo topic is considered. This results in the black boxing of the problem definition, potential solutions and development trajectories. Complex unstructured problems can thus be perceived as manageable structured problems, which can in turn lead to irresponsible policies surrounding technology development. Responsible processes of research and technology development thus require the involvement of a critical reflector who is alert to signs of early closure and who prevents foreclosure of ongoing reflexive deliberation. There is an important role for ethical, legal and societal aspect studies within the framework of RRI. This paper shows that the concepts of " value/ fact diversity masking " and " early discursive closure " are new avenues for RRI research.
The relation between attachment representations and personality disorders was examined in a sampl... more The relation between attachment representations and personality disorders was examined in a sample of 40 Dutch men held in a forensic psychiatric hospital for the commission of serious crimes. Secure attachment representations were virtually absent in the sample; separation from attachment figures in childhood was related to current insecure attachment as well as to personality disorders. Use of attachment theory in research and clinical work with criminals is discussed.
Attachment theory and object relations theories share the premise that mental representations of ... more Attachment theory and object relations theories share the premise that mental representations of relationships are shaped in childhood experiences with p~~imary caregivers. Both theorzes have given rise to the devel-oprrcent o(assessment instruments to assess these representations in adults.
Adolescent transsexuals were compared with adolescent psychiatric outpatients and first-year univ... more Adolescent transsexuals were compared with adolescent psychiatric outpatients and first-year university students to determine the extent to which other psychopathology is a necessary condition for the development of transsexualism. Three areas of psychological functioning associated with fundamental psychological disturbances—perceptual inaccuracy, disorders of thought and negative self-image—were assessed by means of the Rorschach Comprehensive System. The group of adolescent transsexuals was found to be intermediate between adolescent psychiatric patients and nonpatients for extent of perceptual inaccuracy. They did not differ significantly from nonpatients with regard to thinking disturbances and negative self-image. The psychiatric patients included significantly more individuals characterized by negative self image than the other groups. The results support the idea that major psychopathology is not required for the development of transsexualism. The persistent sense of discomfort and inappropriateness about one's anatomic sex and the persistent wish to be rid of one's genitals and live as a member of the other sex are considered to be the two essential features of transsexualism
Interference effects on threat words in anxious subjects on the emotional Stroop task have genera... more Interference effects on threat words in anxious subjects on the emotional Stroop task have generally been interpreted as evidence for mood-congruent attentional bias in anxiety states. However, several recent studies have yielded results that run contrary to this attentional bias explanation. The most important of these conflicting findings show that: (1) panic disorder patients displayed interference on threat words, but also on other emotional words, including positively valenced words, and (2) 'repressors' showed even greater interference than high trait anxious subjects. We propose an alternative explanation for these findings, in which both attentional bias and cognitive avoidance are assumed to operate in the emotional Stroop task, but in which cognitive avoidance is hypothesized to be chiefly responsible for the greater interference effects found in anxious subjects and 'repressors'. We suggest that future research into cognitive processes associated with anxiety states should employ a variety of experimental paradigms on the same subjects and include measures of 'defensiveness'.
theory emphasizes the importance of a secure attachment relationship between care-giver(s) and ch... more theory emphasizes the importance of a secure attachment relationship between care-giver(s) and child for socio-emotional development throughout life. Thus far, empirical research has borne out this supposition. The relevance of attachment theory to cognitive development and education is a relatively new area of interest. This issue presents theoretical and empirical contributions on this topic. De Ruitcr and van IJzendoorn present a brief review of attachment theory and recent dcvclopmcnts in this arca of research. Subsequently. the estant research literature on the relationship bctwccn attachment and cognitive development is reviewed, with special emphasis on exploratory and problem solvin, (7 competence, parental teaching styles and high-risk samples. The chapter concludes with the presentation of a heuristic model of the relationship bctwccn attachment and cognition. 52-l C. DE RUITER and bl. H. VAN [JZENDOORN support the notion offered by Moss and her colleagues in the previous chapter, that socio-affective and cognitive processes in development are interdependent. Takahashi reports on a study in which mothers and their preschool children performed a referential communication task. Attachment security was studied in relation to the mother's tendency to control the child's task-irrelevant behaviors and errors in decoding. In contrast with the previous chapters, attachment security was assessed by the mother's perception of the child's relationship to her. and not with the Strange Situation. The author found that mothers of securely attached children tended not to control their child's off-task behaviors and that their children made more errors in decoding. She suggests that the discrepancy with findings from studies with Western children may be due to cross-cultural infiuences. The chapters in this issue attest to the fruitfulness of the theoretical and empirical integration of attachment theory in studying cognitive development. Affective and motivational components, as revealed in the quality of internal working models of attachment, can have an impact on cognition and learning. Future research could extend the reach of the current approach into the school years, and focus more directly on the relationship bctwecn attachment and educational issues. CHAPTER 1 Abstract This ch;qkr provitlc~ ;I rcvicw ol' the cmpiric;ll literature OH the rcl;ttionshlp twtwcctl the quality ol' ;nttd~Incni and cognitive dcvclopmcnt. FirQ. ii brief rcvicw of attw_+rwrit thawy k prcsctltcd and the iritlucncc of the ;~tt;d~rncrlt tvmd twtwccn cart-giver 2nd child
Breathing retraining ofpatients with Hyperventilation Syndrome (HVS) and/or panic disorder is dis... more Breathing retraining ofpatients with Hyperventilation Syndrome (HVS) and/or panic disorder is discussed to evaluate its clinical effectiveness and to examine the mechanism that mediates its effect. In relation to this theoretical question, the validity of HVS as a s&en@ model is discussed and is deemed insufficient.
