Ifit Novita Sari | Universitas Islam Malang (original) (raw)

Papers by Ifit Novita Sari

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Independent Learning in Independent Campus at the Islamic University of Malang

Edutec, Sep 24, 2022

The application of an independent campus is not only limited to learning carried out on campus, e... more The application of an independent campus is not only limited to learning carried out on campus, especially for lecturers as the main key, but also for education staff. Therefore, as educators, interpersonal skills are needed to work together and the ability to communicate, lead, motivate students, and even interact with their own superiors and other people outside their work area. This study aims to find out to what extent the readiness of education personnel at the Islamic University of Malang in implementing MBKM. The research method used is a survey. Respondents are all education staff in the Islamic University of Malang, both those in the Undergraduate Study Program, Faculties other than the Faculty of Health, Units, Institutions, and Bureaus with a total of 328 respondents. The instrument used for the survey is an instrument prepared by the Ministry of Education and Technology through the link: http://survey.spadadikti.id/61b8c03c205fb36c71698a3a. The results showed that most of the respondents stated that the MBKM program can improve student learning processes, increase students' hard-skills and soft-skills, be involved in the socialization process, can increase the capacity and ability of educators, and be involved in the MBKM program at the Islamic University of Malang.

Research paper thumbnail of Lika Liku Publikasi Ilmiah di Indonesia

Kondisi publikasi ilmiah di Indonesia sangat dinamis. Mulai dari target yang ditetapkan pengambil... more Kondisi publikasi ilmiah di Indonesia sangat dinamis. Mulai dari target yang ditetapkan pengambil kebijakan untuk mendorong publikasi internasional agar unggul dalam kuantitas di kawasan Asia Tenggara hingga beberapa kasus yang menimpa dosen karena dianggap berlebihan dalam melakukan publikasi. Padahal pengambil kebijakan sendirilah yang mendorong para dosen untuk melakukan publikasi dengan insentif yang menjanjikan. Cerita pembuka ini hanyalah satu perspektif dari puluhan bahkan ribuan dosen yang memiliki ide dan harapan untukdiungkapkan. "Lika Liku Publikasi Ilmiah di Indonesia" ini hadir sebagai wadah mengungkapkan pemikiran para dosen di Indonesia dan akademisi Indonesia di luar negeri terhadap kondisi publikasi ilmiah di Indonesia. Kehadiran buku ini diharapkan dapat mewakili aspirasi dan suara hati para dosen yang bergiat untuk melakukan publikasi ilmiah, tetapi dibayangi kekhawatiran terjerat kasus yang justru merugikan karir sebagai dosen dan akademisi. Tujuan penu...

Research paper thumbnail of Jabung Village Dairy Farmers: Milk Education Center

Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2023

Jabung village has a fairly high number of dairy farmers compared to other livelihoods, such as e... more Jabung village has a fairly high number of dairy farmers compared to other livelihoods, such as employees, farmers and laborers. This is a great potential for the village to become a special tourism village on dairy farmer edutourism. Currently, the village government is taking inventory of various potential villages that are developed to become tourist villages. The inventory is carried out in stages in line with the activities of the Regrestrasi Awal Sosial Ekonomi (regrosek) specifically for the economy in 2022. The purpose of this service activity is based on the village government's desire to empower a number of dairy farmers to become learning centers for other farmers outside Jabung Village. Preparation is carried out by fixing various supports for the maintenance of dairy cattle. Starting from feeding to milking. Stimulation in the form of animal feed chopping tools, electric cow milking, and the creation of a website following e-learning about dairy cattle. Keywords: e...

Research paper thumbnail of Reducing Academic Stress with Journaling Techniques: A Review

KAMBOTI: Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora

The education process in higher education allows new students to feel the pressure of changing th... more The education process in higher education allows new students to feel the pressure of changing the learning process from high school to the lecture process in higher education. Students with considerable pressure feel the academic stress condition in themselves. Academic resilience is expected to reduce student academic stress, namely increasing student resilience in facing difficulties and pressures in the lecture process. The journaling technique is an alternative treatment that can be given to students, as part of the rational emotive behavior therapy approach. This figure suggests an expressive writing technique to cognitive gaps (academic stress) experienced by students. Proses pendidikan di perguruan tinggi memungkinkan mahasiswa baru merasakan tekanan perubahan proses pembelajaran dari sekolah menengah ke proses perkuliahan di perguruan tinggi. Mahasiswa dengan tekanan yang cukup besar merasakan kondisi stres akademik dalam dirinya. Ketahanan akademik diharapkan dapat mengu...

