nguyen huyen | Cao đẳng Kinh tế Công nghiệp Hà Nội (original) (raw)

Papers by nguyen huyen

Research paper thumbnail of Two Atom-single Mode Radiation Field Interaction

Journal of Modern Optics, 1994

Page 1. JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS, 1994, VOL . 41, NO . 3, 453-469 Two atom-single mode radiation ... more Page 1. JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS, 1994, VOL . 41, NO . 3, 453-469 Two atom-single mode radiation field interaction State evolution, level occupation probabilities and emission spectra HO TRUNG DUNG and NGUYEN ...

Research paper thumbnail of Secretion of a new spherical body protein of Babesia bovis into the cytoplasm of infected erythrocytes

Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 2011

A cDNA encoding a new Babesia bovis spherical body protein 4 (BbSBP-4) was reported to have no si... more A cDNA encoding a new Babesia bovis spherical body protein 4 (BbSBP-4) was reported to have no significant homology to other apicomplexan proteins or previously reported B. bovis spherical body proteins. In the present study, we further examined the molecular characteristics of BbSBP-4 including the expression and cellular localization of the BbSBP-4. An anti-rBbSBP-4 mouse serum specifically reacted to a 41-kDa native protein B. bovis in Western blot analysis. The immunoelectron microscopic examination confirmed the localization of BbSBP-4 in spherical bodies, but not in the nucleus, rhoptries, and micronemes. Interestingly, the protein was found to be localized not only in the spherical body of B. bovis but also in the cytoplasm of infected erythrocytes (iRBC) at the later stage of parasite development. The confocal laser microscopic examination and Western blot analysis demonstrated the increased accumulation of BbSBP-4 in the cytoplasm of iRBC and in the supernatant of cultivated B. bovis during the late developmental stage of the parasite. These results suggest that BbSBP-4 was secreted from spherical body into cytoplasm of iRBC during the late developmental stage of the parasite before the rupture of infected RBC. Taken together, BbSBP-4 might play an important role as a secreted protein in the intracellular development and/or survival of B. bovis.

Research paper thumbnail of Neogene freshwater stromatolites of Vietnam

Doklady Earth Sciences, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Helicobacter Pylori and Precancerous Gastric Lesions

Digestive Endoscopy, 2000

Skip to Content. If you are seeing this message, you may be experiencing temporary network proble... more Skip to Content. If you are seeing this message, you may be experiencing temporary network problems. Please wait a few minutes and refresh the page. If the problem persists, you may wish to report it to your local Network Manager. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Synchronous Transformations of Mineral and Organic Constituents of Sedimentary Rocks In Geological Structure With An Initial Extension and Subsequent …

Lithology and Mineral …, 2003

Sedimentary rocks of the section in the Red River fold zone of northern Viet Nam are considered. ... more Sedimentary rocks of the section in the Red River fold zone of northern Viet Nam are considered. It is shown that secondary mineral parageneses formed in two stages. The first stage (35-17 Ma ago) corresponded to the period of structure extension and sediment subsidence to a depth of about 6 km. This period and subsequent ~10 Ma were marked by the formation of a usual dia-and catagenetic zoning of metasedimentary rocks. The second stage (5-7 Ma ago) corresponded to processes of compression that were responsible for the deformation of rocks into gentle folds and 1.5 to 2.2 times contraction of the section thickness in different places. The sequential-mineralogical zoning was disturbed at this stage. Smectites and mixed-layer minerals were replaced by chlorites and hydromicas. Organic material also responded to compression simultaneously with inorganic components. The bituminous component was released from humic matter and rocks became enriched in hydrocarbons.

Research paper thumbnail of The Contribution of Livestock to Sustainable Development of Mountain Farming in Northern Vietnam

Environmental Science and Engineering, 2007

Living standards and food security in the mountain zones of Southeast Asia are largely determined... more Living standards and food security in the mountain zones of Southeast Asia are largely determined by the availability, quality and use of resources in rural farming families, by the accessibility of markets and by the education and cultural behaviour of the indigenous ethnic groups. Changes in production conditions, degree of market orientation and socio-economic conditions of the families can be

Research paper thumbnail of Geological evolution, regional perspectives and hydrocarbon potential of the northwest Phu Khanh Basin, offshore Central Vietnam

Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2009

Seismic stratigraphic and structural analyses of the northwest Phu Khanh Basin, offshore Central ... more Seismic stratigraphic and structural analyses of the northwest Phu Khanh Basin, offshore Central Vietnam, based on 2-D seismic data, indicate that the initial rifting began during the latest Cretaceous? or Palaeogene controlled by left-lateral transtension along the East Vietnam Boundary Fault Zone (EVBFZ) and northwest-southeast directed extension east of the EVBFZ. Rifting stopped due to transpression during middle Oligocene times but resumed by left-lateral transtension during the Late Oligocene. Thick sequences of lacustrine and alluvial sediments were deposited during the Palaeogene rift periods. The Late Oligocene rifting ended due to inversion, triggered by right-lateral wrenching near the Palaeogene-Neogene boundary. Following the onset of this inversion regional uplift and volcanism took place in the southern half of the study area and contemporaneous subsidence and transgression took place farther north, leading to widespread carbonate deposition. As the right-lateral wrenching decreased during the early Neogene, thermal subsidence and siliciclastic sedimentation became dominant, resulting in the buildup and southward propagation of the shelf slope. Sediment accumulation and subsidence rates increased after the Middle Miocene times due to eastward tilting of Central Vietnam and the adjacent offshore area.


