kisses_me_windy, posts by tag: actors - LiveJournal (original) (raw)
12 Lindsay Lohan icons/bases
Dec. 13th, 2008 | 05:56 pm
posted by: velev in
Been a while, but I'm still here. I recently had to reformat my PC, and in the process I lost all the stuff I'd been working on. That sucked a big one, for sure :-/
But I digress. Here are some new icons/bases I made.
[x] Edit all you want
[x] Credit if you use any
[x] Source photos found via Google Image Search
( 12 Lindsay Lohan icons/basesCollapse )
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18 Wes Bentley icons/bases
May. 5th, 2008 | 03:50 am
posted by: velev in
I already posted this in my regular journal, but I thought it would be a great way to kick off things here!
[x] Edit to your heart's content
[x] Credit if you use any
[x] All source photos found via Google Image Search
[x] #18 may be slightly NSFW
P.S. - Angelina icons/bases are coming soon!
( 18 Wes Bentley icons/basesCollapse )