Research paper thumbnail of Contribution of Cyber Literature by Agus Noor to the Preparation of “Kisah - Kisah Kecil dan Ganjil Malam 1001 Pandemi”

Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi, 2022

Cyber literature is literature that is present due to the development of communication media, esp... more Cyber literature is literature that is present due to the development of communication media, especially internet media. His presence became a benefit for several writers, including Agus Noor. Agus Noor developed a story idea with flash fiction or a collection of stories taken from Instagram with the use of the hashtag 1001night pandemic. The collection of stories is then combined into a whole story that is recorded. This work is closely related between the cyber world and the literary space to produce a literary work. This research aims to map the work of Agus Noor on social media in relatively deep. The approach used in this study is qualitatively exploratory. With reading without data, but focus on exploration found on Instagram accounts and books. This research will produce some narrative. First, the relationship of cyber literature with the book collection of stories by Agus Noor. Second, the usefulness of cyber literature in making story ideas and stories by Agus Noor.

Research paper thumbnail of Dinamika Pembelajaran Online DI Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar

Jurnal Pengabdian Dharma Wacana, 2022

Covid-19 yang melanda dunia termasuk Indonesia menyisakan permasalahan yang tak kunjung selesai. ... more Covid-19 yang melanda dunia termasuk Indonesia menyisakan permasalahan yang tak kunjung selesai. Salah satunya pada ranah pendidikan yang memiliki masalah beragam. Kemampuan guru dalam menguasai teknologi informasi merupakan salah satunya. Demikian juga dengan siswa yang belum lazim dengan beberapa aplikasi pembelajaran online. Masalah ini dialami oleh siswa SD yang ada di wilayah RW. 06 Kelurahan Dinoyo. Mahasiwa KSM-T Unisma memiliki solusi untuk membantu masalah yang dihadapi oleh para siswa SD tersebut. Pendampingan yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa KSM-T kelompok 55 cukup membantu warga yang memiliki putra putri usia SD. Masalah pembelajaran online yang banyak dikeluhkan orang tua dan siswa pada masa pandemi ini mulai dipahami dan teratasi dengan adanya pendampingan yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa KSM-T.

Research paper thumbnail of Kepemimpinan moral spiritual

Research paper thumbnail of Service Learning Klinis Artikel Ilmiah Guru yang Akan Mengajukan Kenaikan Pangkat Jabatan

Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2021

The purpose of community service this time is first, helping the teacher's difficulties in wr... more The purpose of community service this time is first, helping the teacher's difficulties in writing scientific articles compiled from the results of Class Action Research (PTK) that has been done. Many results are obtained in teacher PTK and need to be published in order to be a reference for teachers and other educators. Second, for the promotion and class of teachers who have been promulgated in Permenegpan No. 16 of 2009 and Permendiknas No. 35 of 2010. Second, scientific articles written by teachers can be used for submissions for promotions and classes of teachers that have been promulgated in Permenegpan No. 16 of 2009 and Permendiknas No. 35 of 2010. Both candies require the calculation of the credit number of functional positions of teachers for the affairs of promotion and class. One of the credit figures is obtained from scientific publications. The target of this community service activity is to help teachers to hone their skills in terms of writing scientific articles...

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Zoom Meeting Sebagai Media Edukasi COVID-19 Bagi Kaum Milenial

Pandemi virus Corona yang melanda telah banyak menyebabkan perubahan dinamika sosial pada masyara... more Pandemi virus Corona yang melanda telah banyak menyebabkan perubahan dinamika sosial pada masyarakat dunia. Perubahan yang ada pada masyarakat banyak mempengaruhi aspek kehidupan secara drastis. Kelangsungan hidup masyarakat harus terus berjalan agar tetap kondusif. Generasi muda merupakan salah satu garda terdepan yang perlu di edukasi agar bisa cepat menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan. Penggunaan media sosial atau platform berbasis online sangat dibutuhkan dalam mengedukasi terkait Covid-19 dan segala dampak juga penanggulangannya. Kaum milenial menjadi tujuan utama untuk di edukasi karena mereka adalah calon penggerak bangsa untuk hari esok.