Journal of Phycology, 2000

Page 1. 1057 J. Phycol. 36, 1057–1060 (2000) DOMOIC ACID PRODUCTION IN NITZSCHIA SP. (BACILLARIOP... more Page 1. 1057 J. Phycol. 36, 1057–1060 (2000) DOMOIC ACID PRODUCTION IN NITZSCHIA SP. (BACILLARIOPHYCEAE) ISOLATED FROM A SHRIMP-CULTURE POND IN DO SON, VIETNAM1 Yuichi Kotaki, Kazuhiko Koike ...

Research paper thumbnail of Toxic Alexandrium minutum (Dinophyceae) from Vietnam with new gonyautoxin analogue

Harmful Algae, 2007

Clonal cultures of Alexandrium species collected from a shrimp pond on the northern coast of Viet... more Clonal cultures of Alexandrium species collected from a shrimp pond on the northern coast of Vietnam were established and morphologically identified as Alexandrium minutum. Nucleotide sequences of domains 1 and 2 of the large subunit ribosomal (LSU) rRNA gene showed high sequence similarity to A. minutum isolates from Malaysia. Paralytic shellfish toxin profile of the clones was characterized by the dominance of GTX4, GTX1, and NEO. GTX3, GTX2, and dcSTX were also present in trace amount. Toxin content varied among the strains and growth stages, ranged from 3.0 to 12.5 fmol cell À1 . In addition to these known toxin components, a new gonyautoxin derivative was detected by HPLC, eluting between GTX4 and GTX1. The peak of this compound disappeared under non-oxidizing HPLC condition but unchanged either after treated with 0.05 M ammonium phosphate/10% mercaptoethanol or 0.1N HCl hydrolysis. LCMS ion scanning showed a parental ion of [M + H] + at m/z 396, [M À SO 3 ] + at m/z 316, and [M À SO 4 ] + at m/z 298. Based on these results, the derivative was identified as deoxy-GTX4-12ol, and this represents the first report of this toxin analogue. #

Research paper thumbnail of Two Atom-single Mode Radiation Field Interaction

Journal of Modern Optics, 1994

Page 1. JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS, 1994, VOL . 41, NO . 3, 453-469 Two atom-single mode radiation ... more Page 1. JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS, 1994, VOL . 41, NO . 3, 453-469 Two atom-single mode radiation field interaction State evolution, level occupation probabilities and emission spectra HO TRUNG DUNG and NGUYEN ...

Research paper thumbnail of Secretion of a new spherical body protein of Babesia bovis into the cytoplasm of infected erythrocytes

Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 2011

A cDNA encoding a new Babesia bovis spherical body protein 4 (BbSBP-4) was reported to have no si... more A cDNA encoding a new Babesia bovis spherical body protein 4 (BbSBP-4) was reported to have no significant homology to other apicomplexan proteins or previously reported B. bovis spherical body proteins. In the present study, we further examined the molecular characteristics of BbSBP-4 including the expression and cellular localization of the BbSBP-4. An anti-rBbSBP-4 mouse serum specifically reacted to a 41-kDa native protein B. bovis in Western blot analysis. The immunoelectron microscopic examination confirmed the localization of BbSBP-4 in spherical bodies, but not in the nucleus, rhoptries, and micronemes. Interestingly, the protein was found to be localized not only in the spherical body of B. bovis but also in the cytoplasm of infected erythrocytes (iRBC) at the later stage of parasite development. The confocal laser microscopic examination and Western blot analysis demonstrated the increased accumulation of BbSBP-4 in the cytoplasm of iRBC and in the supernatant of cultivated B. bovis during the late developmental stage of the parasite. These results suggest that BbSBP-4 was secreted from spherical body into cytoplasm of iRBC during the late developmental stage of the parasite before the rupture of infected RBC. Taken together, BbSBP-4 might play an important role as a secreted protein in the intracellular development and/or survival of B. bovis.

