Ah, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal! (original) (raw)

Sales and Stuff [Aug. 13th, 2014|**10:16 am**](v) Kintotech
Etsy Shop LinkAs ever we could stand a lot more sales than we're actually getting, so if folks could spread the signal i'd appreciate it greatly.That said we've got a number of new things up, the signs, and the differently colored dragons.
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(no subject) [Jul. 21st, 2014|**11:30 am**](v) Kintotech
The Etsy Bill is due *TODAY*. I need those sales *NOW*Please. Help me. Convince people to buy and spread the word.
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(no subject) [Jul. 18th, 2014|**11:00 am**](v) Kintotech
Read thisand help. Please.
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Advertising, again [Jun. 16th, 2014|**04:33 pm**](v) Kintotech
Adkins WoodworksWe need the money now, folks, if you know anyone or want anything, this is the time to buy stuff.
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(no subject) [Jun. 2nd, 2014|**08:27 pm**](v) Kintotech
Spreading the signal again, guysWe've got the phone bill to pay by tomorrow at five, so any help by throwing the link everywhere again would be appreciated.
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Things and Stuff [May. 21st, 2014|**06:33 pm**](v) Kintotech
So, people want to know what's going on? Alrighty then.I still live with my mother due to lack of anywhere else to go, lack of a job, and lack of funds. We barely make enough money through her sister paying us for house sitting, and Mom's etsy store.And it keeps getting rougher and harder to make ends meet.Say, for example, the situation now:We need to make at LEAST a hundred and fifty dollars by tonight, or we're losing the Etsy Store as a source of income because we have to pay that bill.Here is the link to the store.So if you want something from it, this may be your last chance to order.I cannot stress this enough, we need the money. And we need it as soon as fucking possible.If you aren't interested? Spread the link around with that message that we need to make ALL THE SALES NOW.Because I'm casting as wide an advertising net as I possibly can and I don't know what else or how else to accomplish this.Please. I need help and I need it now.EDIT:Bill is down to 79 dollars, c'mon people!BILL IS PAID SHOP IS SAVED!That said, more sales won't go amiss! Keep spreading the word!
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Damn Spooky Moments in life: [Jan. 5th, 2012|**05:58 pm**](v) Kintotech
Copied from a chat transcript, so it's kinda stream of thought:SO I go into the kitchen to get a coke I didn't announce this because hey, quick trip back and forth--but anyway I get there, and I hear this odd static buzzing noise. ...I call mom over and it's her clock radio mysteriously set to radio something that has to be -physically done with a switch- when neither one of us was on that end of the house. At all...So. Yeah. Creepy.
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(no subject) [Sep. 10th, 2011|**07:35 pm**](v) Kintotech
Tod's doing icon day again!Looking to get a non-fandom OC drawn? Check it out!
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(no subject) [Apr. 15th, 2011|**01:09 am**](v) Kintotech
Totally pimping this everywhere now.Ara's threadandIsis's
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(no subject) [Apr. 6th, 2011|**10:29 pm**](v) Kintotech
( LengthCollapse )
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Random Bit [Jan. 27th, 2011|**05:20 pm**](v) Kintotech
It was realized, and prophesied long ago, that as a singular entity, it would consume and grow until all was gone into a wake of fire and death.It was this reason, to prevent the prophecy from occurring, that it was divided. Scattered throughout the universe as shards of its former being. Shards that, eventually, would find hosts. Hosts that would influence the shards, and the shards would influence the hosts.Unsurprisingly, being the herald of intergalactic, interdimensional, and frankly every-damn-thing else, a shard on Earth finding a host wasn't a surprise.However, given the shards were largely unaware of each-others' existence, it would come as a surprise to the one carrying it.
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Meme thing [Jan. 15th, 2011|**02:03 pm**](v) Kintotech
[**Tags**|memes/quizzes]_Pick a character I play or have played and I will give and explain the top five ideas/concepts/etc I keep in mind while writing that character that I believe are essential to accurately depicting them._And if you say 'all of them', I'm gonna give ya such a smack :PExamples:Arabelle KintotechGoldenwingAnnabella Fennix (aarn)Lyta Bastali (Aarn)Altalita Bastion (Aarn, mostly, these days)Isis MacrowMaria MacrowBastetNyoka
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Boredom leads to interestingly redone things. [Jan. 11th, 2011|**08:39 pm**](v) Kintotech
[Tags**|lyta bastali, move lists]Lyta BastaliRevised Fighting Style Movelist Thing, for what I understand is MvC3 styled? If not, generic fighting game probably works.( Onward to the movelist thingie!Collapse )**
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(no subject) [Jan. 11th, 2011|**06:36 pm**](v) Kintotech
Tod's doing another Icon day!