Research paper thumbnail of Layanan Pendampingan Belajar dan English Club pada Masa Covid-19 untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar

Jurnal Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (JP2M), 2021

Pada masa pandemi seperti sekarang ini banyak sekolah yang mengharuskan peserta didiknya belajar ... more Pada masa pandemi seperti sekarang ini banyak sekolah yang mengharuskan peserta didiknya belajar dari rumah dengan cara daring. Seperti halnya anak-anak di Dusun Santrean, setiap harinya, peserta didik diberikan materi dan tugas baru oleh guru mereka guna menjaga proses berlangsungnya kegiatan belajar mengajar. Maka dari itu, diperlukan pendampingan belajar yang lebih intensif selain belajar di rumah secara mandiri. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk membantu anak-anak yang kesulitan ketika tengah mengerjakan tugas. Kegiatan tambahan berupa mengajarkan berbahasa inggris dengan tema yang sudah disesuaikan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk memberi bekal bagi anak-anak yang akan membawa manfaat bagi mereka di masa yang akan datang. Kegiatan ini sangat didukung oleh orang tua siswa, karena ada yang mendampingi putra putrinya belajar selain dengan orang tua mereka.

Research paper thumbnail of The Involvement of Supporting Staff in the MBKM Program at Universitas Islam Malang

JAMP : Jurnal Administrasi dan Manajemen Pendidikan, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Computer science students simulation in capturing tacit knowledge by using NGT for reducing traffic jam

The subject knowledge management systems is one of the main courses in information systems study ... more The subject knowledge management systems is one of the main courses in information systems study program, faculty of computer science. This course is offered at A concentration for students in semester 5 (five). Knowledge consists of knowledge explicit and tacit. To capture tacit knowledge, it can be done by involving a number of methods, namely: 1) Brainstorming, and 2) Nominal Group Technique. The study also involves a number of social information technologies, such as: 1) Facebook, 2) WordPress, 3) DropBox, and 4) YouTube. The topic for the theme of knowledge is how to reduce traffic jam. After passing 2 (two) simulation rounds, this research get 8 (eight) ideas suggestion related to vehicle parking in an effort to reduce traffic jam. The tacit knowledge capture simulation with NGT is able to provide acceptable suggestions by all the panelists involved. The use of social information technology in this study also received a very good response from the panelists.

Research paper thumbnail of Variations of Learning Methods as Implementation of Teacher’s Pedagogical Knowledge

EduLine: Journal of Education and Learning Innovation, 2022

The development of student potential can be realized through the role of teachers in the use of l... more The development of student potential can be realized through the role of teachers in the use of learning methods during the teaching and learning process. Learning methods are expected to run well during the teaching and learning process. Therefore, the teacher must be able to determine the right method of learning. Teachers must have the ability to manage learning. This ability is one part of a teacher's pedagogical competence. If a teacher has qualified pedagogical competencies, then the use of learning methods selected during the teaching and learning process certainly provides positive results for students in learning. This research aims to find out the learning methods that are often applied by teachers based on pedagogical competencies owned and subjects that are mastered. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method, with data collection techniques using google form spread surveys. From the results of data processing, it can be known that the most dominant...

Research paper thumbnail of Daya Juang Sukarelawan Satgas Covid-19 dalam Tatanan Kehidupan Baru

Jurnal Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (JP2M), 2021

Masa pandemi karena adanya Covid-19 yang sedang melanda dunia, maka salah satu dampak dari adanya... more Masa pandemi karena adanya Covid-19 yang sedang melanda dunia, maka salah satu dampak dari adanya pandemi tersebut adalah dengan tidak melakukan kegiatan yang menimbulkan keramaian tanpa pengawasan aparat kesehatan. Di masa pandemi seperti ini seluruh kegiatan 90% dilaksanakan secara daring baik dari sisi pekerjaan dan sekolah. Namun tidak bagi warga yang bekerja sebagai pedagang, petani dan juga pekebun mereka cenderung melakukan kegiatan dengan melibatkan khalayak ramai. Namun hal itu tidak menyurutkan niat sukarelawan terkait hambatan-hambatan dalam memberikan edukasi kegiatan warga dalam mencari ekonomi selama pandemi, dengan harapan warga tetap menjaga kesehatan dengan mematuhi protokol kesehatan yang dianjurkan oleh pemerintah dengan menjaga jarak mencuci tangan dan menggunakan masker. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan pada kegiatan ini yakni dengan tetap memberikan edukasi dan arahan kepada masyarakat mengenai pentingnya tetap menjaga jarak, cuci tangan dan menggunakan masker saat ...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Mahasiswa Kampus Mengajar 2 Sebagai “Agent Of Change dan Social Control”

Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Students are the assets of a nation because students are a group of people trained in various fie... more Students are the assets of a nation because students are a group of people trained in various fields of knowledge and skills. State Junior High School 2 Tanggulangin s one of the target schools selected by the author and Ministry of Education and Culture as the place for the Kampus Mengajar 2nd Generation as the student change agent of the education program created by us, among them the implementation of literacy learning activities and student numeration aimed at improving the understanding of literacy and student numeration. Social control is a tool to control himself or society. In this case, the society underneath is the entire State Junior High School 2 Tanggulangin and students as the main object of Kampus Mengajar 2nd Generation activities

