Yuichi Yoda | Kobe University (original) (raw)

Papers by Yuichi Yoda

Research paper thumbnail of A Consideration in Developing Strategic Information Systems throughout Business Transformation: A Case Study of Seiren Co., Ltd

Journal of International Business Research, Jul 1, 2011

INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES One of the critical issues of any corporation is how it continues to ... more INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES One of the critical issues of any corporation is how it continues to grow and perform successfully. Among stakeholders including customer, shareholders and employees even if they have different and sometimes opposing interests, a lasting positive performance is assumed as a common goal. Under the globalization of competition, ceaseless technological innovations and diversification of customers' needs, companies are forced to reconstruct their business system in order to survive and prosper. In this paper, we focus on the management of corporate information systems (IS) in large companies during the period of business transformation. Some researchers pointed out that some researchers pointed out that IS is one of disablers of business transition (Allen & Boynton, 1991; Prahalad & Krishnan, 2008). The purpose of this case study is to find clues of theoretical hypothesis that answer the question how firms develop and maintain their IS which provide them with competitive advantages. IS play a critical role in the overall structure of the business system. The transformation from one particular business system to another is caused by various factors such as globalization and diversification of business, changeover of business category, restructuring and corporate reengineering. In most cases, these transformations require and entail the review of existing IS. At the same time, a review of IS also influences business system. There is interrelated influence between IS and the business system (Inoue, 1998). LITERATURE REVIEW One method that business undertakes in order to gain competitive advantage is to establish a review of IS. However, establishing a competitive advantage is not solely done by the introduction of new IS itself, although, in recent years, it is becoming more difficult to complete various business tasks without utilizing IS. For instance, the introduction and management of IS has flourished in human resource management and in accounting. In the same way, production planning and supply chain management also requires IS for controlling the flow of both information and goods. IS are necessary and common place, but, the question of whether IS could be a source of competitive advantages or not remain inconclusive in existing literature. On the one hand, some literature suggest that even though it is a business requirement, IS are becoming a commodity without the rarity that is a condition of being a resource of competition advantage thereby diminishing its strategic value (Carr 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008). Since the 1990s, the effectiveness of outsourcing in order to enhance its core business has received significant attention (e.g., Quinn, 1992). Kotabe & Helsen (2008) pointed out that the cutting costs and focus on core competencies, the use of special expertise and intention to expand sales and profits as the main reason why companies outsource, and that the same is true of IS outsourcing. They also note that especially in Japan by recession, corporate is forced to explore cost savings methods by IS outsourcing. IS outsourcing has widely penetrated as a basic strategy since 1990s (Dibbern, Goles, Hirschheim & Jayatilaka, 2004; Gonzalez Gasco & Llopis, 2006; Lacity, Khan & Willcocks, 2009). Also King & Malhotra (2000) make specific references to particular functions within IS which tend to be outsourced. Akomode et al. (1998) describes this type of outsourcing as a basic strategy for developing IS for several reasons; cost reduction, inefficiency of developing IS within a company and a lack of technological ability. Since 1990s, IS departments in many Japanese firms have taken a less hands-on approach to IS preferring to out-source roles which includes planning, constructing, designing, developing, implementing and maintaining to outside specialized companies such as "service providers" like IBM, in whole or in part, otherwise sale the IS department or form a capital alliance with a specialized affiliate company. …

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Research paper thumbnail of A Study of Basis on AI-based Information Systems: The Case of Shogi AI System "Ponanza

The objective of this study is to deepen our understanding about the exploration of Artificial In... more The objective of this study is to deepen our understanding about the exploration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in corporate marketing and interpret how people and society respond in their attempt to comprehend the development and actions of AI. In this study, we discuss the case of Ponanza, an AI based system for Japanese Chess “Shogi”. We conclude that Ponanza became a mystery even for its developers in their process of building this system into one capable of defeating professional Shogi players and is now open to interpretation for its developers and professionals. In particular, when we treat AI as an extension of humans, it will be important to consider how AI and humans create knowledge and how humans can learn from AI. In the future, interaction with AI can be expected to improve human’s ability to investigate “causes” and develop “reasons”.