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Hopefully... [Dec. 31st, 2010|**07:09 pm**](v) Kintotech
..I'll be able to keep up with my desire to continue writing throughout the year.Hopefully.
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Posting this here for easier access, and so I can edit it later [Nov. 19th, 2010|**11:41 am**](v) Kintotech
[Tags**|fractals, legacy!goldenwing]( Cut for length, another RP thingCollapse )**to note, this is partially incomplete, I need to put up her stats as far as the game goes, and I need to get into a log for that.
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(no subject) [Oct. 20th, 2010|**12:38 pm**](v) Kintotech
Well now, this about the coolest thing I've found in a while:( Video behind cutCollapse )
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(no subject) [Sep. 22nd, 2010|**02:40 pm**](v) Kintotech
Tod's doing another ICON DAY~
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* Eyebrow [Sep. 21st, 2010|**11:04 am**](v) Kintotech
That's a new kind of LJ spambot compared to the ones lately. I just had one try to join my old-defunct musebox comm, and according to its profile, it was the member of almost 1400 communities.
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Tod's doing another icon daaay [Mar. 4th, 2010|**11:15 am**](v) Kintotech
Which is totally right here
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Blah. [Jun. 20th, 2009|**02:28 pm**](v) Kintotech
[**Tags**|memes/quizzes]Pick a character that I have written, or that you know I have substantial headcanon about, and ask any five questions about him/her. Be sure to specify whether you would like responses to be OOC (responding as the writer) or IC (responding as the character).
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A memesheepery. [Apr. 23rd, 2009|**12:08 pm**](v) Kintotech
[**Tags**|memes/quizzes]Give me a character of mine and I will give you at least four facts about them according to my own personal canon. This can range from their birthday, favorite color or even their earliest memory up to what they had last night for dinner.
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Bored and blah. [Apr. 6th, 2009|**04:01 pm**](v) Kintotech
[**Tags**|memes/quizzes]Comment and I'll tell you why I like you.
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Superpowered, yet pathetic, red fish. [Mar. 27th, 2009|**01:37 am**](v) Kintotech
[Tags**|gaming, pokemon platinum, what the heck] [Current Location** Resort Area - Sinnoh] [Current Mood confusedWhat.] [Current Music SuperMarioBrosS - Sonic 2 Zone 2 Remix]( * Matt is playing Pokemon Platinum...Collapse )
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Sheeping! [Mar. 25th, 2009|**10:15 pm**](v) Kintotech
[**Tags**|memes/quizzes]Comment here and I'll tell you what it is that I like about your characters/the way you play them! Please tell me which ones!Disclaimer: No 'ALL OF THEM' responses, I request that you be specific.
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Because she didn't come up, and she's like my last primary Nexus-active pup [Mar. 22nd, 2009|**05:41 pm**](v) Kintotech
[Tags**|armedandwinged, memes/quizzes] [Current Mood** calmcalm]I thought I might as well satisfy my OCD for completion and actually do this for Arabelle. XD Y'know, for fun, since I know her answers really well.( Read more...Collapse )
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Alternate Universes, and the people who love them. [Mar. 22nd, 2009|**01:45 am**](v) Kintotech
[Tags**|'lita (im2sexy4mysnark), bella (gears-of-gold), bob, cronos, hellboy, izzy, kaiser, kate, memes/quizzes] [Current Location** God help me] [Current Mood blahblah] [Current Music Eternal Arcadia OST - Disc 2 - Yutaka Minobe & Takayuki Maeda - Bombardment 2]ALL RIGHT. For this meme, choose one character of yours and one character of mine - and then I will write out how they hook up, settle into a long term relationship and/or marriage, and describe their firstborn child/children. Yes, really. No, I didn't make this one up myself.11. The management makes no promises on quality or speed, but he will *try*, for the luvva god.
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Neat little trick, that may or may not have gotten out yet: [Mar. 14th, 2009|**07:26 pm**](v) Kintotech
[**Tags**|armedandwinged, html tricks]Watch and learn.Arabelle 'Goldenwing' Kintotech:D
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Hmm! [Mar. 13th, 2009|**02:20 am**](v) Kintotech
[Tags**|lol list, nexus, randomshibby]Hey Nexus folks, what're some common Nexus LOL's? I wanna make a quick chart to roll against.Note: This list is for fun, you can reroll as you wish or whatever, it's just for when you have no ideas, or want something random.LIST SO FAR:( Read more...Collapse )**
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(no subject) [Mar. 12th, 2009|**05:43 pm**](v) Kintotech
[**Tags**|announcements]Power's out because the logging company took out a power pole down the road by mistake, may be a bit before I can do too much.And I return! Ha.
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