Research paper thumbnail of Building Student’s Social Environment Awareness Through the School's Typical Curriculum

In the millennium era, we cannot be separated from the digital world, all the information can be ... more In the millennium era, we cannot be separated from the digital world, all the information can be accessed easily. Everything are done instantaneously, fast paced without limits of space and time. The ease of accessing information has a social impact, one of which is the reduced concern for students in their social environment. These conditions also erode the sense of solidarity of school-age children. They less concentrate about their environment and the people around them. This condition happened because they feel they can interact directly with their communities through their gadgets. Schools as one of the institutions that have an important role in the process of building the character education must inevitably have to find a surefire way. So, the students have good character, their eastern culture is maintained as expected by the vision and mission of the school and the students' parents. The curriculum is designed according to the vision and mission of the school and has sp...

Research paper thumbnail of The Process of Students’ Character Building through Teachers’ Spiritual Leadership

The purpose of this study is to describe the process of learners’ characters building through tea... more The purpose of this study is to describe the process of learners’ characters building through teachers’ spiritual leadership. This research was conducted in the State Primary School of Kauman 1 Malang. In relation to the purpose of this study the writer focus on the building of the students’ character since childhood. It is in line with the team of Directorate Primary Education, 2012 stated that the national education character has a strategic role performed by the government through the schools, communities, and families in order to build character and noble civilization dignified nation based on the framework of national life comprehensive of Pancasila and UUD 1945. The writer believe that the appropriate time to teach the children moral and religion values is in the Elementary school periods. It is very important to make people not only smart but also have a good character, in order to make them have a strong foundation to face all the problems in their life. The process of chara...

Research paper thumbnail of Kurikulum Peserta Didik Berkebutuhan Khusus di Pendidikan Dasar

Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan kurikulum bagi peser... more Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan kurikulum bagi peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus di SD YIMA Bondowoso. Sejalan dengan visi dan misinya, sekolah ini sejak tahun 2006 memproklamirkan sebagai sekolahnya manusia yang mengakui bahwasannya semua anak cerdas dengan segala kekurangan dan kelebihannya. Otomatis paradigma berpikir seluruh pendukung sekolah ini harus berubah, mulai dari penyelenggara sekolah (yayasan), kepala sekolah, guru, dan seluruh staf terkait. Semua peserta didik berhak mendapatkan pendidikan sesuai dengan kebutuhannya terutama peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus. Pendidikan inklusif yang dicanangkan pemerintah tahun 2009 juga berimbas pada penunjukan sekolah ini sebagai sekolah dasar swasta inklusif di Kabupaten Bondowoso pada tahun pelajaran 2012-2013. Sekolah ini dinilai siap oleh Dinas Pendidikan setempat untuk melaksanakan sekolah inklusif. Sekolah inklusif adalah sekolah reguler biasa yang menerima siswa berkebutuhan khusu...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Humanist Leadershipcase Study in Primary School

This study examines the implementation type of leadership such as charismatic, paternalistic/mate... more This study examines the implementation type of leadership such as charismatic, paternalistic/materialistic, and democratic leadership in the process of character building for the students in primary school. They have a long-term goal to find the concepts of fit and proper especially for teachers in order to establish the students’ character. This study used a qualitative approach with case studies; with the main informants are the teachers. The research location is deliberately chosen the school based on religion because the writer want to prove whether every teacher in the school are implemented the type of charismatic, paternalistic/materialistic and democratic leadership in the process of learners’ character building. The results of this study are (1) every teachers have the different type of leadership, (2) in the implementation of leadership the teachers adjust the parenting style that they did in the school, (3) the type of paternalistic/maternalistik leadership is maintained ...

Research paper thumbnail of Various Forms Of Teacher Leadership As A Strategy In The Student’s Character Building

This study examines the leadership of teachers in shaping the character of students in primary sc... more This study examines the leadership of teachers in shaping the character of students in primary schools, the purpose of this study is to formulate on the successful establishment of the characters on the learners’ with strategies of teachers leadership include (1) various forms of teacher leadership, (2) application the values of teacher leadership, and (3) the constraints and effort in the process of shaping the learners’ character. This study used a qualitative approach with case studies of SD Plus Al Kauthar Malang. Key informants were teachers with snowball sampling including the principal, staff, parents of students and learners. Data was obtained through interviews, observation and documentation, then analyzed by three interrelated activities: (1) reducing the data, (2) display data, and (3) verification of the data in order to make conclusions. The result of this study are: (1) the different forms of teacher leadership include parenting, becoming a partner, and role model, (2)...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Independent Learning in Independent Campus at the Islamic University of Malang