In the present study. 83 lowerto upper-middle class mothers of first-born, 12-month-old infants w... more In the present study. 83 lowerto upper-middle class mothers of first-born, 12-month-old infants were interviewed with the Adult Attachment Interview , and completed the Groninger Intelligence Test (Luteijn and Van der Ploeg, 1982). Eighteen months after the beginning of the study, 67 mothers (81% of the original sample) were interviewed w i t h the Structured Interview (Roscnman, 1978), and were observed during a brief, semi-st~ctured play session at home with their childat that time a 2.5-years-old toddler. They also completed a checklist about major life-events that had occurred during the past 18 months. A large majority of these mothers of young children (81 %) showed 7)pe A behavior patterns. The job of parenting, indeed, appears to be stnssful. Attachment and Qpc A behaviors, however, did not seem to be related, probably because the influence of attachment is restricted to the regulation of emotions in intimate relationships.
First, Ley indicated that we were mistaken in our application of a two-tailed f-test when testing... more First, Ley indicated that we were mistaken in our application of a two-tailed f-test when testing the hypothesis that breathing retraining plus cognitive restructuring would lead to a decrease in frequency of panic attacks. Our two-tailed t of 1.82 (d.f. = 11) was nonsignificant at an a level of 0.05, but Ley's one-tailed t of 1.82 (d.f. = 11) did reach the 0.05 level of significance. His criticism on this point is valid-a directional hypothesis calls for a directional test. However, we wish to point out that the efficacy of BRCR is rather limited when the remaining self-report outcome measures are considered. Of 8 self-report scales measuring psychological distress (agoraphobic fear and avoidance, general anxiety, depression, somatic complaints), only the scale assessing fear of bodily sensations shows a significant decrease from pre-to posttherapy [t(ll) = 2.13, P < 0.05, one-tailed; see in de Ruiter et al., 19891. Second, Ley discusses our finding that the BRCR treatment has led to a decreased respiratory rate (RR) and a decline in end tidal pC0, (petC0,).
Psychopathy in forensic psychiatric patients and other criminal offenders is associated with high... more Psychopathy in forensic psychiatric patients and other criminal offenders is associated with higher criminal recidivism rates. Moreover, many forensic mental health professionals believe that psychopaths are not amenable to treatment. The present study examines whether patients with psychopathy demonstrate change during forensic psychiatric treatment. Seventy-four personality disordered offenders who had been convicted for serious violence were rated on the the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised and assessed repeatedly on risk-related behaviors during 20-months of inpatient forensic treatment. Group-and individual-level analyses showed no significant differences between psychopathic and non-psychopathic patients on adaptive social behavior , communication skills, insight, attribution of responsibility, and self-regulation strategies. However, a subgroup of psychopaths (22%) deteriorated during treatment with regard to physical aggression, whereas none of the non-psychopathic patients did (p 5 0.01). Our findings demonstrate that, contrary to clinical lore, treatment does not make a majority of psychopaths worse, but there are significant differences between psychopaths and non-psychopaths in treatment responsiveness.
De afgelopen tijd is Nederland meerdere malen opgeschrikt door geruchtmakende zedenmisdrijven. In... more De afgelopen tijd is Nederland meerdere malen opgeschrikt door geruchtmakende zedenmisdrijven. In een aantal van deze gevallen blijken de daders eerdere veroordelingen en behandelingen achter de rug te hebben. De vraag rijst dan of dit niet had kunnen worden voorzien. Onderstaande bijdrage laat zien dat identificatie van de mate van psychopathie en seksuele deviatie bij verkrachters en aanranders, een grote voorspellende waarde heeft voor recidive.
Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 2004
This study examined the role of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R; and sexual deviance sco... more This study examined the role of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R; and sexual deviance scores in predicting recidivism in a sample of 94 convicted rapists involuntarily admitted to a Dutch forensic psychiatric hospital between 1975 and 1996. The predictive utility of grouping offenders based on the combination of psychopathy and sexual deviance was also investigated. Measures were coded from prerelease institutional records. Recidivism (reconviction) data were retrieved from the Judicial Documentation Register of the Ministry of Justice and were related to PCL-R and sexual deviance scores. The follow-up period after release ranged up to 23.5 years (M = 11.8 years). Base rates for sexual, violent nonsexual, violent (including sexual), and general recidivism were 34%, 47%, 55%, and 73%, respectively. For all types of offending, offenders scoring high on the PCL-R (≥26) were significantly more often reconvicted than other offenders. The sexual deviance score was found to be a significant predictor of sexual reconviction. Survival analyses provided considerable evidence that psychopathic sex offenders with sexual deviant preferences are at substantially greater risk of committing new sexual offenses than psychopathic offenders without deviant preferences or nonpsychopathic offenders with or without sexual deviance. The findings are discussed in terms of their practical and clinical implications.