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing Strategic Information Systems at Business System transformation -A Case Study of SEIREN Co., Ltd

This paper analyzes product development and business growth as a result of changes in information... more This paper analyzes product development and business growth as a result of changes in information systems (IS) during a period of business transformation. Since the 1990s, management of corporate IS being made by outsourcing has become a basic business strategy, against a backdrop of theoretical motivation explained by theory of core competence and transaction cost theory. Outsourcing service providers with technical expertise have continued to grow by enjoying economies of scale produced by replicability of IT related products. However, existing theories that explain IS outsourcing might not be valid in the transition phase of business system (i.e., business model). Instead, we think that there is a possibility in insourcing management to create strategic information system and to achieve more flexible and effective business systems transition than outsourcing management. The purpose of this research is to find clues that answer the question how these firms develop and maintain the...

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Research paper thumbnail of A consideration in the value of Corporate Information Technology : Based on critical review 「IT Doesn’t Matter」

本稿の目的は、企業情報システムの戦略的価値について既存研究のレビューを手がかりに考察することである。 Carrは、企業向けソフトウェアの汎用化やクラウドコンピューティングの台頭による企業情報シス... more 本稿の目的は、企業情報システムの戦略的価値について既存研究のレビューを手がかりに考察することである。 Carrは、企業向けソフトウェアの汎用化やクラウドコンピューティングの台頭による企業情報システムの戦略的価 値の低下を一貫して主張してきており、特に企業 ITの戦略的価値に関する論争のきっかけとなったCarr(2003)の論 文「IT Doesn’t Matter」とこれに続くCarrの論文等を手がかりとする。 Carr(2003)は、ITは電気や水道のようにコモディティ化が進行してきたため、競争優位性の条件としての希少性 が失われ、もはや戦略的な重要性は低下してきており、これからの IT投資は、攻めから守りへ、つまり投資を抑制 し、リスクが減じた段階まで購入を控え、ITによる機会でなく、脆弱性に焦点を合わせることを主張した。実践的 にも、企業 ITや企業 IT部門をノンコアと位置づける企業も散見される。 本稿では、Carrの一連の主張に対する批判的検討を手がかりに、Carrの論拠における前提の問題点、ITの希少性 が競争優位性を担保し、また ITによる競争優位性は容易に複製されるという Carrの前提には慎重に考慮しなけれ

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Research paper thumbnail of Philosophy-based corporate transformation : The Case of Kyocera MITA Corporation

This study focuses on the aspects of corporate transformation that are essential to business grow... more This study focuses on the aspects of corporate transformation that are essential to business growth. I infer that management practice based on the “Inamori management philosophy” is more effective and functions as a kind of driving force when tackling corporate transformations such as corporate revitalization and PMI (Post -Merger Integration). Based on this awareness, this study applied a case study to the enterprise transformation of Kyocera Mita Corporation with the aim of exploring the theoretical implications from the point of view of business administration. In the previous research, the effectiveness of Kyocera Corporation's management was explained in the concept of amoeba management, which is a method of superior management accounting (e.g., Adler and Hiromoto 2012, Amoeba Management Academic Community 2010). However, there is inadequate research beyond corporate boundaries regarding the effectiveness of philosophy-based management systems for corporate transformation. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Philosophy-based corporate transformation: The Case of Kyocera MITA Corporation

Asia Pacific Business & Economics Perspectives 5(1), 2017

This study focuses on the aspects of corporate transformation that are essential to business grow... more This study focuses on the aspects of corporate transformation that are essential to business growth. I infer that management practice based on the "Inamori management philosophy" is more effective and functions as a kind of driving force when tackling corporate transformations such as corporate revitalization and PMI (Post-Merger Integration). Based on this awareness, this study applied a case study to the enterprise transformation of Kyocera Mita Corporation with the aim of exploring the theoretical implications from the point of view of business administration. In the previous research, the effectiveness of Kyocera Corporation's management was explained in the concept of amoeba management, which is a method of superior management accounting (e.g., Adler and Hiromoto 2012, Amoeba Management Academic Community 2010). However, there is inadequate research beyond corporate boundaries regarding the effectiveness of philosophy-based management systems for corporate transformation. In theoretical conclusion, the Inamori management philosophy works effectively to facilitate resolution of issues of confrontation and works dynamically while changing its form independently according to the business model and the characteristics of the organizational culture for promoting corporate transformation. Additionally, I would like to share the practical implications of the finding that management practice based on the Inamori management philosophy is also effective as a management method from the perspective of company reform. In summary, the philosophy-based management promoted sense of unity, strong willpower and cost consciousness effectively for revitalization.