Edutec, Sep 24, 2022

The application of an independent campus is not only limited to learning carried out on campus, e... more The application of an independent campus is not only limited to learning carried out on campus, especially for lecturers as the main key, but also for education staff. Therefore, as educators, interpersonal skills are needed to work together and the ability to communicate, lead, motivate students, and even interact with their own superiors and other people outside their work area. This study aims to find out to what extent the readiness of education personnel at the Islamic University of Malang in implementing MBKM. The research method used is a survey. Respondents are all education staff in the Islamic University of Malang, both those in the Undergraduate Study Program, Faculties other than the Faculty of Health, Units, Institutions, and Bureaus with a total of 328 respondents. The instrument used for the survey is an instrument prepared by the Ministry of Education and Technology through the link: http://survey.spadadikti.id/61b8c03c205fb36c71698a3a. The results showed that most of the respondents stated that the MBKM program can improve student learning processes, increase students' hard-skills and soft-skills, be involved in the socialization process, can increase the capacity and ability of educators, and be involved in the MBKM program at the Islamic University of Malang.

Research paper thumbnail of Lika Liku Publikasi Ilmiah di Indonesia

Kondisi publikasi ilmiah di Indonesia sangat dinamis. Mulai dari target yang ditetapkan pengambil... more Kondisi publikasi ilmiah di Indonesia sangat dinamis. Mulai dari target yang ditetapkan pengambil kebijakan untuk mendorong publikasi internasional agar unggul dalam kuantitas di kawasan Asia Tenggara hingga beberapa kasus yang menimpa dosen karena dianggap berlebihan dalam melakukan publikasi. Padahal pengambil kebijakan sendirilah yang mendorong para dosen untuk melakukan publikasi dengan insentif yang menjanjikan. Cerita pembuka ini hanyalah satu perspektif dari puluhan bahkan ribuan dosen yang memiliki ide dan harapan untukdiungkapkan. "Lika Liku Publikasi Ilmiah di Indonesia" ini hadir sebagai wadah mengungkapkan pemikiran para dosen di Indonesia dan akademisi Indonesia di luar negeri terhadap kondisi publikasi ilmiah di Indonesia. Kehadiran buku ini diharapkan dapat mewakili aspirasi dan suara hati para dosen yang bergiat untuk melakukan publikasi ilmiah, tetapi dibayangi kekhawatiran terjerat kasus yang justru merugikan karir sebagai dosen dan akademisi. Tujuan penu...

Research paper thumbnail of Jabung Village Dairy Farmers: Milk Education Center

Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2023

Jabung village has a fairly high number of dairy farmers compared to other livelihoods, such as e... more Jabung village has a fairly high number of dairy farmers compared to other livelihoods, such as employees, farmers and laborers. This is a great potential for the village to become a special tourism village on dairy farmer edutourism. Currently, the village government is taking inventory of various potential villages that are developed to become tourist villages. The inventory is carried out in stages in line with the activities of the Regrestrasi Awal Sosial Ekonomi (regrosek) specifically for the economy in 2022. The purpose of this service activity is based on the village government's desire to empower a number of dairy farmers to become learning centers for other farmers outside Jabung Village. Preparation is carried out by fixing various supports for the maintenance of dairy cattle. Starting from feeding to milking. Stimulation in the form of animal feed chopping tools, electric cow milking, and the creation of a website following e-learning about dairy cattle. Keywords: e...

Research paper thumbnail of Reducing Academic Stress with Journaling Techniques: A Review

KAMBOTI: Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora

The education process in higher education allows new students to feel the pressure of changing th... more The education process in higher education allows new students to feel the pressure of changing the learning process from high school to the lecture process in higher education. Students with considerable pressure feel the academic stress condition in themselves. Academic resilience is expected to reduce student academic stress, namely increasing student resilience in facing difficulties and pressures in the lecture process. The journaling technique is an alternative treatment that can be given to students, as part of the rational emotive behavior therapy approach. This figure suggests an expressive writing technique to cognitive gaps (academic stress) experienced by students. Proses pendidikan di perguruan tinggi memungkinkan mahasiswa baru merasakan tekanan perubahan proses pembelajaran dari sekolah menengah ke proses perkuliahan di perguruan tinggi. Mahasiswa dengan tekanan yang cukup besar merasakan kondisi stres akademik dalam dirinya. Ketahanan akademik diharapkan dapat mengu...