Dth, 2003
In this article we present the results of a study into the interrater reliability of a structured... more In this article we present the results of a study into the interrater reliability of a structured instrument for violence risk assessment. Two independent researchers and two clinicians (treatment supervisors and group leaders) coded the Dutch version of the HCR-20 for sixty patients in a forensic psychiatric hospital. We examined differences between researchers and clinicians in coding the HCR-20, and possible interference of clinicians' feelings towards their patients. The interrater reliability of Vivienne de Vogel, en, (*) DRS. V. DE VOGEL is psycholoog en verricht promotieonderzoek naar risicotaxatie van (seksueel) gewelddadig gedrag in de Dr. Henri van der Hoeven Kliniek te Utrecht. Correspondentieadres: Vivienne de Vogel, Dr. Henri van der Hoeven Kliniek, afdeling onderzoek, Postbus 174, 3500 AD Utrecht. E-mail: auteurs bedanken alle behandelaars en onderzoekers die aan dit onderzoek hebben meegewerkt. Een speciaal dankwoord gaat uit naar Ce´cile Vandeputte-Van de Vijver, die samen met de eerste auteur de trainingen verzorgde en tevens als onderzoeker fungeerde. Dth (maart 2003) 23:22-31
Seksuele agressie is een belangrijk probleem en de behandeling van seksueel agressief gedrag mag ... more Seksuele agressie is een belangrijk probleem en de behandeling van seksueel agressief gedrag mag zich in een toenemende belangstelling verheugen. Frequent voorkomende vormen van seksuele agressie zijn: verkrachting, aanranding, pedoseksueel gedrag, incest, exhibitionisme en voyeurisme. De eerste vier vormen van seksuele agressie worden traditioneel 'hands on' delicten genoemd, de laatste twee 'handsoff' delicten. In dit artikel wordt onder seksueel delinquent gedrag dat gedrag verstaan, dat seksueel of gedeeltelijk seksueel gemotiveerd is en dat bedreven wordt met een niet instemmend slachtoffer, of met iemand die niet in staat geacht wordt toestemming te kunnen geven .
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 2011
In dit artikel is de HCR-20V3 voor het inschatten van het risico van gewelddadig gedrag geïntrodu... more In dit artikel is de HCR-20V3 voor het inschatten van het risico van gewelddadig gedrag geïntroduceerd. De HCR-20V3 is de revisie van de HCR-20 en is ontwikkeld op basis van jarenlang en wereldwijd onderzoek en klinische expertise. De belangrijkste doelstelling van deze revisie is om de waarde en bruikbaarheid van het instrument voor de dagelijkse praktijk verder te vergroten. Een adequate inschatting van het risico van gewelddadig gedrag biedt concrete richtlijnen voor risicomanagement en behandeling, waarmee gewelddadige recidive kan worden voorkomen. Summary In this article, the HCR-20V3 for violence risk assessment is introduced. The HCR-20V3 is the revision of the HCR-20 and has been developed based on empirical research worldwide and clinical expertise. The major aim of this revision is to further improve the applicability in and usefulness for clinical practice. An adequate violence risk assessment provides concrete guidelines for risk management and treatment and consequentl...
Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie, 2007
In dit artikel wordt een gestructureerde richtlijn voor protectieve factoren, de Structured asses... more In dit artikel wordt een gestructureerde richtlijn voor protectieve factoren, de Structured assessment of protective factors for violence risk (SAPROF) geïntroduceerd en het belang ervan uiteengezet voor de behandeling in de forensische setting. Belangrijke doelen van het op gestandaardiseerde wijze beschouwen van protectieve factoren zijn: de risicotaxatie van (seksueel) gewelddadig gedrag completeren, waardoor deze evenwichtiger en wellicht accurater wordt, concrete richtlijnen bieden voor behandeling en aldus de motivatie van patiënten en behandelaars bevorderen.
Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 2004
Official Dutch translation of the HCR-20 V3.
Forensic Psychological Assessment in Practice: Case Studies presents a set of forensic criminal ... more Forensic Psychological Assessment in Practice: Case Studies
presents a set of forensic criminal cases as examples of a
scientist-practitioner model for forensic psychological
assessment. The cases address forensic issues, such as
criminal responsibility, violence risk assessment, treatment
planning, and referral to long term forensic care. The
authors address a variety of mental disorders including
psychosis, posttraumatic stress disorder, psychopathy and
other personality disorders. The book will be useful for
novice and experienced forensic psychologists and
psychiatrists who are looking for case studies that integrate
recent empirical evidence with psychological test findings.