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Фото: М. Наппельбаум Photo: M. Nappelbaum

Photo: S. Hopwood Фото: С. Хопвуд

Photo by Alexander Belikov

Photo: S. Hopwood Фото: С. Хопвуд

A liberated village near Mozhaisk. Fellow soldiers, harnessed to a sled, are taking the wounded to the medical center. January…

Фото: Струнников, Сергей Николаевич Photo by Sergey Strunnikov

Vladimir Mayakovsky, soviet poet, playwright and graphic artist (1894-1930) with some of his propaganda posters, this photo was taken two…

Frederick Oliver Robinson, 2nd Marquis of Ripon (1852-1923) & (Constance) Gladys, Marchioness of Ripon (d. 1917) when Earl and Countess…

Egorov A.M. – Hero of the Soviet Union, major, division engineer of 139 rifle division of the 3rd Belorussian Front.…

Советские автоматчики Сталинградского фронта у реки. Время съемки: 1942 Фото: С. Фридлянд

Прием экзамена на знание хороших манер

Photo by Sam Shaw

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