Research paper thumbnail of Contribution of Cyber Literature by Agus Noor to the Preparation of “Kisah - Kisah Kecil dan Ganjil Malam 1001 Pandemi”

Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi, 2022

Cyber literature is literature that is present due to the development of communication media, esp... more Cyber literature is literature that is present due to the development of communication media, especially internet media. His presence became a benefit for several writers, including Agus Noor. Agus Noor developed a story idea with flash fiction or a collection of stories taken from Instagram with the use of the hashtag 1001night pandemic. The collection of stories is then combined into a whole story that is recorded. This work is closely related between the cyber world and the literary space to produce a literary work. This research aims to map the work of Agus Noor on social media in relatively deep. The approach used in this study is qualitatively exploratory. With reading without data, but focus on exploration found on Instagram accounts and books. This research will produce some narrative. First, the relationship of cyber literature with the book collection of stories by Agus Noor. Second, the usefulness of cyber literature in making story ideas and stories by Agus Noor.

Research paper thumbnail of Dinamika Pembelajaran Online DI Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar

Jurnal Pengabdian Dharma Wacana, 2022

Covid-19 yang melanda dunia termasuk Indonesia menyisakan permasalahan yang tak kunjung selesai. ... more Covid-19 yang melanda dunia termasuk Indonesia menyisakan permasalahan yang tak kunjung selesai. Salah satunya pada ranah pendidikan yang memiliki masalah beragam. Kemampuan guru dalam menguasai teknologi informasi merupakan salah satunya. Demikian juga dengan siswa yang belum lazim dengan beberapa aplikasi pembelajaran online. Masalah ini dialami oleh siswa SD yang ada di wilayah RW. 06 Kelurahan Dinoyo. Mahasiwa KSM-T Unisma memiliki solusi untuk membantu masalah yang dihadapi oleh para siswa SD tersebut. Pendampingan yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa KSM-T kelompok 55 cukup membantu warga yang memiliki putra putri usia SD. Masalah pembelajaran online yang banyak dikeluhkan orang tua dan siswa pada masa pandemi ini mulai dipahami dan teratasi dengan adanya pendampingan yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa KSM-T.

Research paper thumbnail of Kepemimpinan moral spiritual

Research paper thumbnail of Service Learning Klinis Artikel Ilmiah Guru yang Akan Mengajukan Kenaikan Pangkat Jabatan

Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2021

The purpose of community service this time is first, helping the teacher's difficulties in wr... more The purpose of community service this time is first, helping the teacher's difficulties in writing scientific articles compiled from the results of Class Action Research (PTK) that has been done. Many results are obtained in teacher PTK and need to be published in order to be a reference for teachers and other educators. Second, for the promotion and class of teachers who have been promulgated in Permenegpan No. 16 of 2009 and Permendiknas No. 35 of 2010. Second, scientific articles written by teachers can be used for submissions for promotions and classes of teachers that have been promulgated in Permenegpan No. 16 of 2009 and Permendiknas No. 35 of 2010. Both candies require the calculation of the credit number of functional positions of teachers for the affairs of promotion and class. One of the credit figures is obtained from scientific publications. The target of this community service activity is to help teachers to hone their skills in terms of writing scientific articles...

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Zoom Meeting Sebagai Media Edukasi COVID-19 Bagi Kaum Milenial

Pandemi virus Corona yang melanda telah banyak menyebabkan perubahan dinamika sosial pada masyara... more Pandemi virus Corona yang melanda telah banyak menyebabkan perubahan dinamika sosial pada masyarakat dunia. Perubahan yang ada pada masyarakat banyak mempengaruhi aspek kehidupan secara drastis. Kelangsungan hidup masyarakat harus terus berjalan agar tetap kondusif. Generasi muda merupakan salah satu garda terdepan yang perlu di edukasi agar bisa cepat menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan. Penggunaan media sosial atau platform berbasis online sangat dibutuhkan dalam mengedukasi terkait Covid-19 dan segala dampak juga penanggulangannya. Kaum milenial menjadi tujuan utama untuk di edukasi karena mereka adalah calon penggerak bangsa untuk hari esok.

Research paper thumbnail of Layanan Pendampingan Belajar dan English Club pada Masa Covid-19 untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar

Jurnal Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (JP2M), 2021

Pada masa pandemi seperti sekarang ini banyak sekolah yang mengharuskan peserta didiknya belajar ... more Pada masa pandemi seperti sekarang ini banyak sekolah yang mengharuskan peserta didiknya belajar dari rumah dengan cara daring. Seperti halnya anak-anak di Dusun Santrean, setiap harinya, peserta didik diberikan materi dan tugas baru oleh guru mereka guna menjaga proses berlangsungnya kegiatan belajar mengajar. Maka dari itu, diperlukan pendampingan belajar yang lebih intensif selain belajar di rumah secara mandiri. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk membantu anak-anak yang kesulitan ketika tengah mengerjakan tugas. Kegiatan tambahan berupa mengajarkan berbahasa inggris dengan tema yang sudah disesuaikan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk memberi bekal bagi anak-anak yang akan membawa manfaat bagi mereka di masa yang akan datang. Kegiatan ini sangat didukung oleh orang tua siswa, karena ada yang mendampingi putra putrinya belajar selain dengan orang tua mereka.

