kisses_me_windy (original) (raw)


20 icons with text/animation

Jan. 17th, 2009 | 12:18 am

posted by: velev in kisses_me_windy

Here are some icons I made that include text on them. Some are also animated. These are not bases.

If anyone wants to know where I got specific text from, just ask. They’re mostly lyrics, quotes, poetry, etc.

And as always, I take requests.

[x] Credit if you use any
[x] Original base sources cited at the bottom
[x] *Warning* for nudity & general melancholy (in case this bothers/triggers anyone)

( 20 icons with text/animationCollapse )


12 Lindsay Lohan icons/bases

Dec. 13th, 2008 | 05:56 pm

posted by: velev in kisses_me_windy

Been a while, but I'm still here. I recently had to reformat my PC, and in the process I lost all the stuff I'd been working on. That sucked a big one, for sure :-/

But I digress. Here are some new icons/bases I made.

[x] Edit all you want
[x] Credit if you use any
[x] Source photos found via Google Image Search

( 12 Lindsay Lohan icons/basesCollapse )


23 Gia Icons/Bases

Oct. 8th, 2008 | 04:08 am

music: Kansas - Carry on My Wayward Son
posted by: velev in kisses_me_windy

So it’s been a zillion years since I’ve made a real icon post. But I’m here now, so let’s party :-P

Aaaanyway, as you may have realized by now, the Lindsay icons/bases were a wash. I’m sorry to say that, really. I spent a long time on them. Booo.

All is not lost, however. I have something even better now! The fifth installment of my “Rarely Iconed Films” series.

For this post, I decided to tackle one of my all-time favorites: Gia

[x] Edit all you want
[x] Credit if you use any
[x] Source photos found via Google Image Search
[x] Slight nudity warning for #04 & 05

( 23 Gia bases/iconsCollapse )



Sep. 13th, 2008 | 12:20 pm

posted by: velev in kisses_me_windy

I know that hardly anybody watches this community, but for the two people who do, I have an update! :-)

I got a new PC the other day, and I'm gonna try to upload my old icons, if possible. It's not a sure thing because my old computer had a virus, so I dunno if the saved files contain it too :-/

Rest assured, if I can upload my old files without issue, about 28 Lindsay Lohan icons/bases are coming your way!

P.S. - For reference, I'm now "back in business." So if anyone has a request, just say the word and I'll be on it!


Community Status

Aug. 25th, 2008 | 05:43 pm

posted by: velev in kisses_me_windy

I just want to let everyone know that this community is NOT DEAD. My computer is majorly fucked up right now, which is the reason behind the lack of updates. I'm hoping to get a new PC within the next few weeks. Hopefully this will solve the problem and then I'll be back to posting icons/bases.

Until then, hang in there and let me know if you have any requests. I may not be able to work on them at the moment, but I can keep a running tally.


50 Britney Spears bases/icons

Jul. 28th, 2008 | 09:56 pm

posted by: velev in kisses_me_windy

This is a real mishmash of Britney bases/icons. A whole mess of different hairstyles, expressions, emotions, etc.

[x] Edit all you want
[x] Credit if you use any
[x] Source photos found via Google Image Search

( 50 Britney Spears bases/iconsCollapse )


24 P2 icons/bases

Jun. 19th, 2008 | 08:57 pm

posted by: velev in kisses_me_windy

Long time, no post. But I have definitely not forgotten about this community. Small as it may be, I love it to pieces.

Anyway, this is the fourth installment of my “Rarely Iconed Films” series. For this post, I’m focusing on P2.

[x] Edit all you want
[x] Credit if you use any
[x] Source photos found via Google Image Search

( 24 P2 bases/iconsCollapse )


13 "The Number 23" icons/bases

May. 21st, 2008 | 11:53 pm

posted by: velev in kisses_me_windy

This is the third installment of my “Rarely Iconed Movies” series. For this post, I’m focusing on The Number 23.

[x] Edit all you want
[x] Credit if you use any
[x] Source photos found via Google Image Search

( 13 ‘The Number 23’ icons/basesCollapse )