Research paper thumbnail of Neogene freshwater stromatolites of Vietnam

Doklady Earth Sciences, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Helicobacter Pylori and Precancerous Gastric Lesions

Digestive Endoscopy, 2000

Skip to Content. If you are seeing this message, you may be experiencing temporary network proble... more Skip to Content. If you are seeing this message, you may be experiencing temporary network problems. Please wait a few minutes and refresh the page. If the problem persists, you may wish to report it to your local Network Manager. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Synchronous Transformations of Mineral and Organic Constituents of Sedimentary Rocks In Geological Structure With An Initial Extension and Subsequent …

Lithology and Mineral …, 2003

Sedimentary rocks of the section in the Red River fold zone of northern Viet Nam are considered. ... more Sedimentary rocks of the section in the Red River fold zone of northern Viet Nam are considered. It is shown that secondary mineral parageneses formed in two stages. The first stage (35-17 Ma ago) corresponded to the period of structure extension and sediment subsidence to a depth of about 6 km. This period and subsequent ~10 Ma were marked by the formation of a usual dia-and catagenetic zoning of metasedimentary rocks. The second stage (5-7 Ma ago) corresponded to processes of compression that were responsible for the deformation of rocks into gentle folds and 1.5 to 2.2 times contraction of the section thickness in different places. The sequential-mineralogical zoning was disturbed at this stage. Smectites and mixed-layer minerals were replaced by chlorites and hydromicas. Organic material also responded to compression simultaneously with inorganic components. The bituminous component was released from humic matter and rocks became enriched in hydrocarbons.

Research paper thumbnail of The Contribution of Livestock to Sustainable Development of Mountain Farming in Northern Vietnam

Environmental Science and Engineering, 2007

Living standards and food security in the mountain zones of Southeast Asia are largely determined... more Living standards and food security in the mountain zones of Southeast Asia are largely determined by the availability, quality and use of resources in rural farming families, by the accessibility of markets and by the education and cultural behaviour of the indigenous ethnic groups. Changes in production conditions, degree of market orientation and socio-economic conditions of the families can be

Research paper thumbnail of Geological evolution, regional perspectives and hydrocarbon potential of the northwest Phu Khanh Basin, offshore Central Vietnam

Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2009

Seismic stratigraphic and structural analyses of the northwest Phu Khanh Basin, offshore Central ... more Seismic stratigraphic and structural analyses of the northwest Phu Khanh Basin, offshore Central Vietnam, based on 2-D seismic data, indicate that the initial rifting began during the latest Cretaceous? or Palaeogene controlled by left-lateral transtension along the East Vietnam Boundary Fault Zone (EVBFZ) and northwest-southeast directed extension east of the EVBFZ. Rifting stopped due to transpression during middle Oligocene times but resumed by left-lateral transtension during the Late Oligocene. Thick sequences of lacustrine and alluvial sediments were deposited during the Palaeogene rift periods. The Late Oligocene rifting ended due to inversion, triggered by right-lateral wrenching near the Palaeogene-Neogene boundary. Following the onset of this inversion regional uplift and volcanism took place in the southern half of the study area and contemporaneous subsidence and transgression took place farther north, leading to widespread carbonate deposition. As the right-lateral wrenching decreased during the early Neogene, thermal subsidence and siliciclastic sedimentation became dominant, resulting in the buildup and southward propagation of the shelf slope. Sediment accumulation and subsidence rates increased after the Middle Miocene times due to eastward tilting of Central Vietnam and the adjacent offshore area.


Journal of Phycology, 2000

Page 1. 1057 J. Phycol. 36, 1057–1060 (2000) DOMOIC ACID PRODUCTION IN NITZSCHIA SP. (BACILLARIOP... more Page 1. 1057 J. Phycol. 36, 1057–1060 (2000) DOMOIC ACID PRODUCTION IN NITZSCHIA SP. (BACILLARIOPHYCEAE) ISOLATED FROM A SHRIMP-CULTURE POND IN DO SON, VIETNAM1 Yuichi Kotaki, Kazuhiko Koike ...

Research paper thumbnail of Toxic Alexandrium minutum (Dinophyceae) from Vietnam with new gonyautoxin analogue

Harmful Algae, 2007

Clonal cultures of Alexandrium species collected from a shrimp pond on the northern coast of Viet... more Clonal cultures of Alexandrium species collected from a shrimp pond on the northern coast of Vietnam were established and morphologically identified as Alexandrium minutum. Nucleotide sequences of domains 1 and 2 of the large subunit ribosomal (LSU) rRNA gene showed high sequence similarity to A. minutum isolates from Malaysia. Paralytic shellfish toxin profile of the clones was characterized by the dominance of GTX4, GTX1, and NEO. GTX3, GTX2, and dcSTX were also present in trace amount. Toxin content varied among the strains and growth stages, ranged from 3.0 to 12.5 fmol cell À1 . In addition to these known toxin components, a new gonyautoxin derivative was detected by HPLC, eluting between GTX4 and GTX1. The peak of this compound disappeared under non-oxidizing HPLC condition but unchanged either after treated with 0.05 M ammonium phosphate/10% mercaptoethanol or 0.1N HCl hydrolysis. LCMS ion scanning showed a parental ion of [M + H] + at m/z 396, [M À SO 3 ] + at m/z 316, and [M À SO 4 ] + at m/z 298. Based on these results, the derivative was identified as deoxy-GTX4-12ol, and this represents the first report of this toxin analogue. #