Research paper thumbnail of The Involvement of Supporting Staff in the MBKM Program at Universitas Islam Malang

JAMP : Jurnal Administrasi dan Manajemen Pendidikan, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Computer science students simulation in capturing tacit knowledge by using NGT for reducing traffic jam

The subject knowledge management systems is one of the main courses in information systems study ... more The subject knowledge management systems is one of the main courses in information systems study program, faculty of computer science. This course is offered at A concentration for students in semester 5 (five). Knowledge consists of knowledge explicit and tacit. To capture tacit knowledge, it can be done by involving a number of methods, namely: 1) Brainstorming, and 2) Nominal Group Technique. The study also involves a number of social information technologies, such as: 1) Facebook, 2) WordPress, 3) DropBox, and 4) YouTube. The topic for the theme of knowledge is how to reduce traffic jam. After passing 2 (two) simulation rounds, this research get 8 (eight) ideas suggestion related to vehicle parking in an effort to reduce traffic jam. The tacit knowledge capture simulation with NGT is able to provide acceptable suggestions by all the panelists involved. The use of social information technology in this study also received a very good response from the panelists.

Research paper thumbnail of Variations of Learning Methods as Implementation of Teacher’s Pedagogical Knowledge

EduLine: Journal of Education and Learning Innovation, 2022

The development of student potential can be realized through the role of teachers in the use of l... more The development of student potential can be realized through the role of teachers in the use of learning methods during the teaching and learning process. Learning methods are expected to run well during the teaching and learning process. Therefore, the teacher must be able to determine the right method of learning. Teachers must have the ability to manage learning. This ability is one part of a teacher's pedagogical competence. If a teacher has qualified pedagogical competencies, then the use of learning methods selected during the teaching and learning process certainly provides positive results for students in learning. This research aims to find out the learning methods that are often applied by teachers based on pedagogical competencies owned and subjects that are mastered. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method, with data collection techniques using google form spread surveys. From the results of data processing, it can be known that the most dominant...

Research paper thumbnail of Daya Juang Sukarelawan Satgas Covid-19 dalam Tatanan Kehidupan Baru

Jurnal Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (JP2M), 2021

Masa pandemi karena adanya Covid-19 yang sedang melanda dunia, maka salah satu dampak dari adanya... more Masa pandemi karena adanya Covid-19 yang sedang melanda dunia, maka salah satu dampak dari adanya pandemi tersebut adalah dengan tidak melakukan kegiatan yang menimbulkan keramaian tanpa pengawasan aparat kesehatan. Di masa pandemi seperti ini seluruh kegiatan 90% dilaksanakan secara daring baik dari sisi pekerjaan dan sekolah. Namun tidak bagi warga yang bekerja sebagai pedagang, petani dan juga pekebun mereka cenderung melakukan kegiatan dengan melibatkan khalayak ramai. Namun hal itu tidak menyurutkan niat sukarelawan terkait hambatan-hambatan dalam memberikan edukasi kegiatan warga dalam mencari ekonomi selama pandemi, dengan harapan warga tetap menjaga kesehatan dengan mematuhi protokol kesehatan yang dianjurkan oleh pemerintah dengan menjaga jarak mencuci tangan dan menggunakan masker. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan pada kegiatan ini yakni dengan tetap memberikan edukasi dan arahan kepada masyarakat mengenai pentingnya tetap menjaga jarak, cuci tangan dan menggunakan masker saat ...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Mahasiswa Kampus Mengajar 2 Sebagai “Agent Of Change dan Social Control”

Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Students are the assets of a nation because students are a group of people trained in various fie... more Students are the assets of a nation because students are a group of people trained in various fields of knowledge and skills. State Junior High School 2 Tanggulangin s one of the target schools selected by the author and Ministry of Education and Culture as the place for the Kampus Mengajar 2nd Generation as the student change agent of the education program created by us, among them the implementation of literacy learning activities and student numeration aimed at improving the understanding of literacy and student numeration. Social control is a tool to control himself or society. In this case, the society underneath is the entire State Junior High School 2 Tanggulangin and students as the main object of Kampus Mengajar 2nd Generation activities