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Research paper thumbnail of Volume 10, Special Issue Number 2 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS RESEARCH Special Issue

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Research paper thumbnail of A Consideration in Developing Strategic Information Systems throughout Business Transformation: A Case Study of Seiren Co., Ltd

Journal of International Business Research, Jul 1, 2011

INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES One of the critical issues of any corporation is how it continues to ... more INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES One of the critical issues of any corporation is how it continues to grow and perform successfully. Among stakeholders including customer, shareholders and employees even if they have different and sometimes opposing interests, a lasting positive performance is assumed as a common goal. Under the globalization of competition, ceaseless technological innovations and diversification of customers' needs, companies are forced to reconstruct their business system in order to survive and prosper. In this paper, we focus on the management of corporate information systems (IS) in large companies during the period of business transformation. Some researchers pointed out that some researchers pointed out that IS is one of disablers of business transition (Allen & Boynton, 1991; Prahalad & Krishnan, 2008). The purpose of this case study is to find clues of theoretical hypothesis that answer the question how firms develop and maintain their IS which provide them with competitive advantages. IS play a critical role in the overall structure of the business system. The transformation from one particular business system to another is caused by various factors such as globalization and diversification of business, changeover of business category, restructuring and corporate reengineering. In most cases, these transformations require and entail the review of existing IS. At the same time, a review of IS also influences business system. There is interrelated influence between IS and the business system (Inoue, 1998). LITERATURE REVIEW One method that business undertakes in order to gain competitive advantage is to establish a review of IS. However, establishing a competitive advantage is not solely done by the introduction of new IS itself, although, in recent years, it is becoming more difficult to complete various business tasks without utilizing IS. For instance, the introduction and management of IS has flourished in human resource management and in accounting. In the same way, production planning and supply chain management also requires IS for controlling the flow of both information and goods. IS are necessary and common place, but, the question of whether IS could be a source of competitive advantages or not remain inconclusive in existing literature. On the one hand, some literature suggest that even though it is a business requirement, IS are becoming a commodity without the rarity that is a condition of being a resource of competition advantage thereby diminishing its strategic value (Carr 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008). Since the 1990s, the effectiveness of outsourcing in order to enhance its core business has received significant attention (e.g., Quinn, 1992). Kotabe & Helsen (2008) pointed out that the cutting costs and focus on core competencies, the use of special expertise and intention to expand sales and profits as the main reason why companies outsource, and that the same is true of IS outsourcing. They also note that especially in Japan by recession, corporate is forced to explore cost savings methods by IS outsourcing. IS outsourcing has widely penetrated as a basic strategy since 1990s (Dibbern, Goles, Hirschheim & Jayatilaka, 2004; Gonzalez Gasco & Llopis, 2006; Lacity, Khan & Willcocks, 2009). Also King & Malhotra (2000) make specific references to particular functions within IS which tend to be outsourced. Akomode et al. (1998) describes this type of outsourcing as a basic strategy for developing IS for several reasons; cost reduction, inefficiency of developing IS within a company and a lack of technological ability. Since 1990s, IS departments in many Japanese firms have taken a less hands-on approach to IS preferring to out-source roles which includes planning, constructing, designing, developing, implementing and maintaining to outside specialized companies such as "service providers" like IBM, in whole or in part, otherwise sale the IS department or form a capital alliance with a specialized affiliate company. …

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Research paper thumbnail of A Study of Basis on AI-based Information Systems: The Case of Shogi AI System "Ponanza

The objective of this study is to deepen our understanding about the exploration of Artificial In... more The objective of this study is to deepen our understanding about the exploration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in corporate marketing and interpret how people and society respond in their attempt to comprehend the development and actions of AI. In this study, we discuss the case of Ponanza, an AI based system for Japanese Chess “Shogi”. We conclude that Ponanza became a mystery even for its developers in their process of building this system into one capable of defeating professional Shogi players and is now open to interpretation for its developers and professionals. In particular, when we treat AI as an extension of humans, it will be important to consider how AI and humans create knowledge and how humans can learn from AI. In the future, interaction with AI can be expected to improve human’s ability to investigate “causes” and develop “reasons”.