Research paper thumbnail of Building Student’s Social Environment Awareness Through the School's Typical Curriculum

In the millennium era, we cannot be separated from the digital world, all the information can be ... more In the millennium era, we cannot be separated from the digital world, all the information can be accessed easily. Everything are done instantaneously, fast paced without limits of space and time. The ease of accessing information has a social impact, one of which is the reduced concern for students in their social environment. These conditions also erode the sense of solidarity of school-age children. They less concentrate about their environment and the people around them. This condition happened because they feel they can interact directly with their communities through their gadgets. Schools as one of the institutions that have an important role in the process of building the character education must inevitably have to find a surefire way. So, the students have good character, their eastern culture is maintained as expected by the vision and mission of the school and the students' parents. The curriculum is designed according to the vision and mission of the school and has sp...

Research paper thumbnail of The Process of Students’ Character Building through Teachers’ Spiritual Leadership

The purpose of this study is to describe the process of learners’ characters building through tea... more The purpose of this study is to describe the process of learners’ characters building through teachers’ spiritual leadership. This research was conducted in the State Primary School of Kauman 1 Malang. In relation to the purpose of this study the writer focus on the building of the students’ character since childhood. It is in line with the team of Directorate Primary Education, 2012 stated that the national education character has a strategic role performed by the government through the schools, communities, and families in order to build character and noble civilization dignified nation based on the framework of national life comprehensive of Pancasila and UUD 1945. The writer believe that the appropriate time to teach the children moral and religion values is in the Elementary school periods. It is very important to make people not only smart but also have a good character, in order to make them have a strong foundation to face all the problems in their life. The process of chara...

Research paper thumbnail of Kurikulum Peserta Didik Berkebutuhan Khusus di Pendidikan Dasar

Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan kurikulum bagi peser... more Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan kurikulum bagi peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus di SD YIMA Bondowoso. Sejalan dengan visi dan misinya, sekolah ini sejak tahun 2006 memproklamirkan sebagai sekolahnya manusia yang mengakui bahwasannya semua anak cerdas dengan segala kekurangan dan kelebihannya. Otomatis paradigma berpikir seluruh pendukung sekolah ini harus berubah, mulai dari penyelenggara sekolah (yayasan), kepala sekolah, guru, dan seluruh staf terkait. Semua peserta didik berhak mendapatkan pendidikan sesuai dengan kebutuhannya terutama peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus. Pendidikan inklusif yang dicanangkan pemerintah tahun 2009 juga berimbas pada penunjukan sekolah ini sebagai sekolah dasar swasta inklusif di Kabupaten Bondowoso pada tahun pelajaran 2012-2013. Sekolah ini dinilai siap oleh Dinas Pendidikan setempat untuk melaksanakan sekolah inklusif. Sekolah inklusif adalah sekolah reguler biasa yang menerima siswa berkebutuhan khusu...

Research paper thumbnail of Implementation of Humanist Leadershipcase Study in Primary School

This study examines the implementation type of leadership such as charismatic, paternalistic/mate... more This study examines the implementation type of leadership such as charismatic, paternalistic/materialistic, and democratic leadership in the process of character building for the students in primary school. They have a long-term goal to find the concepts of fit and proper especially for teachers in order to establish the students’ character. This study used a qualitative approach with case studies; with the main informants are the teachers. The research location is deliberately chosen the school based on religion because the writer want to prove whether every teacher in the school are implemented the type of charismatic, paternalistic/materialistic and democratic leadership in the process of learners’ character building. The results of this study are (1) every teachers have the different type of leadership, (2) in the implementation of leadership the teachers adjust the parenting style that they did in the school, (3) the type of paternalistic/maternalistik leadership is maintained ...

Research paper thumbnail of Various Forms Of Teacher Leadership As A Strategy In The Student’s Character Building

This study examines the leadership of teachers in shaping the character of students in primary sc... more This study examines the leadership of teachers in shaping the character of students in primary schools, the purpose of this study is to formulate on the successful establishment of the characters on the learners’ with strategies of teachers leadership include (1) various forms of teacher leadership, (2) application the values of teacher leadership, and (3) the constraints and effort in the process of shaping the learners’ character. This study used a qualitative approach with case studies of SD Plus Al Kauthar Malang. Key informants were teachers with snowball sampling including the principal, staff, parents of students and learners. Data was obtained through interviews, observation and documentation, then analyzed by three interrelated activities: (1) reducing the data, (2) display data, and (3) verification of the data in order to make conclusions. The result of this study are: (1) the different forms of teacher leadership include parenting, becoming a partner, and role model, (2)...