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Research paper thumbnail of Developing Strategic Information Systems at Business System transformation -A Case Study of SEIREN Co., Ltd

This paper analyzes product development and business growth as a result of changes in information... more This paper analyzes product development and business growth as a result of changes in information systems (IS) during a period of business transformation. Since the 1990s, management of corporate IS being made by outsourcing has become a basic business strategy, against a backdrop of theoretical motivation explained by theory of core competence and transaction cost theory. Outsourcing service providers with technical expertise have continued to grow by enjoying economies of scale produced by replicability of IT related products. However, existing theories that explain IS outsourcing might not be valid in the transition phase of business system (i.e., business model). Instead, we think that there is a possibility in insourcing management to create strategic information system and to achieve more flexible and effective business systems transition than outsourcing management. The purpose of this research is to find clues that answer the question how these firms develop and maintain the...

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Research paper thumbnail of A consideration in the value of Corporate Information Technology : Based on critical review 「IT Doesn’t Matter」

本稿の目的は、企業情報システムの戦略的価値について既存研究のレビューを手がかりに考察することである。 Carrは、企業向けソフトウェアの汎用化やクラウドコンピューティングの台頭による企業情報シス... more 本稿の目的は、企業情報システムの戦略的価値について既存研究のレビューを手がかりに考察することである。 Carrは、企業向けソフトウェアの汎用化やクラウドコンピューティングの台頭による企業情報システムの戦略的価 値の低下を一貫して主張してきており、特に企業 ITの戦略的価値に関する論争のきっかけとなったCarr(2003)の論 文「IT Doesn’t Matter」とこれに続くCarrの論文等を手がかりとする。 Carr(2003)は、ITは電気や水道のようにコモディティ化が進行してきたため、競争優位性の条件としての希少性 が失われ、もはや戦略的な重要性は低下してきており、これからの IT投資は、攻めから守りへ、つまり投資を抑制 し、リスクが減じた段階まで購入を控え、ITによる機会でなく、脆弱性に焦点を合わせることを主張した。実践的 にも、企業 ITや企業 IT部門をノンコアと位置づける企業も散見される。 本稿では、Carrの一連の主張に対する批判的検討を手がかりに、Carrの論拠における前提の問題点、ITの希少性 が競争優位性を担保し、また ITによる競争優位性は容易に複製されるという Carrの前提には慎重に考慮しなけれ

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Research paper thumbnail of Philosophy-based corporate transformation : The Case of Kyocera MITA Corporation

This study focuses on the aspects of corporate transformation that are essential to business grow... more This study focuses on the aspects of corporate transformation that are essential to business growth. I infer that management practice based on the “Inamori management philosophy” is more effective and functions as a kind of driving force when tackling corporate transformations such as corporate revitalization and PMI (Post -Merger Integration). Based on this awareness, this study applied a case study to the enterprise transformation of Kyocera Mita Corporation with the aim of exploring the theoretical implications from the point of view of business administration. In the previous research, the effectiveness of Kyocera Corporation's management was explained in the concept of amoeba management, which is a method of superior management accounting (e.g., Adler and Hiromoto 2012, Amoeba Management Academic Community 2010). However, there is inadequate research beyond corporate boundaries regarding the effectiveness of philosophy-based management systems for corporate transformation. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Philosophy-based corporate transformation: The Case of Kyocera MITA Corporation

Asia Pacific Business & Economics Perspectives 5(1), 2017

This study focuses on the aspects of corporate transformation that are essential to business grow... more This study focuses on the aspects of corporate transformation that are essential to business growth. I infer that management practice based on the "Inamori management philosophy" is more effective and functions as a kind of driving force when tackling corporate transformations such as corporate revitalization and PMI (Post-Merger Integration). Based on this awareness, this study applied a case study to the enterprise transformation of Kyocera Mita Corporation with the aim of exploring the theoretical implications from the point of view of business administration. In the previous research, the effectiveness of Kyocera Corporation's management was explained in the concept of amoeba management, which is a method of superior management accounting (e.g., Adler and Hiromoto 2012, Amoeba Management Academic Community 2010). However, there is inadequate research beyond corporate boundaries regarding the effectiveness of philosophy-based management systems for corporate transformation. In theoretical conclusion, the Inamori management philosophy works effectively to facilitate resolution of issues of confrontation and works dynamically while changing its form independently according to the business model and the characteristics of the organizational culture for promoting corporate transformation. Additionally, I would like to share the practical implications of the finding that management practice based on the Inamori management philosophy is also effective as a management method from the perspective of company reform. In summary, the philosophy-based management promoted sense of unity, strong willpower and cost consciousness effectively for revitalization.

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Research paper thumbnail of Volume 10, Special Issue Number 2 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS RESEARCH Special Issue

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